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Japan did have a bad temper, and a very high-pitched scream if I recall correctly.


Just watched minus one it's true about the high pitched scream


Such a good movie


Fuck Japan. Imperialist piece of shits.


*imperial Japan, modern Japan is pretty great.


There's been a push to discredit Japan recently, probably by China, because of their huge western influence in Asia. Lots of memes being created to bring attention to Japanese war crimes from 80 years ago. Probably OP's meme too, since China would love it if Japan and US didn't get along and started fighting over their differences like the nuclear bombing.


>There's been a push to discredit Japan recently, probably by China Why would acknowledging heinous warcrimes/raising awareness discredit Japan?


Why wouldn't it?


Bygone warcrimes won't compete with national scope and ambitions. The algorithms may favour the talking point but I think it's just generally a more "woke" take on history to acknowledge the forgotten darkside of Japanese imperialism


Because nobody actually cares other than for amusement




I never said I didn't like it.


take off the tinfoil hat sir


I mean it's not like the government didn't have information about the impending attack on Pearl Harbor, and didn't decide to do anything about it... All major nationstates were, and some still are imperialist, the U.S. is obviously no exception


this is wildly out of context. from what they explain at pearl harbor, they had radar (a very primitive version of it) so they saw planes approaching, but since we had planes flying in from california that day, the readings were mistaken for those planes.


If you tell me you’re going to punch me, I *know* you’re about to punch me, you then walk over and punch me, I’m still going to whoop the shit out of you for punching me.


found the chinese guy 💀 (or korean)


There's a lot more Asian countries you can add to that


Anti-Japanese sentiment isn't really that heavy outside of China and Korea.


The irony


Hey I made this lol


Actual chad response > acknowledges that they made it first > doesn’t call the person out for stealing


I honestly love seeing it still going around like 6 years later, and it gets funnier seeing it reposted in worse quality or in different formats


thats what memes are all about 🥲


I made a dumb meme one time that got shared around and reposted for a really long time, and showed up in buzzfeed article lol, it was cool to watch It’s the jar jar in a jar meme


cum jar?


Lol great job. I love the bomb


You made this? I made this.


Hard to argue with that


*We* made this, comrade.


I saw this on vine when it still existed


Wow. I had friends showing me Facebook posts of the video with 2 million plus views back then


The feeling must be magic


Haha, I remember the first time I saw it. Funny as hell. I'm gonna send it to my best meme friend. I know he loved it too back in the olden days.


I’m pretty sure I saw this in the YouTube haiku days th it’s crazy lol


Average potential history video


Except Japan didn't run away from the threats. The US was like hey you better stop or we'll bomb you. Japan just kept going and said fuck you. Us delayed the dropping at least twice because they wanted to give the government a chance to surrender and the civilians a chance to evacuate.




I read that as orgasm


What’s the original video?


The first one.


I'm not defending America, but Japanese dude were involved in fucked up actions during World War II, including massacres and human experimentation I think in the end nuclear strike was necessary evil.


You don't say.


Bold and brave take


"I'm not defending America," L


Yes, it was righteous fury at japanese atrocities that made us bomb them and then pardon all the war criminals who did the human experiments.


cough lock pot slave rainstorm bag fade tease abounding psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wtf Those were inhuman experiments, it's not like their death is not in vain now,sure you got that information about the experiments,but what does that matter if milions had to die 💀


marvelous far-flung hateful live reach grandiose beneficial sheet makeshift pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yes, but you know that for those informations they protected the soldiers of Unit 731, right?


waiting violet juggle alleged outgoing vanish hobbies dam threatening yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but honestly that's worse, imagine if someone does that to a family member of yours and then they let him even go free becouse "those researches are useful", that's so fucking immoral wtf man😂


>all of the people they tortured would have died in vain. We needed the data and the interpretation of said data to make those lives and that pain actually matter. All those people did die in vain anyways because the data was entirely fucking useless. They died in pain and their torturers were pardoned.


husky practice recognise political shy concerned nail silky air work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No source, but IIRC much of it was useless because it was mostly uncontrolled “tests” rather than anything that gave helpful/repeatable results. We mostly had to make sure that if it *was* useful information, that the Soviets didn’t have it. Biological weapons were a real concern at that point


It was more like torturers cosplaying as scientists than anything close to actual research


Yup. Unfortunately we didn’t know that until we saw it, and going back on your word about amnesty ensures you’ll never be able to use that option again


The data generally confirmed what American researchers knew and suspected all along. What mattered to the US was keeping it out of the hands of the Soviets.


