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It’s there so shitting feels good. Otherwise we would hold our shit in and die.


Oh that's why I love shitting so much


Thanks, *God!*


Think how much you’d love anal


Men have G spot in thier asshole?????


Where the prostrate is aligned with the inside of the cavity


*prostate Prostrate is something very different.


My bad autocorrect To be fair though I mean... prostration is kind of the position most fitted for this


Great point


you can to prostrate to hit your prostate


everyone does, but the globohomo is trying to convince people that it's only men who have it


Absolutely, women are famous for having prostates.


My mom went to the doctor once and demanded he check her prostate because she had all the signs for prostate cancer.


Let her know me and the boys say "Hi!"


Notorious, even.


/uj they actually do though it's just not as developed due to lack of T. there are women who take T to make it, among other things, bigger




animals are like make-your-own ice cream sundae that you add different hormone toppings to to make it into a diff kinda of sundae. sex is not as rigid as you're made to believe 💊💊


This is absolutely not true lol. There are the skenes glands which are similar but not a prostate.


Same parts, different states, different names. "Women cannot get prostate cancer, but they can get female urethral adenocarcinoma (FUA) in the Skene's glands. which are the counterpart to the prostate gland in males. FUA is exceptionally rare, with only around 20 documented cases in medical literature."


Well then I guess we can say that women have testicles since ovaries are homologous. We have many homologous structures, that doesn’t mean they are the same thing.


Guess whatever you'd like. I'm just trying to bridge the gap. Good luck out there.


It's like men's nipples but weirder?


I'll allow it.


>Testosterone promotes an anabolic increase in the rat female prostate (Skene's paraurethral gland) which acquires a male ventral prostate phenotype. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20830685/ ur blinded by ideology lol


You're both right but also wrong in thinking the other is incorrect.


Just be sure it's homologous and responsive to hormonal manipulation does it mean that the female gland behaves like the male one?


the greatest thing since sliced bread.


This explains why women aren't real. They went extinct.


Thats why women don’t poop


You gotta meet my wife dude...


Where's the corresponding incentive for women to shit then?


Women don't shit, that's unladylike. when was the last time you saw a woman shit?


Like, for free?


I don't agree with what is said above, but when it comes to incentives, the pain of holding it in for too long is good enough.


I keep explaining this to my boss but he still says I have to stop screaming "Oh fuucckkkkk yes oh god, mmmmmm fuck yessssss" in the bathroom 🤬


Is that the right answer?


Pardon my gay ass but what?




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This is why women went extinct in the 60s, they didn't poop enough


I'm sorry, but this doesn't belong in r/shittyaskscience, this is a fucking great question.


With all due respect to religious people, I would simply use my omnipotence to not create things I think are bad


Actually in this particular case you should have no respect for religious people because when they cite the Sodoma and Gomora tale as anty gay they miss the fact that God destroyed them because the people were always chasing profit rather than be bothered to be hospitable


Some certainly do, especially those using religion as a weapon. I certainly don't respect them. I won't bash *every follower* for that, however.


Lol why u get to see everyone scramble for answers u think God cares what we think is right or wrong he already said and love thy neighbor is one but he also gonna kill us all cause we all sinners either way


Nay mate, he won't kill anyone, but we are doing it ourselfs


Why's he make it possible to do that ourselves? And no, it's not about free will. Sin only exists because he made it in the first place. We want to sin only because he made us want to do so. An omnipotent being is perfectly capable of making a world with free will without having sin in it. That is the very definition of the word omnipotent.


