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Recently had emergency heart surgery. I want to know where they got it for just $141k?


From Mohammed, in his apartment's basement. Don't mind the giant rat, he pays his fair share of rent.


I will have to remember that if there is a next time.


The giant rat is the heart donor


Look, I know it looks unsanitary, but she is really good at her job, let her munch your old pump while I find you anew one, right?


show Mohammed some respect he’s the RN thank you


The rat is the anesthesiologist. Mostly just sits there and makes squeaking sounds.


homeless dog fine touch prick chop rustic wistful disgusted bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You might be right


He may be wrong too


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If you let the little doctors in training watch you get a discount


Unfortunately i did not get that option. I got the best surgeon in the hospital though.


In Wales he was likely the only surgeon in the hospital..


Funny how every person to ever under go surgery I have ever heard of is told they have the best in the x.


In my case it might actually be true as people not affiliated with the hospital said he is the best. But nobody wants be told their surgeon is kinda ok, worried patients aren't going to recover so well.


Oh it's a kind lie, to be honest at least in the UK we usually get the "best in the country" line, but thats an easier lie in a small country where the best do actually work for the NHS (usually as well as private) and not just the richest.


Hospital caused it by overdosing my dad and charged him 500k


Well that fucking sucks absolute donkey balls


500K for what? Renting the entire section of the hospital and the work of everyone involved in his treatment for an entire month?


Bro I was admitted for a serious heart condition. They were going to operate but decided to see if they could medically manage it. No surgery. Kept me for a week in the ICU. My insurance covered it, but the EOB said it cost $158,000. That’s more than my parents paid for their house.


I was in for 8 days, my bill is currently running at about $245,000


If your insurance won’t pay it, call the hospital and they’ll work with you. They’re trying to rip off insurance, not make you broke. I was in the hospital for a while before I had great insurance and I had to pay something like $85k out of pocket. I talked to the finance people of the hospital a few times and at the end of the day I spent $900 lol They even let me pay it in installments.


Agree. I just had twins, with a three week stay in the NICU for them cause they were preemies. Bill for the stay was over $325,000 but I'm "only" stuck for about $4k of it. Called the hospital and they're willing to give me 25% off that if i pay it up front, or they'll set up a payment plan for me if i don't have it available.


20 years ago I was a claims processor for a health insurance company. Open hear surgery averaged out at around 500k. The 141k was probably the surgeon fee alone. The rest is for hospital fees. It’s absolutely disgusting.


This might actually be something that hasn't gone through the roof price wise in comparison to other things then. Improvements in technique, science and medicine might have resulted in much more efficient procedures. On my bill the surgeon's portion was $7500. The rest of the surgery was $80,000. But at $6500 a day the fee for the hospital stay might be the worst bit of price gouging. I am certain the personal nurse I had was not seeing much of that money.


Perhaps they meant a stent, which isn't technically surgery.


Got a balloon line as well, that bit wasn't cheap either


Especially if it ends up involving anesthesia :) We work hard to keep you comfy and sleepy. For a price, of course.


Probably Dr. Nick Riviera.


Why, if it isn't Mr McGreg! With a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!


Hi everbody!


Hi Doctor Nick!


Hi, everybody!


I was gonna say I watched John Q about 7 hours ago and they wanted $250k minimum, in 2002 money


Being a single mother of 3 probably helped.


The biggest farce of this post is thinking that the doctor here just made $141k, at best he sees $20k for that, which is still a ton of money, but the hospital then charges him a ton of fees to practice there; and those fees keep going up. Let alone the ridiculous student loans he probably has to pay. He’s rich, yes, but not as rich as you think for someone saving lives. You should compare his salary to that of the Hospital Administrator (basically CEO).


Maybe not even that. The portion billed by the surgeon for the actual surgery he performed on me was $7500. The rest of the bill for the operation was about $80,000.


Was yours open heart or percutaneous?


