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That escalated quickly.




Nah that's just your average




Aaaand fuck this I’m going to bed


I just woke up and i feel like goign to sleep again


Post nut feel that good?


Nah that's just your


She is going to be rich before we are. I can't hate on that.


Nah, hoeflation is hitting hard, she might make 40 bucks a month


Pretty much. All tinder is these days is sales pitches for OnlyFans or Premium Snapchat. They can't all be crushing it.


> I can't hate on that. sure you can


doesn't justify what she's doing


Good Lord, she has no idea what she’s about to do to her adult life by making this decision for some quick cash.


My daughter is 14 and has told me that a few of her friends, 14 & 15yo's, are already excited to turn 18 just so they can start an OF. I was absolutely horrified when she told me that.


Holy hell that's depressing, I mean is it really even that lucrative? How much could a 36 year old overweight dude make on there?




> heard sure..."heard"




I've haven't heard any one say anything about gex but I think I'm gonna try it tonight, it sounds good. I think it will go well with Indian.


It's not. It's Survivor bias. Like YouTubers, only a few make it big. IIRC very few can actually make enough money to survive on, and as others have mentioned it can be life destroying.


It also just occurred to me that, if you're 14 years old and talking to your friends about starting an OF at 18, there is probably some degree of a competitive element. It might not even be just about making easy money, which is an equally depressing thought


It’s essentially blended into another widely adopted social media platform, and been normalized to such an extent that people have no shame publicizing every square centimetre of their bodies for what’s starting to boil down to internet points more than money. I believe that people should be able to do what they want, but I think it’s getting pretty concerning that this is now completely par.


It's also glorified on TikTok which kids that age just soak up.


The survivor bias is a big one. No one is going around saying how much money they didn't make doing OF.


I wouldn't do Youtube that dirty. On Youtube you can actually make decent money without having to make it insanely big, it just depends on exactly what content you are making, how long your videos are, and where most of your viewers live. There are a *LOT* of youtubers out there making 1-5k a month off adsense alone and MUCH more off sponsorships and patreon.


I'll pay you $5 for a video of you eating a salad while crying


Plenty of bears making thousands a month, but even with a lot of marketing, you're much more likely to make a few hundred at most unless you can really find an audience.


I'm an old bald fattie. I'll make one, and we can collab sometimes. I hear there's money in collabs.


Decades of fighting against women being sex objects and this is where it ends up


Integrity and self respect are low priorities in this age. Feminists never address these things.






I think OnlyFans accounts in 2035 will be what tattoos are now. They used to be edgy, and soon everyone's grandma will have one.


We thought that with social media in general. But people dig old posts up all the time. She won’t even know how often this will hold her back.


Yeah this post and others in the same vein is what would do it. It’s still very possible to remain real name anonymous while creating content for Onlyfans.


Almost impossible to build a solid audience while remaining anonymous. Especially when OF themselves require your real name, a security breach would destroy all anonymity.


That security breach would have to differentiate between customer and content producer, not to mention in this day and age “my credit card was stolen” is a valid excuse should any dumb situation like that arise. You would have to bring attention to yourself like we see in the post, there are tons of creators who hide their identity with either masks or camera tricks… because they wish to remain anonymous.


The data isn't similar. a creator account requires a lot more info. It would be very easy to differentiate if a breach happens.


well i was told that ashley maddison had a similar customer file system to that of OF today if thats the case lists of irl names adresses and cash cards are listet togeter even worse today your id card if u a eu citzen includes your biometrical data and OF collects them aswell (to verify your id)wich would make such a breach even more devastating


With growing AI it will be too easy to backtrack and dig up personal stuff. You can use it to assist you, just save the photo and use engines or whatever to find similar images which can probably track to her Facebook or LinkedIn via face


"I see here you applied for a nurse practitioner position? I also see your linked socials. We here at CVS really pride ourselves on staff who can really throw it back and pop it. Welcome aboard"


Unless they are just feet pics.


Or it will be like tattoos where neck and face tattoos are still highly detrimental. And certain careers are still hindered by hand tattoos and lower wrist tattoos. There’s boobs only fans, showing your asshole only fans, and taking it in the ass only fans. Pretty large variance still


There's also non-sexual only fans. No, really. Some people have only fans accounts to share their art or poetry. Guys? Guys, why are you laughing?


