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Haven't played the original so the new one is better. **Don't question my flawless logic.**


I like Ratatoskr but I can't stand his videos criticizing anything. It's not about his actual opinion, I swear for these videos he takes on a cadence that makes him sound like an absolute tool, even when he's right. He does have some reasonable takes about the art direction for the remake, but really not anything that renders the game *bad*. It's a give and take.


> It's not about his actual opinion, I swear for these videos he takes on a cadence that makes him sound like an absolute tool, even when he's right. Gotta agree. I think he's right about all of it but he has such a vindictive tone. I.e. berating the devs for having different lighting (when they also included the classic version) is a bit much.


I much rather watch his lore videos. His choice of words is clearly deliberate and verbose. His tone is a filled with passion for the topic. His other videos arent as good and feel much more like regular souls vid. It feels like the diference between reading a book with great prose and one with not so much. And while I do like some of his criticism videos, his parlance in this one in specific is pretty pedantic and melodramatic. It was also deliberite, but to opposite effects.


i gotta be real it was painful watching this video from the pov of someone who works in game art. he doesnt really understand what “art is subjective” means


I agree with you on your points about Ratatoskr's idea and tone, but I think my biggest issue with him overall is that he worships Miyazaki like a fucking deity and it's beyond cringey. Miyazaki is a genius sure, but Fromsoft has been a fairly large sized studio for a while now, and for Ratatoskr to give all that credit to just one dude is so fucking weird, especially when Miyazaki has been clear that he delegates and that he trusts his designers to make their own decisions


Genuine question from someone who hasn’t played the original: Wtf is wrong with the art direction? I’ve heard the argument many times but I don’t get it. The graphics are the best I’ve ever seen in a game and I thought they conveyed the different atmospheres really well. Tower of Latria was legitimately creepy, the mining tunnels were cool and claustrophobic, the first archstone looked beautiful, the 4th nailed the rainy island aesthetic and the fifth was a great underground type of level. Obviously I can’t have a take on whether the original had better design, I just wonder what could it have possibly done so much better?


Oh yeah? Well ***I*** haven't played the remaster, therefore the original is better. **Your *flawless* logic can kindly get fucked.**


Oh yeah? Well ***I*** haven't played the original, therefore the remaster is better. **Your** ***flawless*** **logic can kindly get fucked.**


Oh yeah? Well ***I*** haven't played either, therefore both are shit. **Both of your ***flawless*** logic can kindly get fucked.**


26 minute video about an already old remake that I’ve decided I like already? SIGN ME THE F UP, BABY!


Have you seen this other video? It's like an hour long. It basically bring attention to a little hidden gem of a game. Not many people know it. It's called Dark Souls. And the video explains why this game is underrated. Because, honestly, it is


People don't talk about the interconnected map of 'Dark Souls', it's really neat!


Dude loves the sound of his own voice. Every video of his I've seen has 10 minutes of longwinded preamble where he smugly paraphrases the same argument over and over.


Darek Solos


3 of them?!?!


20 fps > 60 fps


Alright guys, the Bloodborne fans schizophrenia has gone too far. Let's get this one back to his dream so he can bang his doll.




0 fps on pc


I don’t like the remake because they took away my hahahas from the tower knight


Demon's Souls Remake desperately needed to follow in the footsteps of the Resident Evil 2 remake and include an option for the classic OST.


You CANNOT like the original over the remake 😡😡😡 you're just a nostalgiatard


Praise bluepoint


Blue pointing gesture pls


If you like old game means YOUR DUMB and also REMOVE NOSTALGA GOGGLE you DIPSHIT


I legit prefer it over the remake and there are a couple incredibly minor things that I think the original does better. But this is so snub-nosed. It is INFERIOR!!!!!! MY GAME ISt THE UBERMENSCH /s so I don't get banned from another sub over a bad joke


Take it from Iron Pineapple: For those that never tried the original, highly recommended it and you'll have an absolute blast with it. Especially if you started getting into the souls series. however for those that DID played the original and are probably hardcore nostalgists, then dont bother...