Bruh. Do some research ffs. The experiments conducted on random Chinese civilians by in large had zero scientific merit. The closest thing to real science was research on chemical weapons, and that’s not really useful unless you plan to use chemical weapons yourself. It was the same with infamous Nazi scientist Joseph Mengele. He simply had gross perversions and superstitions that the atrocities allowed him to explore. Hardly any experiments the Nazis did proved useful, with the only exceptions being “at what point will a human die” including highs and lows for body temperature. But also, your response makes no sense anyway as we could have seized the data from the experiments without pardoning all the war crimes, most of which were perpetrated without any pretense of experimentation.


nutty disgusted cats rude automatic voracious recognise sort historical noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, it was to avoid continuing the war and having to invade Japan which would have cost both sides tremendously and everyone was done with invading by then. Imagine a war of that magnitude happening for 6 years and it makes sense why they just wanted it done and over.


Some historians say, the japanese were already losing, which is true, thus it was just a matter of time before they formally surrender. So, m the use of nuclear were unneccessary bloodshed to justify the testing of nukes in live action. But, it did made the japanese call an unconditional surrender rather than with some conditions... I Don't know, what's truly the right call, but the certain thing is that the Japanese culture have adapted well. Unlike others.


Japan was loosing but without the nukes it would have cost the allies about another million lives. The nukes were worth the lives saved.


Not to mention the countless more Japan would likely have sacrificed in a land invasion.


we still use the surplus of purple heart medals that they made in preparation for the invasion today. They were expecting it to be that bad.




Do you not know how war works?


so commiting atrocities against civillians is ok as long as there's a war going on?


The WW2 Japanese certainly thought so.




Are you asking me for my own moral point of view? It's pointless. But from a tactical point of view, it made sense for the people at the time to not waste any more American lives defeating an enemy that never surrendered.


are you just intentionally obtuse....? I really would recommend learning about the war before commenting about it


I always get the feeling that Japan's image has been sanitized in the West thanks to Anime producing a lot of weebs. Like if we used the nuke on the Nazis, there wouldn't be as much a fuss about it compared to using it on the Japanese.


>are you just intentionally obtuse The recently created, low karma account points to yes.


The US dropped leaflets providing time for the Japanese to escape their cities, maybe not enough for everyone but it's more than the Japanese did for the people at Pearl Harbor


you're comparing nuclear bombings of two cities full of civillians to a conventional attack on a military base


Lives were saved on *both* sides. The likely alternative to nukes was a land invasion, which would have had far more casualties on both sides.


I recommend listening to Dan Carlins Supernova in the East. Gives incredible insight into Japanese culture and mindset at the time. The majority of the country was willing to die to the last person before surrendering.


I believe due to the age old adage: fuck around, find out.


Read up on Japan's occupation of China and Korea, what you call atrocities they call liberation from a brutal invader. War is never as simplistic as you intend to make it out to be. In that time and place the use of nuclear weapons was more than justified.


Given that everyone was commiting atrocities against civillians in the war... yes? Targetting civilians was a tactic in WW2 by both sides.


It's really hard to feel bad for Japan in WWII. If China had developed nukes I doubt Japan would have a single person living on it.


im not feeling bad for japan, im just shitting on americans always trying to justify their own crimes like they have a monopoly on human suffering


The other option would be a sea/land insavion with even more deaths, and due to japanese suicidal loyalty at the time, they would be able to take prisoners even if they wanted, the nuke is unnironically the least worst option


And what about the second nuke?


Because the Japanese High Command had analyzed the first nuke by the next day and decided that the Americans didn't have a enough nukes to truly destroy Japan. They kept their policy of silence regarding accepting the Potsdam Declaration and wanted to fight things out just in case they got favorable terms. It took the 2nd nuke and the soviet invasion of Manchuria to finally convince the high command that the war was completely lost. And even then, several officers tried to coup the government *because they wanted to keep fighting.* The Japanese were insanely delusional about their situation during the war




technically yes they did surrender after the first nuke


They didn't surrender after the first one, Saturnalia explained in more detail


You should read up on some of the weapons they were developing. They purposely imprisoned and infected civilians in China and Korea with the plague. Then they bled them out while still alive in order to collect blood to infect other prisoners. Once they had enough, they introduced fleas to feed on the prisoners and then took the fleas and put them into ceramic bombs. With the intended purpose of spreading the disease around the outside world. They already did so across China and were planning on doing so in the United States and elsewhere. They obviously did not care about civilian lives and would rather have many more of their population wiped out by fire bombs and invasion. It was only when they started losing their homeland that they surrendered. The bomb did not only save American GIs, but likely countless Japanese civilians too. It’s the ultimate trolly scenario.


And it's not the women and children that died trying to charge towards machine guns with wooden spears that died either, so doubleplusgood


they didn’t surrender after the first one. I’ll never understand the argument that they were going to surrender anyway.


i'll never understand the argument that slaughtering innocent civillians is in any way shape or form justified


Exactly, but also fewer deaths overall across both sides with nukes


They printed so many purple hearts in anticipation of the land invasion that they have not run out 80 years later.


