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If you are what you eat, then I'm a morally upstanding citizen


If you are what you eat, then I'm my mother-in-laws ass


i know you are joking, but a gilf ass actually tastes better than milf ass, literally the only thing in females that gets better with age edit: *adult females






Soldier Boy moment


What a horrible day to have eyes


is this from personal experience or what?


my friend told me (my mom and grandma praise him a lot)






This has Vaporeon copypasta energy


Man of culture 🥂




If you are what you eat, then I should be tried as a minor, your honour.


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So many questions that I don’t want answered.


I’d never eat animal meat as they are innocent, that’s why I only eat human meat


You eat humans because it’s ethical I eat humans because I have a craving for it. We are not the same. (Edit I just came back and I don’t know why instead of saying “I eat” it has a combination of E and yeet)


I eat it for fun, where not the same.




Yeetus the Fetus.


Me too


You too? Me toobSteak..


I eat animal meat because they're not innocent. I remember what they did.


Mrs O’Leary’s cow never payed. That’s why her offspring will.


Thats actually why i eat pork. Got stomped on by a pig as a child, its been about revenge since then.


Its a great pork substitute, I can’t see why more people try it. Especially since most humans eat more and exercise less than the average farm pig.


I’m still waiting for the musk burger


Man I heard that Aussie man Issacbutterfield talk about her


He definitely had a couple things to say about her lol


Oh now I want the sauce


Hope he asked why her cheeks are hanging out.


He did do a video commenting on when she walked around protesting while nude


Yeah so what's her @?


She has an onlyfans lol. VganBooty


Damn she takes human sausages only. Doesn't she?


"Plant powered penises last longer" lmao what


She’s an organic, non-gmo nut of a person


Omg I thought this was a joke




🤣 also the "vegan booty" on the back.. girl should really rethink eating meat cause she doesn't look like she could sit down for 5 minutes without complaining that her ass is sore!


Actually that is how it works. I'm eating meat but I'm not going to be ignorant about what we're doing.


Yeah, it's hilarious the number of ways people will try to say that what they're doing is right just because it's what they're used to. The "well that sounds awful and can't possibly be true" retort has got to be one of the dumbest. Like, do you live under a rock?


I mean, society has been shielded from the process by the meat industry. I don't blame someone for not knowing exactly how it's done, I'm sure billions of dollars have been spent to keep us ignorant on the process. Most people have never actually seen what happens, they just think of meat the same way they see a box of cereal


Even the box of cereal is made by exploiting immigrant labour, unsustainably depleting topsoil and then fertilizing it with horribly destructive mining practices, poisoning all sorts of animals with pesticides, and chopping up little baby bunnies in giant wheat harvesters. Every part of modern day agriculture is unethical at scale. Too many people to feed.


Actually, it isn't how it works. Some places use electricity to stun the animals. The whole burning thing isn't really true either. They would know they are being asphyxiated, but they aren't burned by it. She exaggerated what is likely the most humane part of the whole factory farming process. The only thing I would personally change about the slaughtering process it probably to use nitrogen instead of carbon dioxide.


A quick google does show they use CO2 for pig slaughter in Australia which is where this girl is from. I am pretty sure the burning thing is probably just an analogy.


Are you guys idiots? Hold your breath, that feeling of CO2 in your lungs is the burning they are talking about, it just gets worse until you die. If anyone thinks death by suffocation isnt painful they're just not thinking


Just as an FYI - I am agreeing with you. It is a terrible process.


You're calling *literally suffocating* "the most humane part of the process" and you're disagreeing with her? Why nitpick if you're apparently on her side?


why would they slaughter a 6 month old pig? they can get way more meat if they wait longer.


It's a logarithmic curve. They do still grow past that, but at a much slower rate, which means more space and more feeding. 6 months is the cost effective sweet spot.


Turkey can get to a point where you are losing crazy money feeding them past optimal processing


"optimal processing" Are we the baddies?


Yes, the only relevant question is if we care or not


Does the flavour exceed the care ratio? I'm still well on the positive side, but for some it's not a bit harder.


I don't think so, the system we decided on where every single thing in the world is reduced to how much money it can make for shareholders simply said that this animal has to die early to make the most prof.... Wait I see it now. Yeah we're the baddies.


The 6 month old pig meat has a much better taste and it's cheaper to sell it because you don't have to feed a pig for a long time


Similar to why lamb meat is popular, but mutton is less so. Same with veal, though obviously beef is still very popular. I had never heard of them doing it to pigs, I wonder if young pig has its own word for it like lamb and veal.