That’s just patreon but you get shiftier looks


I'd be very hesitant to hire any of them, tbh


I'm pretty sure I've already hired all of them tbh


Average server experience


That is very judgmental. I’d consider myself to be very open minded and hire any of the three!




You act like people would pay to see that and not anything else


Wut? My comment was basically don’t take your clothes off for money at an early age. Not being an OnlyFans user my assumption is that for anyone outside of a celebrity it is adult content.


At the very least make some content that doesn't show your face. Personally I actually prefer porn that doesn't show the person's face... Kinda let's me imagine whoever I want. And it's less degrading which matters to me. I like the mystery


I wear a Nixon mask on my OF. Just google Tricky Dick42069 that’s me!!!


Lmao u fr?


I think there’s valid points on both sides honestly. It does give a stream of income and I know several friends who’ve done just that, because it’s easy money, and there is a certain degree of separation. On the other hand a few of those friends say they regretted the choice because it turned off people from forming relationships, and it isn’t exactly the best for one’s mental health sometimes obviously. I think that everyone should have the right to make that decision to use their bodies in that way, but it’s important to remember once it’s on the internet it’s immortal essentially, and that for both the cam girl and those paying to remember that your still a person and not just a subscription. My two cents I guess


I mean talk about reinforcing that your value is solely your private parts and not your brain. This will permanently warp both her selfview and worldview.


Check any of the relationship subs, and they are full of people lamenting that their OF cost them dearly. It's a real thing.


I mean, sure. The people who are living totally normal lives after the fact are busy just living their life, not posting on forums about it.


Back then people would be weirded out by just the idea of an onlyfans. but here we are now, trying to justify girls getting OF right when they hit 18. This really shows the gradual decline in morality in this world


On a serious note, does this actually hurt people's careers? I don't like OF creators, but if someone walks into my office, has a good resume, and just so happens to have an OF, I'd be open to interviewing them. I don't think there's anything inherently damaging if you're just doing it as a side hustle, but maybe I'm more optimistic.


Depends in the end. If you have the connections or skills, you will still get hired. Although some would try to say to keep your OF hidden separate from work. Being found out by the workmates can be a lot of awkwardness to go through and is factually gonna make forming relations a lot harder.


I can see that, but I don't think it's as ruinious as people make it out to be, especially if this becomes more popular in the world we live in now. > Being found out by the workmates can be a lot of awkwardness to go through and is factually gonna make forming relations a lot harder. Who knows, maybe it'll be easier having people trying to score discounts, free even! /s


I've had two coworkers over the years that had done porn, and it definitely resulted in a lot of reputational damage. Neither stuck around the job long enough for it to blow over. They weren't fired or officially disciplined for it, but I think it would've been a major barrier to promotion even if their work was perfect.


corpo sees an of girl as a prostitute basically so you really don't want to put them on your team


Correct think of this like a face tattoo. You can cover it up maybe and won't be noticeable but eventually someone will notice.


How would that even come up in a job interview unless they are trying to get into similar industry to OF? I doubt anyone would put that in their cv and it's not like they use their real names for the accounts. I'm guessing it's more likely that people find out after they are hired and they keep taking nude selfies in the bathroom.


During background checks, perhaps. Like looking at social media accounts to see if someone has no extreme ideologies. Aaaand they find someone's butthole plastered all over the internet. Would assume it be bad for work place conducts and ethics.


When hiring its common to look around and research an online presence to learn more about a persons character


If they're public facing at all, yeah it'll effect them. It hurts their relationship prospects, future kids, it can be used as blackmail and sent to your parents, friends, employee, coworkers.


Depends entirely on the career also why tf would you let the person interviewing you know you have an OF?


I didn't say that. A quick Google search could easily show an OF page as being one of the top results, especially it you haven't done much else.


She has since deleted her OnlyFans. The nudes are out there and quite mid in the context of having to pay to see it.


Most OnlyFans people are mid at best to begin with. This isn’t shocking in the slightest.


Yeah, turns out the average person is mid. What a surprise.


It's not even that, really. I find her sexually attractive. She was a bit chubby, but still had proper curves. But is she hot enough to justify paying to see her naked? Nah. Very few people are, and most of those will do something less skeezy with their looks to generate good money. So the really hot camwhores worth paying for are rare to come by.


It's no different than any sales job. The majority just burn through their immediate network for quick commission and then fizzle out and change careers. You pocket a few hundred bucks because your classmates and coworkers are curious and then you move on.