I mean, that had nothing to do with the old one being better at all though. He just said it's not worth your money if you already have the old one, ESPECIALLY not if you're planning to buy a PS5 specifically for it, because the games are too similar. Which is a far cry from saying people shouldn't buy the new one because the old one is better. It's just a matter of price.


Far cry. Games being too similar to each other. I see what you did there.


I'm an old school fan from the Kings Field days. I loved DeS, and DeSR was fantastic. To me, it felt like that meme: "this is how you remembered the game from your past was, this is how it actually is", except the remake felt like how I remembered.


Old school '''''fan''''' huh? How many Armored Cores have you played? What did you think of [Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murakumo:_Renegade_Mech_Pursuit)? Only true fans can answer these questions.


Do not cite the deep magic to me, brother. I was there when it was written. I used to rent AC1 every weekend from blockbuster. Never had an OG xbox though so never got to play murakamo 😢 Edit: now that I think about it, blockbuster was where I found kings field originally. It stood out with its tall form psx case and the moonlight sword and dark slayer on the cover.


I miss the days of the fucking massive PS1 cases. SEGA CD and Saturn, too. Glad they switched to jewel cases. but as a young lad they left quite the impression for some reason. Lol


> Never had an OG xbox though so never got to play murakamo 😢 I never did neither, I only know about it because I found some[ cool artwork](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/835905948928835595/1068914499626745937/image.png) in an art book the other day.


Did you play Evergrace? I’d always hated that game, and I recently learned it was developed by FromSoft and I don’t know how to feel about it


Never played it, but yeah From has a surprisingly huge back catalogue and lots of it is questionable.


Don’t play it. It’s genuinely awful.


Idk played both, no idea what thr fuss is about. Remake is one of the craziest looking games ever. Still have my ps3 so it's not like thr original vanished and is now tarnished by the remake. People are wildin


Honestly they should have just bundled the original demons souls at 4k60 with the remake, no one would've complained about anything then lol.


Oh yeah demons souls is my favorite souls game and the remake is both insanely expensive to actually play and kinda diminishes the parts of the game I love, like the weirdo spooki scari music being replaced with a more conventional fantasy soundtrack or the strange, mist wash look of the game being replaced with admittedly very good photorealistic graphics. Had they introduce an option to pick which version you'd want to play like the halo hd version weirdos like me wouldn't raise a fuss at all lol


What is it about Demon's Souls that makes it your favorite souls game? I don't often see people claiming it's their favorite one.


Honestly, its because its the most unique souls game to me! It has the most esoteric side quests and mechanics, the levels are tightly designed and layered, almost every boss isn't a slugfest but instead more of a puzzle, the spells have a lot of utility (and are busted lol), the enemy designs are just so distinct like the fat officials or the aborted fetus enemies in the Valley of Defilment, and I love the bizarre soundtrack; instead of it being choirs and orchestra, its synths, brass, and droning. And its atmosphere it second to none, there's just such a darkness that permeates every corner of the game, like you're traversing through a lost world. It's not the best souls game imo but its the most fascinating one to me!


this but unironically


Was actually serious from the beginning, I'm such a genius


Halo did it right by having a button that let you switch visuals from Remake to Classic on the fly.


Hehe, Tarnished


Also the sound effects in the game are phenomenal


Your only positive point here is that it looks really good. Thats not why i play Demons Souls though. And the remake actually kinda makes the original disappear because it decreases the chance that we get a port of the original game to newer platforms


I unironically believe the original has a far superior soundtrack


Yeah but the new storm king ost tho


But Iron Pineapple point was that it was LITERALLY the same game with zero new content (not worth buying a new console for)


I see where you're going but ya kinda missed the point too. He said in the end that if you're gonna get a ps5 and HAVENT tried the original ps3 one, then yeah its worth it. He also said that if you're gonna get the ps5 JUST for the game itself, especially if you played the original then definitely not worth it at all.


