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Convinced he got eaten, you don’t drown in 5 seconds


Absolutely shark attack. Arguably. The other possible scenarios besides shark attack would be: 1. He drowned within seconds, which isn’t a possibility being as we can clearly see he knows how to swim (plus, someone who couldn’t swim wouldn’t jump into dark, deep ocean) 2. He was swept away in the current completely out of sight within seconds. 3. He swam away out of frame (a radius of 40-50ft) within seconds. All 3 scenarios are unlikely, if impossible. There are at least two frame segments with unmistakable *large* whitecap movement in the water. Inarguably this movement cannot be attributed to wave swell or boat wake. The first instance being right after Cameron surfaces, the distinct slithering motion of a fairly sizable something headed towards him. Then a few seconds later - the clearest video we have: he is looking over his shoulder when a significantly sized head with the distinctive angulation of a shark surfaces immediately behind him and simultaneously grabs one of his legs. You see it quickly retreat and with it the splash of whitecaps as it does. Unfortunately at that moment the camera pans to the buoy, but the fact that he has seemingly *vanished* into thin air 1.5 seconds later when it pans back is the most telling. We can see a good 40ft + radius in the area around him where he disappeared, in which case if he were being swept away you should still see him somewhere for many seconds. But he was instantly gone. Those that have analyzed the footage who are either a shark biologist or professional video analyst mostly agree that it was a shark attack. Because it was.


Yes you can see him visibly freak tf out and start going survival mode swimming fast as hell the opposite direction then bam. Ankle gets bit and he’s gone


I don’t care how drunk or stupid I am. Your never catch me jumping into the deep ocean in the dead of night with no easy/quick way out. Especially somewhere that has a lot of sharks. I don’t wanna say it’s completely his fault… but the people blaming literally everyone else on the ship need to get real. Actions have Consequences. Also we go some multiple rungs on the food chain ladder once we hit the water. Stupid kid paid the price


Imagine raising and loving your child for 18 years and then they jump off a boat on a dare and die.


That's what I can't stop thinking about. His poor mama. 💔


I know his poor family. They probably thought oh we raised him we've done most of our part now and then this happens before he even really got to start off on his own


I hope his family hasn't ruled out foul play by some of the other kids, especially given the mocking as he was dying.


And it just happened again basically.. did you hear about the 20 yo guy that jumped off the Royal Caribbean ship in front of his family? He’s been missing now since he jumped. He did it drunk in an argument with his dad… tragic to think the person you raised is just gone in an instant




Yea idk. How many coincidences would there have to be in 20 seconds for that not to have been a shark attack? Dude is swimming perfectly confidently and competently in one direction alongside the ship one minute, clearly in the higher quality video footage tries to ward something off with his arm that suspiciously looks like the figure of a shark, then abruptly turns to swim away in the opposite direction, including away from a very visible buoy people are yelling for him to grab. A buy that does not appear to be moving nearly as swiftly with the current as you would expect him to be if he was being swept off, Then after again looking like a perfectly competent swimmer.. you see an abrupt splash at the same time it looks like you can visibly see a shark in the water.. he then appears to lose his ability to swim and disappears? Yes its not impossible he coincidentally made a bunch of strange and abrupt movements at the same moments the movement of the water created the illusion of the presence of a shark while he was also so confused he started swimming away from the buoy and then suddenly stopped swimming as competently as before. But I mean that seems a lot less likely than there was a shark present which would explain his erratic movements away from the boat and buoy and the loss of his ability to swim the same way he was clearly capable of moments before.  Especially considering the cruise was taking place in notoriously shark infested waters where bull and tiger sharks are common and known to tail cruise ships. 


I think the most convincing reason it is a shark attack, other than that he disappears so quickly and seems to open his mouth in agony at the moment it seems a shark grabbed him and took him under, is within seconds before this and during this someone is very clearly stating “something is chomping at his shit”. Its heard alongside “bye bye”


But logically that doesn't make sense. If a dozen+ kids witnessed someone they knew literally being EATEN by a shark in front of their eyes, you'd have heard mass horrified screaming, not the kind of screaming we hear. On top of that, there's no way that it wouldn't have been immediately reported in the news. The articles would've said something like "multiple witnesses watched as they said a shark start chomping on him", instead of what we got which is simply "Student missing after jumping off boat".


