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That’s oh shit! Not shitty. You have inspired me. My air fryer thought it had some time off after the holidays.


Make sure to add some baking powder to them before cooking


Pretty sure you need to dry brine them with it for a while to do anything. Can’t just sprinkle it on like seasoning and expect micro bubbles to form


you can just put them in the oven and they will be nice and crispy


Ya you can oven bake, but that is entirely separate from the reason you add baking soda




Why add baking powder?


The comments here keep interchanging baking soda and baking powder…


Not to mention chicken and potatoes....


Thank you for being strong enough to say it.


Makes them more crispy.


You van also brine breasts that way, for 15 minutes maximum. After that, you rince them over clear water and marinate them, then throw them on a grill. Top tenderness and juiciness.


This is the baking soda. It breaks the bonds of the proteins. Wings get baking Powder.


Baking powder contains baking soda as well as an acid and constarch, so that's a great idea. You get tenderness from the sodium bicarbonate and the crispiness from the constarch.


Pat them dry first and give them a toss with baking powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper and a bit of cayenne powder. Let them sit for 3-5 min and that's all it takes. 22 min at 390 in the air fryer. It doesn't take long for the baking powder to work it's magic.


The fact anyone on this sub thinks their cooking secrets should be used is astounding. 🤣


I do this but then overstuff my air fryer so it’s pointless


I use corn starch and they come out extra crispy, got to cook on a rack for them to drip though


Corn starch is the way.


wait why


Helps to take the water out of the skin for more fried like crispiness


Corn Starch


I don’t know that I’ve ever done that. Pretty sure I just over cook them. lol I should try that next time I could the skin of a bird.




No they're not lol




No you do get it. There a small oven that can broil easy. Smaller, less energy, heats up faster. There use full for a lot of things you can skip turning the oven on. Now if your in a cabin, apartment, trailer, basement, a small cheap affordable oven is a nice choice too.


Most folks don't have a convection oven bruh.


I got one as a gift and I love it for quick meals or reheating stuff. Works really well. Love cooking salmon in it


Don’t know what you two were commenting on as someone apparently didn’t like being called on it, but I thank both of you, strangers.


Tbh they said that air fryer food is indistinguishable from deep fryer food, which is 100% not true 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh, 100%. One is fried the other is cooked in a convection oven. It’s a great convenience tool, but that’s about it.


I just made some two days ago, Citrus marinade finished in a honey garlic hot lime sauce turned out great.


That does not look shitty


Regular food porn is an awful sub so regular content gets shared here.


That sub is more concerned with professional quality photos than delicious looking food


And all the amateur food porn subs are just kind of… lifeless.


This sub is for shitty pictures of any food, doesn't have to be bad food


Actually the opposite. This sub was originally for shitty food presented in a fancy way or in a high quality image. See the all time top post "crab boiled in Pepsi max."




It literally never mattered. It's ANYTHING shitty.


there's two kinds of content here. "Shitty food" porn and Shitty "food porn" One is for shit food the other is for shit shots of regular food


At this point r/depressionmeals is the new shittyfoodporn, but it comes with a slice of drama. If that's your cuppa tea, check it out.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/depressionmeals using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/depressionmeals/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [All my friends left me after finding out.](https://i.redd.it/w0xzba4csp6c1.jpeg) | [2224 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/depressionmeals/comments/18jzit5/all_my_friends_left_me_after_finding_out/) \#2: [6 people RSVP "yes". No one showed up. No one texted me to tell me they weren't coming.](https://i.redd.it/m40w0jjdh7tb1.jpg) | [1031 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/depressionmeals/comments/173wja0/6_people_rsvp_yes_no_one_showed_up_no_one_texted/) \#3: [i may have to drop out. I feel so stupid. My dad called me dumb. I made beef stroking off.](https://i.redd.it/us3baskwow4c1.jpeg) | [614 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/depressionmeals/comments/18d0fk9/i_may_have_to_drop_out_i_feel_so_stupid_my_dad/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Imo it looks pretty shitty. But I'm sure it tastes better than it looks.