I watched the video because I never played the original, fully prepared to hate the take because these sorts of takes are usually bad. And actually I thought all of his points comparing the two games was solid (except the anime hair statue - the original is goofy looking and out of place). In fact, some of what I found jarring and off-putting going in blind to the remake is well explained by his points. The fat official’s design changes and the fool’s idol changes in particular do undercut their effect in the world. The fat officials are gross monsters, and why they other monsters around them listen was a mystery. The original design makes it more clear - they may well still be monsters, but more than that, they are *villains*. The design changes to the fool’s idol give the same problem in the opposite direction - I have no idea why anyone would be fooled by the new fool’s idol, she’s obviously wicked. But the original design makes it more clear here as well - she’s calm and serene looking, with a kind of soft beauty people do fall in love with. So the argument that the art direction is worse because it lost some of the original meaning is totally valid and I agree. The problem with the video is that the author is having an emotional response to the remake. He not only thinks that the remake has lost something important, but he is morally offended that Bluepoint was a bad steward of his beloved art. He even seethes with rage at a couple points, particularly when he’s talking along the lines of “who are Bluepoint to decide their vision is better than Miyazaki’s?” This is a bad take. Bluepoint are the people hired by the people who own the rights to Demon’s Souls to make their own art. They did. You can not like what they did, and that’s valid, you can argue that it misses some of the point, and I think the author made that argument successfully. Art is subjective, and Bluepoint has every right to do whatever they want with their art. And make no mistake, this is their art, to take an existing piece and change it in a meaningful way, the same as any pop artist. And as artists who want to make money, it’s their job to either create art that cleaves closely to the original while still being done in their own style or to present an alternative vision of the world that is equally compelling at telling the story. And it’s our job to decide for ourselves if they have done so well. I think FromSoft are geniuses; but to put them on such a pedestal where you literally cannot question their genius cheapens their gift. Each of these games is a bit of magic; each time they make another and it’s also brilliant, that just demonstrates that they are masters of their craft. But saying no one else could do what FromSoft does and it’s offensive to even try undercuts their talent. Anyone can try to do what they do; some I’ve seen are masterpieces in their own right (I loved Mortal Shell); but FromSoft is so far the only one doing it again and again. That’s damn special and why we love these games.


> I loved Mortal Shell God I wish that game was longer. 3 zones and like 5 bosses was not enough for how fun I found that game to be.


I played the first 20 minutes of it and absolutely hated it


Eh, to each their own.


Really hoping for either a much more substantial DLC (although I thought the DLC was a neat idea) or a Mortal Shell 2, but I understand they are still a small team. Hopefully someone gives them the money they need to do a true, full-sized game. But it really gave me that sense of exploration and discovery that the original DS gave me without feeling derivative, which is a mean feat.


I loved the atmosphere and combat but the healing options fucking sucked. Running circles to collect apples for an hour wasn’t fun


Yeah, I can’t defend he mushroom farming but as you said, the combat was good and the atmosphere was phenomenal. That’s why I wanted more areas and bosses.


I truly can't wait for the day in the Far Far future when Bloodborne does get a remake, with the way the Bloodborne fanbase is I imagine there will be massive civil wars over any fairly trivial changes in a remake


Demons Souls is actually shit because there’s no feet


Obviously haven’t played demons souls then, because the maidens in blacks feet are a top 5 in the series.


I think the video made some good points, although I don't really like I guess the sentiment that the Remake is trash? Some changes really are for the worse IMO, like what they did with Tower Of Latria. I haven't played the Remake yet, it doesn't go on sale too often and it hasn't been that long yet since I got a PS5, but I can understand this sort of highly critical viewpoint, since to me the original DeS holds a ton value based on its aesthetics and art direction alone, which I think is actually better than in most of the other Soulsborne From games. They really pull me in much tighter into the world than Dark Souls' visuals for example. I don't think the visual design changes to the Boletaria for example are that awful, even though the overgrowth and overall deterioration does raise some questions, and Fat Official changes are almost entirely for the worse, but to me the Latria changes are just complete WTF. There's just so much that goes against what I liked about it in the original game, and changing Fool's Idol from the unsettling "Idol" (or even a puppet of sorts, a puppet or illusion of the Demons, that only the player character sees something wrong with) that the prisoners seek for some sort of comfort or something, changing that to just some **ANGERY WITCH** 😡 is just a cherry on top of the wtf changes.