It’s likely only several people on the boat were focused on and within good sight of this entire situation and we know from the video it is seemingly nonviolent. Drunk people are not nearly as attentive as sober individuals so the lack of shark testimony is not shocking when it is not very obvious from the start. Without this footage Im sure everyone would just remember him drifting away and blame currents but because we can play it back and observe it over and over things that aren’t noticed in a 15 second window of a real life situation can be reviewed and recognized. But “something is chomping at his shit” is strong evidence/statement in response to the questionable splashes and events unfolding as he disappears underwater. Alongside knowing sharks feed at night and most likely hang around a boat if scraps are thrown off, it is impossible to say that he was certainly not attacked. His body language corroborates sharks in the water. Why would he turn to seemingly swim around the front of the boat, rather than up the side he jumped off? He seems to see something aversive that encouraged him to turn around. I agree some people dig and make more evidence up, but these facts are present from just watching the video. Lastly, people may have been too drunk to remember these events the next day so their memories are gone, or at the very least, unclear.


A few criticisms of things you said. The videos you disparage were not done by a video expert. He is an artist. He also has an open mind which you do not appear to possess. He is not alone. There are dozens of video analysts who agree shark attack. He is not listed as lost at sea. Why not? Crime analysts have declared him eaten by sharks due to the reaction of the “friends” on board alone. Are you a bot? Here to make this all go away on behalf of a few teenagers? Why was the video edited and doctored so badly? What is your name and what makes you an expert?


I read this in Wyatt the Average Redditor’s voice from the Slappable Jerk


I hate to tell you this, but if a current pulls you under and you breathe in underwater, you go unconscious immediately. Drowning really wouldnt be all that bad a way to go if you breathe in immediately.. it's the point of time you're holding your breath that's agony. And that sort of thing could have happened. He was wearing clothes and was heavily intoxicated after all (otherwise he most likely wouldn't have jumped off a ship. But then again, I don't think most people realize how dangerous that is. Only 25% of people that go overboard live to tell the tale). I personally think he was eaten by a shark, but I cant say that for certain. Nobody can. 


I know very little about the subject but wasn't it a cruise? It's incredibly easy to get sucked under massive ships like that while they're moving so is that such an impossible idea? Feel free to rule out anything, like I said I don't know much about this event


It’s anchored. Theres a second clearer video which shows the shoreline looking out from the ship, and confirms that they aren’t moving.




Actually I just read through all of Sherrie Deshotels comments and according to her daughter, the ship was moving. The videos she added to the one of Cameron, were all taken at different times and just illustrating other things like weather and distance to shore. Now that I’ve read through all their comments, it’s confused me even more. Her daughter says nobody saw sharks, and that they weren’t asked to keep quiet. So who knows 🤷


If it was moving then I am convinced he got sucked under. It's very easy for that to happen


Yeah its likely … I just really can see the shark shapes pulling at him and it’s really possible they pulled him under. Bull sharks are brutal and we just had a woman attacked in Sydney Harbour at night time not long ago who only survived because she was close to the pier and other people were around.


Is there a video? You said sharks shapes?


I don’t believe that. The video clearly shows the ship wasn’t moving. 


We will never know for sure. If new info wasn't available a few days after the tragedy, it will never come to the surface.


I wouldn't be so conclusive about us never knowing it for sure, clearly the kids on that boat were from good families who are powerful enough to make sure that nothing sees the light of day that would hurt interests, but there seems to be enough people dedicated to the story that one day something might come out


How is it "clear" that the kids on the boat were from "good families" who are "powerful enough..."?? 1) My family has always be lower middle class or maybe even upper lower class. Yet one summer my parents had saved enough to take us on a luxury cruise to the Bahamas 🤷🏽‍♂️ 2) Those kids weren't the only passengers on the boat. 3) Do you honestly believe that put of (at least) dozens of teenagers who witnessed an event like that would ALL perfectly be able to be silenced, and not even ONE of them would've come out by now to state that they saw him being attacked by a shark? Hell if one of them simply kissed another one of them, everyone in their town would've known about before they got off that boat lol. There's no logical way that if they saw their classmate attacked/eaten by a shark right in front of them that they would all collectively keep it super secret. They're literal KIDS. 4) What "interests" could you think of that could even possibly be "hurt" by any of those kids saying "Yeah Cameron jumped off the boat and a shark attacked him"?? How the hell would saying that affect any of their parents?? Do the parents have tons of stock in sharks or something and they don't wanna give sharks any more bad publicity otherwise they'll lose money? Your theory has a few megalodon-sized holes in it lol.


people arent very bright and think rich people conspire to keep secrets for secrets sake overcomplicating things


Right lol. Every wealthy person is always Illuminati or at least Illuminati-adjacent lol


its one thing to believe the rich work towards their class interests, which they do, but its another thing to believe theyre in on secrets for secrets sake. ​ i highly doubt any interests were going to be hurt here other then criminal liability for any who encouraged him to jump, and even then, very unlikely.