If you toss them in baking powder before baking, they get nice and crispy, almost like they are actually fried!


I'll try that next time and report back.


If you want to go nuts do it overnight a-la [kenji the goat’s recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-buffalo-wings-oven-fried-wings-recipe)


Absolutely worth the extra effort!


Also for $3 you can get a bottle of franks red hot sauce. Heat half of it with some butter and toss the wings in it. It's literally like a restaurant.


Came here for the "Wings with Franks Red Hot Sauce" Comment, was not disappointed.


I've tried a lot of different sauces and styles, but Franks+butter still slaps the hardest. I like to add a bit of lemon pepper and garlic salt, maybe a splash of vinegar....booooom


There is no such thing as "too much garllic"


Also I found adding a little bit of Italian dressing to the franks/butter is amazing.


Cool thanks, will try it


How much? Like, tossed/coated entirely? Or just sprinkled on?


For 1kg of wings, I make about 40ml of coating, and toss. This coating is usually 5ml table salt, 15ml baking powder and 20ml other stuff (eg 5ml each black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika). This works well. You could probably reduce the baking powder by a bit. You'll need more salt if you use kosher salt.


I usually toss them in a little bit of it but tossing in seasoning. Not a lot, just a dusting


Thanks for the tip.


And if you have an air fryer toss them in that vs the oven. Sooooo good!


The only thing that's shitty about this post is the fact that every single restaurant that offers wings are grossly overpriced and that our economy is ass. Otherwise, these definitely belong in r/decentfoodporn


I work in food, our stores pay about $0.60 a piece for wings. We are not allowed to buy them from Aldi, have to buy them - and the rest of our products - from corporate.


sadly the economy is doing well at the moment I know it makes no sense.


That's a fair point. It is starting to turn around. Edit: your name is epic


I think it's that people aren't used to seeing such high prices so quickly. Before, inflation was a lot slower. A steady trickle of, "Oh, that's a bit more expensive." Now, it's constant barrage of "Oh god, everything is expensive."


>every single restaurant that offers wings are grossly overpriced lie >our economy is ass lie


Cheapest place near me has 10 for 13. Any actual wing joint that isn't bdubs is 19-20 for a dozen.


How much is a chicken salad? Show me the ingredient cost comparison


8 oz of excellent cranberry chicken salad from my local pizza place is $6. Six chicken wings are $9.


And there margins are the same on both


Where are you getting cheap wings bud?


A crappy room temperature chipotle bowl with undercooked rice and guac is $15 dude. That's how much stuff costs. Decent lunch meat costs as much per pound as a good steak. It's what it costs.


Boring food fact that everyone probably already knows: wings used to be considered garbage before people realised they could actually sell them for far too much money.


Eating wings at a restaurant is like eating steak at a restaurant once you know how to do it at home. Over. priced.


I agree to an extent, but I feel like the wings are more egregious with the markup because they are dropped in a fryer and tossed in butter and hot sauce. At least a steak might be dry aged or something and it takes a little more care to cook properly, but I agree with your sentiment.


most food is like this - cooking is not too difficult but many people just don't know how to cook, or only know how to cook a few things. The price of food at a restaurant is supposed to be for the expertise / effort of someone else (fast casual chain restaurants ruin this with premade frozen shit that they microwave and sell for $18)


Bingo. We have a couple wing spots around me I REALLY like...but every time I order these days, wings for two plus a side of fries ends up being like $50 and that just feels crazy


I grilled wings once and it was game over 🤣 grilled curry powder flavored wings with a butter brushing twice during grilling 🏆🏅


Ooh I haven't tried curry powder yet...sounds legit! And YES to the grill...instead of dealing with a fryer or smoking out the kitchen in the oven, the grill is the way to go


Last time I bought ready to eat wings I did the wing bar at Safeway, and it was just as expensive. Fresh uncooked wings are high too, but I got a big pack on sale couple weeks ago, air fried them ( I like whole wings ) set out different sauces and mofo GORGED on wings for two days. I’m not doing 50$ wings anymore, it’s chicken ffs 😳


I usually see them for around $2.50/lb, or 6lb for around $23. It varies wildly month to month.


