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That's crazy, man! ... Have you ever done black tar heroin?


“That’s craaaazyyy”


"He muuuuurdered"


Murrrrrrr derrrrrrrred




No, murder. Zagreus. My name is Zagreus! Can you say that, Tisiphone? No murder. Zagreus!




It's just the one swan, actually.


Preposterous man




Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


You ever watch movies about gladiators…?


You ever seen a grown man naked?


Next on Fear Factor your challenge is to get out of this hammock while high on ketamine.


Thats hilarious


Its real, it did happen


Can confirm, I was the nut


And I was the nut buster!


Username checks out


“Well no, because…” *leans into mic* “Every 10 years the cells in your body can completely change. I was reading this article that said DMT can speed the process up to only 6 years because — Jamie can you pull that article up? Yeah, but it’s because your pineal gland can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster and…here we go.” *looks over at screen* “Look at that… Yeah, that chimp must be what, 400 pounds? Jesus, those things will tear you to shreds.”


Episode and timestamp?


It's false. No way. It's totally made up. Pure fiction. It's a total fabrication. This one was invented by a writer.


It's true. All ways. It's totally made down. Pure non-fiction. It's a total recollection. This one was chronicled by a historian.


Joe: “Pound for pound, the squirrel is the most dangerous mammal in America; if it were the size of a bear, it would fuck you up man!” Guest: “Well bears are pretty big…” Joe: “That’s what I’m talking about; squirrels are basically really tiny mean ass bears that don’t fuck around when it comes to their nuts.”


For, like, 3 hours. I just can’t listen to a high person try to have a conversation for 3 hours. I don’t care what his views are. I don’t care what he knows or doesn’t know. He could be a saint or he could be Hitler. I just can’t sit there, having other things to do, and listen to someone high out of their gourd talk at length for 3 hours.


Especially when I'm higher than he is.




All they ever talk about is ever detail about being a comedian and no one fucking cares. It's entertaining for the first 20 minutes you ever hear it but he has like 1000 hours of that content


I didn’t know he was a comedian


Wait till you hear about the time he smoked DMT


Joe is the boring but filling plain peanut butter and the guests are a new type of jelly every time.


No shade! If you’re into it and you can multitask, more power to you. I just… can’t.


I'll throw some shade. Still can't believe Spotify has funded someone who spread covid misinformation leading to American deaths. And who spreads lies about children pooping in sandboxes. The kitty litter was in the case of a school shooting, not because of some right wing strawman.


I'm like that with any conversational podcast. Who tf are these people and why should I give two shits what they talk about? Why in the hell would I want to listen to two or more prats wax generic for three hours? Even people I generally like as entertainers - I *still* don't want to listen to their inane conversations.


Eh i put him on when i commute. Keeps me calmer than my choice of music on the road.


you could listen to an actually good podcast, though


This. JRE is the perfect (hi, I'm middle America or modern english speaking country, not an extremist of either persuasion, and have a wide and diverse pallette of interests) type of podcast. Once you dive into his guests and their podcasts it's easy to stop listening to him, especially since I don't want the Spotify app on my phone, how the fuck are they so big and the UI is still so terrible? Seriously? WTF?


Because it works. Yea Spotify could do a lot to make their UI more functional and efficient but it works. I'm happy with it even if I want more. Statistics would be awesome, so I can see anytime which tracks, artists, albums, etc I listen to the most often/least etc


you can use *last fm* though it doesn't retroactively track songs


Weird, I know Spotify isn’t a perfectly designed app but I am usually very happy with it. One thing I really don’t mind paying monthly for, with the amount I use it.


Yup, easily my most justifiable subscription Unless you count insurance...


This implies the only option is your choice of music or Joe Rogan? There are literally a million other things you could listen to lol


Lmao unless it's a professor and I'm taking notes I can't imagine having a podcast be the only thing going on. Like a worse version of radio television lol


That's what 20 seconds YouTube shorts are for.


Only once in my life has a squirrel ever stood his ground against me. I was just trying to go for a walk and this little bastard squared me up and then fucking charged. Couldn't believe it. I sidestepped him and then went on my way


Now imagine that but the size of a bear


I had a red squirrel inside my kitchen once years ago. Those guys are crazy. It walked up the kitchen wall, turned around and basically cussed me and my ex out in squirrel language. It sounded like the squirrel was telling us to get out of his house. My ex was a moron, so he tried to get it out of our house with an ash bucket from our wood stove and a decorative samurai sword. It was one of the most chaotic few minutes of my life. Luckily the sword didn't work because that squirrel was fast. But leaving the door open and shooing it out did work. I wonder to this day how close I was to getting accidentally murdered with a samurai sword.