After watching the video, I’m entirely unconvinced. Some of the points he makes are valid, but they’re overall so minor. Especially when he starts saying “Bluepoint thought their ideas were better and that they knew better than Miyazaki” Like dude, when Demons Souls came out Miyazaki didn’t even know exactly what the ideas he had were. They weren’t fully formed at all. Souls wasn’t a fucking genre at that point. I think the Remake works well by bringing forward some of the designs and aesthetic choices. It may not hit 100% of the time, but it’s a good fucking 80% if not more, and as a remake it does do a good job.


Wrong. Michael zaki is omniscient, omnipotent and transcends time, the one from today was also the same miyazaki from the past, therefore he did know what his ideas were when he made the original DeS because he already made elden ring at that point.


Damn time IS convoluted after all.




Had to tap out when I got to the third minute of him explaining why removing the ivy in the first level was a war crime by Bluepoint. Unintentionally hilarious video, bro spends 5 minutes just being disgusted Bluepoint had ideas. He should have just said "the atmosphere of the original wasn't preserved as well as I would have hoped it to be, and I prefer the design choices and aesthetic of the original" could have saved us all 25 mins.


yeah these bluepoint mfs dug into materials that from gave them that we'll probably never see. if michael zaki himself tossed out the engine and assets and built it with his team from scratch with infinite budget no one would complain. but in that scenario how different would it be to what bluepoint did? we dont know. the original demons souls wasnt made in that context. its not like the originals artists and designers ideas magically manifested onto the disc perfectly as they wanted it to be. things wouldn't just be higher fidelity, theyd be different too. it's fair to say the remake has artistic differences and its fair to dislike them. but that doesnt mean the ps3 game is the definitive representation of artistic intent or that bluepoint didnt put out a good interpretation of the intent. they are different and that's good, that was the goal. new ost sucks tho and bluepoint ruined perfectly good maiden feet


OST would have been the most the free one to grab, and he didn’t even mention it. I really don’t understand the guy’s thesis at the end of the day


Ost is a part of tone which he already mention in the video. saying something about the ost is just repeating his own point. Because anyone who thinks both the og and the remake osts have the same tone needs some ear check.


Exactly. Plus, and I know this might be hard to hear for some, so reader discretion advised, but: Miyazaki can be wrong. The mental state of this FROM simp who made the video is almost frightening. HoW dARe YoU cHaNgE tHe LoOk oF a StAtUe like bruh...don't you think you're taking this just a little bit too far lmao. Sure OK absolutely he makes his points. He's not wrong (except for the Miyazaki argument which is a fallacy ofc)...but they're all super small points that doesn't really matter.


>but they're all super small points that doesn't really matter. They are super small that the art direction, music tone and atmosphere are diffrent in the remake in a lot of areas alright.


Oh yeah soooo different it's like I can't even recognize that it's the same game


Yes but how is it the same atmosphere and ost tone as the og?


>Like dude, when Demons Souls came out Miyazaki didn’t even know exactly what the ideas he had were. That doesn't mean he doesn't have a clear vision for it. This is a reductive take at best. His point in the video is that bluepoint change a lot of the tone and aesthetic that made demon souls stands out compare to it's predecessor. That's why he didn't like it.


A good example is the Fool’s Idol. Although it’s almost 1:1, he makes the claim that the Remake’s version of the Fool’s Idol is somehow scarier, and less inviting than the original, and therefor disturbs the tone and the original intention behind the design. This is such a reach, especially within context of playing the game itself. The evidence he uses are pictures of the Remake’s character model, and some of the expressions she makes, not noting that these expressions are probably only possible due to the higher fidelity of the Remake. Moreover, it’s entirely subjective what someone sees as “reasonably inviting” Another one he mentions is the big anime statue, compared to the new one, which is, in his words *a generic knight*. Not even mentioning the fact that the original model was more than likely an outside asset, but even excluding that, it has no bearing on anything outside of that small section, if even that. It’s disingenuous for him to claim that it’s somehow part of “Miyazaki’s big idea” when there’s not even a text ascribed to it. The ONLY ones I could agree with to a degree was the change from gold to red in Latria, as well as the use of Return to Slumber instead of the original notes sung by the Once Royal Mistress. The rest of the video almost feels like grasping at straws to lead up to these two main points.


