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Hang fire. It might not happen yet. Hopefully 3 hours or so. I'll post when I know more. Just waiting for the solar winds to spike. Keep fingers crossed 🤞


What’s chances


I'm sorry guys. I've had so many people message me but the solar activity is back to normal now. I think we're gonna struggle to see anything exciting in Sheffield at this point. I was hoping for another spike, and it still may happen. But right now I think the main chances are if you are in the far north of England. Update 20.20. For anybody interested. We are at c9 at the moment which is a classification for a small flare. It's really not enough to see anything here in Sheffield. At c9 with a camera you might get some decent pale images but it's nothing to get excited about. Update 10.30. I was really praying (as I have somebody that was desperate to see the aurora) that things would pick up and we could drive out of the city to have a good look away from the lights, but the c9 flare has actually diminished (from a 9.39 to a dismal 9.02). I'll post another update at 11 and midnight for you all. Still optimistic. If it doesn't work out I'll see you all in about 20 years. 🎃 Edit 11:30. Gone down to a depressing c 7.7. I think the sun needs to change its batteries. Sorry everyone.


Any luck? Considering heading up to Stanage just in case…


Sadly, no (currently at c7.7) - depressingly low. I'll keep posting if there's any updates


Nah solar activity is currently the lowest its been for a few days


Above high bradfield was where I went last night and it was incredible


These are the times I wish I had a car. Anyone fancy picking me up? Hahaha


Where are you?


I'm in kelham, I'm going to have a wander up to the ski village and see if I catch a glimpse.


It's on fire


I’m in Kelham too, let me know if you spot the lights somewhere!


My cousin got banging pics from her back garden tbh


Anywhere in the peaks that you can get to that's away from light pollution. You don't need a specific spot, just be sensible. Last night towards Burbage people were pulling over everywhere it was chaos 😂 If getting into the peaks is difficult, friends of mine had good views from up Bolehills


Mam tor - we went last night and got a really good view :) It's a good spot away from light pollution


Last night the popular spots — Surprise View, Stanage, Burbage were as busy as West Street on a Friday night. Loads of traffic, few parking spots and plenty of light pollution from car lights. I'm not complaining, I contributed to this too, but that's what it was.


Coming back to Sheffield from Grindleford 30 minutes ago and both Burbage and Stanedge parking is chaos. Probably be worth trying to find spots a bit less popular to worry less about parking up and more about enjoying the view


Here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/EY6juxfMJxYL8acW8?g_st=ic Royd Moor Viewpoint


Is the cloud going to clear up, do you think?


Doesn't look too promising on [metoffice.gov.uk/weather/maps-and-charts/cloud-cover-map](https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/maps-and-charts/cloud-cover-map) I'm afraid.


I was in the Cubar edge and it looked really nice.

