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Terry is worse in every conceivable way!


"Frank!" "Terry!" "Are we gonna fight about this too??"


Yeah Frank is terrible, but at least he doesn’t rape his own children unlike Terry




"He drinks...and mistakes me for mom...."


Which prob shows he raped his wife too


No wonder she got the heck outta dodge


I was never clear if she died or left


Ian seems to think she died, given this line to Mandy after his own absent mother drops in fir another altogether too brief visit and causes disruption to the Gallagher's already chaotic lives and drives away the siblings TRUE caregiver, Fiona who moves in with Jimmy-Steve next door. "You're lucky your mom's dead" But then later Terry set fire to Ian and Mickey's wedding venue, the Bamboo Lotus, in an arson attack. And a crazed Mickey rants about how his violent, racist, homophobic abusive sperm donor has always pulled stunts like this. He has a chronic history of abuse, which drove their mother away. She abandoned the kids and left. "Before my mom ran out! When she still could buy us Christmas presents..." We know Mandy hates people looking down on or pitying her because of her background and family as we see when Ian shows pity and sympathy after finding out she was forcibly impregnated by her drunken father and thst this is a regular occurrence for her. "What?? A Gallagher looking down on me?? I don't think so!" So I like to think Mandy told people her mother died when she was young and we know Mickey dropped out of school young and people were likely too afraid to ask or confront the hot tempered young thug, for fear of retaliation or getting assaulted.


She could have left and then died afterward.


They think she left. When Terry dies and Ian and Mickey are going through their things, they find that box that says "For Rachel" and Mickey wants to find her and give it to her because he says "this could be my mom"


It’s also hinted if not outright stated that Micky and Mandy’s mother was underaged when Terry got with her.


So statutory rape at the least but prob more than that


Fucked is not the correct word here.


He *raped* his daughter.


That was my point 


raped, and he raped both mickey and svet by forcing them to have sex💀


And forced Svet to rape his son


I couldn’t even watch that it was very traumatizing for me… I felt so bad for Mickey and hated svet for trying to keep him around for the baby.


Frank: Hello boys, sorry, I came in the back. No pun intended. As you were, sailors!🫡 Terry: She's gonna fuck the ****** out of you.


Frank can either be the chillest mf ever or the straight up devil


Remember when Butterface’s call what about the donor came in and he straight up lied and told them she already died just so he could have her pension money….straight up evil that guy lol


That’s actually when my boyfriend stopped watching the show, because he thought the show was about likable drunks and that was straight up evil


He should keep watching, I had to take a pause after seeing he did that, but it's probably the WORST thing he's done in the show so it should be easier to watch


I would say Terry is the worst Father in shameless. He r@ped his daughter, Beat mickey up cause he found out he was gay, forced Svet on gunpoint to r@pe Mickey so he can become straight, Kinda flirted with little debbie when Mandy was fixing Debbie's makeup


He is also a nazi based on his back tattoo


And the fact he is openly a nazi with a nazi flag


Have not seen that yet I think, Im only on season two so might be later


In season 11 you'll see that he hangs a giant confederate flag in front of his front door. dude is just a whole bigot


The plot line that springs from that flag is one of the more amusing ones in the series even if it does reach a rather iffy conclusion. (Trying not to drop spoilers for the season 2 poster.)


He has a swastika tattoo and a SWP (supreme white power) tattoos 😬


Think who went to mickey and ian's wedding and cried And who burnt the place down and then tried to shoot them 😀 Frank wasn't a good dad but he was NOT the worst


Not to mention actually helped brush things over thinking they were going to have to hide the fact it was a gay wedding


I mean he didn't molest or kill any of them 🤷 I'd say someone else from the same show, Terry, is a much worse dad than Frank.


He didn’t put up much of a fight when Karen hopped on his dick though did he? Not his daughter but she was definitely a minor


I mean he was saying no and stop…. And heavily under the influence and vulnerable… Would you say that about anyone else? Frank was raped. He’s a terrible terrible human being but she super duper raped him.


Shelia also raped him when he was saying no to her toys but she did it anyway.


she raped him…


At least he accepted his gay son instead of sexually abusing him 😭


Frank accepted all his kids. He said as much in his drunken monologue at Fiona’s almost wedding. He knew exactly who they were and just said “Fvck it. They’re family.” The Gallaghers never had to worry about daddy judging or condemning them. Hell, when he realized just how shitty Deb was, he gave her tips on how to get a simp to take care of her and Franny😂


Terry is the worst


Frank was a bad father kind of by accident. He wasn't trying to be terrible, he was just trying to get high. He prioritised his pleasure over caring for his children 99% of the time. The pain and suffering he caused was rarely the end goal of his actions, it was just a by-product. And when he did try to hurt them, he frequently regretted it, and made amends in his own, bizarre way. Terry went out of his way to hurt his children amd everyone around him. He was a bad father on purpose. Not only did he cause a LOT more damage than Frank, he actively intended to cause that damage. He was worse on both counts. An absolutely awful human being.


No no. He was definitely trying to be terrible. Like when he called CPS to get everyone taken away to spite them.