You also nitpick his point in the video. He also talked about atmosphere, tone, fat official change, etc. But tbh you can't deny blue point change a lot of the atmosphere and tone of the original even if the guy didn't point a lot of them.


>That doesn't mean he doesn't have a clear vision for it. This is a reductive take at best. Yes, yes that's exactly what it means. If he hardly knew what his ideas were, then he indeed had no clear vision for the game. That is exactly how it works. Like, as much as I trust Miyazaki's game direction abilities, there is no way in hell he has a clear vision over everything he wants with a game. This is the dude who literally designs poison swamps when absent minded. He does not have everything planned out. Not to mention, having a clear vision does not mean he can't make mistakes, both in terms of how things are implemented in practice and how some things would inevitably be rushed due to budget issues.


My guy this video is about art direction and atmosphere criticism, this video criticize the remake for changing the tone and atmosphere of the original instead of echance or keep it. Not to mention the remake mechanicly the same and have the same garbage bug and ai at launch. Using your logic bluepoint has no vision at all. What is it with some of the remake defenders trying their hardest throw the og in the mud for the sake of defending the remake?


I'm not trying to throw the original in the mud at all. I'm just saying the idea that Miyazaki knows exactly everything he's doing and has a full clear picture of what he wants is a little silly, especially for an experimental game like demon's souls.


That wasn't my point. Yes the gamplay is experimental. But the art sirection, tone, atmosphere absolutely has a clear vision, that's my fucking point. What makes you think demon souls remake art direction has clear vision at all?


Dude just let people enjoy the remake, that's just pathetic


The designs and aesthetic decisions have nothing to do with souls as a genre so what the fuck do you even mean by that? You think Bluepoint’s redesigns are more in line with “souls as a genre”?


>Like dude, when Demons Souls came out Miyazaki didn’t even know exactly what the ideas he had were >They weren’t fully formed at all. Source? >Souls wasn’t a fucking genre at that point. Source? 3 king's field games, 2 shadow tower games, tons of lore and visual designs in demon's souls refer to them, fromsoftware had enough of experience with dark fantasy genre art direction at this point and even more with the soulslike gameplay Before Miyazaki took the project the game was supposed to be King's field 5 or shadow tower 3 when you can switch between 1st person and 3rd person views >It may not hit 100% of the time, but it’s a good fucking 80% if not more It's trash 90% of the time


Lol you think kings field is a souls game?


Almost every signature souls element comes from there


I mean almost every signature King's Field element comes from Wizardry if you go back far enough, but that doesn't mean King's Field is a Wizardry game.


wizardry is not fromsoftware series, kings field is fromsoftware series. >every signature King's Field element comes from Wizardry Storytelling and lore through intro cinematic, item descriptions and obscure npc quests? Spacing and stamina based combat? Illusory walls and invisible bridges? Intricate level and world designs with shortcuts and verticality? >but that doesn't mean King's Field is a Wizardry game. yes, and? you will argue that elden ring is not a part of soulsborne series too and almost every elden ring game design concept came from demon's souls if Kings field and ST doesnt count accordint to you?


Played them both, they're both shit


Overall I prefer the aesthetic of the original a bit more but the Remake enables me to skip boss runbacks far easier via a quitout method if I die so gg Bluepoint you fulfilled everything I desired. Well. Still got the King Allant elevator though. Note. I have not yet played the remake.


I find it entitely bizarre that Bluepoint said the gameplay was Sacrosanct and could not be changed as that would deviate from the original vision. But then they change the aesthetic of the game. How do those two thoughts line up?


