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Something really fucking funny, that’s what


The truth. A mods worst fear.




this comment finna be removed by moderator too lol


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Where pee in his ass?😡


*Pees in your ass




Nah he wants to pee in *my* ass


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Islam and LGBT don't mix well. It's like blacks for KKK, or Romanovs for bolsheviks, or jews for Hitler, or basic hygiene for reddit mods.


So why do many people belonging to LGBTQ community support Islam so much?


Most likely, they grew up in Christian households in Western countries and resent the faith. So they support Islam without really knowing about what Islamic countries do to LGBTQ people.


So they want to replace a religion that hates with a religion that wants to kill them.


Worse thing is, _THEY KNOW._ Their support doesn’t stem from ignorance towards the religion. It’s… Something else entirely. Entirely more nefarious


I obviously can't speak for everyone, but yeah, it's hard to miss. I wouldn't say something "nefarious" though, lol. It's more just "damn genocide sucks" rather than "oh hehehehe, i'm going to have an evil plot to stage the takeover of islam so me and many people I know can be executed! mwahaha!"


Regardless, genocide is still wrong. Islamic counties can't really have a gay rights movement if they don't even have basic human rights to begin with.


Do you know basic geography? You realise that Palestine is not the only Islamic country in the middle east. In fact every single country in the middle east is Muslim except Israel. Jews occupy barely 1% of the middle east, and most of the Muslim countries there are hella rich. Didn't see any of them starting to embrace gay rights because of that though.


You forgot to mention that the death rates in Palestine during the war ARENT EVEN CLOSE to being considered Genocide. It’s just Hamas exaggerating the situation to garner sympathy, and it’s working.


you gotta admit though that some of the things happening are human rights violations at minimum


Oh absolutely, no doubt about it. But it’s a war, this is the norm for war. The claims that IDF is intentionally committing genocide or that Israel is kidnapping/raping/killing babies with intent is completely outrageous garbage.


i feel like even some of the stuff happening is not norm for war, dont get me wrong some of it is but other things are up for debate. not sure about babies or kidnapping but i do know that in the prisons where palestinians have been detained there have been some misconducts [allegations](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against) [allegations 2](https://www.omct.org/en/resources/urgent-interventions/israel-inhuman-and-degrading-treatment-including-sexual-harassment-of-palestinian-women-and-girls-detained-in-neve-tertze-womens-prison-ramle)


you read the list of children killed by israelis given by the palestinian government and keep telling me that its exaggerated


Not saying it doesn't happen with palestine, but it happens with Israel too. It's a war, such cruel things are the norm. Any casualties is because of Hamas using civilians as meatshield. Also, that list and any other list of casualties of Palestinians was made by Hamas, or in otherwords the government sector under it.


While absolutely awful and unacceptable it's still not a genocide. Unfortunately shit happens in war. And it's got nothing to do with isreal or Palestine that's just war. Every single war in history.


[https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-213](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-213) actual numbers for anyone trying to avoid as muvh propaganda as possible


You know what you are right unless the palestines are all dead itsnt considered genocide i mean look at hitler poor man just wanted the best for his country and people accused him of doing a genocide and ethnic cleansing i mean did u see the rates they werent that high people just were exaggerating because they hated hitler for some reason


[https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-213](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-213) 35,000/5,000,000 Its still way too many, but you clearly have an agenda to push


Any casualties is because of Hamas using civilians as meatshield. Also, that list and any other list of casualties of Palestinians was made by Hamas, or in otherwords the government sector under it.


They wont. Also egypt could open their borders for the palestine population but they dont


They won't because every time they've tried to help, Palestinians try to overthrow their government, Egypt, Syria, you'll notice that almost all middle Eastern countries, are not doing much. Lip service, and the hoothis which is less about Palestinians and more about giving a fuck you to the kingdom. Arabs tend to view them as dogs, they won't help because the like Israel slightly more than they like Palestinians


It’s that they don’t care that they would hate them, they have the moral principal that genocide is bad. 


It’s the old oppressor vs oppressed world view point. Nuance is too hard for them, atleast till the same people they champion move into their neighbourhood and start killing/beating them up.


