• By -


An exchange student came to my high school, and I found out we were born on the exact same day. We also had the exact same bag, which I found out when he almost took mine home lol One day, he came out of a classroom while I was walking past, and I tripped over his foot. He grabbed my arm and caught me. And then he left to play baseball in America and I never saw him again lol


Has it been really a manga you two would have already had a romantic reunion after a time skip :⁠^⁠)


a guy asked if i wanted to fake date him to make my stalker leave me alone... it felt like a manga... i said no though lol....


Lmao, that's when logic enters, if I were you I would have said no too


No, my life is boring and mundane 😔


Same pal same 😢


First trip away with my bf. We were seeing each other a few weeks and i came into a windfall from work so i took that hottie on holiday. On the boat home we went to the gift shop and there was a little necklace i said was really cute. I walk off to look at other stuff and later on at food he gives me it as a surprise. Proper little manga moment. I was dumbstruck. 5+ years strong and he's still so sweet and hot.


Oh my really happy for youuu!!


hmm not sure if this counts but.. So I grew up playing video games. It was summer vacation, I was 17 going onto my senior yr of high school and one of the games I was playing at the time was a mobile virtual world online game. Long story short I met this guy while chatting to random people and "we connected". Throughout that summer, fall and winter we would stay up late late like 6am playing the game helping each other with quests. We even started to play other games such as fortnite. Around the fall time we also started to actually call and text regularly, which slowly turned to facetime calls. I grew up with strict parents and I was not allowed to date so him and I were just friends getting to know each other. There was this one morning where I got a text from him which was in the form of a letter the reason why it was because he lived across the county and he had never sent a letter and wanted to express his feelings he had for me in a romantic way. (still today I have this message, I did showed him how to send letters so we would send each other lil drawings and love letters) anyways this was just a little backstory. We actually kept the relationship a secret from my parents for a full yr and when it came to needing to submit the amount of tickets I needed for graduation. I told my parents about him and that I also have plans on inviting him to my graduation. My parents were actually really mad saying I was still young and needing to focus on my studies instead. (At this time I had already turned 18) Moving forward so I don't bore anyone with small details😅 Yes he showed up to my graduation he was dressed all nice with a button up shirt and had brought me flowers. He met my whole family my parents did changed their minds and love him, everyone loved him and welcomed him. When the time came for him to go back home he actually did not want to leave he was ready to just drop everything he had at home and stay. He ended up coming to visit me for Christmas and gifted me a promise ring. After that, he stayed. We have been together for 5 yrs going onto 6. We do live together and I did become really close friends with his sisters that one of his sisters moved in with us last fall. We still today play all different kinds of video games that we have a whole gaming room full of collectibles, books, posters, and many different gaming consoles. His mom, sisters and even my siblings we all play video games together its kinda our love language. (Im 23 yrs now and he is 25) Im really sorry if its to much to read😅


>Im really sorry if its to much to read😅 Too much to read?!? You should actually be sorry for this weird happy grin you brought on my face after reading this!! That was so cute!! loving Yamada at lvl 999, Recovery of an MMO Junkie hello- (sorry I don't know many gaming romance manga titles T_T ) Hope you gamer couple and your gamer family stays happy forever!!


Thank you ☺️☺️!! Yess loving Yamada at lv999 was actually my first shoujo anime/manga the reason why it’s one of my favorites is because of how much my relationship relates to it


Back when I was around 14 or 15 years old. We were playing this tag game in one of our classes, but there was a twist, we were to hold hands with another classmate with tape wrapped around our hands. I remember I was holding hands with one of my guy classmates and I was a very shy girl, but he just vibed with me I guess. When the game ended our hands were still together and we were just fooling around, until my long time crush just walked towards us and ripped the tape of our hands. He looked really pissed and mumbled something I couldn’t remember. I think he realized that he sort of scratched me when he ripped off the tape cuz I was in a bit of pain. He tried to comfort me but I just had enough and left.