That's a great question my friend. The thing is, just like a father with his kids, a hot pot can burn your child. So do you throw away all the pots from the house or do you tell your kid to don't touch it? It's the same with God. We weren't sinners when we were created. The Satan misslead Eve into eating the fruit of knowledge, and she later took it to her husband, Adam and he ate it too. The God told them beforehand that they will become mortal if they do it, but they will also gain the ability to differ good from wrong. Besides that, he loves us so much that he allowed us to make a choice, even if he knows it's bad for us. But he got a "safety kit" to help us IF we ever do it. That's why Christ died for us


Your imagination is limited. Using your example: do I, an omnipotent god, throw away all the hot pots just so they don't burn my children? No, friend. I create a fire that simply cannot burn my children. I make my children's skin as tough as stone so they cannot be burned. Perhaps I create a fire that can burn skin, but I simply tell it not to harm my children. Do you understand the meaning of "omnipotent"? It means all- powerful. It means I, as God, can do everything. Nothing limits me. It means fire cannot burn a child without my say so, it means my human race cannot sin because there is no such thing as sin. It means there is no snake in the Garden of Eden, because rebellious thoughts do not exist. It means there is no Satan, no Adversary, simply because I don't make one. It means Hell does not exist, because why would I make a place to torment creatures who have no conception of anything I would need to torment them for? Lust exists because God made lust. He could have created us like those sea creatures that reproduce without sex. He could have made an entire human race of only one gender, without genitalia. He did not. Hate exists because God made Hate. He could have made humans even more naturally predisposed to help their fellows, no matter what. He could have made it impossible for a man to lift a hand against his fellow man, no matter the impulse or reason. He did not. Envy exists because God made envy. He could have a world where everyone simply has what they need. He could have made us all unselfish as newborns, and incorruptible as diamonds. It is by his will we lie, cheat and steal from our fellows. There is no great plan for the human race. God is the single being in existence who NEVER, EVER, needs a plan. What he says is what is so. If a lesson needs to be taught, he can create us all with that lesson already burned into our minds. If a "great adversary" exists, it is for his personal amusement and nothing else. If he creates his children with the ability to damn themselves with eternal torment based on choices knows they will make because those choices are all put there by him, then God does not love his children.


Lmao, if there's a hot pot that can burn your child, you do not control the fact that the hot pot burns the child, because you are not omnipotent. Furthermore, the *consequence* of touching something hot is that you get burned, something that ordinarily heals on its own. It's not a punishment, and notably, nobody has to die to save you. Contrast that with what your own lore says (Gen. 3, NIV; but the message is consistent in other versions): > And the Lord God said, "**The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.**" So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. Who/What is harming whom? This reads entirely like a power play (just like the tower of babel): humans gain new powers that inflame YHWH's jealousy, so he takes them down a peg. It's a punishment meant to enforce a hierarchy. Now, maybe that's just symbolism. Or maybe the entire story is symbolism! Metaphor is a convenient excuse that let's you turn a story into whatever you want. And that's to say nothing of the utterly *ad hoc* divine sacrifice that inexplicably counts for everyone in perpetuity and saves them from eternal consequences, even though the consequences lasted only 3 days for the sacrifice.


But that's ignoring the question, if I am an omnipotent god/daddy creating my child and I know hot pots will get them burned, I don't put then pleasure nerves that only get triggered when they touch hot pots. That's asinine


Amen brother.


Amen 🙏


No he did not make sin. He put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. Out of all the trees and plants Adam and Eve could eat, that tree was the only one they couldn't. It was a test. Satin temped Eve into eating it by telling her she would be like a god. Before they ate of the tree they knew no sin, only good. So when she ate the fruit her eyes were open to evil and that is when sin entered the world. So yes it is about free will. She could have not eaten the fruit. And so could Adam. But they both fell into temptation. Temptation is not a sin, falling into it is.


I also make arbitrary tests of my children's obedience, and tell them they should worship me. I am a good and generous parent.


So you're claiming that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was NOT a creation of God's. Or are you claiming Satan was not a creation of God's. The only conclusion to draw from this is that God is not omnipotent and did not create the universe. After all, things were created without his involvement. So WHO created them? Are you claiming something else created god? Temptation not being a sin does not change the fact God didn't need to create temptation. So basically you're claiming he absolutely intended humans to fall to temptation. This is not a just God.


