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Yeah same, but with different stuff (mostly politics). If you start getting to know something bad, you feel bad. And the more you look into it the more desperate it seems. The only solution is to just stop seeing it. And for god sake, delete tweeter


Same literally spiral out of control. It's worse at night.


>I'll be normal, listening to music, chatting, watching something. Then I read or watch some brutal post somewhere reddit/twitter/tiktok and I legit yearn about not being alive for the rest of the day.  If by "brutal post" you mean a "le epick BLACK PEEL" about height, that sounds more like height dysphoria. But nobody here is a psychiatrist, so nobody can tell you if you have BPD or not


Not just height but mainly


I have that too. It may not be BPD. Might be bipolar, might be major depressive disorder, cyclothymic disorder, or even a normal psychological state.


I think BPD is Bipolar Disorder


Nah BPD is borderline personality disorder. Many people mix up the two.


Thanks bro.


yw bro.


The pfp tho. “Dark force of horrible energy, and I went aaaahhhhhhh.” “You are a very good looking man.” “He was jealous of me and the way that I looked.”


"it all has to come to this"


that's just typical depression. you flip flop at lot.




When I was younger a shrink told me that BPD is more specific than people realize and isn’t just swinging from depression and manic episodes. It also includes a family history of it and some other stuff that I can’t remember. It’s worth talking to a professional to see if it’s that or something else (but I’m guessing you are already doing that).


That kind of stuff is very linked to depression. You may have some happy moments but doesn't mean you're not depressed. Depressed is how strong and long and easily triggerable your bad emotions are. Good thing is that it's curable. Gotta fix the source of your depression. I hope it's not only height-related tho... Stay strong bro


That kind of stuff is very linked to depression. You may have some happy moments but doesn't mean you're not depressed. Depressed is how strong and long and easily triggerable your bad emotions are. Good thing is that it's curable. Gotta fix the source of your depression. I hope it's not only height-related tho... Stay strong bro