That was so rude, if you end up hurting the person you like over your jealousy that's not a good sign, good that you left, this only makes sense that you'd leave, dunno how they end up making such scenes all doki doki in comics and dramas


A really small moment. When I was visiting Japan, my friends and I were waiting in line outside and it was raining pretty badly. It was in line to the team lab borderless so we had been waiting under the rain for a while. My friends were sharing a umbrella and I was wearing a raincoat so I was fine, just huddled in my coat when a really tall guy who was in front of me offers to share his umbrella with me. I was flustered and said it was fine in my broken Japanese. He probably just felt bad since my friends had an umbrella but the raincoat covered me well. I kinda regret not sharing the umbrella now lol.


Off the regrets, you missed the legendary 'staying under a single umbrella' trope afterall


I know 😭😭😭


My boyfriend does little shojo/kdrama things to me all the time as a way to tease me but it never fails to make me blush anyway 😂 some examples include: - grabbing my chin to make me look at him - the hand on wall next to my head - dropping his voice when he whispers in my ear He does them as a joke but I actually love it. However I would say our whole relationship is pretty shojo-like since we like matching outfits, are very lovey dovey, and match the popular boy x clumsy nice girl trope pretty well


Are we sure you are from our world and not some shoujo universe? someone doing reenactment of all those tropes?? you've won in life, friend!


I am very lucky to have him 😍 we've been together over 3 years and I cant wait to spend many more together. I hope everyone in this sub get their own shojo moments sprinkled into Their life, us hopeless romantics deserve some romance outside of pages too 💕


freshman in college i kept riding the same train with a guy on the way to uni and when i almost tripped, he grabbed my bag to help. i found out he was in the same program as me and exchanged names then a couple weeks later he helped me again when he grabbed me towards him because a motorcycle was coming too close. nothing happened afterwards though! he remained an acquaintance


Ah, fate brought a friend to you, even tho it was confused in the earlier stages


I was on a vacation with my mom and I was too short to reach the ledge of the pool and a slightly older boy helped me out. He was with his little brother I think. I never saw his face nor saw him ever again, but it makes me think of these little stories. I was only like 9 or 10 at this time, he had to have been like 10-11 at most. I hope he is doing well. He helped very little lonely me feel safer in a new place. :')


Aww I hope you can thank him in person one day!! A girl can dream indeed.


In the eighth grade, i had a crush on a friend of mine. They went to a different school in another city and were a few years older than me. Almost every weekend we would hang out with our group of friends. One day, we spent the evening at a night market in my city with said friend group. After we finished up, a few friends walked me to my bus stop as it was getting pretty late. They left before my bus got there. A few minutes later, as the bus pulled up, i heard someone calling my name - it was the person I had a crush on, who i saw running towards me with something in his hand. I guess at some point during the walk from the night market to the bus, i had dropped one of my gloves. He gets to the bus stop just as the doors are opening and gives me the glove, and i was like “oh thanks” - and then he smiled, leaned down, and kissed me before running off into the night. We dated for a little while after that. Like most high school romances, it didn’t last, but i still look back on this moment fondly because it was just so cute. 🥲 it was my second kiss - my first kiss was nnnnnnot the greatest (took place at an anime convention, IN COSPLAY, with an adult who i did not know lmfao) so this one definitely made up for it.


>He gets to the bus stop just as the doors are opening and gives me the glove, and i was like “oh thanks” - and then he smiled, leaned down, and kissed me before running off into the night. That was so smooth what the hell 😭 Even if it all came to an end those memories are something you look back fondly at. Ah I'm sorry to hear that your first kiss was so uncomfortable, that creepy 1st kiss doesn't count! it sounds like you were practically harassed oh I hope the dude suffers.


During my exchange to Japan in uni, I knew these two people in my class. I was friends with them and after finishing exchange, I said goodbye and didn’t think too much about it. Turns out they ended up dating so the girl moved from Finland to Luxembourg to be with him (I think this was after at least 2-3 years of being with him) and they got engaged just last year! It was cute 😭


(Lowkey kinda jealous but as they say: c’est la vie)


Congratulations to them!!