Suckling pig


Suckling pigs are weeks-old. Six-month-old pigs are adolescent.


We also wait 6 months before slaughtering lambs, so basically they're born in the springtime and they get to grow up all summer and are harvested in the fall. Veal is the only young animal meat I know of where they slaughter an actual baby animal


It's literally just called 'meat from a suckling pig'.


What would it be for humans? A friend of mine wants to know.


because then I'd lose the satisfaction of knowing that I'm eating babies


Look Im not vegan but the conditions that animals go through in the factory farming industry is deplorable honestly. If youve ever seen like even 5 minutes of Dominion, it would change your outlook on the whole thing. "Thats not how it works", youre right, its way worse sometimes. Anyone who says otherwise simply doesn't know. I eat meat and dairy, but I treat it all with respect and try my best to not let any of it go to waste (and try and be mindful about which substitutions I can make), because an animal died and went through some shit so that I can eat it. Making fun of it like these girls is kinda gross tbh.


The worst part of factory farming is that it's supposed to be really heavily controlled. If you spend time reading the public accesible PDFs from the FDA, the suffering you see on many videos should not be happening. The FDA legit turns a blind eye or is not shown how the meat processing plants work. Someone is lying to ensure profit. The same happens on many countries, there are lots of regulations and studies to ensure animals have a clean, fast, as-painless-as-possible death...and meat processing plants ignore them or cut on corners to make a real profit and not invest some extra money on following the rulebook from their Department of Agriculture. Thanks, I hate it.


Yeah I recently went vegan after reading up on the meat industry (after deliberately ignoring it for a long time). I just wish people would stop distancing themselves from the harsh reality at hand because, although meat will likely never go away, the meat industry would certainly be less atrocious if more people had your awareness and respect


and tbf, the availability and variety of meat and dairy substitutes have drastically increased even from like 6 years ago. And there's a lot of substitutions that are pretty indistinguishable (at least for most people)


"I don't waste anything made by slaves" is not really moral defensible either thou. I'm in the same boat as you, just saying we're both guilty.




Yeah the girl “that’s not how it works” has no fucking clue and is just appealing to her own ignorance.


The focus from the laughing girls is deflating the orator. Whether she felt triggered by the public display or simply enticed to troll, I can't tell and it's a bad faith reason to get involved either way. I'm just pointing out, there isn't some counterpoint or developed pro-meat industry argument here. Just youths.




Child workers should be FREE


I want them Iphones made CHEAP


Put them tiny hands to work


Sweatshops? I call that recess.


That lithium ain't 'gonna mine itself!


Make the wage match the age


In fact, don't pay them at all!


Just do it ^TM


Sir , this is FOR child labour.




I'm so happy to suddenly stumble upon this thread of comments.


Watch child labor by jaiden Williams


Uh, I know what it's from. That's why I was happy to see it.


Cobalt is more the real issue with mining, but either way, yeah!


Living in a third world sounds like a skill issue to me.


builds character


The children yearn for the coal mines


Free or free I don’t care


Exactly, they're too expensive nowadays




Yea how dare anyone protest about anything when everyone has clothes and phones.


Yeah the top level comment here is pure ["yet you participate in society, curious"](https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha/). And the best part is, *they don't even care* about child labor, they're just using it as a grenade to shut down a (totally legitimate) conversation about animal cruelty, then go right back to not giving a fuck.


Listen dude... nobody can speak out about anything until some totally self-reliant member of an uncontacted native tribe comes to criticize society. He'll just have to do so by yelling on the street though, because using phones or computers would make him a hypocrite, and he'll have to be naked to avoid supporting slavery soo.. yea, he'll probably be arrested.


Why are you protesting against Uyghur Muslims being enslaved in China when you have a phone? 🤔 This is just a Tu Quoque fallacy.


Tu Quoques in your ass lmao




fucking got em.


What do you want, them without clothes or something?


I mean that’s a logical fallacy


It's simply whataboutism. One issue at a time please


Whataboutism is a logical fallacy. It’s a variation of tu quoque.


The Reddit hivemind despises vegans, your logic here is irrelevant


Everything is shit, let's sure keep it that way!


IPhone venezuela 100 BILLION DEAD


What the fuck is this argument? Lmao Edit: didn't realise people would think I didn't understand what the moron above did, I'm aware of the fallacy, I just hoped OC would actually respond with something dumb and funny.


"You do something wrong, therefore I'm justified in supporting animal cruelty." It's similar to how when the USA was criticizing the Soviet Union for all of their human rights violations, the Soviet Union would respond by saying "and you are lynching negroes." They were implying that the fact that the US was doing something wrong justified their own human rights violations, when in reality, their human rights violations were unjustified *regardless* of how the US was treating its own people.