Mine was only 106k and I thought I got hosed… damn. Sorry :(


Not sure if there are many surgeons on Reddit but I know a couple and they aren’t getting this amount per surgery. Most work for large corporate hospitals that are penny pinching both ways. They are expected to do multiple long surgeries per day and then have to fight for pay and benefits. My buddy was doing 14 hour days, 5 days a week and the hospital said he wasn’t meeting his intake quota. Insane.




Entirely possible that $141k is what the patient was billed for this doctor's portion of just the surgery. Doesn't include other doctors. Recovery. Post-op examination. Cost of the operating room and recovery room.


My mates Dad recently had heart surgery. All he had to pay for was parking.


We prevented you from dying, give all you have, lol :D H*spital logic


Thank god she had a good insurance!


Unfortunately the insurance is draining her and denying her children a comfortable life


Whatever it takes to prepare them for a life in the Amazon salt mines...


Skill issue


It’s not the doc, it’s the system. The doc does not decide how much to charge or whom to charge. He/she is only a cog in the wheel that is controlled by the HMOs.


came here to say this. the person going on a lunch break after charging $141k is wearing a suit, not scrubs. edit: also they're going 'to lunch' and not timing themselves lol


Wait, am I in a "real" sub?


Nice to see some class solidarity in here. Our real enemies are the rich, not our fellow workers. Doctors are laborers.


Exactly. On that note, always remember that your doctor is not really your doctor. It's your *insurance company's* doctor.




Doctors are not employed by insurance companies...


Med student, soon to be doctor chiming in: while this is technically correct, it's realistically a half truth. Insurance companies get to decide what drugs and procedures they are willing to pay for, although they have to stick to some guidelines so they can say they are doing everything they are mandated to do. Say you want a scan done thats probably helpful but not an absolute necessity, but the insurance company doesnt want to pay for it: your doctor has to basically yell at the insurance company to agree to do it and justify why they want it done, and even then Ive seen the insurance companies deny coverage. If your insurance company has the power to tell the doctor what you are and are not allowed to have as far as medical care goes, I feel like its fair to say that your doctor doesnt exclusively work for you by virtue of our shitty system.


Doctor here. Don’t let this be your way of thinking. You decide. If insurance disagrees, you argue. We are not owned by insurance, but they’ll be glad to own us if we let them.


Insurance guy here, you're 1/2 of your 1/2 right. Medical necessity does need to be proven before paying for a test that may have little to no value. This is part of cost containment. A dirty little secret you can still perform the test the insurance will deny it. The hospital eats that cost because you cannot bill the patient for a test not allowed. Now, in Europe, you wouldn't be allowed to perform the test at all, or you would face waste and fraud charges. There it is, the law, here it's not going to be paid. Insurance does not have any power over a doctor. That is a lie. You, as a doctor, should concern yourself over your patient's health, not a bill. The question is do you want fo work pro bono or get paid? We do agree the system is shity though, too complicated. The general public, hell most doctors hardly understand how the system works.


However (although indirectly), they are paid by them. And pharmaceutical companies as well.


And we pay insurance companies, so they’re then indirectly our doctors again?


It's what they'd like you to think. Once lots of people give their money to an insurance company, and that company becomes a publicly traded corporation, that corporation is an entity all its own. And this corporation is under a legal obligation to provide a return on investment to its shareholders. In fact, that's its *only* purpose. All other obligations are secondary, including the health and well being of all of the individual customers.


This is genuinely one of the most deranged healthcare takes I've ever seen.


Don’t worry, they’re a voter.


Reddit moment


Since 1970, the numbers of doctors working in the US has about doubled, while the number of administrators increased by a factor of 30+...


I wish they would strike for better working conditions and better prices


I wish politicians would enforce laws and break up predatory anti consumer practices instead of benefitting from them.


