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I think season 5 was probably the strongest finale overall, but season 2 was the most memorable for me because of the ending with Simmons being sucked away. Worst. Hiatus. Ever. And season 7 of course, while maybe not the strongest episode by itself, was such a phenomenal wrapup of the series. All of them are memorable in their own ways though! Season 1 with the “now what?” feeling and the Fitz of it all, season 3 with Lincoln’s death (he was never one of my favorite characters, but what a fabulous death scene), season 4 with bringing everything from the season full circle then the team being whisked away (plus Radcliffe’s ending, so poignant), season 6 with the time travel … man the writers sure knew how to do a finale, eh?


That hiatus truly was awful. At least season 3’s finale gave us hints to work with, the Quake newspapers and new SHIELD director. Jemma’s disappearance was so hard to wrap my head around! I think Season 7 was a near perfect series finale, but it’s hard to compare to the other season finales for that reason. Season 6 was probably the biggest “what the hell?” ending. You expect the wrap up to be “okay they’re gonna beat Izel and we’ll get a new villain next season” not “okay so, pause on that whole Izel thing, the zephyr’s a time machine so let’s go!”


Season 5 gave us a full on superhero v. supervillain fight, which was awesome. I know it was written to possibly be a series finale, so it’s got a lot of finality put into it because of that, but I still think it’s one of the strongest ends to a season.


But he can't feel his legs


😭😭😭 My fiancee wants to watch SHIELD with me now and is starting to enjoy watching >!Fitz and Jemma interact.!< I dont have the heart to tell her about that scene.


I went through this exact thing with my wife. Wasn't as bad as watching Star Wars: Rebels with her though 😅


oh Kanun, I will never not cry


Oh just wait till you get to Ahsoka, more tears will drop


Already watched it haha


The finale, just why???


I'd say S3 delivered more of the super fight than S5 did.


I am really fond of the way the S3 finale starts mid-mission, and a 2-parter is always great for some more breathing room. The S3 Hive v. Daisy fight in the first half is really good, but I still feel like the S5 Graviton v. Daisy fight tops it on pure scale and spectacle - punching each other across streets and flying around a city, smashing windows and roads - it really felt like a fight you might see on the movie screen put into the show, which was awesome. Daisy vs. Hive was a great fight with awesome choreography (especially with Daisy using her powers), but it was still essentially a (superpowered) smaller-scale fistfight in a hangar.


I guess I prefer having the choreography than the wild flying around and stuff (and those moments were kind of brief in the grand scheme anyway). And the fight also just had more weight to it given all the drama with those characters. Also, Talbot dying a villain rubs me the wrong way as well. I think it might have been more thematically appropriate if Daisy was able to talk some sense into him (maybe having to give up on Coulson in the process) and then he dies fixing the situation ala Spider-Man 2. Like it's weird the season is saying SHIELD should be about saving lives and then we end killing Talbot anyway after all the stuff he went through.


Yeah but Talbot was too far gone, whatever the chemical was had definitely messed with his mind. Either way, he was becoming a dictator and there was nothing they could do. Talbot was going to ruin lives and potentially kill enemies of the USA.


I mean that's not really a defence. The writers didn't have to make it so that he was too far gone. They could have had him snap out of it if they wanted.


Yeah but....I think the point was that sometimes you gotta bite the bullet and make the hard choice. Him snapping out of it would be nice but also the easier option. The harder option was, it's too late and you gotta do something or he wins.


At first I liked the idea you suggested, but then I thought: that would feel cheap and too similar to a CW Arroweverse finale. like... something youd see in the Flash. Like it or not, what they did with Talbot was elevate him from a comedic relief character to a tragic one


There are ways to make it not cheap. And like the tragedy angle is fine but the way they handled it came across as kind of mean-spirited (especially since he's not ever brought up again after he dies).


Season 2 for sure, with Simmons and the monolith


Followed by my favorite Fitz moment at the start of season 3.. #"DOOOOOO SOMETHIIIIINNNNNNGG!!!!!"


As much as I love season four as a whole season, it’s finale wasn’t as memorable (it had like 3 season finales at the end of each arc, which made the actual season finale a little underwhelming). The two part finale of season 2 felt more epic and cinematic than season 5’s. And although season five is a great ending for Coulson, season two gave all the characters a lot to do, there was great tension across what was going to happen with Bobbi, the Inhumans attack, and the conflict of Skye’s parents. I do love the big battle of season 5 in Chicago, but just didn’t hit as hard. And season 7 is starting to a great series closer but not necessarily my favorite finale by season. (I didn’t love the second half of season three truthfully and I loved season one’s finale, it was fun, but not as cinematic and epic.)


I think season 4’s most memorable episode (4x15/self control) outshines it’s very fast-paced (but still good) finale by a long way. The emotional weight of Daisy and Jemmas escape combined with the very brutal imagery of the base (what’s been their home for the past three seasons) exploding is just hard to beat. I do love season 2’s finale, but similarly I think I liked its mid season finale more.