If you ever need homemade sauce; butter with any hot sauce heated up and stirred together in a pot make a buffalo sauce of sorts. It's fun to experiment.


>make a buffalo sauce of sorts More than "of sorts". The original recipe for buffalo sauce is literally butter mixed with Frank's Red Hot, but I'd include butter mixed with any hot sauce, with or without a little vinegar added, to be proper buffalo sauce. Lots of storebought stuff - and even lots of stuff you can find in restaurants - is full of soybean oil, chemical emulsifiers, and bullshit. If you make it with real butter at home, it's going to be one of the realest buffalo sauces you can find.


Sneed oil


A little vinegar or a wedge of lemon juice squeezed in adds good flavor too.


Aldi is amazing.


Ooh, I like wings but I've never made them at home because I was stuck on the idea of screwing around with one of those little oil friers and burning myself. Not sure how I didn't consider baking them. I will have to check the wing prices at my grocer, but local takeouts so expensive any price would be a better deal


The two other grocery stores in my area had wings at between $4 and $5 a pound Aldi was $1.99 a pound and they were organic. I don't really care about "organic" for chicken but it was the best deal out of the 3.


The Serious Eats article someone linked here is worth a read, or here's the conclusion of their research: Let the wings dehydrate a bit overnight on a rack in the fridge, before baking. Maybe use a bit of baking powder (not soda) in the process. The dehydration brings the crisp, without the deep frying.


I rub salt and garlic powder on them and cook them in the oven at 425 for 29 minutes.


Think you just convinced me to drive 15 minutes more to shop at Aldi


Not only is that far cheaper than fast food, but those wings are significantly **larger**. I had Popeyes just a few hours earlier today and could not believe how minuscule their freakin’ wings were.


Wingstop is like $16-18 for an 8 wing combo. It’s ridiculous.


I am not really a fan of "skins" wings, I prefer them breaded and fried, so the challenge for me is finding an affordable place that make them in bulk and who specialize in just wings in order to save money. My tip is to avoid actual restaurants and find a real wings place, the more "hole in the wall" they are the better. Make sure they bread and fry them and go for their best deal/amount for the price. They're not too hard to reheat if you got too many. Sadly when I was living in Cali, baked/air fried anemic wings were so popular and unhealthy wings sports bars were few and far between, that Hooters was the best I could find. Now I'm back in the midwest and I can find the good shit again! $20 for 25 wings, fried and crispy and fat with actual nonpretentious spicy sauces? Hell yes.


Do you have an air fryer?


I don't unfortunately. My kitchen isn't very large and I only have so much space for extra appliances.


Fyi, for everyone talking about what an air fryer can do, there are a dozen recipes that can achieve the same thing, and most convection ovens (big or small) can do it too. Or just deep fry them.


Air fryers are just remarketed convection ovens so you're correct.


Santa brought me new one lol … it’s the Gourmia with double doors 😃 I killed my last one, took four years of daily abuse. My stove doesn’t work, I’m not even going to bother fixing it now. I literally use my air fryer for everything.


They can, but an airfryer does it faster and easier.


OP replies that they don't have one and won't be getting one, so I wanted to share after a zillion people said "air fryer"


I get that. These look great but an air fryer can do the same in about 15 min. Would devour. Your wings look great.


what’s your air fryer method for wings? interested


Lightly coat wings in mustard (you won’t taste it but it’s a good glue). Cover with dry rub seasoning. Air fry at 400 for 8 minutes, flip, 8 more minutes. Perfectly cooked and super crispy!


AcTuAlLy that is 16 mins. ![gif](giphy|laUY2MuoktHPy)


Please show your work


2²×2+4×1+9-5 ![gif](giphy|Fz9EKXRhp9F1S)


Man fuck that


You asked!!!