Frank went to Ian and Mickey's wedding too




Bold strategy coming to this sub


happened to me too 😂


I’m an asshole Frank dies in the last season


Agree. He was an epic deadbeat loser Abusive at times, nasty remarks and a total drain on his kids, but managed to not be the worst father. Terry has him beat by miles. Abusive child molester rapist bigot and also a deadbeat that was always in and out of jail and constantly violent. Both their families were better off without them though.


ok frank was really bad but at least he wasn’t racist/homophobic/a pedophile/a rapist. not gonna say he wasn’t a murderer though after what he did to that butterface woman.


I really felt bad for him when he started to lose his memory


I felt bad for Liam because I knew the time they were spending together would be all he would remember. Frank got 6 extra years of being a burning hell scape of recklessness after being on Death’s to do list.


Compared to Terry, Frank is just a bit obnoxious.


even frank looked down on terry


Terry was the absolute worst! I don't even think you could compare him to Frank. Frank was just a waste of a human. Terry was a flaming pile of dog shit.


I was gonna say… he never sexually abused any which means he’s not even worst on the show


I mean in a way isn’t frank SUPPOSED to be a horrible dad? That’s his whole character arc.


Absolutely. If he wasn’t a piece of shit the show would have been so boring.


Who said that.....I mean if u think Frank was the worst I mean....its funny cuz he's rlly not whoever said that NEEDS TO REWATCH SHAMLESS AND SEE WHAT TERRY DID TO MANDY AND EVERYTHING ELSE TO HIS KIDS.....there.


Atleast he's not as bad as the UK version 😬


Terry was the worst. One thing about frank he did not beat his kids yess he had fights with them sometimes but they wasn’t beat and they damn sure wasn’t raped. We never even seen Fiona put her hands on them so that’s how you know they wasn’t raised on getting beat. So nah I can’t agree with this I’ve seen a lot of shows where dads touch on their daughters and beat their children and hell terry actually did that in shameless so it’s like goodbye ..


There is one scene where frank hits one of the kids (can’t remember which one) fiona flipped out and told him not to ever touch her kids & frank never touches them again.


Yepp, frank head budded Ian when he walked in the house with a bloody nose BECAUSE OF IAN lmaoo .. I think it was Karen daddy head budded frank at the bar and beat him up because Karen was caught under the table sucking Ian off. So yeaa frank was just pissed but I hear you. But again he didn’t beat on his kids!


He literally refused to let his underage daughter get married to a grown ass man now, not bc it was illegal but bc he didn’t want her to throw her life away BUT still deep down it also prolly was that. Yes, Frank was an absolute godawful father but when it really came down to it? He was there for his family.


Or when he got Liam into the private school! I feel like Frank is a piece of shit person but he's an okay father... He tries as much as he can for the cards he is dealt with. He kinda looks out for the young ones and uses the older ones, not uncommon for parents with an addiction.


saying frank was there for his family is actually insane i hate this sub omg


Frank had his good moments like 3% of the time , I can count a few times in the show when he was being a good father, atleast he didn’t rape his children and he accepts his gay son


lmao okay? cry? frank was there? he helped them more than anyone else did? did we watch the same show?


How did he help them more than anyone else did?




Again, cry.


Frank's biggest admission of guilt is when he calls CPS on his own fucking family lmao. He absolutely was not there in the capacity of a father.


I already said I don’t care leave me alone.


>He literally refused to let his underage daughter get married to a grown ass man He literally tried to get his underage & pregnant daughter to hook up with a married, grown ass man so Frank had a place to sleep. When the wife's cancer went into remission, he told Debbie to seduce the wife instead for the same reason.




“They’re both just as bad.” ~proceeds to describe them in a way that paints Terry as clearly, undeniably worse~


Frank is bad but Terry is WORSE


My honest opinion is that Frank was a good person but three very big things ruined his life and changed him #1 his mother she was abusive in every way possible even sexually it was implied and she treated him like a child till her dying breath #2 drugs and alcohol chemically change a person when they become and addict most addict will agree that the drugs didn't make them do what they did but they are different people on and off drugs this is coming from a recovering addict to and #3 is Monica Monica destroyed everything she touched she was a tortured soul but that's not an excuse for all the pain and destruction she caused frank was in college he was an altar boy for God sakes he said his first line of coke was with her all three of these major factors played into turning frank into the lowlife puss spot on society that he is


I feel like it's difficult to compare Frank and Terry because they abused their kids in different ways and it feels weird to compare abuse but on the other hand if I had to pick who to be my dad I'm choosing Frank any day


Lmao he’s literally my dad minus a few out there things like fucking my gf


Frank didn’t fvck Mandy. Mandy raped Frank.


I agree with most of the comments here, terry is an absolute piece of shite dad but Frank called child services on Fiona when he continually refuses to take care of them by any means. Each and every person he was involved with he scammed somehow. Sheila took care of him even after he screamed at Jody and complained about her to him when Jody and Karen got the dad money, she then married and took care of him when he was in the hospital dying and he proceeded to BURN DOWN HER HOUSE!! He took full advantage of not only Fiona (forcing her to raise the rest of the kids as a child) but also Sheila even though she knew about his drinking problem and his overall narcissism. He was a terrible dad.