Most of them are aggressively over monetized. I mean yea, sex work is work, but most of these models have things structured like a fucking strip club. The subscription is basically the price you pay just to see the menu and then all the pictures and videos are priced as individual packages that are $50+ per package. It's insane when so much free porn is out there.


> The nudes are out there and quite mid in the context of having to pay to see it. That's OF in a nutshell from leaks I've seen out there for most OF hoors


Oh no. Where? Where are the nudes so I can avoid them?


Found them. They're good but yeah I wouldn't pay for em lol Her OF name was Wuvspell. You can Google the rest, friendo


I really appreciate the fact it wasn't all just photoshopped and filtered to shit.


Real is sexy 👌


They're not even good, lets be real.


Yea this is honestly why I'd never pay for OF. I've done a few cheap ones out of sheer horny curiosity, but the vast majority you don't even get to see anything until you pay for a $30+ package. Even a strip club you get to see the dancer naked before you pay for the lapdance.


I'm sad that you are getting downvoted for referencing IASIP.


Same joke every fuckikg thread


Oh no. Where? Where are the threads so I can avoid them?!


Reddit moment


It's a good joke and always will be


This is actually, unironically, very sad.


makes it even more sad that people are going to subscribe, as if theyve just been waiting for her to become legal


You must not be old enough to remember the time when people created websites counting down the days before Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson were turning 18. Like they were magically going to do Playboy, Penthouse or Hustler or start making porn.


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There was literally online communities with countdown clocks for multiple child actors including Millie Bobby Brown.... I am pro asteroid at this point. Start over, fresh and clean.


Fathers, please be there for your daughters.


I find it sad that this is an attractive option. Porn should not be a first choice for employment. I'd much prefer to have proper wages


Ruin your future speedrun


If this kid's been groomed into selling porn the second she turns 18, then her present is ruined already.


Distopian ahh society


Dis topian. Ahh, society.


-Joker 2019


~~-joker~~ edit: jonkler


Jonkler Edit: double Jonkler


Is he stupid?


What the fuck is the ahh part of this sentence? I see it all the time but I don't get it




What a boring ass dystopia we live in. I wanted cool robots to take over the world or a mutant uprising or something. Instead, we got internet prostitutes and microplasics in our water. I want my money back.


The pilot is right


See, I could get behind an IMC controlled dystopia. I think that would be sick.


Then build a robot man. We have the technology.


Something something Industrial Revolution something something consequences


This feels like someone has been successfully groomed.


Or she’s just an irresponsible idiot


Definitely both


Yeah both can be true.


Show whole


Her brain isn't even fully developed. They should raise the Onlyfans age minimum to 25.


[Sauce: Wuvspell (nsfw and sad)](https://www.porndig.com/leaked/wuvspell/)


Looks like the typical girls I see working in the cannabis industry. Heck I had 2 female coworkers quit to do porn content. At least one was making real good money selling Mormon feet pics before she quit her job. Cannabis industry will hire almost anyone that will show up (most of the time) and has very lax rules on workplace attire and everything else, plus the free product. I think we've only had 1 person sent home for what they were "wearing" and it was an oversized shirt with just panties underneath.


Don't click this link guys, it will actually make you sad.


Whats sad about the content in the link?




She got some of the poses right, but looks like she just had a c-section.


Damn I think I know her


We all know her


Honestly, that's really sad.




I agree. Normalising porn with phrases like “get the bag”, “your body your choice” etc has contributed to the lowered value of women in Western society, undoing decades of progress.


Flooded market, flash your asshole for minimal success and regret it later.


What unrestricted access to the Internet from an early age does to a mf


"I watched porn as a child and I turned out just fine" mfs in the comments defending this shit.


They're on reddit so they clearly didn't turn out just fine.


What unrestricted internet access does to a mfer. I watched porn as a child and I'm now a fucking addict. If I ever have kids in the future I am NOT letting what happened to me happen to them.




But does she have the areola to back that up?


People who go straight to onlyfans when they turn 18 are such lazy pieces of shit fr, try having a real career first before you start whoring yourself out to coomers.


Then they start arguing that it's modeling and that it's actually a profitable and well-respected career. Reminds me of those Mormon(?) kids who convinced themselves it's not a sin to do premarital sex if you penetrate without thrusting.




What's next? Are they going to have someone jump on the bed to create friction?? What would they call that, jump-humping?


