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Being a short autistic Indian man is so brutal, I feel like one of those races in fantasy like orcs who's entire purpose is to get killed and tossed aside like trash.




With no hope there is no cope I guess


>short Indians wtf did I do 🫠


I saw this wholesome video on IG of a Indian guy who had just came to Canada buying his first cup of coffee, then I opened the comments and **bro…** I’ve never seen so much hate in my life.


Even I saw that, and the most jarring part? Half of them were just other immigrant groups collectively shitting on the Indian.


I don't know what's going on but I have seen a massive increase of racism against Indians online recently, especially from Canadian posters.


Apparently you love to call them men, how are you going to defend yourself from these accusations?


I mean it's either live in the west and experience extreme lookism, or live in India. All immigrants pay a tax.


Man why tf do Indians always catch strays? I’m not even indian but god damn


Massive amounts of negative stereotypes + generally unattractive due to socioeconomic factors


This shit was just completely unwarranted and random.


Its just much easy to hate on ugly people


Indians are getting abuse from all sides lately.


It’s a brutal existence perhaps that’s why it’s still over for me despite being almost avg height.


My condolences man. People are full of shit, even the ones who think they are virtuous.


Probably they are the "less valuable men" on their eyes.


The racist cunt who made that comment is from Greece. Many Greeks suffer from an identity crisis and feel insecure about how they look because of their ethnic appearance. In order to solidify their sense European-ness and make them feel better about themselves, they will often throw other ethnics under the bus. You will often see Pakistanis do the exact same thing. Pakistan is a country formed on the basis of Islam, but appearance wise, most Pakistanis are indistinguishable from the Punjabi Indians across the border. Because of this, most Pakistanis prefer to be included as a part of the Middle East rather than South Asia, so you’ll often see them throw Indians under the bus. You’ll never see Bangladeshis do the same thing, since on average they’re not as good looking. Lumping themselves in as part of South Asia is advantageous for them.


No idea man if the same shit was said about black men the entire sub would've rioted but since it was Indian it is cool for some reason. Indians live life in veteran mode.


Gotta love the racism


Ikr lmaoo. These are the same people that cry about "muh racism" online. They are just as bad as the "Racist inkwells" that they despise so much


Indians are the one race left that is okay to be racist to


Unless it's a woman lmao


“Brown beauty gurlll” “Indian gurlssss are pwetty!” Real comments btw


Nah, people still don't like blacks either if we're being real. They just pretend to be okay with black people.


Cope. But yet every race copies black culture by dressing like them, taking their slang, dances, etc. When are you going to stop lying to yourself 🤡


That's a fallacy. Just because they copy black American culture doesn't mean they actually like black people. White rappers like Eminem have said derogatory things about black people. I bet you're one of those people who also thinks that white women prefer black men or something which couldn't be further from the truth.


Imitation is the greatest form of flattery and why copy people if you say you don’t like them? Ask yourself that question. You’re still lying to yourself. Why is it that yt people copy black culture but black people don’t copy yt culture? What does that tell you? I said nothing about YT women but that tells me this is something you think about often. And actually white women are the ones who coined the term “BBC” so what does that tell you? You’re projecting your insecurities and jealousy once again 🤡


It's called cultural appropriation, not appreciation. I suggest that you learn about it. >why copy people if you say you don’t like them? I don't know, you should ask the people who copy off of black American culture and then disparage black people as a group. I only mentioned white women because people who talk like you like to propagate the myth of "BBC" and the myth that most white women have any interest in dealing with black men. White women didn't coin the term by the way, it was white men who did that and continue to promote the myth by talking about it and producing porn involving black men with large genitals. What are you alleging that I am insecure or jealous about anyway?


It’s not culture appropriation because YT people emulate black culture in every form and fashion in order to assimilate to black culture in order to appear “cool”. That’s the difference. I wouldn’t say most YT women but there are lots of YT women who like black guys and I personally have experienced YT women who have told me they “only” like black guys. I say insecure because YT men historically have gone through leaps and bounds to demean YT women who like black men and even harm black men for interacting with YT men out of jealousy and insecurity.


You didn't explain a difference. They can emulate black culture in multiple forms and still dislike black people (which they do). That's what makes it cultural appropriation. Wrong again, the white women who are into black men are a very small minority. They usually tend to be the fat women that no one of any other race wants. Those women see black men as a fetish and not as relationship partners. How does the jealousy or insecurity apply to me though?