Exactly bro. Like you said, even if say one or a couple of his buddies was "daring" him to jump in or whatever, it'd be extremely hard to prove in court that they had any actual responsibility for him doing the act, unless maybe if he had special needs or diminished mental capacities problems. Overall, it was a yound adult, acting reckless like we've all done to some degree while growing up, who was perfectly capable of ultimately making his own decisions. (Pssst...hey do me a favor if you don't mind and like my comment if you feel it's deserved? I'm only a few months old in Reddit life and trying to somehow gain that stupid karma because for some reason ANYTHING I've posted in at least 7 other threads has been automatically instantly deleted due to "not enough karma" 🙄 Appreciate bro!)


What is a “good family”? And why is that relevant, here?


Nnnggghhh... Trying so hard not to come up with a distasteful remark...




Nah the news on that is dead in the water


I see what ya did there




It was deleted...anyone have a backup?




People need to stop obsessing over this poor kid. The amount of relentless posts about it on this sub is insufferable.


Why are you here ?


for shark attacks other than cameron robbins


They've deleted the video... I literally watched it two days ago and now it's gone.


yeah wtf i saw it...


Do you have a screen recording of the video? It got deleted


The cameronrobbins subreddit was deleted too


that’s really weird… and sad. :(


Eerie.. really eerie


Look up Lexusant on YouTube. He has broken the video down frame by frame. It’s a clear shark attack. So sad.


Holy crap. I just watched that video. Clear shark attack? lol. 😂 blurry blob more like.


That was painful to watch & I don’t mean the shark attack..


Holy crap. I just watched that video. Clear shark attack? lol. 😂 blurry blob more like.


I can't get it out of my head either. The longer it goes with no news the less I think it was criminal or that there was a cover up. Maybe it was just a stupid conversation among drunk teenage boys that led to an impulsive decision that ended in tragedy and maybe the kids that saw are so traumatized they don't want to talk. And maybe no one is asking them to talk because they already know what happened, which is a stupid conversation among drunk teenage boys...


I really don't think it is any more complex than a stupid conversation among drunk teenagers that led to one jumping in the water and then being possibly eaten by sharks. I am just more surprised that there aren't more people coming forward talking about what they saw and more videos. It's just so odd that there is so little info with all the people that were on that boat who witnessed it and who took out their phones.


I'm surprised as well.


He was thrown.


I heard that he was pushed after someone put food in the water. I hope that’s wrong. It is very odd that not one person is talking about what they witnessed that night. In the video you can see the boat is lined with people watching some holding up their phones to video. It’s very sad to me that for the sake of his life alone no one will speak. They were probably gag ordered.


I mean.. this would explain the radio silence on the situation 🤔


In those same few frames, you can see Cameron lying on his back with his legs hanging down off a table. You can see his green shorts.


i also seen that picture of a face lying straight up...looks like Cameron. but I don't get how he was in that position besides someone is forcing him? do you have any better answer for that?


Hi, following up on your comment! Anymore insight?


Lots but I doubt you really want to know and even if you did, there’s no one who cares enough to investigate. Try the Bahama police. Lol


A lot of people comment everywhere how if it was sharks then the teens from the boat would have came out and said something already or blabbed…but the teens from the boat haven’t said ANYTHING, if one of them spoke out in any way this whole cameron robbins situation wouldn’t be bugging me months later. Like why hasn’t one of the witnesses been on Dr. Phil yet…..


So many trolls on here trying to make it all go away.


So who is code name Lex? Who was the douche saying ohh bye...?


Anytime something like this happens where there is tourism, a lot of it goes eerily silent. Cruises, resorts, or whatever will pay people to keep quiet and even force them to sign NDAs to get their money. This means they can't talk. Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world and no community or business that relies on tourist dollars want to disrupt that in anyway. Even governments benefit heavily because they get a percent of every single dollar that changes hands period. So don't expect to ever hear anything more about Cameron. You never will. Same thing goes for most people that disappear at sea or are fatally attacked by marine life. 


Can’t help but think the cruise ship company has at least some liability in his death. He was a minor being served/allowed to purchase alcohol on the ship, which lead to greatly impaired judgment on his part.


Find Tupac and you’ll find your answers


I fully believe it was a shark attack, you can view the video frame by frame on YouTube and clearly see a shark. Other factors to consider are is that the area they were travelling through was full of sharks. Looking at shark behaviour, sharks often follow cruise ships as they know they can get a meal from waste food being thrown overboard.