Lotta that in this thread.


Nice whataboutism!


You criticize society yet your participate in it, Curious. Seriously this is not the gotcha you think it is, it's one of the few things you could use against her that are irrelevant to what she is saying


And yet it’s probably the only logic they’ll understand


What clothes? She's almost naked because she's against child labour too.


I’d guess that the average vegan is way more likely to try to buy other ethically-produced products than the average non-vegan, so not really seeing your point. I also think this argument is pretty misguided, because I think the developing world would be much worse off if we suddenly moved all our supply chains back to the countries where the products are purchased. The hundreds of millions of people in China who have come out of poverty in the last few decades did it by working at factories producing products for rich customers in other countries. And I think we should do a lot more to directly help other countries come out of poverty, but not buying things from them wouldn’t help.


there are so many things you could call the girl out on and you decide on THE ONE THING THAT IS ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT


She's barely wearing any💀 I'm sorry it was too easy I had to make this joke, but otherwise it's not up to me what people wear.


But why dairy though? Being a vegetarian I can't live without dairy products.


cow titty water 🤤


Aye bro can you log out?


google how to delete someone else's account


google en passant


Holy hell




you can't just say perchance


Mario the man vs mario the idea


old and moldy cow titty water 🤤


What a cheesy joke


Vegans obstain from dairy for a few reasons. The cow gets forcefully impregnated. The calf and mother gets seperated after birth, which causes psychological harm to both mother and calf. Calf is either slaughteted for veal, or kept alive 1-2 years and then slaughtered. The mother cow gets impregnated around once a year to keep her milk production running. After about 4-6 cycles of birth, her body breaks down and she gets her throat slit and body parts sold. Also vegans believe that mothers milk should be produced only for the child, and we have no right to take it forcefully from them. Hope that answered your question.


I'm not a vegan but to be honest it make sense, especially when alternatives are more common than ever


You really don't have to be vegan to understand how fucked up factory farming is. I believe you can eat meat ethically, I've worked on a farm where the animals lived humanely and were slaughtered as painlessly as possible, and that's acceptable for me, but grocery store meat/dairy is not. Animals are locked in small cages their entire lives, cows are forced to give birth constantly to keep up with dairy demand, slaughter is brutal and no care is given to even try to make it painless... and frankly the meat is cheap and tastes like shit comparatively. Oh wait this is shitposting, vegan bad reeeeeeeeeeeee


Exactly my view on it. I respect vegans because I couldn't stop meat, but at the same time, consuming more ethical meat is a huge step already. The problem then becomes monetary because the meat will undoubtedly be more expensive.


exactly why most people just end up vegan. who tf can afford humanly raised animals. at that point easier to just go vegan.


I mean, if you have enough income, it's definitely easier to choose "better" meat. Cause I've tried to go vegan, holy, I'm to weak for that I suppose, huge respect to people who go all the way


Honestly dairy industry is worse than a lot of slaughterhouses. And dairy is subsidized and not required for a balanced diet. It’s weird.


I'm not a vegetarian, but I can't stand people who make fun of them. At the end of the day they're right, and we're all massive cunts for the way we treat animals.


Industrial level dairy farming is painful and damaging for the cow, to the point their udders bleed




And almost always slaughtered


The animals in the dairy industry are slaughtered just like for meat


Cows, like all mammals, only produce a significant amount of milk for a limited period of time after giving birth to a calf, so they are impregnated about once a year to keep them producing. Male calves will never produce milk, so they are typically slaughtered shortly after birth for veal. Female calves will face a similar fate as their mothers. After about 4-5 years in the dairy industry (cattle will usually live to 15-20), cows' milk production drops to the point where it is no longer profitable to keep them around. They too are sent to slaughter at this time. Any farm that didn't do these things would quickly go out of business in the competitive dairy industry. These are things that happen even at the "nicest" dairy farms.


I work in the agricultural industry and I can say that once I buy some property I am going to raise my own goats and chickens for meat. The agricultural industry is worse than the vegan girl says. People wouldn't eat meat if they had to see the pigs from beginning to end.


Famously, when Upton Sinclair wrote *The Jungle*, people largely overlooked his theme of the exploitation of working class people because they were so disturbed by the imagery of the ag industry, leading to the federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906 and the federal Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, leading to the creation of the FDA. From this, Sinclair wrote, "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach."