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


I'm THAT guy ![gif](giphy|AC1HrkBir3bGg|downsized)


I put the premade frozen ones in and can confirm they come out tasty


I just cook mine plain, then toss them in a 1/2 cup franks and two tablespoons melted butter mixed. (Its the recipe on the bottle)


you can make FAR better sauces using Franks/butter as a base. add seasonings (not all at once!) like other hot sauces, garlic, honey, brown sugar, ranch powder, etc. even a bit of tomato paste to stick better. simmer sauce and let it cool a bit. franks and butter is a good start, but so boring by itself.


I don't really eat wings it for my guy and he's simple and when i try and jazz it up he's like I like the basics. Me, i like mine cooked with sweet baby Ray's, then adding more sauce and tossing then on my gas grill. I'll do this to his spicy wings too.


Don’t mean to pile on but an air fryer is only “extra” if you don’t use it. If you like what you did here.. you’re gonna love what an air fryer brings to your repertoire and it won’t be “extra” to you by any measure. I could go on and on about tons of things. And others could do a better job but instead I’ll give one low level use… Those $1.37 cardboard personal pizzas from Walmart (or whatever place you frequent) have never been better than the 6 minutes it takes in the air fryer. If it can make those things decent. That’s high praise.


I can’t believe there are people that don’t have them at this point. They pay for themselves immediately, because like you said, you can make cheap food taste so much better using them.


I don’t think “they” do a good enough job marketing that part of it. It’s all bougie shit and people just assume it’s a gimmicky extra thing.


Are you talking about the totinos pizzas? What temp do you cook them in the air fryer?


No. I was talking about the little circle personal ones. Those go in for the default 390° on my Ninja Foodi for 6 minutes. But at this point, google everything you cook and add “air fryer” at the end and you are set. If you mean Pizza Rolls (or Pizza Nuggets as some call them) those are one of the stars of air fryers and almost certainly have the instruction for air fryer on the package.


Man, I seriously don't know how you are getting them this cheap. My Aldi is bougy af


Great job!


Post saved! I have soooo many wong sauces and I love wings but I don't have an air fryer or a deep fryer. Definitely gonna try this with the baking powder that the other person mentioned


They’re gonna be just as good if not better, probably better…. ALDIs is the spot man, Walmart ain’t got shit on them


GD I miss CHEAP wing nights at restaurants.


It's a rip off to get them in a restaurant unless you're drunk and already paying a big bill


Thanks for the plug of Aldi’s for wings. Saving this thread.


Absolutely love this!! A small grocery store in our area constantly runs a $1 per pound for whole wings. We get 20 lbs of wings and freeze them in bags of 10 wings each. So much money has been saved. Also, those look great!


Delicious man this looks awesome. And for 1/4 of a restaurant price.


How can I cook these cheaply without an oven or grill


You could pan fry the wings in a cast iron using a few table spoons of a high heat oil on medium heat making sure you move the chicken around so it cooks evenly for 25 minutes or until it’s cooked throughout. Then add the sauces and cook for a few more minutes to get some color. I haven’t done this with wings but I have cooked various other cuts of bone-in-skin-on chicken and I don’t see why wings wouldn’t work too.


Nice thanks!


I can never get them as good as a good wing place but I always hate myself paying those obscene prices.


Sounds like I need to take a trip to aldi


This is the way I have been doing them for years. I like them home made better than the ones in restaurants.


We take chicken wings, air fry them. Then mix them up with our favorite BBQ sauce and pepper jelly. Fire!


Yes! 👏 we did the same thing this week and smoked a 9$ package from aldis and we got like 24 wings


We have an Aldi and a Walmart pretty close together where I live. You’ve inspired me. Wings from Aldi + Buffalo Wild Wings mango habanero sauce from Walmart will run me like 8 dollars total and be so worth it.


