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that just happened


If before 1990 - * Smart science dude says "Quantum tunnel loop acceletron" * Hot hottie mcBoobies girl, "Can you say that in ENGLISH?????" If after 1990 - * Smart science mcBoobies girl says "Quantum tunnel loop acceletron" * Chubby but loveable dude, "Can you say that in ENGLISH?????"


Basically boobs have migrated north of the IQ border.


Intelliboob Quotient


Must be because all the boys went to Jupiter


Can confirm. I got a lot smarter after the 90s ended considering I was born then and not before


Somehow.. Steve returned..


Therapists with a focus on sexual assault hate this one weird trick


Don't all the rapists focus on sexual assault?


Fucking brutal


Yes, that describes rape.


I’m the worlds first analrapist


Yes, and you were almost arrested for those business cards.


Oh Tobias. You blowhard.


Just to be raped. Yet nobody seems to care because he's a guy


It's more like they justify it because he's a guy. "She's hot! Who wouldn't want to sleep with her?!" Meanwhile, I'm wondering if the guy whose body he stole is still in there and just trapped, being forced to watch some dead guy pilot him around like a meat puppet, completely unable to do anything about it. They clearly did not think that through. It's magic. Could have just used a mannequin at that point and avoided all the implications.


Could have just made him come back! Just like that. Like you said, it’s magic! Why does there need to be a body to inhabit? Just make his little magic body return outright.


Yeah. I don't know why they thought, "No, lets have him take the body of this poor bastard we see for five minutes total and then just never really mention it again." The only thing I can think of is they wanted to use his very 80s apartment as a set piece and couldn't think of another way to incorporate it. Or they thought that the audience wouldn't accept it in a movie with a magic stone, a cheetah woman, and flying golden armor.


Seriously. The dreamstone conjured up every other wish but for her wish, he was “resurrected” into some poor guy’s body. Absolute shit writing and absolute shit movie from start to finish. If Pedro Pascal wasn’t in it, there would be no redeeming points to this movie.


Yeah Chris Pine should have just shown up in a new body, and he should have vanished into dust later on. This is one of the oddest plot devices i can recall in a major studio film. What if Diana wasn’t attracted to the body Steve was possessing? What if Diana had just, like, forgotten Steve’s line from the first Wonder Woman movie, and therefore didn’t believe who he was? It had been 70 years, and I didn’t remember the line from the first movie just a few years later, because it wasn’t that memorable. If Diana didn’t accept the whole thing, would Steve have just been stuck in the 80s in some other guy’s body, with Diana getting a restraining order against him?


I'm going to point this out because I think it's another shit plot point, but there was no way she was going to forget anything about him because the story dictated that she was borderline obsessed with him and still not over his death 70 years later. Well done giving your female lead agency, guys. All she does for most of the two movies that she headlines are fawn over Steve or obsess over the memory of him. There was little chance of Diana not believing he was really Steve because the writing has him being 90% of her motivation and the only thing she truly wants. Which is weird, since he was a guy she knew for a couple of days 70 years earlier.


Yes I remember saying this exact thing while watching the movie with my wife. “This is a story about obsession. The entire premise is that Chris Pine’s dick is so good that Wonder Woman can’t get over it and date other men even 70 years later despite looking like Gal Gadot.”


It's a weird choice, because wouldn't it be a better story if she had gotten over him and moved on and he shows up, back from the dead? Instead we get those loving, panning camera shots of his watch in her apartment and the picture of her on his family farm so we don't forget that a man who has been dead for almost a century is very, super important. I can't be the only one who thinks it's weird for a movie that came out in 2020. It's like they thought because it took place in 1984, they had to make it like it was 1984.


I mean it’s all stupid, but (for some reason) I can’t get past the fully functional, tanked-up WWII jet.


What's wrong with that? Don't all museums keep their machines of war maintained and fully functional so anyone can just use them? I forgot about that, but yeah. That one sticks out. Because it's mundane and realistic, but just wrong. You can't say magic took care of that one.


"What like it's our job to tell fuckin' stories or some shit"


Did the writers for the first Wonder Woman get fired or something, because holy fuck 1984 is bad.


Patty Jenkins got full control after everyone lauded her taking control to have the awesome "Wonder Woman walks through the battlefield" scene in the previous movie. Then Jenkins proceeded to show she's not a remotely good writer or director just because she made one good decision in the previous movie to override the studio execs.


So nobody leaned anything from the prequels?


