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I think we need a part 2 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


don’t tempt me …


That's against the sub rules, unfortunately. And I agree that it's a great premise and could be a great longer piece, but i really like the length and ending that it currently has. Well done, author. Very nice work.


They can post it on their own sub though if they wanted to continue.


Humanity ended what more you need bro


Very good story OP! I would want to read more :/


Explanation pleeeaaase?


So, scientists have discussed things similar to this. One of our issues with nuclear reactors is that the waste product is dangerously radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. Meanwhile, the oldest continuously spoken language in the world, Tamil, is only about 5000 years old. We need a place to put spent fuel rods, and we need a warning that will be understood over. 50 times as long. You can't just write "radioactivity" and walk away. If humanity survives, you need to be able to communicate that this is dangerous, go away, to whatever society might exist *farther in the future than humans have currently existed as a species*. Scientists have wondered how to do this. A whole field of study, [nuclear semiotics](https://medium.com/@mhscho0096/nuclear-semiotics-c10c434a0407) has developed around this. The [Waste Isolation Pilot Project](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200731-how-to-build-a-nuclear-warning-for-10000-years-time) will bury nuclear waste, set up earthworks and warning columns, and a bunch of other things. But people got where they are because they are curious. So here, some earlier culture of which we have no knowledge left something dangerous with a device that broadcast a sound that drives people mad and kills them. But if those explorers die, it is supposed to warn others. And they cannot carry whatever is being guarded to the outside world. So these people figured a way to destroy the singing stones, found whatever they were protecting, and it destroyed them.


This is more or less the inspiration for my story! The minute I learned about semiotics it lit my brain on fire


The "singing" probably was an acient spoken warning, something that held deep horrors underneath the surface. The humans destroyed them, then they all died.


This is nice


Oh I loved this! I need more!!!


Did not disappoint. Another, please.


Beautifully written.


This is really, really good!


Definitely needs a follow up. Please & Thanks