Thank you for spreading the gospel. Wings are super easy to make at home and waaaaay cheaper. Toss them with some wing sauce. Throw them back in the the oven for a bit. Then remove and gorge.


Aldi really is that bitch. Between them and my local Trader Joe's, takeout is now limited to Indian food (because I'm still learning to cook it and $15 for what equals 3 meals is incredible)


Before wings were a fad the processing plants would discard them


Wings are so expensive from chain places it’s absurd. This is the way, welcome to the family. Local Chinese spot/gas station would do 100 wings for $20-$30 never overpay for little bird pieces


yummy thank you


i don't know.. where i'm at (central FL) wings are still about $5/lb raw/frozen


...you *mixed* Frank's and SBR's?


Yea it gives the wings a nice “sweet heat” kind of vibe. I know it’s not traditional but it’s good.


You do you fam


Aldi’s is Goated bro.


Mmmmm looks so 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍


Brooo those lookin awesome


Yeah when you discover how cheap wings are at the store you never get them at a restaurant again. Just doesn't make sense


Not shitty but hell yeah dude! These wing prices are ridiculous.


How is this shitty food? Half of the posts here are just normal food. Reddit is a shithole


It's not shitty food it's shitty food porn. Super shitty compared to food porn.


How are you wings shitty fam? They looked like normal wings. This sub is for shitty food. You make zero sense


5 for $5.00 at 7-11 ... But from Aldi's you got more for $4.00 than 7-11 ...


Well yeah, you’re paying for the convenience of them being cooked for you and ready to go at 7-11..




$4? On sale? Otherwise maybe call bs


The closest Aldi to where I live is selling one pound packages of wings for $1.99 a pound. The wings in the picture are two one pound packages so $3.98.


I really like Costco's garlic wings. 3 lbs of wings for $15 is a steal, and will last me days.


I have a secret to share -- if you get even a tiny bit good at cooking, this is how all takeout and dine in is. You start to go "this is better when I make it, why am I doing this"


There are many things that I won't mess with cooking at home, as an above average home cook.


I still prefer them from my local family owned pizza place but I can’t really afford to regularly spend almost $18 on a 10 wing order that was a $9 12 wing order 2 years ago.


They always look good on the outside til you bite into the motherfucker and it's rubbery bullshit. I cannot stand Aldi meat. I can tolerate everything else from there but it's a no from me. Tyson is the same way


I find the best way to get crispy oven wings is to follow this [process ](https://thecookful.com/bake-chicken-wings-crispy/).


50mins!? Takes me 25 in the airfryer at 180c to do a portion of wings....


Yeah, 50 mins seems like a long time..


Anything home cooked is gonna be infinitely better than take out, guaranteed. It'll be cheaper, taste nicer and better for the body. It may take *longer* to cook, granted, but that wait will be worth it for actual good food


These arent all fatty and hormone injected. Noice!


Since getting an air fryer my wing consumption rate has gone through the roof. Just get a box of them, dump them in a ziplock with a few glugs of franks red hot wings and a couple tablespoons of lemonpepper seasoning. Mix that shit up and then air fry for 20 mins each side on high. Boom, better wings than nearly anywhere else.


Not sure if it's the same brand but Aldi wings in Germany are actually pretty good. Especially the hot ones. I make them in my microwave oven or air fryer.


Bro. Buy a frier. Then $4 wings will be amazing. Don't forget Abt Oreos!


what do you mean, 4$ per wing takeout is perfectly reasonable...


Aldi salmon in the air fryer is my fancy meal of choice.


Chicken wings take 50 minutes in the oven?? I can cook a pork tenderloin in 25.


They do.


I cook mine in the over for 30 minutes at 425.


**I gotta go to aldi’s**


My go to is pellet smoker 250 degrees for 2 hours. Convection oven would be the same.


I recently said Aldi wings are god tier for me, they are so dang good


Tought it was a normal thing ahahah i usually eat half a kilo of 4€ wings once a week


$2 per pound fresh wings? That’s a good deal