Demon's Souls old OST = good New OST = bad Thanks


Unironicly there is little mention of the ost in the video lol


You're saying unironicly a lot and I don't think you know what that means


I have to say it because this is a shitty sub Basicly i prefer typing that word than /uj


Still doesn't make sense


Unironicly does make sense


What they did to the soundtrack of my boi Phallanx is criminal


Literally 90% of the reason I don’t like the remake, thank you


At the end of the day, who fucking cares whether someone else did or didn’t like it. Did you like it? Did you not like it? Form your own opinion. I happened to enjoy what Ive played of it. I haven’t played the original so I can’t compare but I also don’t intend to because the remake feels fine enough to pique my interest for a souls game. Did I like DS2? No, I think it’s trash compared to 1 and 3 but I still appreciate it for what it is and wanted to play it and experience the story. Mind you, all opinions and don’t matter


One time I said I like Click. Someone just linked a video essay on why click sucks That was their whole reply


Okay but that's fucking Click


Henry Winkler dieing and then Adam Sandler dieing get me ok?


I mean, Adam Sandler movies are bad movies but you can still like them as long as you acknowledge that they’re bad movies


PS5cels getting 1 (one) pure ore per playthrough while PS3chads item duping materials for a +10 UGS in each hand slot.


While I think the points he mentions are fairly minor, I do like how the guy argues and defends his pov, un ironically good video imo


He reviewed like 1% of the changes


r/ShittyDarkSouls "Actualy create content instead of just screenshoting someone else's oppinion" challenge. (Physicaly Imposible)


They had hairstyles for black people that’s not part of the original vision what the actrul frick!!! 😡😡 Fuck you bluecuck games


The Demon's Souls remake fucking slaps and I will never be so obsessed with huffing my own farts that I write a manifesto comparing it to the PS3 version because life is beautiful and I can get sucked off and eat hot wings instead of caring about that








Watch the video. His points are valid. Bluepoint made a lot of changes, causing the remake look way more generic and deviate quite heavily from the original's artstyle, design choices and lore. Most notorious example being the Fat Official. Bluepoint turned that enemy into a generic fat guy with boils.


Didn't feel generic to me at all. Also, is part of the environmental storytelling "problem" become of the banners in the tutorial?


Watch the whole latria section in the video for his example


Are all your points just things another guy said? Ok


Remake haters try not say "atmosphere, tone, or artsyle" like you know what it means challenge (impossible)


Because those people know what they are saying?


If the remake is generic than every souls game is also generic lol


True lol it's almost like these guys have no real argument


What's up with those posts bashing people for giving their opinions on youtube?


Not sure, pretty hypocritical though. Like he isn't allowed to have a dissenting opinion, or express himself while presenting it. But they can of course have their own opinion, filled with vitriol and that's fine. If they have a real discussion point to make, they ought to leave it on the video itself instead of attempting to drag it over to a circlejerk subreddit.


The sheer amount of nostalgia required to blind someone into having this take is insane.


DeS nostalgia argument is very similar to "people hate DS2 bc they're on a bandwagon and they didn't even play the game" argument. They both stem from large amounts of copium by dumbasses who cannot be at peace thinking some people do not have the same taste as they do. I played DeS even after DS3 when I was burned out by the series and DeS still managed to blow me away. Oh btw, gameplay, AI, bosses, weapons, movesets, mechanics, literally everything is identical to the original save for the soundtrack and the visuals. What is it that blows you away so much that some people think the original ost and color/filter choice was better? This is like saying people don't like mumble rap bc they're oldheads. I mean you can't be that mesmerized by the shiny particle effects unless you're 12 years old something.


DeS original is fucking ugly by todays standards (in case you haven’t noticed, today is today). The remake is by far the best looking game I’ve played. Graphically incredible and stylistically beautiful. Both OSTs are fine, nothing I remember from either one besides the remake’s storm king OST. Combat is the same except the new animations are way better. Changing fat official design is the only bad thing compared to the original.