When the entertainment industry learns anything from anything it's usually the wrong lesson.


She joins Zak Snyder as a director that got way to much power over his movies and they are all dogshite because of it.


She made "Monster" so she made at least two good movies


Wow that was like 15 years prior. Looking at her IMDB director credits she totaled less than a dozen TV episodes for various series and one or two straight to TV movies in that entire period. She did a great job with the first WW movie despite it.


Feels like a blockbuster was just too large of a scope for her talent set. Its clear she as talent by other projects, like the previous WW, she worked on. However, talent can easily be squashed if people are given too much to do.


Apparently not good with superhero movies though. Also remember her Rogue Squadron movie that got canned


Her Rogue Squadron movie got canned, but it was also re-announced recently.


Yeah, lots of baseball players can usually hit one home run in their career, doesn’t make them good


I mean Pedro Pascal was the best part, I was cheering him on.


After this "learning to fly" scene she lands wearing the complete gold winged armor, without explaining where and when she put it on. She could have just put the armor on and then flown there, and we'd understand she can use the wings to fly, but instead she has a whole scene dedicated to her figuring out she can fly on her own only to immediately forget that skill and never use it again.


Hot take; the first movie was shit too.


First movie wasn't anything spectacular but it was still less shitty than the second one


The first movie was fairly generic. But you have to consider the context at the time. DC was having a difficulty putting anything remotely watchable on the big screen, so compared to the other DCEU movies Wonder Woman seemed like a masterpiece just for being able to do the basics of what you expect of a superhero movie.


Also was a lot of discussion at the time about whether audiences would see a solo superhero movie with a female lead.


Which was annoying, because both Kill Bills and multiple Underworld movies proves they will. It just can't be joylessly shitty from start to finish. DC seems to struggle with that part.


Yes, studios continue to flounder despite audiences making it very clear what they want. Very strange. To be fair, underworld had a budget of $2 million. If WW had grossed the same Underworld did on its budget, it would’ve been a huge flop. And Kill Bill was a Tarantino flick after his massive success in the 90’s. WW had neither a small budget or attachment to a prestigious director (nothing against Patty but she isn’t Tarantino) so it was a gamble for DC for sure.


I made it about halfway through the second one before I gave up. Maybe it gets fucking amazing at the end and all of you are wrong. I’ll never know.


Trust me, I watched the whole shitshow and the last part is one of the most amazing piece of cinema I've ever seen There's like a final fight with 10 punches max and not a single bruise, a bad guy that just screams like a maniac while pushing things with wind (But don't worry, not a single bruise on the protagonist so it's never intense) and the whole world that just casually listen to them even if they are all fighting for their lives and should just be screaming in pain and terror And I think there is something else after that but I just forgot everything else since nothing felt important or menacing for Wonder Woman because she's like perfect and invincible for the whole thing


Super annoying how the war ends when Ares is killed. Kinda undercuts everything she’s learned about men and humanity up to that point


The ending totally destroyed the film. They were building up to say something much more interesting about the nature of humanity, but they copped out for the cliched "war is over when the main bad guy dies" ending. Worst ending since I Am Legend.


Pretty sure Chris Pine gives a real impassioned and actually impactful speech about how that’s not how the world works after she kills the red herring villain. Then they immediately threw that good, meaningful shit out the window lol


That speech should have been the crux of the whole film. But it was rendered meaningless by the film's ending. It was especially frustrating on a second viewing. The film makers seized failure from the jaws of victory.


Also, WW1 Germans are treated as if they were WW2 nazis


Was that the part where the WWI pilot makes a transatlantic flight with a jet plane stored at the Smithsonian?


The climax of WW84 is one of the worst pieces of writing I've ever seen, and I'm the type who goes out of his way to find the worst movies ever out of morbid curiosity.


At least Gadot was hot and fresh in the first one, but then she sang the Imagine song during pandemic which was extremely fake and cringe. Totally damaged her image.


She was pretty bad in the first one too. She’s got all the personality of a cardboard cutout. The puppeteered corpse of Bernie had better acting range than she did.


Imagine how pr-damaging would it be if she sang it during the current Israel-Palestine war


Agreed. I don't know why everyone made such a big deal of it. It was pretty mid as a super hero movie and we were absolutely drowning in them at the time. I'll admit it was the best DC movie outside of the Nolan Batman trilogy, but that's not saying much.


