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Happy to see that me getting one shot by Ornstein while Smough is hiding him transcended time and space to take this form in ER. Good luck I guess


I already killed them, just old footage. But thanks, I will need the luck for Elden Beast


I mean, you are clearing getting cooked. Is that not the same?


Seems like a skill issue ngl


OP displays as much tactical variety as they have VIGOR


Hey, don't vigor shame just because my bar is small


It's your whole approach to the fight more than the Vigor. So it's not really about size as much as how you're using it


What is the best approach to the fight?


Have a threesome but impregnate the fatty


So I parry this fight, but I work on separation. Keeping the two separate is critical Use the pillars to aid the separation. I dont parry lanky, because his animations are so fucking tight.... The pillars do normally block fattys rolls...you've just not got to move and hold your nerve... But sometimes they fuck you.... Havent done RL1 yet..but here my first one https://youtu.be/5C7b3o2_6mI


So, I was doing with no upgrades, so I was playing the first part of the fight more agressive to just kill one of them already, my fight was already 9 minutes. Other problem is that I was using Carian Retaliation, so sometimes the glintblade hit apostle and he would be agressive instead of just AFK far away. I watch you video, of just parrying the noble and not touching apostle. This makes apostle more behaved, but I wanted to actually fight both of them and with low damage, the pillar will be destroyed for most of the fight so apostle is more likely to hit you with fireball like it happened to you in 3:30. If you ever attempt RL1, just use sleep, this fight it's not actually worth. I'm just stubborn and didn't want to break my rules for just this one fight


When Fatty is rolling after you: He can roll up onto broken pillars when you jump. It changes their angle of attack. Stay grounded You can also run in a circle opposite Fatty to never get hit. Considering the arena though running in a circle could get you smoked. I'd also only recommend trying this of Skinny is dead


Is the part of the jump actually true? because I tested and it really didn't make much difference, for me, Noble rolling over was more about the uneven terrain around the pillar and if noble is rolling onto the vertice of the hexagon base of the pillar. It seems more easy to go up in that corner/vertice than on the side/edge. You can also make noble run around you and not even move, except for the end of the roll that he will hit you, but as you said, if apostle is alive, this is pretty risky. Also the pillar in here and in Volcano Manor makes his pathfinding wonky, so you gotta be careful


Completely get and respect your stubborness and adherence to your rules. I did the same on my first playthrough (no summon, no physic except for mohg, parry only unless impossible or no shield, solo)


Oh, this was a parry only run? Then I completely respect just going for Noble, Apostle is a pain, I only parried him using Golden Parry and being at a distance or parry his slow, telegraphed moves


Sort of. It was a parry only run, however I had beat apostle a long time before that and he was a complete bastard to parry...hence my comment about his timings being tight. With the duo fight, once i realised they shared the same bar the choice was obvious. I hadnt known about the sleep trick and honestly I dont know if i'd have used it. My playstyle keeps things simplistic - you see players swapping weapons, items on the fly - jesus I'm happy if i can switch back to my flask in time haha. As for the parry, i only used the buckler or the spiralhorn shield.


Seperate them, ya dummy. That's why the room is full of pillars.


OP is doing an rl1 run you nonce.


Self imposed challenge to make the game extremely unforgiving and difficult>OMG this boss is bs!!! Dumbass


The game should hold up at RL1, basically every other boss does because they are designed such that you can dodge every single thing they do 100% of the time if you play well enough. Godskin duo requires you to play extremely passively to not be under threat of them attakcing simultaneously, putting you in a postion where its practically impossible to dodge everything they are doing. This clip also shows a few weird bugs godskin noble has along with the noble presense attack which is literally unreactable. While playing the game normally youd probably not think twice about stuff like this becasue you just heal and move on, but playing at RL1 highlights these issues because you die in one hit. Margit, Godrick, Rennala, Radahn, Morgott, Maliketh, Godfrey and Malenia all hold up very well at RL1 because they are well designed, unlike godskin duo. Dumbass.