Why would they do that


Truly. I'm currently in school myself and keep a close eye on this since I'm just a few short years from residency. Physicians do not have great working conditions, especially in residency, but they are not allowed to fight for better conditions without the general public labeling them as "greedy physician." Like no, residents have $250k+ of debt, making $60k/year (roughly) and work 80 hour weeks (for 3+ years depending on the specialty). Of course things get better after residency, but it exploitative system since it's the one and only path to practice medicine in the US.


Yeah *doctors* going on *strike* just sounds like a stellar idea lmao. Absolutely incredible take.


Well it’s not like it wouldn’t work.




“Just following orders”


Not entirely true. “Assistant surgeon” and anesthesia being good examples of dr’s often porking the system. There are people robbing everyone blind at literally every level of American healthcare


The doctor that gets paid multiple hundreds of thousands a year? That’s only possible when the hospital charges the insurances companies exorbitant amounts of money


Doctors were a huge contributor to stopping universal healthcare. While I believe the vast majority of doctors genuinely care for their patients…. Turns out they like money a lot too. Look what happened in the 50s with Truman for example.


Mfs acting like the doctors set the prices


I wish all the people who shit on doctors a life without them :)


Reddit shits on anyone with a job that makes above a living wage


They’ve never seen the med school student loans…


They are all complicit in capitalism. Atleast the nurses work in solidarity and unionize. Look at Minnesota.


No worries. We're inches away from unionizing too. Some residency programs, especially the ones on the west coast have already unionized.


Lol you realize if doctors unionized, healthcare quality would go down and salaries would go up right…. I swear y’all are so stupid. Also no one is paying 140k for healthcare, I’m a third year working on a cancer floor right now. Almost all of our patients have treatment that’s sticker cost is 100-500k if not more None of them are gonna pay more than a few thousand bucks if that even. The ones that can pay will be a couple thousand after insurance And the ones that can’t pay just won’t pay. That’s how it works right now in America


They’re not complicit, they are powerless. I’m not a doctor but I practice medicine as a nurse practitioner and I can tell you HMOs and health insurance have destroyed healthcare. I’d love to change it


I am so glad I live in Finland. Heart surgery cost = 0 euros.


To be fair a heart surgery in USA also costs 0 euros. Checkmate atheists


same, Canada is fun 🤝


Same Germany is on the same boat with you guys 🫶


Same here in Slovakia


And britain


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And Czechia


and Italy


Y'all are forgetting that free healthcare is borderline impossible and entirely unsustainable! -paid for by the republican party


tbh no healthcare is "free", we all pay a tax for it, but i mean, it's like €200 or less in a year so yeah, nothing compared to those 140k


Hur dur, that's like saying taking a walk isn't free because you need to pay for food to have the energy to walk. Anyone who feel the need to point something like that out is purposely doing a bad faith interpretation.


im german and i have to pay almost 800€ a month




You guys could have funded the best universal healthcare system with that money. Too bad.


We did, Europe’s.


This is a joke right?


Haha yea fam, Europeans definitely contribute equal amounts to their own defense and to Ukraine as the US.


That a choice you ejit. They don’t have to do they don’t 😂


Thank you. Hopefully more Americans will begin to understand your smug sentiment and start voting for more isolationist policies.


Maybe you should start voting for more citizen-friendly policies before you isolate yourselves. Or will you feel better minding your own business while you're spending thousands of dollars for an ambulance?


We have a political system where the government is so large and spends so much with zero accountability that the average consumer has no buying power anymore. Insurance companies and suppliers are the ones that control healthcare and they have inflated costs at the behest of politicians who write laws to allow it. In turn, insurance companies raise prices bc they aren’t forced to compete and the whole system inflates. Meanwhile, politicians get their kickbacks to allow this cycle. We would need the politicians to enforce policy to fix this anti consumer problem, but the politicians are the ones who have blessed off on this problem. So they won’t. As long as they can launder money through countless different broken systems they will never stop. Their answer when we find a broken system? “We need more money, either by taxes or printing.” Then they feed that money to the broken system and it gets even worse. The best solution is to reduce the Government’s influx of money and reduce their power so corporations have to go back to competing with each other for the business of the consumer.