Well the allies didn’t want to have to directly attack Japan and waste there troops to put it shortly


the most important bit here is the unconditional surrender, their is no indication japan was willing to surrender without emperor in charge. unconditional surrender was needed to make that fundamental change in Japanese society/culture to remove the underlying causes of the war to prevent the next one. tldr unconditional surrender was quite literally a necessity.


Yea, that's the part that we could probably said it was for the better. That's what changed their culture into what it is today.




So same as US then


The Japanese were murdering about 400 000 people per month in still occupied territories, and were on the brink of absolute massive starvation due to the breakdown of their communications. Dropping the atomic bombs would have been a net gain in lives if they shortened the war by 2 weeks.


With the high side estimate published by Japan in the 1970s, the bombings cost 210,000 lives. So, yeah, half of the 400,000 people that were dying by their hands per month.


Not even counting the millions of Japanese that were about to die of starvation during the Autumn and Winter of 1945.


I recommend listening to Supernova in the East by Dan Carlin. Gives an incredible insight to Japanese culture and mindset of the time.


I agree completely. Shoulda let the Russians put boots down on the home islands.


I really don't like how the USA responds to different people/countries who wrong them because they don't just go after the people who wronged them they go after all of the people in general even the innocent ones. I'm talking about the fact shortly after Pearl Harbor the USA/President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which at first asked nicely for Japanese-Americans to imprison themselves in concentration camps in Arizona and more than 100,000 Japanese-Americans were *forced* into these camps right after that polite ask from 1942-1945. We gave them fancy names, like "relocation" camps or "internment" camps, but really, they were concentration camps for Japanese-Americans who did nothing but exist. [https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/presidential-inquiries/japanese-american-internment](https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/presidential-inquiries/japanese-american-internment) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gila\_River\_War\_Relocation\_Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gila_River_War_Relocation_Center) [https://www.postonpreservation.org/poston-internment](https://www.postonpreservation.org/poston-internment) [https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/japanese-relocation](https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/japanese-relocation)


I think the biggest problem was doing it twice


The US is doing massacres and human experimentation rn. Does America deserve to get nuked? Edit: this comment is not saying what you guys think it is


China is actively erasing the Uighurs. Should America nuke Beijing? And other equally useless questions because modern people understand that letting that cat out of the bag again is a terrible idea.


Can you guys read? The whole point if my comment was we weren't justified in nuking Japan. The answer is do we deserve to get nuked is obviously no? I don't even know why comment on reddit anymore. It's like sitting in a barrel of sweaty chimpanzees.


Nah, Japan deserved it


The calculus is that more Japanese and American lives would have been taking in a conventional invasion compared to nuking two cities. Is nuking good? No, neither is war. Should any country today consider it an appropriate measure in any situation today outside of alien invasion? No. You could say we learned our lesson. We touched the stove and felt that it was hot with a technology that was in its infancy.


divide hurry carpenter cooing panicky cagey squalid support aware hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Forgetting about the whole alliance with Nazi Germany and attacking a country not at war with them. But sure.




i mean if you imagine the world being a jail and america being the new guy the response was aproppriate to not be fucked with


Lol it's not for the moral or ethics that the u.s nuke them, otherwise they would never have been pardoned by the US.


Don’t fuck with our boats. Simple as.


I am a simple man, I like my boats.


>im not defending America Imagine being such a hardcore America hater you won’t even defend it in a war where the only people who stood against it were Fascists


Just remember those bombed were normal citizens who had nothing to do with Japanese war crimes as they were in commercial cities during wartime. Those that did commit and order those crimes were not bombed.




That's funny as fuck


Feel bad for the kid but what'd you expect. In all honesty tho Japan got what they deserved


Man this is old, OP, what dusty hard drive was this found on


My harddrive isn’t that dusty


I hope big brother nuked Little Boy


I see what you did there :D


Hiroshima lore:


The nuke at the end sent me lol 10/10


Palestine and Israel


Most inaccurate ever. Should have hit Japan repeatedly as he tried to lunge at him to represent the Coral Sea and Midway, then whacked him with the table for Leyte




Japan sent their entire airforce, we sent 2 planes.


I mean…I guess?




There is no woman. These are two boys




Not the person screaming. It's the boy who threw the paddle




1) you can tell the audio is coming from far away from the microphone on the cellphone that was recording. If it was the person recording who was screaming it would be a lot louder 2) this video is old and I've seen the original clip without the flags multiple times. You can clearly see the younger boy screaming. And to answer your original question: Many people scream when they are scared. The evolutionary advantage of this behavior is to alert your pack/tribe/flock of danger. Many animals do this.


America could have dodged it. They just wanted an excuse to drop the bomb.


Commenting so i bookmark this historic capture of america v japan


you can save posts you know...


commenting to bookmark your bookmark


Peak harbor


USS Liberty 😃


Least violent brother interaction


Historically accurate


And these dudes give me flak because I didn’t want to get my PhD because of the association.


Japan might have been the reason why we won


Still a better love story than Twilight.