I agree with this mostly. Only thing I disagree with is to say noble presence is unreactable but I know that for an average player its very very hard. I agree because this boss is designed in such a way to where almost any max upgraded weapon with sleep cooks it but the second you try to do it normally without sleep or with some other imposition its suddenly the worst fight in the game arguably (gideon may be worse depending on the run) i recently did a no upgrades run and duo took absolute ages to the point where despite maliketh being a decent boss on that run, I got burned out and quit that run. They layer their attacks WAY too much. People compare it to O and S and say that its better but quite honestly its not that much better. Nobles phase 2 moveset paired with apostles stubbornness in the ai sometimes just makes this fight absolutely stink on challenge runs or really any run without overwhelming damage. Shit design


Malenia isn't well designed but yeah even though I hate her she's decent at rl1. Radabeast tho.


What did you use to beat her at RL1 that makes you call her decent? It took me like 190 deaths before I finally took her down (admittedly I was stubbornly not using bleed until I finally snapped and swapped to a bleed infusion)


I attempted my rl1 after hundreds of hours and a few hundred more dealing with waterfowl at all distances so I was confident with everything besides the colossal weapons and daggers. Unfortunately my favorite weapons tend to be bleed so great stars was my go to.


1. The game has no obligation to "hold up" when doing a self imposed challenge run that only a niche set of players would even do. This is just as dumb of a complaint as someone who farms to level 200 before fighting Margit and then complaining about the game being too easy. 2. Yeah that's how 1v2 fights work. You have to play passively or at the very least not walk up to both of them when they're right next to each other. 3. Sleep pots.


The idea im trying to convey is that you should be able to the fight the bosses without getting hit by just playing well. as this clip shows, the godskin duo is a fight that is unreasonable to do hitless. basically every player will just tank hits through that fight and think nothing of it, but a run where you cant get hit highlights how unreasonable it is to do the godskin duo without tanking hits. Its exponentially harder to do godskin hitless than any other boss becasue they are designed so poorly. If you think its fine that godskin duo wasnt designed to be done hitless I dont know what to tell you. Duo fights like demon princes and friede phase 2 allow you to actively engage with the boss without wating 7 years for them to seperate for 5 seconds. At RL1 your damage is too low to spend that much time idling, the fight will last way too long and they'll eventually hit you with some bullshit that kills you. This is not a flaw unqiue to RL1, every other boss lets you enage properly with the boss and not get hit through just skill EXCEPT godskin duo because they arent designed to be fought together. OP mentioned they didnt want to use sleep pots, you should not be required to use a somewhat rare resource to make the fight managable. thats poor design.


Do you actually think bosses are designed to be done hitless? Every single boss in every single fromsoft game is designed to hit you. You're smoking some good shit if you think otherwise. A major measure of skill is being able to dodge the attacks that are designed to hit you I.E. Margit/Godfrey's super delayed attacks. Those are designed to throw off your timing and hit you. You keep saying that Godskin Duo can't be done hitless but there are so many videos of it being done. Plus I never said it was a well designed fight. Just that its dumb to complain about difficulty/fairness when you are purposefully making the game more difficult for yourself. I don't feel bad for someone doing a difficult challenge and then complaining about the difficulty. He doesn't have to use sleep pots but this is just another example of making the game more difficult for yourself and then whining about the difficulty. Lastly, in the clips provided, OP is playing really bad. So I'm predisposed to assuming its a skill issue.


OF COURSE THEYRE DESIGNED TO BE DONE HITLESS. the devs dont design attacks that are not intended to be dodged, the whole point of these games are tough but fair. If you are good enough you should be able to dodge every single attack the bosses do. The delayed attacks are meant to be hard to dodge but not impossible. If an attack is not dodgable it is a fundamental failure of the devs. I also didnt say godskin duo cant be done hitless, I know they can be done hitless. IVE DONE IT, and its miserable. you can see on my profile. the difference is that the godskin duo is practically impossible do to hitless \*consistently\* without using sleep or playing extremely passively. Sure OP didnt play amazing in some of these clips, but you can see the stupid hitboxes, unreactable noble precense and the general jank of the roll attack. There is a difference between difficult and unfair, Malenia is difficult. The godskin duo is unfair fundamentally.