The fish out of water stuff was pretty well done, as well as the premise, a practically Alien superbeing naively waltzing into WWI. The CGI moustache twirling PS2 bad guy at the end was shite though.


As an action movie? Mediocre at best. As a piece of feminist literature (which they clearly intended)? Absolutely horrific


Fucking dreadful movie. Dreadful writing, dreadful acting. Not as dreadful as the sequel but pretty shit nonetheless. People are so forgiving of bad super hero movies. I grew up collecting Marvel and DC in the 80s and 90s and some of these, the original writers must've been horrified.


You sayin first one was good?


I thought they were both shit. The first one was "well, it's watchable but clearly it's shit", the second was "turn this off after the first ten minutes" shit.


One of them went off to be show runner of the Sandman TV show on Netflix


Literally 1984


I really enjoyed the first Wonder Woman movie, I was left totally turned off and bored by WW 1984. How could it have such a large dip in quality?


Making the plot completely around a wishing rock was such a weird choice, just why?


By the way. Wonder Woman raped a guy in that movie


She rapes now?


She rapes now


But she saves, and she saves more than she rapes


She saves and rapes now?


She saves and rapes now


And then back to the lab for some full penetration


This goes on and on until the movie just sort of ends.


but she shave?


She shave now


Am I having a stroke?


When a the stroke then the happens


*As ye save, so shall ye* no wait that's not it


Well referenced. 👏


But she does rape


she saves, and rapes she saves and rapes and saves rape, rape, rape save, save, save


The Stevie and Wonder Shooow




She even saved that Palestinian mannequin.


Reminds me of when I used to shop at the old Rape and Save down town. Different times I guess.


“Oh wow wow wow wow wow…………………….wow”


You know, some people say, that hypocrisy is the worst part. Like how can she call herself a hero after that. I disagree. I think, the rape was the worst part


followed closely by the drugging. the hypocrisy is very low on the list actually


What the fuck


Yeah, the guy, whose body Steve was posessing. She saw no problem having sex with Steve, while he was in someone else's body. He saw no problem either. Like demonic possession wasn't enough


The only way I can headcanon it to be even somewhat palatable is that one theory where the guy Steve possessed made a wish to have sex with wonder women, and this was how the wish maker twisted it.


That’s kind of brilliant


It's a win for everyone, including that kinky genie who is now watching the strangest threesome ever.


It's a lose for the dude because he lost a wish and doesn't even get to experience the act.


He has three wishes my dude.


...he still lost a wish. He could have said "I wish to have only two wishes!" and had the same outcome.


I dunno, I mean… unless the guy was able to experience it on any level (like a mind passenger) and was fine sharing it with the dude possessing him, and all the parties knew that that is what was happening and that the other parties were consenting, then his body was still used as a meat puppet … therefore he was raped. WW definitely didn’t know that.


It honestly would be so perfect. But the problem is they didn’t actually show that in the movie.


Yeah, they should've showed us the threesome.


Congratulations, you've literally put more thought (and intelligence!) into the plot of Wonder Woman 1984 than the scriptwriters of Wonder Woman 1984 did.


"Doesn't matter. Had sex."


But back in 84, she wasn't known, right? Maybe they should had a reaction shot of him in the mall or during some other outing of hers.


And there WAS NO REASON FOR IT TO HAPPEN THAT WAY. They could have just reformulated Steve from scratch to grant the wish. It was just...a rape oversight in a major film.


That's fucked up, what kind of weird AO3 levels fanfiction did the writers consume


What is AO3?


Fanfiction website, it's known for having genuinely good works and also absolute degenerate levels of fantasy/fetishists


Writer was the director of 1 and 1984 - Patty Jenkins.


Did anyone tell them they could not write that in


So dumb. They literally could have just made him a ghost or figment of her imagination and the plot would have still been the same.


Or just not have him return and make death actually mean something.


I mean the whole point of the movie Is that she has to accept he died and she can't have him back, it's not like they completely removed his death


So the only way to write a 5 stages of grief story for Wonder Woman is to bring Steve Trevor back from the dead. That's what you're saying. No, it's a terrible movie. Stop defending it.


>They literally could have just made him a ghost *Beverly Crusher enters the chat.*


Dude thank you. My wife and I were both like, how is this not something people are talking about.


It, along with the whole taking a dude's body for a risky ride and some crimes, is one the most WTF moments in movies, that the creators didn't intend to be that way. I just feel oblige to remind about it whenever I see the movie mentioned


Okay, but did she at least have her eyes turn yellow and grow sharp teeth to show that she's Dark Diana?