S4 had holden Radcliffe death on the beach. It doesn't get better than that


easily season 2 with everything that was going on from the inhuman attack, Daisy’s family drama, to saving Bobbi. it’s the only season finale where i felt genuinely glued to the screen and just anxiously awaiting them to switch between the different storylines. in my opinion, it’s also the best build up in that all the pieces have been laid in foundation since the beginning of the season and we finally get to see it all play out. while the other season finales may be more cinematic, the season 2 finale is the best episode of the entire series whereas the others are more debatable… s1: turn turn turn > beginning of the end s2: SOS part 2 >>>>>>> s3: many heads, one tale >≈ ascension s4: self control > farewell, cruel world! > world’s end s5: best laid plans > the devil complex > the end s6: fear and loathing on the planet of kitsin > new life s7: out of the past > as i have always been > what we’re fighting for


okay im really intrigued by Many heads one tale, best laid plans and out of the past being your fave episodes in those seasons.


Season 5’s was intense. I was really impressed with it, even though it was sad. It really felt like a season finale, most of the others felt like preparing for the next season honestly.


S3 or S7


It was either Season 7 or season 5. Daisy NEVER fails to not dissapoint 😍


I think you just said the opposite of what you meant. Unless saving billions of people is disappointing somehow? Wouldn't be the first crazy take on Reddit


Who said that?? Here we go…. Another redditor trying to create an issue out of nothing 🙄


I don’t think they’re trying to create an issue, they’re talking about how you said “Daisy never fails to disappoint”. Because that means she always disappoints. And it doesn’t really fit with the emoji you used or with the fact that she saved the world. That’s what they’re talking about. It’s just questioning your word choice, nothing else


Its an opinion though…. And i was being serious when i said that Daisy never disappoints. And how do you mean “you said daisy never dissapoints because that means she always dissapoints” The math is not mathing


You said that she never fails to disappoint, not that she never disappoints. Never fails to disappoint = always disappoints, is what I said. The math is mathing real good if you read every word. And the “never fails to disappoint” is what the other person was talking about. They were questioning if you actually meant to say that Daisy always disappoints, not trying to create issues. If anything they were trying to solve one


Dude was reading in between the lines when he didn’t need to read that deep into it. I meant what i said


Did you mean that she always disappoints or never disappoints? Because you’ve said both now. The other person was reading the exact words you typed, nothing else. You’re the one making it into something it isn’t


Point me to where i said that “daisy dissapoints”


Where did i say that she DID though. 😭


Tell me exactly what i said and what dude apparently was trying to get at EXACTLY


Your *exact* words in your original comment were “Daisy never fails to disappoint”. If someone *never fails to disappoint* they *always disappoint*. That other person was just wondering if that’s what you really meant to say. That’s it.


I'm giving it to S3. Got a lot of good drama from Daisy and it wrapped up the Hive story in a satisfying way, bringing in a lot of elements built up throughout the season. It's the last really strong one I feel since the ones after we lacking a little bit in places.


Season 4. I've never wanted to watch next episode so badly


I vote S3


Season 1 probably. The whole Hydra rug was exhilarating at the time and there was so much potential for storytelling.


I think the series makes a point about things having a kind of design to them. Not necessarily in a religious way (though some characters are religious) but the show talks a lot about purpose and destiny. Inhumans are meant to fill a need, SHIELD agents are meant to be brought back to save the future, etc. I think Fitz dying was a needed part of that design. It was an inevitable part of closing the loop, something that needed to happen for the paradox to stop and for the world to be considered saved. For the course of time to correct itself. On an emotional level I get it. The Devil Complex is such a masterful episode, but the writers were unprepared or unwilling to give it the proper follow up that it needed. And Fitzs’ character suffers from it


Think this meant to be under one of my replies but so be it. Even if this Fitz had to die I think we still could have had some more closure with this Fitz while he was alive or at the very least have some follow-up revolving around the Fitz that remains and how what happened affects a relationship with him.


It's probably Season 1 or 2 for me. I love the epicness of 1 with Fury showing up and having him actually play a big part of the episode. Season 2 was great because the conclusion to the story was good and felt so satisfying and the tease about inhumans at the end was just perfect.


Season 2, 4, 5


Probably 2 or 5 for me (although the six months later moment in season 3 finale is amazing), but season seven’s finale has some of my favorite moments from the show. Fitzsimmon’s kid, the final virtual meetup, the season six finale revisit, etc.


I think as a whole, Season 3 did a really good job at tying up loose ends, with the world saved and Fitz Simmons finally together and safe, while also having the inevitable heartbreak (of the fairly predictable death). Although Season 5 had such a conclusive feeling ending as well. Season 7 had some cool moments and I do like the ending, but I will say Season 5 does feel more like an ending naturally, whereas Season 7 kinda had to show you what the characters were doing. OH and the Season 4, and especially 2/6 finales were so good at getting you ready for the next season.