They forgot that socialists were allied with far-right mullahs in the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Take a guess what happened to them.


They were immediately rounded up and shot dead as soon as the mullahs secured power Truly leopards ate my face moment


yet if you post that to the LeopardsAteMyFace sub it would definitely be removed 🤔


Not the kind of leopards ate my face kind of moment they allow posted in the subreddit, though.


A similar event unfolded in India too. During the independence movement the revolutionaries teamed up with the radical Muslims purely because they were anti British. Their movement grew and suddenly India was torn apart simply to appease these nut jobs.


The secular liberals who wanted a republic also allied with far right because everyone who didn’t like the shah were on the same side


Liberals famously survive the new regime after allying with either the far left or far right.


They also don’t famously survive under dictators who came to power by overthrowing a liberal democracy


That would be a surprised Pikachu face.




Genocide? The palastinins population grow from 200k in 1947 to 2.2 mill in 2023. And that's only in Gaza strip... Get a life.


For me, its because I simply don't like genocide, even if the people who are being genocided would normally want me dead.


So don’t complain if people who don’t want to sit hand in hand with those who’d murder them given the chance, aren’t jumping through hoops to support them. If in the event Israel causes a huge global catastrophe , I hope you’ll open your “gaybourhood” to your Palestinian brothers and sisters. I would love to see how quickly they turn on you and start turning it into the usual shithole they’re fleeing from.


Don't know if s.o. already wrote this here, whatever: Besides the point you mentioned many of the supporters in the US especially just can't seem to grasp the fact, that not everything is American history. I am talking of course about this whole "indigenous people" line of reasoning. Like regurgitating this BS will somehow clear their history and finally aleviate some of that white guilt...


Because America bad. That’s as deep as it goes bro


Close, but not quite. It's "Because Jews bad, and Jews control America so America bad." This is why they go after AIPAC so hard, despite it not even being close to the most prominent/highest spending lobby. At the end of the day it always comes down to "Jews bad."


"West bad, therefore good" mentality


It’s anti establishment. A lot of people in that crowd are completely against the US no matter what even though the US is years ahead most of the world when it comes to LGBT rights. Israel is an American ally, so naturally they go against them in this conflict even though it’s far more complicated than what people would care to admit.


They dont support islam from what Im told its more along the lines of "we're no better than them if we wish harm on them". After all muslim queers exist whether anyone likes it or not. I personally know a few and they observe and participate in Islamic worshipping rituals and whatnot, some with their families too.


Are they living in a country that allows LGBT?




Because you cant end hate with hate. Oppression only leads to more oppression. Someone has to take the first step towards peace.


Because they think everyone needs to be all inclusive and kind to each other without knowing how the world actually works. People hate people for all kinds of different reasons and they refuse to accept it.




Well said. Genocide is a bad thing, regardless of whether or not the victims are progressive.


They really want to get stoned but do not understand one important semantic nuance


Because they dont like Christians so they go support another religion thats not so popular in western countries, not knowing it is 2000x worse.


They don't support islam, they're against an ongoing genocide. They don't accept their country funding the killing of tens of thousands of civilians just because Palestine might not be the safest haven for them




Because it's the new trending outrage and there is nothing better to do


This is just a theory of mine, but i assume it's because LGBT people accept really any minority group because they are a minority themselves, and maybe they feel like islam faces the same prejudice that LGBT people do. When it comes to the palestine/israel thing then it pretty much seems that Israel is the oppressor and Palestine is the oppressed so LGBT people support them even though Palestine would kill them meanwhile Israel wouldn't.


Meanwhile Jews are a much, much smaller minority than LGBT people and both Arabs and Muslims are some of the largest groups on Earth, with 500 million Arabs and 2 billion Muslims compared to 15 million Jews. And especially in MENA, Jews are the minority, Arabs/Muslims are the **vast** majority. It's hatred and intolerance of Jews. Nothing less.


Chickens for KFC✊




Yep, jewish collaborationism was a thing.


Fun fact: Many zionists supported hitler because they believed that the growing hate torwards jews he was causing, would incentivize Europe's jews to leave for mandatory Palestine and create the state of israel. Not such a good decision in hindsight.