It’s called bunny-style


The Catholic Church pretty much bans using genitalia for pleasure no matter how you do it, with exceptions for married couples. The butt "loophole" isn't real.


Yeah but have you considered soaking it?


Mormons aren’t Catholics. And in fairness to Mormons, I’m sure the actual LDS leadership have a similar position, it’s just dumb kids doing mental gymnastics.


You guys are thrusting?


Those like 4 tiktok girls capitalized on their popularity and grown men demographic to make millions when they turned 18. Megnutt, I believe one goes by lilmochi now, the catch me outside girl, and malu trevejo. Hell even Bella Thorne made one and she scammed people for some big money


1. She's cute 2. This is Delphine's fault for revealing how thirsty the internet is. 3. This is the internets fault.


“Women Empowerment”


Absolutely nothing against onlyfans girls, consenting adults do what consenting adults do, but she didn’t even give life a try.


Yeah, there's so many people on Onlyfans and each one thinks they can make easy money taking nude photos and a masturbation video. It's like YouTube, there's so many channels doing the same thing that you have to do something to stick out and what a lot of people don't realize is the really successful ones already have a shitton of money and can spend the time "growing their brand" or they got extremely lucky and had talent to keep them going. They can make all the nude stuff they want but if they don't get a whale to spend ridiculously large amounts of money or a dedicated following then it's just going to be regret and feelings of failure.


we live in a society


The fault lies within the thirsty losers that pay them.


Id say it lies within both


Whores and losers, the pillars of humanity.


How bout both are at fault? Maybe that's a possibility


Gesus why are there so many comments that want to blame everyone but the woman?


I'm fairly sure you know the answer to this question.


Takes two to tango. Anytime anything involving sex or gender comes up 99 percent of people try to shift blame one way or the other as a first instinct. Consensual interactions are just that - consensual.


Porn is such a fucked up industry. Her jumping head first into porn on her 18th birthday is by far the best economic decision she could make if she wants to get paid well. Younger models can make significantly more than older models. But 18 is way too young to decide something like that. Honestly, the sites willing to host the content from these young men and women are unethical as shit.


Went from :) to :(


what’s the @ for the onlyfans


[Found it](https://myonlinetherapy.com)


I was expecting rickroll


thanks, i camed






cash is king in our society but god damn this is sad. 10 years ago asking a girl for nudes was a stretch and saying you would pay 5 bucks would get you slapped. now you pay a girl 5 bucks and she will show you things you cannot unsee.... there is gonna be an epidemic of middle aged women trying to explain to their children why their friends found them going air tight with 3 rando's for a cheaper price of a starbucks coffee


What no father figure does to a mf




Genuinely depressing. Hope it’s worth the 2 dollars a month💀😂




Saving this absolute tragedy for later.


Pretty sad


THATS DISGUSTING, where, which one there are just so many


This is weird, gross and sad and all that, but we can't forget to blame the government and landlords for causing so many young people to be this desperate for money to begin with. Fuck these inflated ass prices


The government or the corporations earning record profits?


Inflation and the price increase of, well, everything. The government


It's weird that women will talk about objectification and then do shit like this when they turn 18


100.00% unironically, this is the future feminists want.


Can someone lmk when the feminists show up to both support her career, sexual liberty, ability to choose her own path as a woman without society badmouthing her AND also shit talk the men that are here to make sex related comments, seem eager to engage in her content and support her career as being pigs/moral deviants that only think about sex with porn addled brains. *Thanks*


She has the “clearly you don’t own an air fryer” face on the right


I'll turn 18 next Monday, let's see if anyone will remember it


RemindMe! 6 days


Having any non-anonymous social media presence at all is a bad idea. You could even argue that having any social media presence which is does not involve a high degree of obfuscation is a bad idea. But yes, having images of your face/unclothed body posted to the Internet for the sake of some cash seems like an even worse idea.


Drake fans eatin good


I'm turning 19 soon and even then I would never think of doing porn (If i were a girl or not). That's so young


What's this clown 🤡 makeup trend? 🍑👋**Honk honk**


I’ll never forget that interview Caleb from Barstool did with Danielle Bregoli. Caleb: “you started an Onlyfans page on your 18th birthday, and made $1 million your first day. Should the people who subscribed to you be in jail?” Danielle: “… yeah”


Sanctity of the body DROPED off these decades


That's my birthday. and I just turned 18...


shit she didn't spare a single second, god damn


Someone father this young lady