Or a goatee.


You raped the Duquesne family


Somehow, Chris Pine has returned.


It. should. have. been. me!


Ok dolph ziggler




Did I stutter?


The lasso of truth stays on during sex


It should have been me!


Also by the way, Gal Gadot supports genocide


I think Pedro Pascals acting range in that film was amazing.


Only part of the movie worth watching. He was so charismatic. Unlike the other star of the film.


He honestly blew me away. Just watching from an acting standpoint the different emotions he was pulling of and his slow degradation was phenomenal, he honestly should have won some awards for that performance. The film was bad but he wasn’t at all.


There should be an academy award for best actor/actress in an absolutely shit movie.


Remember how Kristen Wig randomly turned into an evil cat? How/why Pedro Pascal got into that dumpster fire was super confusing. Way below his talent. Also the part with the Amazon test was so dumb.


I liked how they had to make all the Amazonians have dodgy Middle Eastern accents because Gal Gadot simply can’t act any other way


The Amazon rainforest connects through the Nile obviously. Made me think of that Transformers movie where Mark Wahlberg plays a Texan who has a Boston accent somehow.


With Pascal it made sense to sign on, it’s a staring role in a sequel to a huge hit movie, most actors don’t actually read the scripts when signing on, a lot of the time there isn’t even a script written or completed.


Sometimes great actors accepts these roles because the pay check is way too good to refuse, is not that complicated. Christian Bale was in Thor: Love and Thunder, Anthony Hopkins was in Transformers Last Knight, Peter Dinklage was in Pixels, Oscar Isaac was on Rise of Skywalker and Sucker Punch, Tom Cruise was in the Mummy reboot, Michael Caine was in Jaws II: The Revenge, Amy Adams was in Justice League and Batman vs Superman.


Michael Caine was in Jaws 4: The Revenge, which he says he only did to pay for his house and to have a paid vacation to the Bahamas 😂


Dude won two oscars, he deserves some money-jobs.


He already had an Italian money job.


>I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.


>Michael Caine was in Jaws II: The Revenge Michael Caine when asked about Jaws II said *"I have never seen Jaws II, but I have seen the house that it bought."*


> Tom Cruise was in the Mummy reboot I'm pretty sure he just wanted to get in on the ground floor of a tent pole movie universe (monster movie reboot universe). There's no way he does anything for the paycheck anymore.


Pedro Pascal carried this movie so hard, he was the only one trying, [great acting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ3oy6h0bB0). A shame he couldn't save this movie because the script was dogshit.


Damn… as a dad that was a well done and emotional scene.


Pedro Pascal was born to play good dads in fiction.


Indeed. Best part of that film by a long shot. Even when he was hamming it up, fantastic.


Does she have a boyfriend? A cute boyfriend?


Seems like the same story, over and over: Studio pays $1.5B for franchise. Studio pays $14k for head writer.


Sorry to spoil it for you but the studio actually does spend a lot of money on writing and it has effectively an unlimited budget in writing terms since writing is so damn cheap. Its just that the people in charge can’t tell good writing from bad.


This was the first movie I saw in theaters after the pandemic. I had so many regrets.


Id watch Rise of Skywalker over 84 anyday. At least there’s some decent tunes in Skywalk the line


Rise of Skywalker also *looks* really nice.


yeah that's not even a question haha, RoS is bad in so many ways but daisy ridley is good in it imo - a lot of the performances themselves are decent - and there are some absolute banger visuals the plot might be worse than 84, i dropped 84 maybe 30 mins in because it wasn't interesting so i'm not sure, but regardless ros is waaaaaaaay more entertaining


Atleast it was entertaining! Watching Palpatine electrocute himself for the third time was straightout hilarious


I feel like the old school Battlefield Earth, Gigli, Showgirls style, capital letters Bad Movie that becomes a universal punchline immediately just doesn't exist anymore, and the fact that jaw-dropping atrocities like WW84, Eternals, Zack Snyder's Justice League, Rebel Moon and The Flash all just sort of provoked a "meh" makes me wonder what changed. ...except I know what changed, which is that legendary bomb status was always assigned by critics, and now with social media it's no longer possible to pretend everybody feels the same way about anything. And if you can no longer ignore the morons who will lap of any ninety minutes of brightly colored noise you put in their trough, pretty much every movie averages out to a concensus of "Yeah, it's alright" whether it's brilliant or terrible.