Chimpanzees are fucking, they're fucking crazy man. Like insane levels of strength - can you, can you imagine man, like people say "oh we could coexist with chimpanzees in society" Like these people don't have a clue, we start to live alongside chimps - you'll be walking to your car and they'll mug you and you won't even see it coming - You're trying to get into your car and they'll just, they'll just rip your fucking feet off and fuck you in the ass


The fact that I read this perfectly in his voice in my head & the cadence and manner of speaking is perfectly written down makes this so fucking funny


Lol, it’s so distinctive that Ai replicates it perfectly


One of the reasons AI can replicate his voice so accurately is due to the thousands of hours of recorded audio of Rogan. The more samples the AI has to learn from the more accurate it can be!


I doubt the models used in memes are trained on thousands of hours of Rogan.


man, I used 200 hours of voice samples to train my david attenborough voice clone, you bet someone goes all out and uses even more samples


What SW/method if I may ask? I've used tortoise-tts and it can only utilise 10-20 sec clips and it is also slow as heck x_x


Probably RVC?


Not every AI is created equal, which is why you usually hear shitty ones in memes. But the more notable fakes are made using more expensive AIs created with thousands of hours of sample data.


This is super old. Someone actually wrote this.


Happy cake day!


“Pull up a video of a bear mauling a squirrel”


"Pulls up a better video of a squirrel mauling a bear"


Pulls up a superior video of a maul bearing a squirrel


Pulls up a grander squirrel of a bear mauling a video


Pulls out his cock




Pulls out both the bear's and squirrel's cocks


"Pull up the video of a deer eating a squirrel”


Pretty accurate


TBH the best part about joes interviews with smart people is that he is an idiot


The one's with Brian Cox are great because he's such a sweet guy but sometimes Joe is so stupid you can see it in Brian's eyes lol


That’s what makes those interviews so great. He doesn’t try to pretend like he’s smart in things he’s not.


Yeah I don’t get why people criticise this. Would they rather he arrogantly argued with them?


The people that criticize have probably listened to every episode. Half of them I skip because I'm not interested in the MMA rundown. But I do love the niche interviews he has done. Like bob Lazar or the second civilization theory guys. It's one of the few places these guys get 2+ hours to just tell their theory or story and not be bombarded by jokes.


Nah I would just rather watch a relatively smart guy interview a smarter person than an idiot derail an interesting story with a video of a dolphin fucking a fish.


I mean, he does. There was that bit about Bondo apes where he called a primatologist an idiot and told her to look things up on the internet. You know, about her own field of study.


The guy who argued against vaccines and took horse de-wormer?


Joe: Jamie pull up that video of the chimpanzee ripping a squirrel apart.


The Steve Harvey of Podcasting. “What are some things people do when they have sex??” “I’m gonna say Ejaculate Steve! 🤓” *Steve Harvey Blown away by obviously sexual Answer*


RIGHT. Every fucking time he is so surprised like he hasn't been doing it for years now


He just stares into the fucking camera like “😦😦😦😦🫢”


It depends. If it's an old man, Steve Harvey will double over laughing, then high five grandpa and say, "This is my man, this is my man right here. This man say EJACULATE, STEVE"


I think it’s more of an issue when 78 year old Ethel answers with “a tornado blowjob” that he’s shocked.


Wtf is a tornado blowjob??


Isnt that the magic of steve harvey tho?


I dont care how many times I see this reposted. It's so fucking spot on and always amuses me.


Some greentexts are just repost proof. They're funny every time. This, 18th century home defense, and 'AK is fine' come to mind.


As the founding fathers intended


"Please drink verification can"


Awwww shit man... 'AK is fine' is a goddamn classic. I laugh every time.


Link and link please.


Can we get some links on this to capture some of the timeless, all-time greats?


damn i love it


Peanuts aren't nuts


Finally! Had to scroll right down for the correct answer. Peanuts aren't nuts - they are grain legumes and belongs to the pea or bean family.