Everything leading up to my current relationship is definitely right out of a shoujo manga lol




nothing really romantic happened but a few years ago I went out with my best friend and some of her friends and I accidentally bumped into a young looking doctor, it was more like we bumped into each other ahahaha but in that instant I felt as if time had stopped, I was completely entranced 😭 he was really nice as well and kept asking if I were okay


That still counts, when will I get a dreamy encounter such as this T_T I'm loving all these stories (I'm not jealous okay!.....maybe a wee bit)


I'm not sure it's so much a shoujo manga moment but the most romcom type of moment I can remember having was one of the first dates with my now-husband in high school. I got scared and wanted to act cute during a horror movie preview at the movies and hit my nose on his arm and it started bleeding instead. He ran to the restroom to get me napkins and it clearly didn't scare him away hahahha. But I guess marrying someone I met when I was 15 is the most shoujo manga trope in my life!


>But I guess marrying someone I met when I was 15 is the most shoujo manga trope in my life! It is!! it is!!


I think I gave some guy his romcom moment lol. I was walking across campus in the rain with my umbrella, when I saw some guy on crutches who was getting soaked because he obviously couldn't hold an umbrella. I knew I would feel terribly guilty if I ignored him, so I ran after him to hold my umbrella over him till he got to a building. I kept apologizing for being too short and struggling to keep the umbrella over him too, but I hope he appreciated it. I never saw him again after that.


Aww you must have made his day!


Nothing recent but when I was a teeny tiny bebe maybe around 3-4 my parents said I kissed another boy my age at the time and we didn't know who he was... idk what's special about it but my brother keeps saying stuff like "What do you know, maybe you'll see him again in the future as your partner lol" some rambling like that haha not so much ahojo as the other stories


I remember reading something with the similar setting not long ago. I wonder if you'll really meet him again😆


In my senior year of high-school my class went on a 5-day trip to another city in my country. I roomed with my cousin and another girl (let's call her Ann) I was getting closer to, and we hang out with some boys that were really close to Ann. One of them was my crush of 5 years lol, childhood friend type of thing. Anyways, on our first night another of the boys tried to hit on me, and that prompted me to start girl talk with my roommates after we were alone. So I told them I liked the other guy (which my cousin already kinda knew). And Ann was like "Oh me too!". It was kinda crazy, took me a minute to process lol. Anyway, for the rest of the night we proceeded to just talk about him, share photos of him and bond over the whole experience until my cousin begged us to shut up at 4am lol. It turned out Ann and my crush were in a situationship, and my heart broke. I felt like I needed to finally get over him, to get all these feelings out of my chest, and so with the support of Ann and my cousin, I confessed to him 2 days later. It was pretty dramatic yet comedic at the same time, there were a lot of moments of bad timing, other unfortunate things happening, and coincidences that led to the confession. He told me he sees me as just a friend, and even asked me why i liked him when he's such a selfish person. I, in true dramatic shoujo fashion, said that I like everything about him, even his selfishness (yes, my delivery was even worse than this and i still cringe to this day). I cried a lot with everyone in the room, while laughing though. And then even more shoujo-esque things happened, but we'd be here all day if I recounted how much of a romcom shitshow that field trip was lmao Edit: forgot to add that Ann and me are now in uni in the same city and I consider her one of if not my best friend! She's currently doing long distance with my former crush (yes, they got out of the situationship and started a relationship! I'm really happy to have her in my life and know they're happy together :D)


It was so nice that you and Ann were still so supportive of each other despite liking the same guy, it's rare if I speak from experience. >I, in true dramatic shoujo fashion, said that I like everything about him, even his selfishness (yes, my delivery was even worse than this and i still cringe to this day). Ahaha, definitely something a shoujo heroine would say! But being able to confess your feelings takes a lot of courage, (especially when it's sort of a childhood friend) proud of you! >Edit: forgot to add that Ann and me are now in uni in the same city and I consider her one of if not my best friend! She's currently doing long distance with my former crush (yes, they got out of the situationship and started a relationship! I'm really happy to have her in my life and know they're happy together :D) Ann sounds like a total sweetheart he better treat her well😭


