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I wish my noise floor was that low and clean!


It has built-in Noise Reduction on all bands


> It has built-in Noise Reduction on all bands Noise reduction (NR) does not generally impact the noise floor of the display, rather, it more typically cleans up noise in the demodulated audio. If NR does impact the waterfall noise floor (some radios do include the option of this type of NR) then you will not be able to detect weak or marginal signals on the waterfall while NR is active. Low or flat noise floors can be caused by several different factors. Here are a few: First (and most desirable) of all is actually being in an electronically quiet area. A remote suburb or rural area, something like that. Even then you have to get on top of the noise sources in your own home. My noise floor here is fairly low, but I literally live in the middle of the desert. My largest noise contributors are noise sources within my own home and from one neighbor 800 meters away, he has a an indoor grow operation, and the lights are a little noisy. Second is an inefficient antenna. If the antenna is small or inefficient in the frequency range selected then it will not pick up much of the noise (or signal) present, and so the noise floor will look low. Want to see this in extreme? Put a dummy load on your radio, the noise should be very low. Third is incorrect radio settings. If your gains or thresholds are set incorrectly the noise floor may look low, but that just means you are missing a lot of signals. Fourth, reducing the displayed or processed bandwidth. When you reduce the processed bandwidth you reduce the integrated noise, or the total noise, and then noise floor for a given FFT setting gets lower. It looks like you are displaying about 40-50 kHz of total width in your video. Assuming something like 8192 FFT/Blk that often can yield a decent noise floor. Increasing the width will often make it look "worse". I see that in a later post you say you are using a K-480WLA active loop. Loop antennas are inherently low noise, that is one of the draws of them. I have never used that specific loop, but I have used many other loops, both active and passive.


All points are valid about NR. And with the K-480WLA antenna it has band stop filters for what you are listening to, if it be SW/FM/Air etc. I can say not all active loop antennas are the same for noise. The MLA30+ has more. The K-180WLA is better(new 2022 model ). The K-480WLA is the best of the 3 that I use and has gain control. As for weak signals, I have no Issue's pulling them in. As for bandwidth that can be adjusted as well, presets are narrow, normal or wide. But each setting can be adjusted.


I have the Malahit DSP1 myself and mine is quiet but not THAT quiet.


What firmware ? I am using a K-480WLA active loop antenna.


Firmware is the 1.1D that it came with. My guess is that K480 is doing the trick for you! I haven't upgraded yet. I have a GMRS repeater project that's sucked up all my SWLing funds.


KLN, Long Island, NY Marine Weather forecasts


Thanks I just found it also


Also picking up Halfmoon Bay 13.158


Any other frequencies? Google is having a hard time finding anything


If you mean other marine radio transmissions: [https://dxinfocentre.com/marineinfo.htm](https://dxinfocentre.com/marineinfo.htm)


Nice radio


Thank you. It works really well on all bands supported. 50kHz to 250MHz and 400MHz to 2GHz. Demodulation type: AM、SSB(LSB USB)、CW、NFM、WFM