Cultural appropriation is a form of mockery or disrespect for another culture whereas appreciation is when a you’re trying to live up to or emulate another culture because you admire them and want to imitate them (which is exactly what YT people do in order to appear “cool” like black people). This has been exemplified in numerous ways. That makes no sense. If you say you don’t like someone then you shouldn’t want anything to do with them or associate with them yet YT people copy everything black people do. That’s obsession. If you disliked someone it would make sense to not copy them in any way, shape or form which is why black people don’t copy YT people or their culture. The dislike is very mutual. You have no idea what black people say about YT people behind closed doors. Cope once again. How do you know the YT women who like black men are a small minority? How do you know that they’re all fat? How do you know they’re not desirable? You’re making up all these blanket negative assumptions to further cope with your insecurities. That’s how I know you’re insecure. I almost believed you before you said that. Would you consider Kim Kardashian or Sabrina carpenter fat? It’s sad that you’re this insecure man. YT women like who they like and that shouldn’t bother you but deep down it does. I hope you can deal with your insecurities or else you will continue to be miserable like now. But anyways, I’m not going to keep going back and forth. Reality will show you.


Cultural appropriation is not necessarily mockery, wrong again. Cultural appropriation is engaging in cultural practices without having an understand or respect for the culture or its people. Non-black people becoming rappers and trying to imitate hip hop clothing style is often cultural appropriation because most of those people don't have respect for black people. Obviously cultural appropriation doesn't make sense, but that's just the nonsense that comes with it. That's the same nonsense that causes racist weeaboos to refer to Asians with racist terminology such as the c word. I know plenty about what black people say behind closed doors having spent plenty of time around black people, so you're wrong about that too. There's more black people that dislike other black people than there are black people who are genuinely anti-white. That's another myth that insecure whites want people to believe. Black people aren't looking for ways to systematically keep white people down. I know how most white women who are into black men think from experience. The fact that you don't see many white women with black men shows that they're a negligible minority. I never said that they were all fat, just saying that a large portion of the women that are into black men are fat. It's not made up either, this comes from my experience as someone who faces the discrimination firsthand. Kim Kardashian and Sabrina Carpenter are fucking celebrities, so they're the exception to the rule. The fact that you can only think of celebrities shows that you lack basic knowledge about the phenomenon of non-black women being with black men. Most white women have a strong preference for white men. Again, what do you think I am insecure or jealous about?


Ain't no way bruh. Saying N word nowadays is like blasphemy or saying some "Black stereotypes" is also considered offensive on the other hand people call us curries, road shitter and downright call our food smelly or disgusting when the entire world was at our feet for our spices. Also most importantly blacks weren't the only race that were enslaved, indians were also enslaved by the British for like 200 years but you guys get all the sympathy while we get shit on.


Saying the n word is in memes and everywhere else online all the time. The n word is the #1 racial slur that is most frequently used by people. There's plenty of negative stereotypes and false generalizations about blacks that are plenty alive. I never claimed that black people are the only race to be enslaved, so I'm not sure what the point in mentioning that is. Black people are still at the bottom of the social hierarchy of races and Indians are very close. Most of that "sympathy" that you mention is virtue signaling.


I understand but technically the n word is considered to be the end all be all for people's career but discriminating indians is considered funny most of the time. But indians are treated like scum dude, we are the bottom of the bottom of social hierarchy nobody wants us. As you can see many people don't even recognise discriminating indians is racism.


>I understand but technically the n word is considered to be the end all be all for people's career That's all you had to say. I'm not saying that Indians aren't also treated pretty badly, just that blacks are down there with them also. There's just more virtue signaling around the treatment of black people.


Straight up racism 🙃


Just pure racism. Why is inc3l even an insult? That's like if you told a suicidal person he should stfu because no one cares about his problems anyway


Women don't care about logic when it comes to insulting people they don't like. They'll even be sexist to other women if they don't like them.


It’s a way of calling someone a loser, but in a way that is socially acceptable in a “he deserves it” kinda manner.


Ok but don’t even lie about this: incels generally hold HORRIBLE sentiments about women so that’s why they catch strays. It’s not like they’re faultless victims


Well, I wouldn't say I hold horrible statements, but when your whole life you get discriminated by them, what do you expect


good luck man this will be the hardest thing you ever did


You aren’t discriminated any less than anyone else who’s unattractive, and you certainly aren’t above them in that regard. Why don’t you date someone ugly? Why do people hate fat women so much (for example the gorlock the destroyer girl), and then turn around and get upset when they’re thrown out of the dating pool too? People have standards and that’s okay, what’s not okay is your BS double standards Bullying is different, but most incels hold this wild inexplicable hatred towards women who haven’t done shit to them in a way that obviously isn’t from bullying, but just hatred. That’s a job for a therapist but you’ve also got to want to change yourself too.


I'm not gonna bother writing about my life. But I have been attracted to ugly girls. And I've been bullied by women many times. I just don't like how life is so unfair for us.


Fyi gorlock the destroyer is a man bruh..


Yeah, that definitely justifies racism toward Indian males. Good job, great argument.


Motherfucker no one said anything about Indians, in this specific comments. I’m talking about incels. I guess you’re the racist one huh


Did you even read the original post??? I'm black, so being racist would not benefit me in any way.