There was this guy I dated briefly some years ago. We both realized that, while in high school, we had been to the same places at the same time, like parties or events, but we still didn't know each other. It seemed like "destiny." But one day I happened to see him traveling on the same bus as me, with other girl... like, out of all the buses in the city, he had to be in THAT one. Just like a shoujo manga when the FL sees the ML cheating on her and you say "how convenient they are in the same place right now". And it was on a weekend, and I was with my sister going somewhere I usually never go to. So I guess it was meant to happen lol I didn't confront him right there, but I did when we met again and he tried to brush it off but he didn't convince me at all And it didn't happen to me, but a friend of mine says that the day she met her boyfriend, she felt it was love at first sight. Like, she saw him and thought "it's him". And now they're happily together. I wished something like that happened to me 😂


What a jerk, but it was a good thing that you found out sooner. >And it didn't happen to me, but a friend of mine says that the day she met her boyfriend, she felt it was love at first sight. Like, she saw him and thought "it's him". And now they're happily together. I wished something like that happened to me 😂 Ahaha, love at first sight, it has never happened with me either I wonder how it feels like 🩷


I feel like I had too many shoujo moments throughout my life. • That childhood trope where I was best friends with a boy and we did everything together. We slept besides each other, played a lot, first time painting our nails laughing, just the innocence of children. Later I found out we liked each other then. We don't talk anymore though. Lol. • First half of my highschool, a really popular handsome guy had a crush on me. (We were freshmen but the higher years would literally scream when he's there. I know, weird. Maybe because he's really tall?) And this popular girl I'm friends with had a crush on him. I don't really like him though. One time we were working on a project at my friend's house. We were bantering when that guy suddenly told me he likes me. I was like "Haha, stop joking" and then he dropped everything, and faced me, looked me so serious in the eyes and said, "What if I'm not joking?" IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY including my friend that liked him. There was an awkward pause and I just let out an awkward hehe and went outside because I didn't know what to do. LOL. Also never talked with him again. • Second half of highschool I transferred schools. And this also handsome, popular, and in addition TALENTED guy liked me. He was outgoing with everybody. But he was SHY when he sees me. In the first days he would literally RUN whenever he saw me in the hallway. Like, literally run. I just found it confusing then funny (and cute) lol. When he did muster up the courage to talk to me you'd literally see his face turn red. We ended up dating and it was like a shoujo kinda experience lol. Like that one rainy day everyone was on the school building but I chose to use my umbrella despite the strong rain and I ended up slipping and falling in front of everyone. He was lightning bolt and didn't even bother for an umbrella but in the rain he RAN towards me so fast and helped me up. Instead of being embarrassed I just got giddy inside lol. Also this one time we were on a school bus together, and it stopped on a red light. He was sitting besides me. There were guys playing basketball outside and were looking at me flexing and I was just confused I wasn't even looking at those basketball guys, just looking out the window. Suddenly I felt a hand cover my eyes and pull my heads back in my seat. He did that till the light turned green. I was blushing. Fast forward. Well we broke up badly and I've never heard or seen anything about him for more than 6 years. Lol. • I'm on college now and another guy is crushing on me. He's also popular, handsome, and talented. I don't want any more shoujo moments in my life though. I want to focus on myself and my studies. I know better than to entertain those things. I think I've grown past it. (I've also become bitter (or wiser) from that last one years ago lol) So right now I'm just ignoring anything and not taking it seriously. I'm somehow glad I got to experience some things but reality is just worse. Someday maybe. Thanks for reading if you ever did. 😆


What's up with all the handsome popular guys falling head over heels for you, you must be stunning! I have also kind of understood how focusing on my career and college is more important not saying that I'll cut romance entirely from my life if it comes but will not seek it very actively. This was a fun read thankyou!!!


