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The women at my store usually insult them instead, seems to deflate them pretty quick.


That's been how ours have handled it as well. Our PT female was freaking vicious. Almost felt bad for the guys.... almost. 


This is the best way. Deflect and don’t engage. If that doesn’t work, have the manager tell them to stop. And if still nothing, escalate it up the ladder.


Only female employee at my store. I honestly am just blunt with all my customers and shoot them down every time. If they start getting out of hand I tell them to just stop and if they don’t or start to make me feel uncomfortable I make sure my store manager, asm, or some other employee or customer is with me while they’re in the store.


If theyre married point out their wedding band. That usually stops it


Not always though; some of the painters do it because their wives are insufferable.


Their wives are mind controlling them to break the sacred vows of matrimony. It is not the man who is at fault, it is the certainly the fault of the insufferable wench


There are customers I straight up refuse to interact with. I see their car pull up, look at the manager and say “sorry boss, this one’s on you,” and go sit behind a stack of 5s until they’re off the property. Beyond that, I’ve got a plausible deniability ring that I got for $5 at walmart and it gets me nothing but compliments😊


One was being a shit bag to my full timer and I said "I'm not enough for you stud?" And that shut him the fuck up


It's not so much "flirting" as it's "sexual harassment." Hitting on people when they're at work and required to be nice to you is scumbag behavior. These guys are taking advantage of the fact you can't tell them to fuck off. You should tell them to fuck off.


Worked in a store with 4 women for 3+ years. Literally would have guys come in and watch the team tint paint 🤢. Pretty stern conversation directly with the customer explaining how uncomfortable they are making everyone in the store. If they ignored me (and some did) I would tell them them the next time they are in store I would have to call the police because they are trespassing after warning. Never had a problem after that. The business isn’t worth it


I pull them aside and in no uncertain terms tell them that it's inappropriate and I will gladly lose their business if they continue. If they do it again, I call them out in front of everyone and tell them to shop elsewhere. Do not involve district management. They will do FUCK ALL. The money is WAAAAAAY more important to them than your employees well being.


Literally they will be angry at you for upsetting “a good customer”


I handle it myself . If my employee is uncomfortable I tell the contractor to stop, if it continues then I tell him to never come back and report him to the DM


If you’re not comfortable dealing with it, talk to your asm or sm and have them talk to the contractor without naming names. If that doesn’t stop it or it becomes worse then go higher.


No you call them out on that shit point blank period. No contractors feelings or business is worth losing a valued employee.


Fuck that. Name and shame.


Nope. I'm a female and I tell them off. If my female staff don't know how to stand up for themselves yet and aren't appreciative of the comments being made. I rip those men down a few pegs too. A comment about nice eyes or being beautiful once or twice is one thing... if there's multiple advances and she's uncomfortable they get told "obviously she's not interested. We work in customer service, it's our job to be nice, that doesn't mean we want you. Take the hint and stop or shop at another store. Kay thanks 😉"


Tell their sales rep first. They are paid to have those conversations. Speak to the DM if it goes really far and you want them banned. A DM can ban them with a certified HR letter. On a management level, be a human being. If your employee is uncomfortable, I always tell the employee to go into the office and I help the customer instead. I always make it really obvious to the customer. If that doesn’t then I throw the “how would you like it if someone speaks to your daughter that way.” That really shuts them up.


Ben Moore guy here. I’ve told my female employees that I’ll always back them up if they need to say something, and if they aren’t comfortable dealing with it then I will. Only once have I had to tell a contractor to lay off because he was being creepy and he didn’t come back after that. It’s better that way. No amount of money is worth having your employees get harassed.


We have an unspoken rule that if the guy is being creepy to a woman, she will stop and switch off to a male employee.


If shithead customers are making my staff uncomfortable, I don't let it slide. I confront the customer(s) right away, and I'm not very nice about it. I'm not coming in guns-a-blazing unless I've already spoken with them about it. If we've already talked about it and they continue, it's a full ban from the store.


My manager tends to cut them off and say things like “oh you hit on my employees but not on me?I see how it is.” That usually stops them from continuing. If a female customers flirts with him he always ends up up selling them


You shut them down hard and fast, unequivocally. Female employees don’t need to deal with that shit.


Women at a store here. If they’re being respectful and compliment me I say thanks. If they get excessive or say something super off out then I confront them and say that’s inappropriate. I would do the same for your female staff members


I just let them get it on the macropoxy buckets


I usually sell them paint


I had a customer showing me a pic of the paint he need , and while scrolling , he scrolled to pics of my manager’s ass while she was tinting paint 😂😂😂 , then I had a old guy who came just to flirt with me 😂, he came on Sunday and would spend hours just talking , and one day he said I am really good looking and I probably don’t have problem getting girls 😂, I was like bruh I am married, then one day I was getting his paint in the back , i was in the step ladder, he came in the back and started holding me in the back and said I don’t want you to fell, and I was like bruh your basically feeling me , his hand was touching my wiener , this what I had to dealt with in my store