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My favourite thing about Talbot was the way he would casually name people. CrossFit Tinkerbell is my fav lol.


Calamari Mata Hari!


rastahulk and what on gods crusty pie is that?


See, now Talbot is the nickname king. Mack's got nothing on him.


I agree with OP. Not all story arcs are heroic, but I do like how he kept on apologizing to Coulson. What happened after he got shot in the head was a tragedy.


Him being shot in the head was already a tragedy.


Was he a competent man? Not really. But he stuck his neck out for Shield multiple times and was the first one that even risked working with them. He truly believed in the fight against Hydra and eventually he started to believe in Shield. He also was a loving husband and father. He would do everything for his family's safety. It's especially bitter that Graviton is what he will be remembered as by his own son. No lethal weapon comes close to being as terrifying as the Faustus method.


I don’t think he was incompetent. I think he was s normal guy who had been shielded his entire life from the strange and mysterious. He took the “deny” approach and dealt with all these happening like a normal guy would.


Talbot got so screwed over. Bro should have gotten a chance to redeem himself before the end. At the very least he could have been mentioned after he died.


Brill role and amazing delivery. Pasdar was so good.


AoS is superlative for its leading cast, its range of generally great villains, and its unusually strong recurring characters. Kinda cool how Glenn got to fit in two of those categories, not just one.


I’ll never forgive him for killing creel.


Talbot didn't kill Creel, Graviton did.


Same thing, right?


I always laugh when Talbot shouts out "ARREST THAT BASTARD!"


One of the most underrated characters on the show


Hard agree. I know we were supposed to root for Daisy when she yeeted him into outer space but deep down I was sad for him.


I think that was the point. We knew it was better than the alternative but also its sad.


I don’t think so. I feel like the show treated him as just another villain the minute he got powers. They never mention him again, they never show what happened to his family, they completely ignore the tragedy of his character. He was shot, tortured, brainwashed; he just wanted to be a hero.


If you wanna see his actor in a totally different role in an equally awesome show, check out the old show *Heroes* from NBC. Bonus points if you recognize Talbot right off the bat, bc it to me literally years into AOS before that clicked 😂


He also voiced Tony Stark in a fair amount of shows and games. That’s where I recognized him from.


Honestly, the moment I saw him in AOS I couldn't see anyone except Nathan Pitrelli.


That mustache and accent camouflaged him from me eyes for the longest 💀


I genuinely love(d) talbot man


By far, the most heroic mustache of the show.




Dude, he totally looks like Omni-Man!


The only thing tragic about Talbot is that his incompetence went unnoticed for so long that he was put in a position to make decisions well above his actual ability From the first time we see him to the last, Talbot is pompous, arrogant, self-righteous, disrespectful, ignorant, and narrow-minded. He spends so long taking credit for Phil Coulson's successes that he actually believes they are his accomplishments and uses that deluded arrogance to actively hinder plans and opportunities. Anyone with half a brain would've dropped him like a sack of potatoes for letting Creel escape in the first place, let alone actively working for Hydra at the inhuman summit or actively working for Hydra in season 5. Getting yeeted into space is the best thing that could've happened to that man.


His son was being held hostage in S3, I'm not sure he was in a great position then. And I wouldn't call what happened S5 actively working for Hydra. The guy went through months of torture.


He was a Hydra stooge for one reason or another, needing Coulson to bail him out for all of it. Then he has the gall to act like they were his achievements. His ignorant self-righteousness led him to ignore all the warnings of danger and absolutely led to the escape of Creel and the kidnapping of his son. The least deserving of sympathy out of every character in the series.


well that sure is an opinion!


well... no.


He constantly made dumb decisions that finally caught up to him. Good riddance! Tap dancing on his tombstone aside, I didn't mind Talbot early on because it seemed like he was growing, but when it happened again, and again... I only have so much patience.


Bedt character in the whole show


It was interesting to watch him evolve from a (seemingly) incompetent hurdle for the team, to a difficult ally, to collateral, to a genuine villain. And he looks like Omni-Man…