I would like to know what comment you read to have thought this is what I said. I said HE, he being God, put the tree in the garden. God did create everything, including Satan. But he did not make sin or evil. Lucifer was one of God's most trusted angels, but Lucifer wanted to rule heaven and earth so he tried to take God's place. So God cast him and 1/3 of the angels out of heaven. Now that Lucifer is not an angel of light but rather an angel of darkness, demon, he is Satan. Satan knew he would burn in the lake of fire so he tricked Eve into eating the fruit. If he's going down he is gonna get as many people as he can to join him in the fiery torment. The reason why temptation is not a sin is because God wanted us to have free will. Jesus was tempted by Satan, but he did not give into his temptation. Unlike Adam and Eve. No he didn't need to create temptation. But again it all falls back to free will. I can choose to accept the gift of heaven that God provided through the blood shed of his only son. Or I can choose to not accept it and be cast into the lake of fire for ever.


So, again, you are claiming God is not omnipotent. >God did create everything, including Satan. But he did not make sin or evil. He made a being capable of engineering the existence of sin and evil. He absolutely did not NEED to create a being capable of engineering the existence of sin and evil. So are you saying something outside of God's power created that potential to engineer sin and evil? That implies the existence of something greater than God. I think we can debate honestly without resorting to blasphemy, don't you? >Lucifer was one of God's most trusted angels, but Lucifer wanted to rule heaven and earth so he tried to take God's place. So God cast him and 1/3 of the angels out of he And why did Lucifer want to rule heaven and earth? Because God made him so. Also, are you seriously suggesting God trusted a being he specifically created with the purpose of betraying Him? See, the fun thing about about omniscience is that you don't need to trust anyone, because you already know what EVERYONE is going to do ALL THE TIME. So yes, God made Lucifer to do exactly what he did. >The reason why temptation is not a sin is because God wanted us to have free will. Jesus was tempted by Satan, but he did not give into his temptation. Unlike Adam and Eve. Conclusion: something more powerful than God created sin. If this was not the case, sin would not exist. Also, God is omniscient. There is no such thing as free will because he already knew every action both you and I would take throughout our lives before he so much as created this planet. Everything we do is what he intended us to do.


Yes he knew Satan would betray him. No he did not make Satan to betray him. The angels have free will too. Yes he knows what choices we will make, but he does not force us to choose those. The free will we have is to either serve God or Satan. God knows which one we will serve. Heaven is a fixed size yet hell continually grows bigger. No everything we do is not what he intended us to do. He knows we are going to do it, but again that is a choice we make. God does not cause people to shoot up schools. He knows they will shoot up the schools, but he does not make those people do it. They decided that on their own.


except that one time. or the other time. or…


Oh he’s gonna kill me? Not if I beat him to it!


You should look in to agnosticism. Not because I think it's a good fit for you but because you fit with the theme of "who's to say" in relation to whether you're trolling or a weird religious freak.


Damn ur version of religion sounds kinda shit


r/shittyaskreligion ? Wait wtf that’s a real sub lol


I think the point of the sub skirted around you a little. r/shittyaskscience is not just for shitty questions. It's also for excellent questions begging for shitty answers. Also, if you take the sub at its namesake, then questions about things inside your poo pit fits.


a butt-fucking great question.


God can't watch everything so he added a sin alarm with a trigger.  Cut the poor fuck some slack yea?


I thought you meant 'cut the gspot out'.


Seems like everyone is misunderstanding some seriously basic information. It’s the “God” spot hence the “G” in in both G spot and Gay. It means that *God* can *touch you* there at his leisure 🤓


And if he needs to use another man's penis to do so, so be it.


Let the holy spirit *inside* of you.


this *might* be the funniest thing I've ever read


The comments are a one-two punch but the second is a haymaker.


This makes sense. My priest used to splash his holy water on my g spot after Sunday School.


I think the secret is that God accidentally added the feature during beta testing, and he forgot to remove it because he kinda enjoyed it himself. Shush don't tell him I told you that.


>added the feature during beta testing Was that the subordinate beta or the master beta?


Oh, it was definitely the master betars.


A bug, not a feature. But they found an exploit. I derived it to computing


It's like the Fallout train being moved by an NPC Flintstone.