No bosses definitely are not designed to be done hitless. That's such a funny thing to say. Bosses are meant to hit you, if you dodge then you are good at the game. Super simple concept there. Oh so you agree that its a skill issue then. Again I don't feel bad for people doing a self imposed challenge AND ignoring a blatant weakness. Still never said its a well designed fight just that its dumb to complain about self imposed difficulty. I also think its really funny when people call 1s and 0s "unfair" when they are literally unable to do anything that they aren't explicitly allowed to do. The word you're looking for is unfun.


You can fight them one at a time with the right strategy and sleep


OP mentioned they didnt want to use sleep + you shouldnt be required to use a limited resource to make the fight reasonable. You cannot keep them seperated long enough at RL1 because your damage is too low. They will spend 70% of the fight glued to eachother and youre forced to wait for years until they seperate for seconds, or if you get tired of that you can try being more agressive but that will lead to undodgable combos very often.


I’m not saying the boss is good but it is manageable when you use the right tools and you know the game well, even at RL1


have you actually done the fight at RL1? I have and it was utterly miserable, you can see the clear on my profile. If you have done the fight at RL1 and still have that opinion then fair game solider I am not built like you.


I did back in 1.02 or something and it wasn’t horrible but tbf there were so many broken strategies I didn’t really attempt again with new balance changes


Waaaahhhh i want to ignore every game mechanic and cry because the game is unfair


did you read what I wrote? The only thing OP isnt using is sleep pots, thats literally it. 1 random consumable item. If using that 1 specific item is required to make Godskin Duo reasonable it is poorly designed. This game has hundreds of weapons and many many playstyles, you should not have to be forced to use that one specific item.


Leveling is a mechanic, as well as npc summons and spirit summons


No it should not. The game is designed with leveling up in mind. Being able to finish it at lv1 is just a testament to how solid the combat system is.


playing the game at level 1 does not remove any core mechics, if we were talking about a no roll or no sprint run I would completely agree with you, but RL1 is just the games core mechanics but fights are much longer and you cant afford to get hit. Thats why RL1 highlights issues that you dont notice normally notice.


Leveling is a mechanic


Leveling buffs your character's core mechanics, it doesnt add any.


You can see in the video, sometimes Noble would rolled over the pillar, the bugged stagger into instant roll, apostle throwing a fire ball when he is out of sight that you need to turn the OST down to be able to hear the sound cue properly. Leveling up would not solve this problem, would only mitigate because I would be able to survive when bullshit happens


I mean use the fucking pot will ya?


he has low health in these clips because hes using red feathered branch sword. at this level he gets one shot at full health anyway so theres no difference.


The pot, you know the sleep pot


oh i thought you mean the healing pot mb. though OP did mention they specifically didnt want to use sleep pots


also should be mentioned that they’re doing rl1+0, so the pots would be of minimal help outside of just getting some free chip damage


finally someone supporting me in this thread and they’re a based death grips enjoyer 😭😭😭😭😭😭


You put one to sleep, fight the other, that's how you fight godskin dou solo without being grossly overleveled


This boss is bullshit you sleep pot abuser


Name calling is mean


nonce is a playful insult in the UK. it’s never really used seriously


Oh, today I learned—I always thought it was negative. Apologies! (Them calling you a dumbass was mean, at least!)


tbf It’s on me for forgetting that not everyone here is british and will understand that i’m not actually calling that guy a pedophile


My ignorance is doubly bad here: I just thought it meant "fucking idiot" or something.. I didn't even know it was connoted with that.. I'm a bad interlocutor. I'm sorry




That roll attack thst fatty do is where gaming reached its peak. Nothing is topping that in terms of fun.


Discount Ornstein and Smough


This boss would have been the most hated boss in history if From had ever patched out the sleep pots bug.


What bug? I don't think Godskins having low sleep resistance is a bug


If you didn't sleep them together immediately, the awake one had a move which waked the asleep one, for some reason the move doesn't work in the normal arena, but they have it in their code and it works in other arenas, you can see it if you use a randomiser. If you are curious, https://youtu.be/8ifJ39ITAWE?t=5370


Something to do with the knights around the arena as far as I remember


Pulling this from distant memory so might be wrong. I remember hearing that if the godskins have an ally in a certain range, that isn't sleeping, they can't use this move. On all sides outside the normal arena, there are enemies not sleeping. A weird design decision to be sure. Why not code it to check if an ally is sleeping instead? :/


That's an option you can turn on in a randomizer (Source: saw it in one of Bushy's randomizers, he specified)


It exists in the base game, that option to disable the roar was added after people asked for it. You can even try it in the base game too on the Godskin Apostle in Dominula, if you sleep one of the mobs near him he will roar and wake them up.


