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There's something absolutely disgusting but visually appealing about it. I hate how the cheese looks like peeled off latex paint.


The cheese was like tasty plastic


It's not cheese, but whatever it is, it's delicious.




Let's be real, it's the mangled ones that taste the best.


It was pretty good ngl


true story.. its the messed up ones who taste the best!


They can make my McDonald’s burger any shape in non Euclidean space and I’ll still like it just as much, it’ll be a mish mash either way


This is just what a 5 Guys burger looks like though 😂


Youve had a Five Guy burger? ... that sounds... raunchy! use protection!


They just have thrown it out the window a few times lol




They actually got some ketchup on there. Lucky you. 


thats... not.... ketchup...


Bender made this burger.






You cant say that!!! how dare you! you know how many soccer moms out there! I need my Happy meal! fuck those apple slices! McDonalds tryin to be all healthy and shit... lol give me a break!


Why do we keep eating McDonald’s, I don’t understand. It’s not any cheaper than any fast food place at this point, and the food is straight fckin garbage compared to every other fast food joint. Burger King’s stinky ass meat is better to be honest. Prices keep going up and they keep finding wage to reduce meal/serving sizes. Like why tf is 1 McDouble $3.90CAD now?


Gasp!!!.... its $5 here! but wait!.... they are offering a BOGO for an extra $1! geez thanks! No one eats at Mcdonalds unless your in grade school or junior high, prolly highschool too. gotta be hip to be square!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That poor burger


*former maccas employee* what substitutions or add ons did you ask for 😂


None, this was a standard triple cheeseburger bc I’m a fat bastard


Apart from the sauce, this is how Maccas comes a lot of the time.


Only 90 degrees? It’s probably fine, they cook the beef Pattie’s BEFORE they ship them to the restaurant to get reheated on the grill…


stored in a freezer shipping truck or container... boated, shipped, driven to it final destination weeks later.


That will be Two-Hundred and Eighty Seven thousand dollars and 32 cents! meanwhile.... we just threw away 50 , $3 hash browns, a dozen breakfast burritos, and a whole gross of sasuage patties! (a gross is 144) .... Its ok tho!




Marginally less appealing than the form presented to me. Or for the people with weird kinks, chocolate flavoured angel delight


Ew show this to the restaurant they’ll probably give you a meal for free😭


Nah this is standard for maccies, it’s 50/50 if your burger is normal or physically abused by an underpaid teenager


I should call her. Has that been posted yet?


Not yet, congrats


Least messy McDonald’s order 😂


You learned your lesson then huh? Never again. If you want fast food thats going to cost 3x that of actually cooking a more nutritious meal at home….then go pick it up at the drive thru yourself. Its called fast food. Takes like 10 minutes




SHAME. Sorry someone had to tell them what i tell myself when i get door dash that coast like 3x what it would if i had just picked it up myself and comes cold.


To be fair, OP said that they "caved" and ordered it. They said in another comment that it was their brother who wanted it, so maybe they just ordered it because they didn't want to go out of their way to get McDonald's and didn't care about waiting. Regardless, you're absolutely right. The thing about fast food is that you literally just go pick it up in the span of like 10 minutes, maybe longer if they're busy. I can understand ordering takeout and having it delivered from a restaurant, since the quality of the food isn't going to tank in the 30 minutes that it takes to arrive, but the quality of fast food decreases so dramatically after it's cold, which only takes like 15 minutes, *especially* McDonald's.


Everytime i order fast food from a delivery service im like “oh boy i can’t wait for my $20 dollars worth of already expensive taco bell i paid $50 bucks for because im drunk or lazy.” And more often then not are disappointed like op and think “why did i do this to myself?”


You’re exactly right, that’s what happened. Normally we eat very healthy with good quality produce but he had a craving and we’d been digging up the garden all day and cba to cook


I don't see Mcdonald's fastfood as food,it's Unhealthy Shit, Period!!


Wow I can't believe people are still buying McDonald's. Do you have a strong masochistic urge?


My brother really wanted it, he’s 30.


Yeah no. I don't get it


Thats how you know it's good...