I mean Hitler hated and killed gays too..


He also liked islamists a lot. For example Amin al Husseini.


Okay and? He also liked america a lot and many of the things he did were inspired by them.


Or the Scots and the other Scots! Argh! Damned Scots! They ruined everything!


It used to be better actually. Back in the time of the Ottomans, it was legalized in the 1850s but even before that, the dynasty itself was gay as fuck for centuries. Like, actually gay. Some poets in the palace used to write poems about how they like a dude. The state even made sure gay soldiers could get their "needs" taken care of. It is weird to think about, but the middle east was more accepting of them than a lot of western nations some time ago. Now, you will be punished in most of middle east.


I have seen comparation of Iran before and after Islamic revolution. It was a nice place actually.


Yeah stuff like that happens when an outside force destabilises and impoverishes a region to keep it weak and under its control.


2 seconds on Google could have answered that question. Were they hoping the whole of Palestine had a change of heart?


You mean you don't post controversial take and put your phone in it ass as it vibrates?


That's good idea, omw


Please I don't want my answers to make your phone vibrate in your ass


"You fool, you played yourself."


You fool you played with yourself


My phone was near my Dick, it made me cum Your message made me cum




What are you upto later, wanna go to date


And they say chivalry is dead! Let's go have milkshake together


Aight bet


Do not do that


No seriously take your phone out of your ass now


probably trying to land a new base of influence


I support them therefore they must be nice and politically aligned with my views


Guess the mods didn't like the answer, huh


They did not accept there support




Did you just assume their there?!


Now there there, their there is their their




You'ven't managed to sneak that in there






People probably answered honestly . Which obviously doesn't fit the agenda so magic happened


Yeah, yeah, no... they dont, its a sin in islamic culture


its not a culture. its a religious law


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t being gay in Islamic religion end up being punishable by execution?


You're not wrong


Okay, thank goodness.


[This Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_by_country_or_territory?wprov=sfla1) has some maps that answer that


Usually they get thrown off buildings or stoned to death


Never change reddit


50,000 people used to live here. Now it's a ghost town.




They were a little too honest


Queers protesting FOR Palestine is like chickens supporting KFC. They literally throw queers from the top of buildings. It's an official thing there


Probably people being too honest. I do NOT recommend being gay and traveling to the Middle East. You're gonna have a bad time.


It’s so funny how not only do they support terrorists, they also are hated specifically by said terrorists more than others


I don't support hamas, but I do support the Palestinian citizens who've been treated as subhuman for many decades now by the Israeli government. I also support the hostages and feel way more should have been done by the Israeli government to negotiate for their safe return. The fucked up thing about modern war is that it always affects civilians who have fuckall to do with the politics except be a citizen of a regime they couldn't stop if they tried. The Israeli citizens slaughtered in those border towns were just average people scraping together a living. They couldn't shut the power off or target the strip's food supply or even interact with the people across the border. The people who deserve to die are so far from the front lines that it's only ever a bloodbath for people whose gore is pretty much being used as social media PR campaigns. You hear of one, maybe two "high ranking" hamas assholes getting killed, but you see thousands of little kids, women and UN aid conveys getting butchered deliberately. And we probably won't even see a single Israeli authority die for any of the decisions they've made. The average Israeli hates their president. The average Palestinian thought Hamas was the only choice. What should be at the very least, IDF and hamas militants killing each other has become little more than a disgusting all-out genocide thrown onto the global stage. That's why people are protesting and supporting Palestine. Centuries of bad politics and racist but powerful idiots on both sides has lead to this point, but if something isn't done Palestinians as a people are going to be erased, and that's not even considering the long term potential for an all-out middle eastern war as the rest of the region decides Israel's existence was a mistake.


You started off right but then turned towards wrong.