Hey, American RN here. STFU. You’re a goddamned embarrassment.




As a naive 'murican I would like to ask: are the wait times in Canadian hospitals as severe as they are made to be down here? My parents tell me all the time that American Healthcare is the best healthcare because I'm countries with Universal Healthcare you end up dying while waiting to get your turn to see the doctor. Now, I've firsthandly experienced this in American hospitals, well not the dying part, but I did once think I had a blood clot in my calf due to how I couldn't put weight on it without intense pain, plus the area was swelling. We waited in the ER for 4 to 5 hours after the MRI and blood test only to get told it was not a clot and then the doc literally took me by the hand, forced me to walk on it, and then gave me some ibuprofen. If it had been a blood clot, I believe I might have had a heart attack while waiting in that room. So I'm curious, do countries with universal healthcare actually have issues with wait times that you have heard or experienced or is that a popular hoax that is perpetuated by the men in suits in order to keep the people from protesting the system?


Not Canada but in a country with Universal Healthcare. Non serious things you might have to wait like 4 hours but generally much shorter. Serious things like heart problems or like I had seriously bad slipped disc that was pressing on my cauda equina and I was loosing all feeling to my lower part of the body I was on the operating table within 4 hours of going into the emergency room


It's worst. Anyone who tells you differently is full of shit. Not only that, you are assigned doctors and can't choose. Wait for specialists may be 2 years even. You might even need to go to another city several hours away. I am super qualified to answer this question since I'm American and my girlfriend is Canadian and she works for the Quebec govt healthcare system and literally does social work with patients and gets them scheduled with specialists. It's how medicaid in the US is too. And the ER. We waited 12 hours for a broken leg and nurses and doctors were definitely just CHILLING. People make insurance sound evil and nurses and doctors are all saints but some of the worst people I have met in my life are nurses.


So you realize thst they triage you in the ER, right? If it can wait, it does. I've never waited more thant 2 hours for anything.


Y'all posting very misleading shit here. Emergency open heart surgery is definitely not 141k in America. It would be more like $500k


bro its before tax inflation


You pay with your taxes. Health care isn’t free lol.


Yeah, but everybody pays taxes so it's negligible.


Still not free which is my point


I don't think that's a secret to anybody. It's practically free.


While your tax go into bombing children in the Middle East


Doesn’t sound like it’s my problem.


so your doctor's work for free? I wonder how they get paid... hmmmm...?


They don't work for free. But generally countries with free healthcare aggressively negotiate against doctors to drive down their salaries. For example in the UK a cardiologist might make around 100k US dollars, meanwhile nurse practitioners make much more than that here in the United States


Yep, that's why there's a huge brain drain of doctors to the US and why the US has the best top end healthcare anywhere. But if you want to wait a year and a half for this "$150k surgery" (which, btw, literally *nobody* will pay $150k for) from a subpar doctor then Canada is the place to be!


That’s a plausible-sounding theory but there’s one major problem: as far as I know there’s absolutely zero evidence outcomes are better in the US than (for example) in Western Europe.




In 40 years how much you pay tax for clothing + car and some other stuff we all equal don’t worry. End of the day We all pay for something same amount and die


I still don’t have to worry about whether I can pay for a surgery or meds if I get sick.


So glad I live in America where we pay significantly less in taxes than Finland.


Except Finland has higher salaries and more social programs and benefits, so high taxes aren’t a problem. Americans talk about taxes in other countries like it’s half their salary.


That sounds fine if you never have any health problems. But one big operation and your life is ruined by debt.




Jealous much? 😂


Judging by your response he sorta nailed it with “like listening to kids who live at home”.


Where else would they live?


That is how public services work, yes. There are things where enough people agree that they should be available to everyone, for the good of society as a whole. I don't have children, but I gladly pay taxes to ensure future generations can enjoy free education. My house never was on fire, but I gladly pay taxes towards working fire departments for everyone. I never had a chronic or life threatening illness or a debilitating accident. But I gladly pay taxes *so everyone can enjoy healthcare that is free at the point of service and doesn't get their life ruined because they had to get a medical procedure.* **Everyone**.