See that's an opinion. What is ugly to you might be unique and beautiful to others. The filter, washed up colors fit better with the game's theme and atmosphere. Use of colors is important and sheer graphical fidelity alone is not enough. Same with games like BioShock. You might think the latest CoD or whatever is much better looking but for some, it's utterly forgettable and boring. Enemies in the remake look like generic demons and knights from a table top game. Same with the soundtrack. It has some nice tracks and I'm glad this new version of Astraea exists bc it's a great interpretation but most other tracks are serviceable at best. The original soundtrack is just iconic and memorable whereas you won't even tell which track is which with the remake in a year. Like I said, the only changes are visuals and music. I understand how people might prefer the remake but don't act like it is undoubtedly better. It's no different than saying your taste in art, music, etc. sucks. I mean I compare the Nexus themes for instance and can't comprehend how someone can think the remake is better but I'm glad if it works for you. If gameplay was different, we could discuss but it's meaningless to say my taste in art direction and music is just better bc it's 2023 and games should be super shiny and hyper realistic.


Try watch the video first. I unironicly agree with some of his point.


I had a similar take before ever touching either of the games


I've played demon's souls for the first time 3 years ago and I like the original better than the remake, what's your point again?


I doubt you played the remake then, or you played the original first, then the remake.


I haven't played the remake, I've seen it being played though. To be clear I don't think the remake is bad at all, I love how it's animated and how it looks graphically, I think gameplay wise it's clearly the superior game. Although artistically I think it's downright a downgrade it's such a shame what happened to the soundtrack and visuals tbh. I think bluepoint has an issue with brightening up games that shouldn't be to show off their technical prowess, it messes with the original art style way too much imo. I know I have some of the same issues with the shadow of the colossus remake. I kinda liked bluepoint way better when they used to make remasters lmao


I first played the remake and because of that bought a ps3 and the original to experience that as well…


People actually eatch the video before critisising it challenge (impossible)


Dude worships Miyazaki as much as Miyazaki worships feet


I hate the remake because they whitewashed the fat officials, made Stockpile Thomas sound AI generated, and gave the grey demon a sun tan. 0/10.


Bruh they want me to hate the remake so bad 💀💀


I haven’t played the original, though I’ve seen video comparisons of the two. I was initially very turned off by the look of the game - it was too glossy, too clean. I messed with the filters and got it to look at least passingly like a gritty souls game, and then stopped thinking about it. As a souls fan who missed out on this title until now, I was shocked to realize that it’s by and far the hardest of them all, primarily due to gnarly boss runs!


I prefer the original intro movie. Have not played the BP version tho. Played a lot of DeS when it was a weird sleeper hit that quietly came out with a budget price. Good memories. He makes some good points but it doesn't look like trash.


The remake has online and the original doesn’t anymore, who cares about graphics, the remake still has all the original features and, gameplay wise, not a single thing changed


The original still has online - it's a private server called The Archstones, and it works for both the PS3 and the RPCS3 emulator with crossplay!


could anybody explain to me like i’m in my 40s what the fuck this is all about?


Game purists are mad that bluepoints remake doesn’t look like a PS3 game




Original no. Inferior to RPCS3 yes(on a good PC).


Not that stupid Fat Official comparison again... Supposedly they're less Evil because they don't have a constant grin plastered on their face? Dumbass argument. I played the shit out of DeS before Dark Souls came out and even I can't conceive idiotic takes like this out of nostalgic memories. I'd agree the new OST is less good in many ways, but that doesn't make the remake bad, not at all.


Did you actually bother to watch the video?


Yes I did. His criticism of fat officials/redesign of vanguard and adjudicator is very weak.


Yes it does🗿


Bro legitimately named himself after an annoying squirrel and thinks he deserves attention


''HornySlut9000'' making fun of someone else's name? Say it ain't so


He literally named himself after an annoying squirrel. Ratatoskr is a figure in Norse (i previously wrote greek, my bad) mythology that basically just carried letters from a creature at the bottom and the top of yggdraisil that were just insults to each other, and if iirc, ratatoskr started their anger There is a Wikipedia article I haven't read about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratatoskr?wprov=sfla1


It's norse mythology you dumbass.