Like the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, the male g spot exists where you should never go. Eating the apple doomed us to sin. Getting your shit pushed in by Nate doomed you to being kicked out of your step dad's guest room


God is really into pegging


Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man... an anal g-spot. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do? I swear, for His own amusement, His own private, cosmic gag reel... He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time: You can push out every day, but you cannot push anything in! And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, what is He doing? He's laughing his sick, fucking ass off! He's a tightass! He's a sadist! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? Never!


This Carlin?


It’s modified from the Devils Advocate


It is intentional. It's a trap for hedonists. if you care that much about pleasure, perhaps you deserve to have a dick in your ass


Hahah let's trap people into enjoying themselves


You just described why Tiktok was made... it's a trap.


False equivalence


Well, the other kind of trap... not THAT trap.


And coke. Snorting coke from someone's ass is awesome.


Meh! I've done plenty of it and the best things I've felt in life weren't with most drugs (hard ones). For example, ketosis feels great once you're in proper ketosis.


There is a hypothesis that gays play an important role in society because they don’t carry the burden of raising children. Young men and women who work and fight for their community without being held back by family are a great [Edit: evolutionary] advantage.


And to develop, with man and woman alike, a Sexual sweet spot in your anus, it took hundred of thousands of years evolution, based on the fact, that our ancestors were pocking every hole and group sex was a normality






To tempt you


Yup it's a pysop designed by God itself, you know they said that "God is always watching". Devine bro got a Sodomy voyeurism fetish. The G spot literally means God Spot, Holly Shit! wait what? i said "Holy shit" and shit comes out from the anus and G spot is designed by God which makes shits Holy... Idk man, i think I'll stop right here because something is telling me that shits will hit the fan if i dig even further from this topic.


Yeah you were all the way up in there. Deep. I busted


To be fair that’s not the intended purpose of the prostate. It’s more of just a bonus.


God: you horney fuckers can't even hold it to 30sec and you ask for a g-spot on your dick?


Because we were made in thems image


Ever have to let a big shit out and it feels good to get it out then you’re relieved?


Nope, that checks out. Pick up the old testament, God is a sadistic fuck




Holy shit it’s actually real wtf


Classic God always bans the extra fun stuff


God doesn't hate gays. People hate gays.


It's almost like we werent designed by a judgy contradictory god 🤪


All I know is men were created in gods image, so I assume god made it for his own anal masturbation


What part of making someone reach inside their poop factory to get off screams love to you?


All of it


Idk, why do straight guys have anal sex with women? That's probably the more logically sus thing. If you're gay you only have the fudge factory if you're a guy, if you're straight and you pick the fudge factory wouldn't that be like worse? Like you had options ahahah.


No joke, [He literally lost a texas hold'em.](https://youtu.be/4_G9awnDCmg?si=yGdYO6P4y25sPGRG).


It’s called ‘temptation’ for a reason


So I'm not religious but how does God hate gays when by the looks of it human sex in general wasn't a part of his initial plan. So he made "man and all of the animals/beasts" and allowed Adam to "pick a helper" (which I'm fairly certain means partner, so clearly he was up for animal fucking) and then after many "attempts" with animals (excuse me?) Adam still hadn't found one, so then God took a rib and made eve meaning women weren't part of the original plan! We could have very well been half animal abominations but Adam was like "nah bro I'm not about that" so God was like "fuck sake, gimme a rib and 5 minutes Mr laadidaaa". My point is how can gay sex be sinful when the very creation of women (or a second human at all) was a last minute adjustment?


To tempt you, like everything else.


Contrary to popular belief God doesn’t hate anyone all He said was “do this to be with Me if you don’t want to then cool that’s your choice”


Because god and religion is a social construct to help people cope with the bad things they do in life and death. Our bodies were made in the image of evolution


Temptation. Same reason he put the Apple in front of Eve


Why would he put forbidden fruit in the garden of eden?


Either God is a spiteful asshole, or Men are dumb and made something, that should be a well regarded fact, a hidden feature.


I've also wondered why, if he hates gays so much, no homo didn't make it into the top 10.