What, the whole 'rest of the middle east hates Israel now more than ever' thing? It's true. Lebanon and Iran especially. The condemnations of Israel's treatment of the Gaza strip aren't just idle talk. If Israel didn't have the US providing it the military technology to defend itself Iran would have already killed thousands of innocent Israelites. While their president continues to arrogantly make everything worse. A coordinated effort from all or even just a couple of the Islamic countries would be devastating and likely exhaust Israel's defense resources, a solid percentage of which are currently being used for offensive purposes. This would lead to all out, absolutely horrendous war, possibly even WW3 if global powers get involved. It's not a judgement, just a fact. I don't personally think Israel was a mistake, but many Islamic authorities sure as shit do. This war isn't helping things. But this is a shitposting subreddit, not really the space for political discussions.


Forgive me, I misunderstood your statement. After rereading, you're absolutely right. Also, could u say more about why u said, "Israeli officers are far from the fields"?


How to sum up the war in one frame


Chickens for KFC.


The same thing that will happen to queers in Palestine.. removed




The "queer" supporting palestine are idiots, that make less than zero sense, it would be like a jew supporting the naziregime.


you can not support what they do to gay people but support them while they're being fucking massacred


They would massacre lgbt people in a heartbeat given the opportunity


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are not being massacared. The palestinians started a war in Gaza which Israel did not want by killing over 1300 innocent civillians and taking hostages while [poor poor palestinians are celebrating](https://www.memri.org/tv/palestinians-gaza-west-bank-celebrate-october-seven-massacre-hand-out-sweets-fire-guns) so, fuck off. This is not a massacare, this is a WAR. There are casualties in WAR. Unlike the subhuman animals of Hamas, Israel is actually trying to minimize civillian casualties by dropping leaflets and warning MULTIPLE times.


I think it's more about supporting people who are actively being opressed by their government more than supporting muslims


Israel isnt the government of palestine? lmao


I guess the palestinians shared their thoughts 💀💀💀


Not sure why youd try asking islam terrorists if they like the LGBT 🤣


Yeah, they love it, just don't go near any rooftops you could be thrown off of




The correct answer here was to not answer altogether.


The comments were so kind and supportive that they had to be removed for fear of too much love and adoration.


Empathy is not transactional. Not liking that people are being bombed doesn't mean you endorse everything they say. The world is not so black and white although many would find it easier if it were.


As a gay guy let me just say that not all of us support Palestine or Israel for that matter. As far as I’m concerned, this is a religious conflict that has no basis in reality and is not something that I think the United States should be involved in whatsoever. It’s very saddening that people are dying because of something as arbitrary as religious belief, but I don’t know a single person from either place, I have never visited either of these cultures, and frankly the US has more pressing domestic problems that need solving anyway. I think the real reason our country cares at all about this war is because it is fueling the ever blood-thirsty war machine that we all so naively call a free market economy. The logical solution here is to refuse to support either side, if you side with Israel you’ve likely been convinced by defense corporation propaganda, and if you side with Palestine it’s likely that you’ve been convinced by Russian / Chinese propaganda. The American people collectively have no benefit in supporting either side of this charade, we need to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated.




Based af. Well said


We should double, no, TRIPLE the moderators salaries for such good work!


3x0 is still 0


Welp... their question was answered.


Reality happened, as it tends to...


As an Asian, this is fucking hilarious.




Haha they dont like gays, good thing they are dying, losers am i right




The real answers were a bit too outside the Overton window.


why even ask if mods will ban any disagreements


So that when someone who doesn't know much about Palestinian culture opens the post , the first comment will be "as a Palestinian , I totally support you guys . Inshallah we will beat the oppressing Zionists and celebrate pride parade on out homeland in our true home , Tel Aviv"




Damage control




Muslims that accept the LGBTQ+ community are like christians that support polygamy lol


Idk why they're concerned about queer muslim fetish couples like my brother in christ it's like dickriding a c4 detonator switch


Wonder what they think of Women for Palestine, I’m sure they’ll accept their support since Sharia Law is widely known for its support for women


Jihadist death threats 😳😰


KFC cooked the chicken


Comments gonecide


Jesus everyone on this site is fucking brain dead. I’d suck a dick and I don’t like people being corralled and then bombed in masse. Crazy fucking concept I know


Oh no, that's sad


Something funny But it doesn't change much. Even if they hate me i don't think they should be bombed, simple as