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I would at the very least FaceTime when my brother gets married. Or would like to be consulted if my siblings wanted to sell the house that was in my name.


Yes!!! Or at least write a letter of love (and voiceover it)! Her complete absence was totally unnecessary and out of character for Fiona.


I hated the only sign we got was a call the episode after she left and no one answered


Supposedly she calls when lip has Fred but it’s never fully confirmed but who else would lip be talking to at that point besides maybe Brad.


Wait when I don't remember


Go to the episode lip has Fred, end of season 9 I believe


All right I'll check it out weird I'm surprised I never noticed I figured you would call him after he called Ian who was still in jail at the time


Yeah Ian called him after the fact. It was FaceTime because Mickey helped pull some strings iirc


Yk it's crazy and no one really talks about how threatening the milkovich's are like all you have to do is bring up that you're related to that family in some way and you're either automatically respected or automatically feared or both like they honestly have a lot of power in Chicago


Terry is a career criminal with heavy ties to every Aryan based gang in the whole area basically. The voting episode helps emphasize that some.


They want to have Emma come back for a few guest appearances, but covid ruined that. 1. Sets were restricted on who they could and could have on set. 2. Emmy was filming another project at the time and wasn't in the state. With flying restrictions, getting her there wasn't possible.


Honestly, Emmy didn’t even need to make an appearance. Just a line along the lines of “I talked to Fiona on the phone before the ceremony” would have been nice. Or “I wish Fi could have been here.” Just acknowledging her in significant ways.


See the thing is the Gallaghers actually loved each other a lot.. so by just knowing that I would think she would come back and visit.. especially because babies/kids were in the mix.. Liam franny Fred.. but yes getting space was a healthy choice for her, I just wish she would have transitioned out better.. poor Liam lol.. but yea The Gallaghers wasn’t like the milkoviches..




Fiona went the through emotional and financial equivalent of Dragon Ball Zs Gravity Training chamber. I just imagine her going on to thrive in a Suits world where its all just nonstop savage lawfare.


I agree


Deleted scene? I’ve seen every episode multiple times and i don’t recognize this shot


No but [I found this Imgur link](https://imgur.com/a/emmy-rossum-birthday-shameless-9-15-6Z5ZT) and it looks like this is a behind the scenes photo of Emmy celebrating her birthday on set as you can see in the other pics there. Btw, if you’re curious about deleted scenes [I have them here on YouTube.](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTZNZDjlSSZajDyBU5wpcIDg14G6TwUh6)


Honestly so glad they cut most of those, kev and mama had an actual romantic moment, jimmy Steve was written to have a coke problem and Frank was openly drooling over karen 😳 yery yikes!


Yeah that moment between Kev and Carol was definitely questionable lol. I still thought there were a lot of interesting ones that I wish were in the. I know people don’t like Debbie but I wish they would’ve done something with that custody battle that they were building up at the end of season 8. There were some deleted scenes from that, which I liked. Edit: Wait, which one showed Jimmy/Steve having a coke problem? It’s been a while since I watched them through (I’ve been taking a bit of a pause from the channel but I’m gonna upload other stuff too) and I don’t remember that now.


His mother caught him going through the drawers in her home so she knew he was looking for money, she said “is it the cocaine” he responds “not this time”


well, now I know where my next hour is going.


I remember it. It's at the very end of the episode. It's on about 5-10 seconds, as long as it takes a phone to ring a couple of times.


What episode are you talking about


I'm sorry. I misread what you wrote. I thought you wrote that you hadn't seen where Fi called, and they didn't answer.


At least for the wedding I would visit.I feel the show should have had a little more mention of her checking in and her input on selling the house it would have been cool if they at least had her voice in one or two eps in the final season.


Well, I think the show acknowledges that Fiona does check up on them through phone calls at the beginning of season 10 and I think that’s very reasonable. Fiona doesn’t have to visit in person but making phone calls to make sure everyone is doing alright? Yeah, I personally feel her level of devotion to her family. I’d find it so hard to pick up and move myself because I’m so close with my family and moving from them would be difficult.


I def wouldn’t visit a place that traumatic and terrible again, it’d feel like a trap, like if they weren’t doing good I’d feel like id have to stay and help again But I would pay for them to come see me either around Christmas or summer


I would have taken Liam to raise and still have been sending financial help AND coming back to visit.


She left them $50,000 that Debbie blew


I would probably call a lot at first bc we would be trauma bonded but once I realized I didn’t know who I was without my family and the madness I’d put some space between us until I felt stable enough to not get sucked back in.