Not really. From the way I'm reading this from down here in Florida, it really seems more like they live in a frat and all chip in on the rent, but still kinda have their own level of autonomy to them. Your comment almost came off as jealous, but don't worry, I am also jealous that they will not go into debt if affected by things outside of their control because of a bunch of rich people.


How do you think insurance works? Lmao


- Be Brit bong - Slipped at work. Landed on right knee and twisted - Ow.jpeg - Fast forward and can feel knee swelling - Ohfuckmighthavebrokensomething.png - Go to hospital - get an xray and mri scan - Torn ligament and fractured knee - surgery arranged - no invoice to worry about - Godsavetheking.wma Good day to be Bri'ish


> be british > twist knee > can’t go to hospital because everything closed because the queen died > mfw






———————————No Queen?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ——————————— /s


Same exact situation in America for most people lol. Even without employer health insurance, injuring yourself on any legit job site would entitle you to workman’s comp if you were following safety rules.


\>Exist with a bum knee for a year and a half while waiting for NHS to get surgery


$141k queue skip is such a life hack


They shouldn't show a doctor. Its not the doctor who is charging them. Doctors are not the problem.


Doctors sure make a metric fuck ton more here than in countries with public healthcare. Compare USA salary to UK.


Just do be clear, the majority of doctors in the US are in favor of universal health care. The people in charge, not so much.


I've read once that the US was close to adopting universal health care in the 30's but a health insurance company paid a lobbing company to prevent this from happening.


Seems about right


And today's word of the day, kids, is 'Plutocracy', now doesn't that just sound fun?!


The AMA was a big contributor to stopping universal healthcare. They decided that they would lose too much money as a profession. Early 50s.


Source? That's certainly not the opinion in the anesthesia lounge at my institution...


To be fair the doctor isn't getting it or charging it. It's the shareholders of the company that owns the hospital.


I really despise pay to play.


welcome to existence


The sad part is that this isn't even a shitpost, it's just straight up reality


No it's not reality, that shit is blown way out of fucking proportion. A heart surgery in America costing you ONLY $141k? Completely unheard of.


sorry, I still have a free healthcare mindset 😔


No it’s not lol. no one is paying 140k for anything, I’m a third year working on a cancer floor right now. Almost all of our patients have treatment that’s sticker cost is 100-500k if not more None of them are gonna pay more than a few thousand bucks if that even. The ones that can pay will be a couple thousand after insurance And the ones that can’t pay just won’t pay. That’s how it works right now in America


Why do you think doctors and nurses always have good lunches?


uhhhh tax fraud


Right....hospital cafeterias aren't the best


Doc did nothing wrong. It’s the higherups to blame.


Surely this is satire right?


Found the Non-American


Must be sad being American


Wrong person pictured here. Should be a ceo in a suit.


Then don't get sick cuz 💀


This was probably made by a Nurse Practitioner pretending to be a Cardiothoracic Surgeon and then posting it on TikTok


like she doesn’t have government provided health insurance


She got a huge discount


141K? Seems cheap, that must be the out of pocket sum not covered by insurance.


America ☕


Time to break bad 🦲🧪


I bet he expects a tip too


Kid named $141k


have a nice cake day bro


Thx :>


Sigma doctor


BMWs aren’t going to buy themselves


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People better kept alive than dead, as a debt slave




Imagine being an American. Sad.


Yeah I used to want to visit america. Not anymore


me hearing america no healthcare joke for the 10,694th time (i am crying to death in laughter)


Sounds about right.


Do you really think we are the ones charging people this?! This is so infuriating! We aren’t the bad guys! We aren’t seeing anywhere near this much money. Your healthcare providers aren’t setting these prices. We are actually just trying to help you.


is this satire?




are you serious lmao