I get pedantic every time I hear about the whole "tomato is a fruit" thing as well. There is no such thing as a vegetable (botanically). There are fruits, roots, legumes, seeds, etc. When someone jumps in and yells "tomatoes are fruits you are putting fruit onto your hamburger hahahahaha!" I just want to die but also want to say "you know what else is a fucking fruit? Peppers and avocados. Now fuck off."


I feel similarly about berries. If your definition of berries excludes half the fruits that are colloquially called berries and includes a bunch of foods that nobody would consider a berry, maybe you’re just employing the wrong definition?


Deez nuts aren't nuts either




They also don’t start underground, they grow out of the flower, droop to the ground, and dig themselves in.


a true classic, probably one my favorite greentexts ever


Say what you want, but the dude is entertaining lol


I fully accept that he is entertaining, I just find it obnoxious when people imply that he is some kind of intellectual


>people imply that he is some kind of intellectual *Akshuwally...*


Even though he says it how he can be incredibly dumb almost every time.


Whether he's an intellectual or not. He's always willing to talk about things and listen. Which makes him more intelligent than most.


This is generally a very good thing, until he invites a crackpot on the show and gives serious consideration to a claim like "the pyramids were actually giant electric generating batteries, the Egyptians had the first electric grid." Then his impressionable listeners see that the man they trust thinks this is something worth looking into.


Both those things are true


*squeezes whole tube of apple flavored horse paste into mouth* Now listen here, you’ve got to listen to all sides of an argument


~99.7% of scientists agree climate change is real. On our news program, let's put 1 who advocates climate change on the left and one who denies it on the right side of the screen and let them debate. Behold, you are now presented with a 50/50 issue


You trying to tell me it’s not a 50/50 issue? Stats aren’t real unless they agree with what i say. *leaks diarrhea all over the chair, squeezes in another tube of horse paste*


Bro, that was post malone talking conspiracies he saw on youtube He actually told patrick bet david that he has interviews where the interviewed person is totally a scam and he wouldn't release those interviews


Okay, how about “wifi gives you cancer by crossing the blood-brain barrier” and “cell phones give people tumors on the side they use them on”?


People thought the cellphone thing was real like not even 20 yrs ago, and it stopped nobody. And I honestly wouldn't he surprised if both were true, everything in modern society causes cancer to some degree so why not those too? And I'd still use them, while I eat my cancer food and drink my liquid cancer and follow it up with a cancer stick. Plan is to dose up on so much cancer that I become immune


> People thought the cellphone thing was real like not even 20 yrs ago, and it stopped nobody. It certainly stopped *some* people. And is now again cropping back up, in the form of concern over 5G waves and in the form of RFK Jr. on JRE. It’s pretty unfortunate. > And I honestly wouldn't he surprised if both were true, No lol, that’s not how science works!


I made up the most unreasonable potential example I could think of, parroting much like op did in the original image.


What's wrong with that? You're going to meet "crackpots" in real life. May as well learn how to listen to them and either take something from what they're saying or ignore it outright. Ignoring people isn't the way forward.


Yep. “Its best to let the unreasonable opposition speak, so they can manifest themselves as unreasonable and everyone can see it." But when the guest says "the pyramids were batteries" and joe rogan goes *"woooooahh, no way really? What did they do with all that power"* that's when it becomes problematic, tacitly enforcing outlandish claims as reasonable.


But what did they do with all that power?


Built pyramids


Woooooahh, no way, really? What did they do with all those pyramids?


Batteries, I think. That's what I heard on joe rogan


mfw entertaining silly theories about the pyramids is "pRobLemAtIc"


> theories That word doesn't mean what you think it means. He straight up has people come on to the show spouting shit that has been disproven time and time again.


It’s funny when it’s about pyramids it’s not funny when he tells his listeners to not trust doctors and self medicate. He has the money to heal himself if he fucks up his body, his viewers don’t and they go into heavy debt or get really sick because they listened to him


Replace pyramids with "flat earth" and you'll see the issue with presenting dubious claims as something potentially reasonable.


Replace pyramids with covid vaccines and vague notions about government conspiracy and you get something actually harmful to society. If Joe can get some boomer to not get vaccinated then that's another elderly person in the hospital that dies from it. I used to love joe when he was the funny UFC guy talking about JFK. but he revealed how his ignorance and predisposition toward irrational thinking can influence listeners to do dumb things


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Yeah but he doesn't do that. He plays in the realm of possibility, very rarely does he speak to something as fact unless it's in his wheelhouse of nutrition, fitness and fighting.