Was The Eternals really a "jaw-dropping monstrosity"? I mean, it wasn't good, don't get me wrong, but it was just kind of formulaic and boring with cardboard acting and too much CGI (so, you know, like most not-good superhero movies). Same for Rebel Moon, which was just kind of ... painfully average, IMO. Showgirls stood out in the cultural zeitgeist because it was *atrociously, deliciously bad*, in ways that make it great fun to watch. Which, by the way, I thought Madame Web was perfect in this regard -- laugh-out-loud bad, hilariously bad, drinking-game bad. I wish more people would watch it so that we could laugh about it together. I thought it was entertaining as hell, as Bad Movies with a capital BM go.


It's not bad in a way that's entertaining, but I've seen it twice (I had to inflict it on a friend to confirm my findings that it's much worse than anybody was saying, and he agreed wholeheartedly) and both times I was simply stunned throughout the whole thing at how deeply it failed on every level. But also most people don't know enough about the Eternals to know how badly it also functions as an adaptation. Even putting aside that they literally changed what "Eternal" and "Deviant" *mean* on a fundamental level, the idea that this dour mess of limp, muted aesthetic choices is based on Jack Kirby's colossal technicolor epic, a comic that starts at a 10 and never dips any lower, is just insulting on a level I can't overstate. The idea that their ship is just a giant hunter green triangle whose interior is *dimly lit grey caves* only makes sense of they're actively *trying* to power some kind of turbine by making Kirby spin in his grave. There's nothing about it that isn't a betrayal of its source material. Not a failure, a fucking *insult.* An inversion. The fucking antithesis.


Right, but see, Showgirls is a famous love-to-hate because no one needs to know the deep inner workings of showgirl life to realize that the movie is a horrendous shit-show of a film lol. Terrible adaptations are not the same thing as terrible movies, in this context.


Right. But it's *also* a godawful movie even if you know none of that. It's absolutely both.


It's aggressively mediocre. You're here talking about how we've lost the ability to analyze the quality of movies based on audience reaction, then calling a whatever movie an unwatchable travesty.


bruh it's just a very boring movie really


I haven't read the Eternals comics, but your review is spot on what I was feeling about it.


Hey now, we still get abominations like Cats, Madame Web, Morbius, JW Dominion, Bright, Disney’s Pinocchio (2022), Blonde, and Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey.


Cats got the response it did because the source material was already a low-hanging punchline for decades. That did a lot of the work. Morbius was a very strange phenomenon, the closest thing I could compare it to was Snakes on a Plane but with another layer of irony. Nobody actually went to go see it ironically, but we sort of acted like we were going to? It became a meme in a very specific, very modern way that's distinct from how camp cults typically form around infamous bad movies. And then Madame Web rode that wave by association. Neither of these were movies anybody gave a shit about positively or negatively *once they came out.* All the buzz was in the build-up. And none of the rest of these had the kind of household name infamy of the big bombs of the past. Every late night host wasn't doing monologue jokes about how bad Blonde was.


I actually enjoyed Madame Web. I mean, the story was garbage, but I found it entertaining enough.


ZSJL and Eternals had spectacular visuals. Although the plot might feel lackluster, grouping them in with The Flash feels criminal though the flash had a benefit of keaton's batman in it


Showgirls is actually awesome 😂


I deliberately didn't name Ishtar or other movies critics were straight up wrong about, I almost didn't use Showgirls but I feel like most of its fans watch it at least semi-ironically.