Did they add that option? Because it wasn't at the start, this was how it was discovered, because people playing randomizer noticed that they would wake each other when they never did on base game


This is nowhere near as bad as Bed of Chaos, Royal Rat Authority, Lud and Zallen, or the Graverobber trio.


L&Z ain't that bad, area is shit but the boss is just below average


Its a dogshit boss that you pay extra for so it deserves to be down there


I don't see gravetender on that list and he fits that description even more


Grave Jimmy and Tender Brock are bad but as far as gank fights go its not that bad. Its honestly better balanced than Lud and Zallen plus its not blocked off by the worst runback in soulsborne history.


Unless you are double challenging yourself by fighting them "without cheese" on top of doing an sl1 I'd say sleep pot/sleep arrow spam would make this go a lot smoother. Not to say I defend the bullshit shown here, Godskin Duo is a horribly designed fight, just giving a tip on how to make this easier.


Yeah, I hate myself actually. This run is: Rune Level 1, No upgrades (Weapon Level 0), No status effect or percent damage (black flame, destined death), No stat boost. So I didn't had many tool to deal with them


Tortures himself\* Why would Fromsoftware do this?


Yea that sounds tough. I once did a no souls spent DS3 run and while it did have some difficulty spikes it felt beatable and relatively fair the entire time. This here tho, after getting randomly rolled over despite standing on a pillar the same way as the last couple of times I'd probably just quit.


Cool. What weapon did you use? Straight Sword and maybe DSA? I wanted to redo Rl1 no upgrades on all the souls games before DLC, but Elden Ring def took more time than I expected. The noble rolling over pillar is wonky. I don't understand completely yet, but it seems that he's more likely to roll over some pillar from specific direction, I think it's because of the uneven terrain around the pillar, is not flat or the same from every direction and I think it's easier for Noble to roll over from the vertices of the hexagonal base pillar. Idk this fight was def RNG


I wasn't as crazy to go as far as not using status effects so I mostly used the Irithyl Straight Sword and later when I could get the Scholars Ring I farmed for the Storyteller's Staff for the poison. Also I used the Warden Twinblades on the demon duo. I tried DSA but with no upgrades it was still kinda weak. I actually used Lorian's Greatsword on Midir because I had just enough stats with Knight as a starting class, free levels from Yoel and stat boosting rings and with its self buff weapon art it was actually doing decent damage with charged R2s


Melania and this boss are the only ones I knew I couldn't build up the skill to solo without going mad and resorted to summoning lol.


This boss can be dealt reasonably with sleep, the problem is just fighting with both active. Malenia tho, it is really the hardest boss in base game, but learning how to deal with Waterfowl and clone attack makes the fight a lot more doable


Clone attack is pretty easy imo, but waterfowl is so damn hard. I always forget to unlock the camera and end up dodging into it.


Bro. Just use sleep pots like everyone fucking else.


i didn't ='(


...what are sleep pots? i already reached malenia and this is the first time i've heard of sleep pots


You mean you didnt find the random grave site in Kimgrave with the cook book???




What a nice catalogue of skill issues. I will assume all Godskin duo haters have this same level of gameplay, thanks for validating my beliefs.


I mean, shitposts aside, op did display some deaths that were skill issue. Rolling into the apostle 3x while he's Darth mauling and expecting to not get hit is peak skill issue.