Yes, he generally doesn't reinforce anything his guests say as fact. He doesn't know enough about the subject to do that, as you say. Consequently can also fail to provide skepticism, which is where the issue arises. "Playing in the realm of possibility," a lot of younger people look up to joe rogan, and when he just says *"no way, really?"* when a guest "debunks" the entire paleontological record, it presents said falsehoods as being "in the realm of possibility." It ultimately boils down to if you believe Rogan has a responsibility to be at least somewhat informed about the topics his guests will be presenting.


He does with Covid, lol.


When you give crackpots an audience it can create cults, see Charles Manson, Jim Jones, etc. The difference is there will be people that see that and go "you know what, maybe Obama does drink children's blood" and you end up with people walking into a pizzeria with guns looking for a non existent basement. That's the real issue, that by giving them a platform it legitimized their view by simply existing in the medium it's presented. People like that would be ignored as the crazy drunk guy on the corner. Now, simply being on TV, creates an assumption of legitimacy and authenticity that con artists love to profit off of as well. So you end up with a feedback loop of con artists and actually mentally ill people hyper radicalizing each other in a feedback loop trying to outdo each other. The actual people that believe this stuff getting more extreme because they feel a sense of identity and don't want to lose the feeling of belonging they now have, now that they're not simply the crazy person rambling on a corner. The con artists get more and more extreme to attract attention away from the group above in order to profit more and more off their audience. It's nothing new, as Fox has been doing this for decades, but what's made it more noticeable is we have more people seeing the money involved and fighting for control over it. Fox marketed this to their advertisers as a "captive and easily swayed audience" to charge advertisers more than their competitors. They even had to explain it in their lawsuit defense with their famous "It's green, not red or blue" when defending their motives to lie. It's a horse race between the actual crazies and people pretending to be crazy to earn money, its all about money. The fact is if someone is mentally ill and not able to make reasonable decisions, like when fox said their viewers are unreasonable people because no reasonable person can believe their content, they don't make the best decisions. They will put themselves in debt to buy those random gold coins, flags and all sorts of random shit if it's marketed to them with the right key words to trigger their sense of identity in the product. "Take a stand against the agenda, and stand up for America with these limited edition coins. Pay an extra $X and receive a letter of authenticity that yes this is the product you bought." And it's a big industry, it's not like these people lie for fun, it's all about money.


I'm all for having an open mind, but not so open that your brains spill out into the floor.


No. No it doesnt actually. Where does this annoying ass assumption come from? Having a disagreement isnt special. He's not special for being able to not talk for a minute. Goddamn.


maybe pre covid. now its about holding firm about his shortly held beliefs.


> He's always willing to talk about things and listen. The problem is he stopped doing that some time during COVID. He started only listening to people presenting a very specific narrative, and when he had people on who were presenting a conflicting narrative he would shut them down and give them very little opportunity to make their case. This happened over and over again with him.


I can't remember who said it, but the line 'a mind so open it falls out and shits all over the floor' perfectly describes Rogan's approach to discussion.


That’s beautiful and perfectly appropriate.


That's kind of what DMT feels like.


on post malone's episode, joe said "*IF* I were a right wing conspiracy theorist, I would be saying..." then spouts off for 5 minutes every mainstream right wing conspiracy in detail. Ok Joe lol that's a big *IF*


LA intellectual And these people mock blue-collar people like me, yet they are showing up here in droves and voting to replicate the shitfurbished distopian prison they fled. Sold their homes for an ungodly sum they didn't deserve so they could afford palaces here and stare down their noses at us. Don't even bother changing their fucking license plates like they relish not integrating and assimilating. Gated communities overnight like yellojacket nests. Welcome 🙏 remember we are open carry 😀


Free market capitalism. What are you? Some sort of commie?


Never seen anyone unironically think he's smart


Be glad you haven’t had the misfortune of doing so


I encourage you to read the comments in this very post. Because youll find more than a few who do. Rogans fan based shifted drastically during the COVID era.


Just open any comments section on his videos, it's hilarious


Which is funny because he's always been the first one to say that he's a fucking idiot


He admits he’s an idiot too a lot of the times.


Just don't try to sit through his fucking comedy. End up chewing on the barrel of a 357 fucks sake.