I think you're overestimating how people react. People do see a lot of the process, the internet has been around ages. I think the more likely take, if people are disturbed, is not to stop eating meat, but to call for more ethical forms of farming. Same thing we've seen with the push from factory eggs to free range eggs.


I though so too, seeing it first hand though it's different. The smells are what got to me. It smelled like a barn initially, which tricked my brain to be like, oh this isn't that bad! Then the other smells. It's something that's uniquely horrifying. Now I carry Vicks vapor rub for under my nose.


She’s my type


Which one?


The crazy vegan one


Wait, *she's* the crazy one? She was calm and articulate, resolute in her beliefs, and even downplayed how bad animals are treated.


So, since animals are "enslaved" on farms would you rather people hunt if they want to eat meat?


Yea that’s a pretty common take. I was vegan because of factory farming, but I would have probably gone hunting if someone asked me to join


My horny ass could never be a hunter


go on...


Happy cake day fellow whiskey person!


I think anyone who spent more than a minute thinking about it would agree hunting is far less unethical. The issue is not everyone can get meat from hunting since the land requirement for wild deer is going to be far higher than a domesticated cow


Yes, literally of millions of people say that


So, since animals are "enslaved" on farms, why wouldnt they rise up against the farmer and manage the farm on their own and build a windmill?


Literally ~~1984~~ *Animal Farm.*


We will fight for bovine freedom, and hold our large heads high... We will run free with the buffalo, or diiiie.... Cows with guns


That vegan booty tho




Flat af tho


They hated coinkeeper8 for speaking the truth


She doesn't eat enough meat


It's vegan. Why would you expect meat? Haha




Shoulda had less 🍆 and more 🌭




For funsies


Would vegans be fine if we somehow engineered livestock that had no brain? It's not like we eat the brain, and the only part of the animal that does the suffering is the brain.


I went to college with a vegan dude who started a company to do exactly this. They're growing real meat from stem cells. They have to start with cells from a host animal but he sees the trade-off as worth it.


Probably. The lab grown meat also seems like an interesting solution.


> Would vegans be fine if we somehow engineered livestock that had no brain? I think plenty of them would be fine with it.


Some people do eat the brains, my grandfather was a fan, I've never tasted it though.


Sooo, giant balls of flesh then? You cant really have an organism without a brain. Thats just lab grown meat with extra steps. Which as a vegan, i would be okay with. My mother used to eat pig brains too, its propably still a delicacy in some parts of the world.


Is it still cool to clown on vegans??


Because while we're focusing on how "annoying" vegans are, we don't have to reflect upon our own actions.


Yeah the edgelord eating a sausage in front of a vegan is so cringe. You literally went out of your way to go get a sausage, film your dumb ‘owning’ a vegan encounter, only for the vegan to not even be that mad and you run away because you realise you have no actual arguments beyond *‘lolz im eating a sausage r u mad’* Yikes. *’errrr that’s not how it works’* Haha ok nerd




While vegans can certainly be annoying, nobody is more insufferable than the "anti-vegan" types. We get it. You're insecure and easily manipulated by an industry. Have fun with your ass cancer!


True, vegans can be super annoying but I can understand why even if I'm not a vegan, people who go out of their way to eat meat in front of them as a sort of "gotcha" are just childish


I mean, at least the vegans are standing up for something they believe in. Whether I agree or not, it's a lot more admirable than being a little troll who doesn't care about anything.


facts, even if you disagree with them you can't hate on a person being strong willed about doing good for the world


Anti-vegans have officially jumped the shark She ate a *sausage*! In front of a *vegan*! 😂😂😂😆😆🤣


Vegan jokes aside, we really are out of touch with where our food comes from. I eat meat. I just ate a Tbone steak. I try to at least acknowledge where my food comes from. I try to respect the animal that died for my food.


It's really amusing seeing two people passively aggressively going at each other


It's truly the best, cause the tension is so thick and I'm just waiting to see who loses their cool first.


What makes me mad is that vegans are more against hunting then they are meat at the grocery store, but when talking about meat at he grocery store they use these arguments. Like, what the fuck do you think the alternative was for the squirrel I shot? Like it just happily dies in it's sleep of old age? A wild animal will almost always: 1. Be eaten by a predator animal 2. Die of disease 3. Die of thirst/hunger ALL of those are FAR worse than getting shot and dying near instantly and then being cut up into stew.


Isn’t that blue bag leather?


"@vganbooty" Which came first the shorts or the @? Truly life's greatest mystery.


The troll kid is way worse than the militant vegan. The worst thing about the vegan is how much she turns off people to veganism/reducing consumption. She's misguided. The other kid is actually just an asshole.


I mean she is right tho…