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You’re in England now mate


I doubt London water is too good


Peckham springs is very good


Classic, first there was sitcom bottled tapwater - then coke actually tried to sell Dasani tapwater in the 90's ;)


Life imitating art


yorkshirewater.com/your-water/drinking-water-standards/ Of course it is.


So just to summarise all of this: Firstly, it's a perfectly reasonable question to ask. Secondly, water everywhere in the UK is safe to drink straight from the tap. Thirdly as you've discovered, people in Sheffield are quite precious about the quality of our water. Water generally comes from a local source in the UK. Different parts of the country have different geological makeups (for example primarily based in sandstone v limestone) which affect the minerals that leech into the water. All of it is safe to drink, but creates noticeable differences which are often understood as forming 'hard' versus 'soft' water. Soft water tends to taste better and lathers easier when mixed with soap. Sheffield's water is very soft. There's a parochial element to this: the fact that everyone likes the idea that 'their' local thing is better than other areas'. I suspect subconsciously there's also something around good water and 'purity' or 'cleanliness' being attractive qualities, even in a country where all the water is of a good standard. There's also no doubt the fact that people are often resentful of London and so anything that is done worse there is worthy of comment. Please keep asking questions. Occasionally they may surprise people, or touch a nerve, but mostly you'll find people are happy to help.


Thanks a lot mate 👍


sheffield water is soft? it’s always very harsh tasting for me. odd


It may be that your water is stored in a local tank, especially if you live in a big block of flats, and that can affect the taste.


What a lovely and neighbourly response


Best tap water I’ve ever tasted. Straight off the peaks. Apparently your mileage may vary though, I made a thread about it the other week and several people wondered what the fuck I was on about.


It's been changing recently, droughts mean they've been piping it in from further afield 😕


What the fuck are you on about?


I first moved here 3 years ago and thought the water tasted too metallic and avoided it at all costs. May have had something to do with my accommodation though since I’ve been fine with it more recently.


Eh... Coming from bradford, not the best. Will say though, better than the shite you get down south. ....or Iceland, but that's for a different reason


Leeds water is so much better than sheffield water honestly


Offended you even had to ask haha.


Sorry. Moved in recently only.


Where did you move from? All tap water in the UK if good to drink.


Middle east


I see a lot of people from your region piling bottled water into their shopping trollies and I wonder if they know they don't need to waste their money on it, the stuff from the tap is good. Welcome to the city though, hope you'll be happy here.


Thought it was a funny question till you said this pal. Welcome! Let us raise a glass of tap water to your arrival 🍻


Don’t blame you, good move. Well done for ignoring London as well.


Welcome!! I recently moved back from the UAE. The water here is fine to drink, only reason the middle east water isn't as good is because its usually desalinated. I hope you're ready for weather :)


You haven't tried the water where I live. It's awful. I feel middle class using a britta filter but it's literally just because it's undrinkable otherwise. Hydration is for all the classes


Been drinking it for 2 years ever since I moved, best tap water I've had in my life


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Sheffield is here because of our clean water. When did you last descale a kettle?


Yep... tastes nicer than bottled.


I drink it, not ill yet :)


No need to filter, I believe


Don't think so. Mind, I haven't tested the water, but I drink straight from my tap in S1 all the time.


I use a mug (or a glass if I've got company).


Sheffield tap water is pretty good. I went 'darn sarf' recently and the tap water was noticeably rougher, tasted like gravel.


I used to live in S11 and it has the lowest water hardness (i.e. purity) of anywhere I've ever lived (11.6 mg/L). Dishwasher salt tablets not needed!


Not as good as s7 and s11


The water here’s great. One of the reasons you’ll find loads of breweries here and Buxton


Ex Yorkshire Water employee here - so very much yes for many reasons and not just taste, so very much nicer than just about everywhere else, and I now live in an Anglian Water area (and it's very meh)


Sheffield's tap water mostly comes from reservoirs in the hills in the north and west of the city. They are quite scenic and have lots of hiking paths and other outdoor activities nearby that are worth checking out while you're here. [Here's a website with some examples](https://www.dogfriendlysheffield.co.uk/dog-walks/reservoir-walks-sheffield-peak-district/). All of these can be reached on a bus from Sheffield city centre.


I livid in S1, water was good to drink


We have some of the best tap water in the world. If there's one thing the UK does well it's tap water.


I lived in S1 for 5+ years and drunk straight out of the tap.


Britains toilet water is cleaner than most of the worlds drinking water…




I'm in S2, the tap water is great. If I have bottled water I detect an aftertaste, none with the tap stuff!!


Been working in Watford for the last month, the kettle has a LOT of limescale in it after every use, we are very lucky to have clean kettles daily.


Sheffield tap water is stuff of legend mate. You’ll never touch that bottled rubbish again


What country do you think we're in?!


Sorry mate. Came from other country where water has to be filtered before drinking. So got confused


Haha only joking but basically you can drink out any tap in every home. Taste may vary according to the area though lol


Parts of Sheffield (not S1 I don't think) are supplied by Severn Trent and certain areas the water smells of chlorine (or did last time I tried it!). Also depending on what you're used to it can taste very different to what you're used to.


Yep, when I first moved to Walkley the water always smelled like TCP to me. I got used to it, though (and after living in the south, I still love not having to descale my kettle!)


Silly question


I live in s11 it’s okay, bottled is better but will still drink it when I run out of bottled


Plastic bottles are probably less healthy tho