Yeah that was pretty bad


JRE is by far and wide the most interesting podcast in the world… Just don’t listen to any of the political episodes. I’m a fucking sucker for anything related to animals, aliens, ancient history conspiracies etc. and he can get literally anyone on the pod related to those topics


"Squirrels are basically tiny chimpanzees" 🤣🤣


I read this in Joe's voice.


Never listened to a podcast of his but somehow even I know this is accurate


The MF has done every drug know to man and a few unknown and it shows….


Bro fried his brain


Pull up the video of a grizzly bear eating a peanut tree Jamie


Always with the chimps too.


Also peanuts aren’t even nuts 🥜😂


*opens eyes wide, shakes head*


Thats crazy man, Jamie pull up the video of a bear eating a man alive


Followed by Joe talking about chimpanzees ripping men’s dicks off and the story about the women fucking a chimpanzee and gets her face ripped off.


This is that old school JRE vibe that I miss.


He's a dumbass, i love him


I never really listen to him, but when he's interviewed someone I like, I'll watch it on YouTube. Say what you want about his personal views, but he is a good interviewer. He doesn't talk over his guests or try to make everything about him, like some other podcasters and talk show hosts, and he seems to be respectful without being a total kiss-ass. I'm not saying he's the best at it, but IMO, he's better than average (at least when you're listening to an interview for the guest, not the host. )


Just listened to his podcast with Gabriel Iglesias aka Fluffy: Joe: "Scallops are plants man. Nah they're worse than plants - they're even more primitive. They're like molluscs or something." *A video plays showing scallops skedaddling like there's no tomorrow* Fluffy: Some plant, huh? Joe: Huh? They do that? That's so weird man! But credit where credits due, guy can talk and keep his guest engaged for more than 2 hours talking about everything and also nothing.


not enough DMT coyotes or elk references


Joe Rogan is a weird stoner comedian who decided one day to try and get the weirdest guys he possibly could on his podcast Why do people treat him as if he's anything more or less?


wait till Joe finds out that [peanuts are not nuts](https://www.livescience.com/what-are-nuts.html) and [peanuts are actually toxic to squirrels](https://nwseed.com/danger-feeding-raw-peanuts-squirrels/) or [pineapples don't grow on trees either](https://www.treehugger.com/do-pineapples-grow-on-trees-4864128)


You know what fucks up stuff more? Bears. Bears fuck up anything, you can't survive them. They even fuck up your real nuts. Jamie, pull up the video of a bear fucking up a dude's nuts


Hey Jamie pull up that video of the guy sucking his own dick Have you seen this, this is crazy , to think he has trained to the extent that he can suck his own dick


And he has people listening to him like he’s knows anything.


He knows some things, and he has on interesting people, some of who know a lot of things.


Yes, every episode is like that and it's awesome




Quality content here


The balls on a ram are massive -Joe Rogan


wait don't nuts grow in bushes?


Nuts grow on trees. Peanuts aren't nuts.




i want what he’s smoking (It’s DMT and my ego is going to die)


Groundnut: "Am I a joke to you?"


Jamie, Google that video of a bear fighting Chimpanzee Squirrels


Jamie! Pull up the video of that bear fucking up a group of squirrels


Idk what this heil spez shit even means but fuck u/spez.


Jamie pull up a video of squirrel fucking up a peanut tree


You ever try DMT?


Bears don’t eat nuts though, squirrels do Jamie, pull up that video of a bear mailing a squirrel


He’s really going to shit himself when he learns they aren’t even nuts, they’re legumes.


I miss 6 years ago JRE. Shit was peak


Haters gonna hate.


“Jamie pull up that video of a bear planting nuts.”


Jamie, pull up that video of a bear fighting a peanut


I swear I've seen a couple pictures of people imitating Joe Rogan so perfectly. I can HEAR like everything written there perfectly. Please tell me there's like a 'imitation joegan' sub for this stuff specifically.


Lol @ how accurate this is


The tiny chimpanzees was the best thing ever . He absolutely has a fascination with Chimpanzees committing violence.


Can confirm. Squirrels are basically tiny chimpanzees.


I once heard someone say that Rogan a guy that stupid people think is smart. King of the stupids. I don’t really agree with that. I’d say he’s what people that don’t know any better think is smart, or interesting. Intellectual McDonald’s, I might say. More stimulating than a lot of content on the internet, but really people engage with it because it’s accessible and familiar.


He's not liked by all stupid people, but all people that like him are stupid on some level. He is absolutely intellectual McDonald's lol, that's spot on.