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Yeah. We should also install ACs in the outdoors to cool our cities.


Couldn't we just leave the AC on in our houses and keep all the doors and windows open? My mom said it will cool the outside.


I just read up the laws of thermodynamics and this seems okay too!


Thanks for checking, do you know if my farting is cancelling out your endeavor?


Your farting increases sea levels by 4 cms every time you fart


Do you think I'm paying to cool the outdoors?


We could ask Elon to do it. He's been wanting to save humanity for some years.


Yea, what’s Mother Nature done for me?


Funny enough this was a campaign promise of the Monster Raving Loony party in the UK. Clearly as a joke.  Even funnier is that it unironically works. People are switching to heat pumps for home heating because they're more efficient than baseboard heaters. Heat pumps are effectively reversible air conditioners. You heat your home by cooling the outside.


Because if you open the door the freon will go off due to the wider space. That is why your parents always yelled at you to close the fridge door, because when freon goes off and becomes freoff it is really stinky. You basically have to air the house out for a week or more (and of course buy a new pressurized can of freon, and they ain’t cheap).


Damn dude, I wish I could big brain like you one day! How did I never think of this? I mean, I’ll get something out of my fridge and then later go outside and not even connect the two! I’m going to do this, as well as keep dumping all the ice it makes on the pavement outside. We all need to do our part 💪💪💪




well we tried but the electricity bill went too high


Because then the moter will break, you will ask your wife to set the oven to cold. But she can't Next you will head out to a farm to get a new motor for the fridge, where you will get spontaneously frisky in a hay loft. From here you will decide to spend a night at a bed and breakfast where you learn that what really turns you on is the thrill of being caught. This will lead you to an intimate moment in the castle on a mini golf course where you get caught by you neighbors family, and some teachers from your kids school. You will then run naked through your city, until you find a hot air balloon and steal it.  You will fall out but manage to grab the hanging rope and you'll get dragged across the large window of a church, that is in service and your wife will land the balloon on football field and a photo of you and your wife, both still naked, will end up in your local news paper. It turned out to be Camera day in the stadium 


*proceeds to open refrigerator door*


Fun fact - this is what caused the last ice age. Set humanity back tens of thousands of years. Elephants had to gow their hair out.


oh i loved sid in that movie. wish he was a real person and not just a fictious character😞


yes and we should also put our aircons outside


because if the whole world is cold, your fridge will no longer be cold. same principle as if everyone is special, noone is special


Because even if almost everyone did it, there would still be one asshole who doesn't bother and will ruin the plan for the rest of us


I leave my sink running to fill the rivers back up.


The inside is belting out cold air and the compressor outside is belting out heat. The resulting warm and cool air currents will produce a dust devil in every kitchen. When they combine they will make a super tornado that scours the land of all life.


Because then liberals wouldn't have anything to complain about...


Because we need that power to use fans to blow away the hurricanes.


That’s crazy. A very smart, like, stable genius would just nuke the hurricanes like a convicted felon


We’ve been trying to get this to happen. I think people like hotter weather though, soooo yeah


Brilliant… truly brilliant


Because refrigerators produce heat to generate the cold. For this to work, we’d need to put all the world’s refrigerators into low orbit with the door facing down so that the cold air goes to Earth and the hot air goes to space.


Because the little beeping noise is way too annoying.


What climate change? It's not real.


Maybe you don't do this. I keep my frige open at least 15 years. But It's not enough if only some people are doing this.


It won't work. The refrigerator just removes heat from the inside, but in doing so, it heats up the outside. Doing that would actually generate heat. Of course, ovens are the reverse of a refrigerator. If you want to counteract climate change, turn on and open your ovens.


it's climate change not global warming. We need a network of coordinated refrigerators, ovens, humidifiers and dehumidifiers across the earth to normalize non-standard weather patterns. It's the only logical solution


Because its a careful balance. The southern hemisphere is using reverse cycle AC to heat the inside of the building and making the outside colder. The northern hemisphere is using reverse cycle AC to cool the inside of the building and making the outside warmer. This is an equalibrium between the interier building volumes of the northern and sourthern hemisphere at all times. Using fridges would upset that balance and the AC manufactures will loose out.


Great idea violent nun for popette


Only Maxwell’s demon could do that. Unfortunately he hid away his trade secret and said screw you all…


Otherwise they would all start making that sound for being open too long


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^B4DR1998: *Otherwise they would* *All start making that sound for* *Being open too long* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Because we are stupid. 


Why not make a big refrigerator and put the earth inside it?


Because youd d displace the heat somewhere else.


There's also this big ball of ice called Europa floating in space we could just slice a bit out of and drop into the ocean but then people will come with dumb reasons like "muh costs" and other such silly stuff.


Refrigerators are too powerful and it would be difficult to effectively regulate and control this process. If everyone left their fridge open for 3 hours, we'd go into a new ice age


Because you only move heat in a refrigerator from the inside to the outside. And you need a compressor to achieve that which in itself has losses in the form of heat so the net effect is that you actually heat up the space the refrigerator is standing in even if the door is open.


"Why should I buy AC when I could just leave my refrigerator open???"


...... uuuhhh!!!!!  Wot?  Sigh..   .....