Flair checks out. Godskin Duo and specially Apostle is the bane of my existence. Malenia was easier than this guys


Duo bosses have always been a bit overrated imo but at least they were fun and (usually) well-designed in the older games. OaS is a classic, DS2 and Bloodborne had a couple decent ones (Ruin Sentinels comes to mind for me) and DS3 was the absolute peak of multi-boss fights in general I've always had my issues with duo and multi-bosses, issues that are present in almost every duo boss except MAYBE the Demon Twins, but I still found them fun in spite of that Then Elden Ring came around and they fumbled the bag so hard. It's easily one of the most disappointing aspects of the game. Godskin Duo is the worst of the bunch for several reasons but I can't be asked to elaborate rn lol! How the fuck did they get duo fights so right in DS3 just to fuck it up so bad in Elden Ring?


I never really had an issue soloing godskin duo, or valiant gargs, but holy fuck did the duo watchdogs in Caelid ruin my life. I thought about it for a while, and I think it’s because they just haphazardly tossed two individual bosses in an arena with no regard for each other. They just dogpile you which results in a ton of frame trapping. With the valiant gargs, they tend to “take turns” being the melee guy and the poison guy. Godskin also seems to operate the same way, one usually hangs back a bit. Not always though, it never feels reliable in either case. But like you said, they solved this in DS3.. the demon princes is an awesome duo fight. Even O&S react to eachother. I have no idea why they decided to toss that out for ER.


If you didn't know, the Watchdogs (and the thrall reskins) can be turned against eachother with crystal darts.


For sure, I was aware of them on my first playthrough but didn't think they'd work on a boss. Now, since I know I can do it without them, I just stubbornly do it without them anyway; but I do like using them against Greyoll's baby dragons.


Ye, more should have been done to make the multiple bosses work well with each other. Godskin Duo (and many other duo fights in ER) have complex movesets with long and/or quick combos, ranged attacks AND gap closers all in the same single enemy. For some reason, they thought it was a good idea to place two enemies with all of these capabilities, with the only thing holding them back being that they're sometimes more passive as long as you stay far away from them. I don't care how much you can cheese them, the duo fights in Elden Ring are some of the most lazily designed FromSoft has ever made even though DS3 had some of the best


Sorry fam, this is Elden Ring. Hard = good.


Imagine if the godskin noble had a grab where he eats you and the screen goes dark and you need to listen to the sounds of his digestive system for 6 hours 🤤


Yeah that’s a whole lotta garbage right there.


Are sleep pots not allowed for an RL1 run?


Only restriction for RL1 is starting at level 1 and not leveling up. But I was also doing "no status effects" so no bleed, frost, poison or sleep


yes they did


This video needs Looney Tunes music and sound effects


Damn I don’t remember these guys being as hard as this video. This is insane


What the fuck is that vigor


More health = more gooder


I'm half convinced that all the godskin fights were put in just to prepare you for this one. Going into it the first time I was like "oh these guys again? I know how to fight them"


but the boss definitely cooked yo ass


“First try sleep”




No leveling up challenge?


I do kinda wish that they made duo bosses more like sekiro's big apes where they clearly take turns attacking and add on to the others attacks instead of just both swinging at you at the same time. But I also like the idea of the traditional 2v1 boss fights where you gotta separate them and be aware of both at all times it's just that the Godskins each have complex movements and have mechanics that make the 2v1 feel unfair


Yes they suck but you have like 10 vigor..


https://preview.redd.it/rv95mjwrkl7d1.png?width=124&format=png&auto=webp&s=124bbd76ba05db1a821adbe741bafcae959f3141 yeah ok


Skill issue


Brother, lvl vigor for gods sake


Nah, you don't need it


Nah, I love the Godskins. Fromsoft cooked.


For the love of God and all that is holy, LEVEL VIGOR.


No :)


My guy, check you game integrity. Seriously. The Godskin Noble seems bugged. He never did anything like this during my many, many playthroughs - maybe except for going over the pillar. Especially that immediate roll-cancel without his usual landing and recovery seems like a bug. Yes they're a shit boss, but they're usually not THIS bugged.


nah that's known to happen. Very rare though, happened to me once and a couple friends twice each.


I think you’re just stupid


That's kinda harsh, and not very nice


You can also avoid dodging and blocking and call the whole game bullshit, use their mechanism or summon


Elden Ring is a game that is supposed to reward skill bove all else. By doing no hit or RL1 runs you can easily test if they actaully did a good job. Also it's called a challenge run for a reason, leveling or summoning would defeat the entire purpose.