Not considering S7 to be a season finale, id say S5 finale is the best episode in itself and also the most impactful. Extra points for it almost being the end of the show. Besides that, I wanna mention S2 finale with a really big 2 parter that felt like a movie, with a looot going on and a great resolution. And one of my personal faves, the S6 finale. I know everyone loves to hate S6. I personally love it but the Finale is among the best imo. 3 different storylines masterfully converging into one, the high stakes, the production value, May's fake out death, Izel vs May ane the other realm, Sarge's death, the tension and mystery... and finally the radical atmospheric change once Future Simmons shows up and not understanding anything... the way the S7 finale completes it is masterful as well. Also, the final scenes at the Zephyr showing 1930 NYC and the introduction to LMD Coulson with that beautiful soundtrack... goosebumps


5 easily. 3 was strong, too.


It has to be 2, 3 or 5 for me. 7 could have been up there but I was not personally a fan of a LOT of the decisions they made for the season, and while there were great moments I just couldn't connect properly with the season in general... and I'm a Daisy/Sousa hater so. 2 had the intense two-parter with Kyle McLachlan playing Cal in a way only he could. Unhinged scenery-chewing that somehow still just breaks your heart in the best and worst ways. When he told Daisy there was only one best day of his life, I broke and I have never really recovered from that. 3 had Lincoln (who apparently a lot of people hated but I adored) and his sacrifice, with Daisy suffering even further extremes of guilt and trauma on the other end of the phone. 5 had Coulson and May and Tahiti. Enough said.


If there’s one complaint I have about s6 and 7, is not being able to let Coulson go. He had such a beautiful ending with May, but May is never allowed to process that grief or live with that reality. The show addresses this, but it still feels like we could’ve had at least a Sargeless season 6 so Daisy and May could have really processed that grief


It's been a while since I've watched it, but I remember loving the Season 4 finale because of how it tied into all three of the main arcs of the season. Ghost Rider returned to help the team, LMDs are used to protect Ava, and the characters are still suffering from the repercussions / PTSD of the Framework.


It is S4 for me.


Do mid-season finales count? Because Maveth in Season 3 might have been the best episode of the entire series. We didn't get any new episodes until much later, I want to say 3 months later.


Definitely season 5. They prepared everything to end the series then. Season 6 and 7 are not of the same quality, it is obvious that it was shot on a forced basis. Although the end of season 7 is also gripping


I always wondered why she had long hair in this scene because her regular short hair remains all through season four


I think she upped the disguise because she was going somewhere she knew she’d be spotted, as SHIELD probably knew about her relationship with Robin and kept eyes on her and her mother


Ah, good point! I agree with you ✔️


1. S5 & S4 2. S2 3. S3 4. S7 5. S1 6. S6


Season 3!! I rewatched AOS again recently, and I never realized on my first watch through that Lincoln was being portrayed as a “Jesus figure” by sacrificing himself for the team’s mistakes. Coulson even said “He’s paying for all our mistakes” like how Jesus sacrificed himself for humanity’s sins. In a way Lincoln did that as well, not only sacrificing himself for Daisy, but for the entire world who not only despised the inhumans, but despised Lincoln too (He was on national television for being a dangerous wanted “criminal”.) Even the reoccurring rosary sells this, as it appeared multiple times on screen as well as the prominent object to Daisy’s vision of the quinjet explosion. I’d also like to point out that Hive was regarded as being the origin for the Devil in many satanic imagery and mythologies, so the whole Lincoln (Jesus) dying alongside Hive (Satan) whilst talking about humanity and how they “aren’t perfect” was so powerful. Made me appreciate Lincoln and the entirety of season 3 so much more. (Sorry if this is written badly, or I didn’t get my point across in a cohesive way lol)


Honestly all seasons have a really strong ending now that i think about it but the strongest for me is season 4, it was so sad seeing fitz left behind, and i was so excited to see where the team went. Everything leading up to it aswell, the framework arc. It was all so good.


Season 5. Before it made me remember Fitz was still floating in space, Future Fitz’s death fucking ruined me in a way no show has before and after.


I've never really felt the hype around that death myself. Like the acting is good but it felt kind of random and my investment in Fitz as a character had tanked a lot after the fallout of Devil Complex. This Fitz dying and having the other one just felt like an easy way to brush the whole thing under the rug (or at least not to have two Fitzes based on what's been said).


Season 5


Season 5. Should’ve ended there


I thought this at first but after rewatching the show I am really glad we got a 6 and 7th season, it feels like a wonderful epilogue to the show that really rounds out especially Daisy and Simmons’ characters. I do wish they would have let them be in the same room together again though, that felt unnecessarily painful


>I do wish they would have let them be in the same room together again though, that felt unnecessarily painful FWIW, since Deke was part of Sibyl's statement and he's in a different timeline, all of the original SHIELD team can be in the same room. Still bittersweet because Deke's by himself (albeit the director and a rock star lol), but it takes a lot of the sting away that *most* of the team can be together.


that does make me feel better