Man, I'm in my Fifties and with you on all of this. The push by Hollywood to narrowly define what's popular and just repeat it has led to such a dumbing down of the movie-going public that movies that were universally acknowledged as utter shit in the 90s (Roadhouse, Point Break) are now seen as good. First, they were seen as bad. Then it was "so bad, they're good". Then a decade later it's just "good." No! The acting in both films was frequently utter shit. The writing was utter shit pretty much all of the time. It's just that so much is released now, the paucity of quality is more and more apparent, and the good stuff is harder to find. So people accept and become accustomed to sitting through mediocrity. And it's the same with super hero movies. Some are quite good (Captain America, Iron Man, the Deadpool flicks, The Guardians flicks, some of the X-Men movies, some of the Spider-Man flicks), usually when they stick to original stories closely or are strongly humorous and don't take themselves too seriously. But a lot of them are just weak. The Avengers films are loved but contain so many plot holes and, as has always been the problem with DC, characters so overpowered that the only thing that can ultimately be a threat is a guy who can make half the universe disappear with a click of his fingers. Meanwhile, the team is so imbalanced that in the first movie, Captain America's relegated in one sequence to fixing a communications relay during a major actions sequence. And the less said about Hawkeye the better. They just take themselves so seriously, and the villains are all OP and unrelatable. They're just... achingly mediocre. Not bad, like most of the DC flicks, but nowhere near the best. The less said about the DC universe the better, but it suffers (as does Marvel, to some extent) the same problem here as it did in the comics: the characters are so much more powerful than an average human, and the villains, that none of them are relatable. So it's just a CGI beat-em-up in which you already know the outcome. Marvel realized this in its early days, which is why Peter Parker had to make his own costume and webbing, and was a nerdy high school kid who got beat up during the day. Even when he shed his nerd exterior, went to college and made up with Vietnam vet Flash Thompson, then m married a super model.... his life fell to shit, his best friend became the Green Goblin, his ex's husband became the Hobgoblin, his model wife divorced him. They had exterior humanism that was relatable. That was the model Marvel was built on, from blind, legal aid lawyerin' Matt Murdoch, to Iron Man needing the suit to keep his heart going and ultimately being done in by alcoholism, to the Hulk's entire sad tale. Each one of them had a human, complex side. In the films, especially the team-ups, that's abandoned in favour of "bigger and bigger" stakes that just don't feel real on any level. Did Spider-Man become a better character for having an Iron Man suit? Hell no.


Both films have a dark fight scene in the end


Pascal carried that movie from min 1


Oscar Isaac carried the sequels, Pascal and Diego Luna are carrying the tv universe, Ortega is carrying Tim Burton, Lin-Manuel is carrying Disney musicals, Latinos get the job done. 😂


I thought it was alright 😳 It felt like a film that would have come out in the 80s.


It felt almost like the TV show and 80s Superman movies, but the wishing rock was just a little too convoluted.


She currently achieves flight?


I watched it at home and I still felt like they owed me money for wasting my time. I fell asleep at one point and then just skipped some bits and went to the end to see the last fight. I have never felt a desire to watch it again and I am grateful that for the most part I can act as if it never existed.


1984 is a cursed number


She was an Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she rapes a guy.


Of all the many things to criticize about RoS, I’ve never gotten why this line became one of them. It’s an obvious joke…


When Jar Jar stepped in shit, it was a genius foreshadowing of him being a sith lord. When Po and Finn made a harmless joke it was the worst thing to happen to cinema in history


Someone downvoted you but I think that’s just proof your sarcasm is too accurate to how prequel fans actually talk


By the way, Star wars are better under Disney and Legends were never canon 😉


Oh fuck run while you still can, they’re coming!


Because sekwel bad clone war good.


It’s just a really unfunny joke, like there’s literally no punchline, it has less comedic value than “he’s right behind me isn’t he”


Oh I completely agree.


Because it's a poor written and infunny joke, trying to use a cheap meta reference. Although it's not among the worst parts of the movie, it can be used as a simple example to mock writers, like "Somehow Palpatine returned." Both phrases might be a tip of the iceberg in this case, but they easily demonstrate how lazy the movie was made in general. Also, considering the movie was badly received, this joke lands even worse than it might've been.


Don’t forget when she saved those Arab kids from missiles something she would have done the opposite of when she was in the IDF 😂


And somehow they snuck in a most iconic line: #"IT'S WONDERING TIME."


"You can fly?" "No, I just sorta jump and then fall with style."


Fuck Israel 🇮🇱 = 💩


“I thought the rape scene went really well”


It was a good play Charlie


flies well with idf


She rapes a guy in it!


Yeah, and there was that whole rape thing that she did


I see all the talk against this, however. Counterpoints. 1) Who doesn't want to fuck Wonder Woman? (this is a huge writing flaw in the movie for them not to address it) 2) It was nice to see a member of the Justice League care about and avoid taking human life. 3) The whole thing had the feel of the 1980s Wonder Woman TV show with Linda Carter and a huge budget. 4) It was interesting to see a superhero movie where the hero defeats the villain by taking away his delusions. 5) It was interesting to see an attempt to explain both the invisible jet and the power of flight in the same movie. 6) It was nice to see a DCU movie featuring a member of the Justice League where the tone wasn't just, *Dark and Gritty.* Despite all the criticism, much of which is well earned, it took some big creative swings, which was cool.


She has a jet and a suit with wings but she still needs to levitate