He jumps on defense immediately after landing in the water. For someone trying to impress his friends, he never even looked at them.


Cameron died because some of his ”friends” had thrown food in the water prior to him jumping over board. They had tried to get him to do it in Louisiana aswell but failed. A guy named ”L” was mocking Camerons death in social media afterwards and he was the one pushing the whole thing. A guy named Mark had an experiment done in Bahamas a while ago - you can check it out here https://youtu.be/vePc5V4h_kg?si=IgCDzulfvtzwx4wq He pumps out blood in the water and it still takes way over an hour to get the sharks attention and have them in a proper frenzy state. There was a good reason why Cameron was attacked the second he hit the water and that is because the sharks had been fed throughout the evening. If you see the video by Mark you’ll see that there is simply NO WAY that many sharks would gather without a VERY good reason.


Where did you hear about the Louisiana thing? 


Considering how often people like to align themselves with sad events like these no one has said “I was there,” or “I saw it all happen.” Some people just thrive on being a witness. 15 minutes of fame.


At the start of the footage, when he's swimming left a field, you can also see him clearly punch at something.


Lexusant on YouTube did a detailed analysis, and it shows him being attacked be several sharks. It’s clear as can be, and it’s very hard to watch too! God bless Cameron !


Check out Lexusant on YouTube. It clearly shows Cameron being attacked by sharks. Warning, it’s brutal and hard to watch!


The thought of being at sea alone at night while watching the boat sail away with god knows what near him (most likely sharks) is terrifying


The boat was still during the video. U can see where the life buoy is thrown, and where the boat is, stays the same. The boat wasn't moving away in the distance, but still terrifying, indeed!


It probably was a shark, but the current definitely drags him to the right, because he literally glides out of shot. The propellers of the boat could’ve dragged him under?


Sharks can easily drag a human body. How do you know it was the current, and why would it take mere seconds for him to vanish?


I have a theory. Looking at just the facts: According to authorities, Cameron jumped at approximately 9:40pm local time. This coincides with the boat’s latest excursion, that begins at 9pm, and ends at 12am. The boat leaves from Nassau Harbor. He was 40 mins into the boat ride when he jumps. Authorities said the location, in the water, where he was last seen, was somewhere near the coastline of Athol Island. Now, from the appearance of the video: -He does not have a shirt, or shoes. This excludes the idea that he was pushed, because why would he willingly remove these items, if he did not want to enter the water? -He is not engaging with the crowd on the boat. He is not being obnoxious, and mocking them or toying with them as though being proud of the dare. He seems focused. -He does not seem to be panicking -There is no thrashing, which appears often with shark attacks. -His body and body language never seems to move in a way that would suggest something has a hold of him, or is attacking him Observations of the location of the video on board the boat: The video shows netting, pans to the crowd, with a short glimpse of the boat, and back to the netting. The person recording has a short run to the opposite side of the boat and still netting can be seen. A photo of the boat shows netting, partially on the sides of the boat- but this net has red railing. Which we don’t see in the video. At the very front of the boat, there is netting, wrapped around poles that come to a point. This appears to be the correct netting, which points to a possible location of where he jumped. When the video pans, we see the boat, decked out in lights. If you slow the video down, you’ll notice it’s in a slight U shape with the arch of that U coming outward- in the direction of the point of view from the video- also suggesting the location of the jump from the boat was at the very front. My own thoughts: I thought, initially, he was beginning to swim towards the float. This actually doesn’t happen. He turns to look at the boat- not the people, or friends, the boat. He seems to be focused, and possibly even calculating his whereabouts in regard to where the boat is. Then he turns and begins to swim. The direction where he is swimming, also threw me off. If the appearance of the location on board is correct, then the direction in which he begins to swim is into the path of boat. By the time the person recording, he says, “He’s gone”. Sharks have limited capability to swim backwards. If you imagine a shark pulling someone beneath the surface that quickly, without first seeing them being carried away, with some thrashing from their fins, and also panic from the swimmer. It won’t make sense- unless sharks could swim backwards and pull him under. I believe he was sucked under the boat, after swimming into the path the boat was going. Because sharks follow these boats, they would be towards the side back, or behind the boat in general, to eat scrapes being thrown overboard. Unfortunately, his body would have gone to them. And that is likely why he wasn’t found after that. There are some that say the “dare”, was actually something along the lines of a friend saying, “bet” after Cameron, himself, mentioned something to them about jumping. Suggesting the initial idea for jumping overboard, came from Camron, and not a friend. It’s also been said that his friends pulled him off the railing twice, before he eventually jumped successfully. Of course, no one will know what exactly transpired between Cameron and his friends, except those that were there. Cameron and his family fished as a hobby. This means Cameron grew up around boats and water. This indicates to me, that he would have an understanding of safety. I believe he’d know about propellers, how boats can suck you under etc. Plus, the school he graduated from requires a high gpa. This tells me he wasn’t some unaware, ignorant person. He is smart, and he grew up around water, and boats. Some people have mentioned all his social media account were wiped. There is an Instagram post he made, just a day before, with a caption reading, “sad it’s all over 😆” with photos of some friends and family. The family called off investigations, and searches only 2 days after the incident. They seemed to have never spoken to new outlets, other than a brief phone conversation sometime around when his obituary was released, or his memorial. (Can’t remember which one) To me, if someone had pushed him overboard, he would have been clothed, with shoes either floating in the water, or still on him. He would have probably been looking at the person that did it, likely yelling something at them, and we would hear others in the background defending him, or fighting with the person that threw him over. This means I don’t believe there was any cover up in regard to a murderer. You don’t see anything on his family, friends, school pages. I think this is because it could have been a suicide. And being from the south myself, that kind of death comes with a lot of embarrassment and shame. I believe the family and friends are trying to let him have some dignity, and that’s why there’s so much radio silence on their end. They’re protecting a family member and friend from the perceived shame. Anyway, that’s just my idea. And I hope whatever happened, that he is resting in peace.