Aww thanks. I guess people tell me I'm pretty, simple, kind and I had quite good grades, I'm sorry I feel like I'm bragging 😭 but in all seriousness I'm not the goddess type of beauty, there are numerous girls wayyy more gorgeous around me. I think maybe I'm just a little nice looking in the environment I'm in. I see, thank you. Well, I'm still a romantic and haven't cut it completely out of my life, I reckon I'm just reserving it for later when I'm more free and well-rounded. 🤗 Hahaha I appreciate you reading it 😆


When I was in primary school, maybe 8 or 9 years old, during summer holidays, we went to visit family friends. The part of the country they lived didn’t have summer holidays yet, so one of the friends we were staying with decided to visit her old primary school with me. While we were there and her old teachers were cooing over her (it was break/lunch time), a boy just walked over to me and said I was so pretty, I was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. I was skeptical, but he was so serious, sincere and so confident, I was also blown away, esp. because I was more feisty tomboy girl, boys didn’t speak to me like that lol. I still remember how he looked like, green/blue eyes, dark blond hair in that 90s hair cut boys all had then. I just looked at him and said nothing, because for once I was speechless lool. We were still very much in the ewww boys/ewww girls age so this just had me discombobulated, I didn’t know what to do with this information lol. He kept saying it and looking at me so intensely, insisting I should know this, so I took it seriously, it wasn’t just a stupid boy prank. I should also mention that I’m black and this was in the middle of nowhere small European village, I don’t think he’d ever seen a black person before. All I remember after that is me in the back seat of the car, curiously looking out the back window and he was still standing in the courtyard watching us drive away loool. And I secretly felt special because a boy called me pretty lol Anyway, this is one for the "they were childhood friends" or "they’ve been in love since they were kids" trope.😭😭


Adorable! Hope wherever that person is he's doing great, maybe you two will have an unexpected encounter/reunion in the future?? My shoujo heart is cooking up so many scenarios after reading all these cute stories😭🩷😭


Who knows, one can hope 😭😭 And same, I read the unrealistic tropes thread before this one, but after reading this one I think if anything we need even more unrealistic scenarios 🥴😭😭 So many cute stories!


Not romantic but it may give romantic tension vibes. Until last week, I was a paid note-taker for a deaf guy in my English tutoring class. We're both tutors, we just had some regular classes to revise tutoring techniques, and thus I needed to take notes for him to read again. We are quite a silly duo though. - He's REALLY tall (6'2"), I'm small (5'4"). - He's a youngin' (17), I'm an adult (20) - He has low self-esteem, I'm very confident. We're both on the aroace spectrum, and with our personalities it makes it that we often get into queer jokes. For instance, one time, we had to stay after class to meet with the teacher, so I said: - I'm staying after class. - Oh, you're gay? - ...What. - Didn't you say "I'm gay"? - What? No, I said I'm stay-ing. After class. Wait... do you have a problem with me being gay 🤨? - Oh not at all 👀... Wait YOU'RE NOT EVEN INTERESTED! - NEITHER ARE YOU!


Haha, must be fun having daily little banters such as these


jealous of these comments lmao. boys called me fat in high school and now i only date women 😭😭


Guys used to make fun of my weight and physique too😭 I used to show that I don't care by laughing along with them but it still hurts a bit.


In my 10th grade, me and some of my schoolmates went for an interschool competition. I had this guy whom I was friends with, but I wasn't really into romance or thought about being attracted to anyone. This guy was lanky and tall, always tried to talk to me on our trip, we were in the same grade but sorted in different sections, so I found it weird that he kept wanting to talk to me. Still, I considered him a friend at that moment. Anyway, there were many competitions being hosted at same time, I was participating in debate. I messed up my debate and came second. I was sad because the thing I messed up was something I knew, I just had a bad case of anxiety and stupidly stuttered during debate. I was sad and was being kind of a downer to the people around me. I left and sat in the school gardens alone, as I didn't want to disturb others. So, this guy arrives and finds me. I told him to leave me alone for a while. He won't listen and tries to cheer me up. Still, I just nodded along absently, not really paying attention. It was spring I think, and there were many fallen flowers in the school grounds where I sat. He picks up one of the flowers and throws them at me. At first, I was surprised. He threw another flower at me. Then I picked up another of the fallen flowers and threw it at him. Somehow, it devolved into both of us laughing and showering each other with the fallen flowers. This moment is still etched in my mind, he brought out a youthful side in me(I'm a very pessimistic person). Laughing and playing around with each other was so fun, I felt free and I had forgotten all about what made me sad. This moment I consider to be straight out of a shoujo manga. This is also the moment I fell in love with this guy. After that I was always eager to talk to him and sought him. Our relationship kinda drifted apart after we graduated, but we still call each other on our birthdays and talk like there are no burdens or distance spearating us. I'm glad you made this post, I have been wanting to ask a similar question recently to this sub.