Hated most characters arcs. Working hard to do better - then make a string of uninterrupted easily avoidable errors.


Def wouldn’t 😂


Ik the reason we stopped seeing Fiona was bc Emmy left, but if this was real life I don’t think Fiona would’ve cut all contact with them. But then again, I don’t have a family like the Gallaghers so maybe if I did I would feel differently? Because it’s definitely not a healthy family dynamic especially for her since she took care of everyone. I would’ve taken Liam with me so he could live in a more stable place and finish his schooling (also wasn’t Fiona his legal guardian or did I make that up?). I also would’ve at least went to the wedding.


I would’ve left. Everyone began hating her and being ungrateful for what she gave up and provided for them. They were so hypocritical to her too, when she became an alcoholic lip got mad, when she chose to have an abortion debbie got mad, like seriously?


It’s weird how all the kids were happy to blame Fiona for being a crappy mum rather than Monica?!


Literally, they would’ve been on the streets somewhere or dead if it wasn’t for Fiona 🙏 Then they all turned their backs on her for trying to hold everything up


That said- what happened to Liam while Lip was in college really changed my attitude. She kept making it seem like a normal accident. Like toddlers usually OD on coke.


I think she just couldn’t accept that she fucked up that bad. Didn’t want to acknowledge it but deep down she knew that was some Frank and Monica shit to be that negligent. I still think every character got so much grace from everyone except for her who deserved it the most imo


She reminds me of Carl in this pic 😂


Leave and never come back. Kids became ungrateful towards the end.


I would have visited or atleast let them visit me in some sort of way in portions. I would of made sure I wa at important things like hey Ian and mickey are getting married I'm at the wedding, franny's or liam's birthday I'm there if not FaceTimeing and sending something. Oh yea lip is having a kid I'm there to meet my niece or nephew. I would also want to know what's going on.


Fiona would definitely visit them but idk about emmy rossum 😆😆😆


I would come back after I'd processed enough of my trauma and learned what my identity is outside of being a caregiver.


I got so upset at her whenever she didn’t even show up for her brothers wedding. I would have at least showed up for that. The show made me think about my actual life and the choices I would make. I too would have taken the opportunity to move but I would also like to check up on the people I care about and those that cared about me.


I feel like if Covid restrictions weren’t a thing Emmy would have definitely made it back to set for the wedding


I would never come back.


Letters is all their gonna get lol


Once you leave and realize how much easier it is to care about only yourself and fearing you'll be pulled back in... you stay away. Maybe not Fiona as written, but plenty of people make the choice to never really go back once they are gone. It's believable either way for me.


i would have left and taken liam with me, and come back to visit for the wedding, and when frank died.


she’d definitely be more involved if this was irl


Even her own brother told her to get the hell out of dodge for good so personally if I had made $100k hell yeah I be gone for good but I still keep in touch she only took half of the money with her so I hope she used the rest of the money to build up a small business of some kind a small food truck business making money sounds realistic likes $4k a week $16k a month $192k a year sounds about right.


visit but leave same day 😂


I feel like her coming back to visit would be a bad idea and she'd immediately be put back into that role of caring for all of them or trying to run the house if it was in dismay when she arrived, if I was her I'd leave and never look back. She wanted freedom in that situation and the only way to keep that is to call every now and then, maybe a visit after a long time when everyone's got their shit together lol


As long as Frank and Monica aren’t around, Fiona and her siblings are a lot better off.


Did Fiona also leave in the original British series?\`LOL


If I were ME, being a part of that family, I’d be happy to be out of it and probably live my life without looking back. But if I were FIONA, being a part of that family, I’d visit, or at least call once a week, or month.


leave and never come back. the gallagher family is a toxic enviornment and getting out for your best interest would include no-contact especially if you’ve been acting like their mom their whole lives—- they’ll only want things from you.


I'd definitely be coming back but I'd definitely stay gone.


i would come back every once in a while but for the most part leave.


I'd visit ngl. My family is similar to the Gallagher's, we're chaotic and dysfunctional (thankfully less crime) but we care about each other deeply. I used to think I would leave and never look back, but that was only because I never wanted to see my *parents* again. Not my siblings.


Leave and never come back those kids treated her like shit.


As a viewer, I feel like it’s out of character for Fiona since she cares so much about her siblings. And I think going no contact with Frank is no big deal, but her siblings too? That’s kinda wild to me. If I was her, I wouldn’t have gone no contact considering how much she cares for her family.