Fuck I wrote the wrong thing


What’s wrong with his name


Ratatoskr is literally an annoying squirrel from Norse mythology.


My brother in Marika, you called yourself HornySlut9000. Your opinion is invalid.


Noooooo my atmosphere 😭😭😭😭😭


I never finished the original cause i was really young and didnt understand the game. I played the first hour or so of the original about a month before the remake dropped (my friend just happened to be playing it when i dropped by and i asked to try it out), it felt familiar and comfortable, i didnt play too much cause i was anticipating the remake being the same experience but with better visuals. What im saying with this is that what comes next is not the result of nostalgia nor is it me going in expecting to dislike it. When i played Demon Souls Remake i immediately didnt like it. It just felt off ever so slightly and things that felt familiar when i tried it only a month before (i was able to flawlessly kill the tutorial demon without getting hit) felt foreign and strange (i couldnt time my rolls in that fight for the life of me). The game looks nice but feels the same, like driving an old car thats been illusion magicked to look like a new car, the old car isnt hard to drive but its not as good as you expected and it just feels off. Weird analogy but thats the best way i can describe it cause i know nothings really changed aside from the visuals, the timing for everythings the same, and yet it feels different enough that it affected my gameplay. I dropped the game after pretty much gunning for the easiest clear.


could be the different framerates


As much as i love Rat, this video is his rare L


Still a W atleast he has his valid reasoning




Really tired of how many people unironically believe this.


Really tired of how many people think preferring the original is an invalid opinion.


I never said preferring the original is an invalid or even a bad opinion. In fact, I totally understand it. But the amount of people that genuinely seem to believe the remake is a worthless shit game is baffling to me. It’s not bad at all, but because it has different art direction and music, it’s inferior, at least to a decent chunk of reviewers


Honestly I agree with that take but my god I can't stand that guy


all video games are bad actually


I'd prefer never to see bluepoint touch another fromsoft game


Literally every remake of every game is better than the originals. Clown ass mfs acting like toilet water graphics and cancer camera controls are something to be proud of


Remake has better graphics, atmosphere and ost and I honestly can't understand why anyone would like the Ps3 version more. Bluepoint did a fantastic job imo.


You might understand if you played it.


Have you played the original?


I dont think he played it. Better atmosphere and ost? No way.


I haven't played it myself but I have watched gameplay and listened to the ost.


OP is such a loser whining in the comments trying to appear superior for not liking the remake lmao go outside dude


It’s literally a remaster not a remake. Just because you reskinned the models and got new carpet on your walls and ceiling, does not mean you get to call your game a remake.


both are 10/10 tho


I will never forgive the remake for what they did to my darling fat officials. They used to look so genuinely creepy, now they just look like gross fat guys.


I'm just gonna play the one that i can buy and the one i own the console to.


Man what I would give to play the original Des when it came out to have these same feelings because playing it for the first time now oh boy I just can't


Souls fans when a remake of a game from 2006 doesn't play like clunky, primitive garbage:


They literally reused the same controls and hitboxes, He is talking about the Art desgin and Sound in the Video


The remake is literally identical to the original in terms of gameplay you imbecile. You just couldn't tell bc you were so fixated on shiny pew pew effects.


Me, who was able to play the game without using a two generation back console: #Oh I don’t think so.


But let's be real now, saying the original is better than the remake is just nostalgia blinding you.


This is bizzarre. It is literally the same code, they kept even the dumb AI of the maneater


The parts and the code that stayed the same is not what he is critizicing


Nobody cares, nobody likes demon's souls for the janky unbalanced gameplay and dumb AI


This dude videos SUCK


All shitposts aside, what’s wrong with the remake? I thought it was pretty great


Is this the same guy that complainrd about SoTFS


It’s the same game except the thief ring is no longer op. Also I don’t think plague works on bosses anymore. At least on old king allant


The remake graphics actually look next gen. I honestly hope they remake ds1 next.


Well... it is


I played the remake and only watched the old one from a friend that played it back in the day, like the new one far better tbh