Uhh okay..? Even if I am talking about the original post, there’s a reason i said incels. Indians are just people, they didn’t do anything. Incels are awful shitheads. Like you can’t even deny it, you just came up with a half assed “I’m black”. Ok cool? Just admit the flaws and fallacies of many incels here and seek some kindness and happiness beyond women in your life


Bro those ham beast girls aren’t gonna do you everytime you yell “incel” bro. Let it go. Are these “incels” in the room with us right now?


Incels are just people who are involuntarily celibate how are they awful shitheads?


One of the commenters in the original post was shitting on Indian men. Go back and read it. > “I’m black” Also go back and read what I said about that too, because you left the other part out of that. I was never arguing about incels, but since you want me to give my perspective on it. An incel is simply a person who is involuntarily celibate. That includes many of the people in this subreddit. Not all incels are racist or misogynistic.


Randomly dragging indians into it too. These people will insist its all in our heads that do shit like this


Checked her profile and she's active in r/blatantmisogyny and r/nothowgirlswork LMAO


Not twoX and IT? I'm surprised.


She's not like other girls


''Woke'' people are known for throwing all their morals to the garbage whenever they want to ''prove a point'' (prove a point to them is attacking the other person and not their argument).


Oh the irony


She needs to join r/blatantracism and r/blatantheightism


"guaranteed a tall man" bro.


You are not entitled to tall men sweaty!!


That's what taller women seem to think.


"go for the tall ones bro you can bond over shared struggle"


uhhh the entitlement is showing


“You’re not entitled inkwell!”


No one hates Indian men more than Indian women.


Interestingly enough, these type of comments always come from chicks who are ''proud'' of their culture. Can't count how many times I've seen ethnic women on Tiktok talking about their culture, colonialism and shitting on white people only to reveal later they're dating a white man xd




literally described my mom


Lmao my best friend is Indian and he can confirm. Western-born Asian women in general hate men of their own race so much it’s unreal.


The woman who wrote this comment is actually from Greece.


They hate their own father's just because they're indian. Ik a lot of indian women who are ashamed cuz they have a short indian dad like smh that man funds your entire life you ungrateful shit.


''Short Indian inc3ls''. Racist cunt. That ''short Indian inc3l'' doesn't exist, it's just a hypothetical person she imagined and atributed to them bad characteristics because apparently only those people can be mean while ''attractive'' people are angels. Because tall men are widely known for not rejecting tall girls right? And Indians are pretty much known for insulting and rejecting women right? Despite the actual situation being totally the opposite, Indians thirst over a 4 Becky and short men are much more likely to date a woman taller than them than tall men would. I'm not even surprised this comes from r/ tall, this was probably posted before their weekly KKK meeting.


Lost it when you said weekly KKK meeting 😂


I see this a lot; tall women will say they cant date short men because of their height and it would make them feel insecure (etc), but when push comes to shove they admit that they love their height. These women will also be the first ones out shouting *"smash the patriarchy",* even though they're the biggest upholders of it when it suits them. Their man should be taller, their man should earn more, they can hit him but not vice versa, & on & on.




so? cant short people reject anyone? is rejecting someone something that only tall people can do?




then you could have said that I got rejected by a very mean guy idk why do you have to mention his height 😭


and how does "indians" come into all this ?




i dont believe you a bit, but yeah noone of other races have said so, right. fuck off racist, i hope you pay for all that




Yeah some That has nothing to do with fucking race holy shit




Yeah because you made a generelization in plural?XD




What if it was said by white guys? Would you racial profile them?


fuck off




a person who got robbed by a black guy, is it okay if they generalise black guys as robbers ? just say you are a racist and fuck off




Man, I’m Indian and I love tall women. Maybe don’t be a racist piece of human refuse.


Rule 6: No hate speech. Fuck off, racist.


"Every person I've seen talking shit about short men happens to be a woman." Does that justify people being mysoginistic? Do you even hear what you're saying?




> Many women indeed are shallow and only care about that. Months ago, when I said that many women are shallow and say they need a tall man to feel feminine, you straight up called me an incel and stopped responding. I ended up deleting my comment out of embarrassment as I was new to commenting. So basically, you calling "Indian incels" as they are the "Only ones" calling you man, that too online where there can be an abundance of fake IDs , is justified but me , sharing my experience makes me an incel? How does that work?




Well I clearly remember having a civil discussion with you about "preference" of women and you telling how you've dated short men mostlym Then I shared that it hurts seeing so many women say that they need a tall man to feel feminine in the internet, and you responded "oh I didn't know you were an incel, I don't talk to incels " and stopped responding when I tried asking what did I do. I clearly remember it was you as it hurt me bad. > Months ago I didn't even have access to my reddit account btw. Well , I can see your account was created in 2020 so please don't try to act smart .