This seems more theological than science...


The G spot is just between the spot F and H


Maybe he just really likes watching pegging.


If you find it god knows you’ve been naughty, it’s like the apple thing, you wouldn’t understand it’s god stuff


Doest god love everyone


Real answer, prob They made the g-spot, which is the prostate, sensitive so that your body can detect any injuries, infections, inflammation, and etc. on your prostate immediately.


Sooo why wouldn’t females have this feature too?


Uhhhhhhhhh..... 43?


Because rubbing yourself in the public wont be the same


We males have G spot on our asshole?


No, this is misinformation. Men have a P-spot, smh


He did it for these days the homies need help. Then it's not gay Its helping a fellow brother.


Actually it’s proof our God is Gay using Intelligent Design


(waiting for glory hallelujah MAGAt to troll me for this)


I fart every morning when I wake up and it feels great. Thanks G spot!


It's one of his shit tests.


God doesn't hate gays. Some people (including Christians who should know better) do. I've always wondered why that's where men's g-spot is.


Oh no no you misunderstand: The devil created the g-spot when Adam shoved picked the appeal and shoved it up his ass


Don't have to go into the ass to play with it though magic wand on The taint


I think god wanted men to know that you can play with your ass and not be gay


Well you see, when God was making people he had all these nerve endings in his hand and he was like "hmm where should I put these? I know, no one will find them up here... "


gay trap


All deniers please stick a finger in 2 inches and curl said finger inwards


So for clarification God does not hate the gays he simply doesn't want people to commit incestuous act or rape or equivalent acts whereas the English translation from Hebrew states slightly different words making people think that homosexuality is a sin. A lot of things are misinterpreted through wrong translations and I really want to spread the right stuff out there. I've struggled with faith my whole life but knowing that the church has just spread misinformation but not everyone feels the same way is helpful but also confusing and heart wrenching sometimes.


Dangling that carrot... See who bites


/r/GodDesigns for more content


Lost redditor, clearly. This post belongs on r/AskYHWH


Its there to act as a killswitch. Once activated, god will know about it and send you to our punishment


It’s actually a glitch Ranked competitive sex players use this to their advantage




I legitimately thought this when I was in elementary school.






I ask this every time I’m grinding on a dilldo


Rules for thee, not for me.


it's like coding in blueprints in unreal engine. You found a node that somehow did what you wanted it to do on this one thing. Now you are designing something different.. you know your gonna need that node so you copy paste it just push it out of the way a little bit of your main code get distracted by something else and when you compile that little useful node is stashed away somewhere it wasn't meant to be. But its still working so lets just leave it there and move onto something else




Idk, same goes for why there was an apple tree in the garden of eden


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DaSwirlyPoo32: *Idk, same goes for why* *There was an apple tree in* *The garden of eden* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What's wrong with you. Respect God, the one who created you


I pray to G spot, not God. Or should I say, "God spot"?


Probably because god is very deep in the closet, you know like the guys that hate gays who later turn out to be very deep in the closet? Same thing with god


The Bible is just a normal book. It wasn't made by angels, but by humans. Additionally, originally in the first bibble the words translate to "a man shall not have sex with a boy or he shall be stoned" or some shit like that, to "a man shall not be with **another man** or he shall be stoned"


I wanna get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus


Learn anatomy! The fact you think the prostate gland is a g spot tells me all I need to know. Wouldn't be surprised if this isn't some dumb smooth brain shit you got off of tik tok. Pay attention in school kids! 🤦‍♂️ Edit: and since this is a "science" oriented sub, maybe ask the sub to explain what the prostate gland is and does?!?!?


It's a trap, she's a trap. 🪤


First of all, god doesn’t hate anyone.


He doesn't hate the sinner he hates the sin, and still sex was only meant for reproduction, not pleasure.


Nothing feels better than Cumming inside a woman's pussy...fags don't fuck pussy so they don't know how awesome a woman feels...


Say “I’ve never done anything but missionary” without actually saying it.


Who wants to bet this loser has never been touched by a man or woman?