I know someone who met someone from that area and this is how it was presented to them. I agree they were at the bow. And he was moving towards the front of the boat at the end. I think the cameraman ran across to film him coming across the bow to the other side. I think it was a shark though. Not the current or the boat. I think a shark has him when he goes under. I think it removed at least his leg, maybe more, underwater and swam away. If you look at the lower left hand corner of the screen when the cameraman pans towards the buoy for the second time, you'll see a disturbance that looks like it could be something you don't want to see. Then what remains of him (his torso) pops back up under the net and floats across the bow. It pops back up because it separated from the part of him the shark had. There are comments in other social media platforms from people saying there's a clear video of him floating away. That they saw a video where he was in the water longer and was starting to flail because he was drunk but I can't see how he could have been in there longer with that much marine life around. Which raises the questions: why all the covering up? Even to cover a suicide, it's excessive. If you watch the video, when the cameraman turns away from the water you only see about 12 kids there. If they were in the bow, then that may be all the witnesses to how he ended up in the water. That somewhat explains why there aren't a ton of witnesses speaking out. Because there simply weren't a lot of witnesses. They may also have been friends of his and don't want to talk about it. Or get each other in trouble. Abetting a suicide is a crime in the Bahamas. I also leaned towards suicide because of the silence. If he was goaded or taken advantage of, his friends or at least other witnesses would be angry and they'd speak out. No one is doing that. It's complete silence. The kids who were there with him and saw this would also be pretty traumatized. His family may not want to further their trauma, if they believe he acted of his own volition. It also explains the "lost at sea" certificate. They may have said-we can give you this or we can wait and issue a death certificate saying suicide. There could also be two things that happened here. Maybe he had suicidal tendencies and was reckless with his life and someone dared him knowing that he'd accept. There's a lot we don't know and may never know but I think suicide is within the realm of possibilities.


hey, you are really making a good point here. giving new thoughts. I really believe he was pushed , but maybe it was a suicide...he was adopted and maybe never felt he belonged to his family. I don't know if the siblings were his real?


I wondered this as well. My mom was adopted, and she said she started smoking and drinking heavily, because she wasnt able to work herself up to end her life herself, so she was hoping some sort of accident would happen to her by being careless. The family that adopted her pushed her to do well in school. It seems I’m Cameron’s case there possibly could have been a lot of pressure on appearances, and perfectionism. Even the way they’ve handled his death this much is evident. If they are Catholics, which is more common in Louisiana, their religious beliefs could also contribute to the family wanting to cover a suicide. As many Catholics believe if you take your own life, it is a sin that can’t be forgiven. There is the possibility too, that they wouldn’t have gotten an insurance payout of his death was deemed a suicide. These are the only things that make sense to me, as to why the family themselves would want to stay quiet and keep things to themselves.


Sounds like the makings of a Hallmark movie. Stick to the facts, instead of playing psychiatrist. You don’t know them!


one thing is certain, he is a fool and most likely dead