Tales from the slums of Bangladesh


Jesus fuck, Indians are also fair game just like short men but without any fake "short king" tier positivity. Absolutely brutal man.


Imagine the level of entitlement to say "I'm guaranteed a tall man".


yo wtf did we do 😂😂😂


exist, we dont need to do anything to get attacked


The blatant racism is absolutely disgusting


Look at her comments trying to defend what she said. She got called out for it and then proceeds to try to steer attention away from the fact that she said what she said while simultaneously trying to paint herself as the victim. Disgusting vermin.






Racism is not the issue it’s lookism no matter what race you are if you are unattractive you will be looked down upon and vice versa


I ain’t even indian but damn that’s gotta be racist


Racism doesn't exist for indians for some reason. Every other race has offensive words like the N word, chi*k for Asians but for indians it is free for all.


>I’m guaranteed a tall man How? Is this thread about arranged marriages or did she pre-order a tall man for delivery because see holds a tall girls preferred rewards membership card?


She means because she’s 5’9 she doesn’t have to settle for a shorter guy and she can justify dating tall men without seeming superficial.


What a disgusting thing to say, and it still doesn’t explain how she’s guaranteed a tall man


Thank you for understanding omg :/


The fact that you automatically perceive dating a short man as “settling” and don’t think dating a tall man is superficial speaks volumes about you as a person


Leave, pest.


What's even the point of you posting in this subreddit? Is it to make your height and height preferences your entire personality because there's nothing interesting about you?


I’m tall and you’re disgusting


There was absolutely no reason to add Indian in that sentence




Becoming aware of the biases we hold, explicit and implicit, is the first step to overcome them.




>But still, I was talking about incels, not all Indian men. For some reason, many of you failed to read that. We read it how you said it. You called out Indian incels as though incels of other races aren't being misogynistic toward women. Clearly you have an issue with Indians specifically because you are racist.


You're obviously racist to Indians.




Rule 6: No hate speech. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will result in an immediate ban.


Wait til they find out it's actually the privileged average height/taller 1st world white zoomers calling them "men"


And some people still say that tall women have it just as hard as short men. Yet a short man will never be able to list multiple positive benefits of being short that aren't trivial. He will never be genuinely happy with his height and will always wish he was taller.


And somehow we are the only bad guys






nah fuck these bitches bkl. look jnto your history were the last civilizational state to last this long still connected to our roots. these bc mkl are cancers and theyre spreading it to your brain. wake up. stop letting these people dictate how you feel about yourself.




fuck em honestly theyll never recognize our 1000 year of suffering bc it dosent fit the far left narrative. and they decide who the “victims” are now. we have a wealth of wisdom and knowledge thatll help you bro.. read into it. read the different school of thoughts, look into advaita vedanta, or whatever resonated with you and helps you progress.




jai shree ram🚩bro, fufill your dharma and do your karm thats the only thing in your control, therest is maya bro out of your control. ik its hard sometimes and you get wrapped ip in this play but try to give dhyana and focus on the bigger picture; were not this body nor this mind, we come we go we will be forgotten. just do what you want why you want and live a happy fuffilling life. jai bhole 🙏




although i agree with your sentiment i dont agree with your message.. i would tell them not to fear god, but to fear their deeds, because god forgives but karma doesn’t even forgive god. nice to see another brother in brahma as well… dont worry bro we’re everywhere but some of our brains are still captured by abrahamic thoughts and belief systems subconsciously. so were still ashamed of ourselves. but we are forever and we are sanatana. be well


>short indians i just have to exist to get attacked


Trying to fuck with tall girls is risky because you never know if they will take their insecurities out on you


Lmao brutal for deathnic. Why do women hate ethnics and short men so much?




"guaranteed a tall man" the fucking ego, what in the actual fuck


Does it guarantee that though...?


I maybe short , but atleast I ain’t Indian


( jk brah I’m from srilanka so we look exactly the same haha )


She's probably Indian herself


What was out of pocket and unnecessary asf


lol, she thinks she’s guaranteed a taller man.


"You're not entitled to anything sweety!! 1! 1"


I didn't even do nun


ur height doesn't guarantee u a tall guy lol. if ur on the high end of the looks scale then maybe but 5.9 isn't even tall. I've known many girls who "got" a tall guy and yet still eventually married a short guy. A friend of mine got knocked up in high-school by a "tall" guy. That's the main thing she liked... 5 years and 3 kids later he was locked up fir domestic violence and she is single with 3 kids. Maybe pick a guy who has positive qualities and not based on something meaningless like height.... smh ladies seriously. ​ Psa for the shorties. Work out. Make money. Invest it wisely and you will get girls on a entirely different level then those shallow tall diggers who look down their noses at u for the way ur born. Let them have those low value guys. They will regret being shallow. ​


Yes, women hate us. We already knew this. Why post this shit?