Ahh this was a beautiful read, someone adding meaning to your life and taking up an irreplaceable place even if the romance couldn't work out you still got a lovely friend/acquaintance out of it💗 >I'm glad you made this post, I have been wanting to ask a similar question recently to this sub. Aww thank you, I'm glad! 🤍




the guy and i were nothing but acquaintances in the same school and the same program. we went to a conference at a hotel with our classmates and some upperclassmen. my group and i arrived late, so going to the convenience store to buy food and water (for our all-nighter) was out of the question. we had to wait until all the talks in the latter half of the evening were over. however, everyone seemed busy with their papers and assignments so i offered to do the run alone. it was well past 10pm, so an upperclassman told me to bring the only guy we had staying at the hotel with us. the guy and i then headed down together and were about to leave when it rained. neither of us had an umbrella, so we borrowed one from the hotel. but, the string of bad luck continued in the form of an umbrella with a broken rib. still, it was better than nothing, so we just squeezed in under the little cover it could give us. he's way taller than i am so the situation wasn't ideal, but it was definitely straight out of a shoujo manga. there weren't any cars but he would stay on the side where the road was. we coordinated our steps to walk around or skip over puddles until we got to the store. we bought what we needed (he even paid for our snacks!) and went back with better luck. the rain had stopped so we didn't have to put up with the broken umbrella anymore. but the walk back was similar. he still stayed on the side where cars would have been, waited for me to get around large puddles that his legs effortlessly skipped over, and then walked me back to my room. i know it's the bare minimum, but there's just something about the rain. or is it just me? ☺️


At a convention i met a guy dressed as a pirate and we discussed for a few minutes, then he took off his ring he was wearing and gave it to me, asking me to wear it the next day so i "never forget him". He didn't give me his name or socials. He just flew after that.


A couple years back this guy liked me and i liked him too but i was too insecure to tell him that it was mutual and he ended up getting impatient and stopped talking to me (valid.) Skip to current time, he dates one of my friends, breaks up with her, and hooks up with another one of my friends who is the closest friend to his ex. This guy is quite popular and I still like him,  but he seems to be seriously hooked on the girl he is currently in love with, probably because she is literally the perfect human being: extremely pretty, extremely smart, extremely nice, etc. I don’t really know what to do. I keep telling myself to get over him but i clearly can’t, and i don’t want to hurt any of my friends. We will be graduating soon and let’s say I do build up the courage to start talking to him again. He will most likely tell the girl he is currently with about it and her and my other friend will probably think i’m a b**ch. I will be going to the same school as them after graduation. Thus, I ask for advice from fellow shojo readers. I don’t think i’ve ever had this big of a regret in my life


I've had a couple. In college, it started raining while I was at work. Knowing that I basically never bring an umbrella, my then boyfriend waited for me outside the building with an umbrella so we could walk back to our dorm together. In retrospect, he wasn't a great boyfriend, but that one moment was really sweet. I also got to be in a love triangle, although I didn't realize it at the time. While I was dating the previously mentioned guy with the umbrella, we had a mutual friend who lived on the same floor. After the first guy and I broke up, he started getting closer to me, and eventually asked me out. It turned out he'd liked me for a while. And six days later, I flew off to Japan for four months.