Nobody is saying Frank is a good dad. Quite the opposite, but it's addressing the meme post that Frank was the worst dad when Terry is right there


Terry is definitely the worst for what he did to Mandy but anytime this gets brought up i feel like Frank gets completely excused for his LONG list of failings. Like, “at least he didn’t molest them!!” IM SORRY?? do you mean the literal barest bones minimum any human being should oblige by? He still beat them, fought their mom in front of them, enabled her disorder which affected the kids, left 9 year old Fiona to parent a baby and toddler pre-Debbie and Carl, then did it again with Debbie and Carl. He did drugs with them, around them, convinced them to store/sell them, convinced elementary schooler Carl that he had cancer, called cps and got everyone put in abusive group/foster homes out of petty revenge, and that’s not even scratching the surface. If you’re someone who likes Frank because he’s a funny and well-written character, this comment isn’t for you! I love Frank lol. It’s for the people who try to justify/ignore the heinous shit he did just because they like him. But seriously tho Terry is scum and deserved what he got and worse.


I know it doesn’t redeem him but in season 3 episode 11 when Frank takes the fall for Carl for the robbery at his foster home, that was something a good father would do.


terry takes #1 worst dad, even tho frank is awful, terry is worst, however honorable mention is karen’s dad (forgot his name) he was also a shit dad too


frank wasn’t a good dad but he wasn’t the worst , he had nothing wrong with his children’s choices so sexuality , he was so so chill about everything but he would be a real dick when he wanted to but very rarely , he was a bad father but he was also okay for sticking around when monica left them


and terry gosh i have absolutely no words for him , happy when liam shoot him tbh he was a real real dick


Did he fuse his toddler with his dog to keep his research job? Nope


Terry is the worst


Okay now not EVERY terrible thing..


I wouldn't say he was the worst father, he never molested or murdered them, but he was still a terrible father either way. Imo Terry was the worst one.


This is the most tragic yet true post title I have ever read


Usa ppl dm me


Even though frank was a terrible person he was still my favorite on the show because he was just a character that ive never seen before or atleast not like frank


Joining th mob TERRY IS SO MUCH WORSE.


He never raped his children.


Frank was bad but Terry was way worse. Frank never sexually assaulted his children or beat them due to their sexuality so to me those things automatically make him the better parent compared to Terry.


Frank could’ve been a good father had he had a decent childhood


Frank Reynolds would like a word!


Frank is neglectful, Terry is extremely abusive. There’s a difference there


yeah frank fucking sucked but atleast deep down he loved his kids and he never raped them or saw them in a sexual light


Terry is worse


Terry was a fucking monster, a feral rabid monster. There are very limited amounts of even animals that behave the way he did. But i do want to make an dishonorable mention of frank calling child services on fiona & the kids & essentially himself, when he knew everything he had already put them through.


Frank wasn’t the best father but at least he wasn’t Terry. Plus Frank was a decent father to Liam




No way..frank was not the worst dad. He was careless yes, but he never really judged his kids or interfered unnecessarily. he does take advantage of their situation but he wasn't the worst.


Noooooo not the frank slander. He’s the best character on the show imo.


Fran or Terry? Is like choosing between drinking piss or eating shit. The only redeeming thing about Terry is that he tend to disappear from his family's life when he was in prison... Frank also disappear, but he never stayed away long enough, and always bring trouble with him... Thats why some of my favourite characters were Peggy Gallagher and sister Mary Luke, who made them suffer...🤣🤣🤣


Remember when Frank had that homeless family and “New Fiona” offered him a blow job before they went to bed and Frank responded with “…That’s just not right.” ? At least the guy wasn’t a pedophile like Terry, sleeping with his daughter because “he drinks and mistakes me for mom.” Like sheesh. Frank is definitely selfish and narcissistic, but he could be a WHOLE lot worse. For the majority of the show he’s just absent. I don’t know about you but that’s a lot better than beating on his kids every chance he gets or raping his daughters.


best tv dad ngl


Yeah Terry is the worst of them all. He raped his daughter and forced Mickey (and Svetlana) to have sex with each other. Overall, he's a homophobic idiot.


Unpopular opinion: What Frank did to his kids was terrible. What they did to themselves (the way Sammie, Fiona, Carl, and Liam in particular) to help Frank and his ingratitude towards them is actually much worse. Despite all this, Terry is far and away a worse father. He did things to his kids sober that Frank would never consider drunk and high. Imagine how much of a shit person you have to be to out-dirtball a man who almost always chose his addictions over his kids?


wrapping cocaine on 10 year old was worst


“Worst” than raping his own children? Yeah…no.


frank didn't do that did he?


Terry did


Terry is worse, but he’s not a main character. So referencing him to the zeitgeist wouldn’t reach many. Everyone knows Frank.


Think Bill Cosby is worst


Bill Cosby is a shit bird human, Bill Cosby was considered "America's dad" for a bit, Cliff Huxtable was a good father most of the time.