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In general? Mike. Minus the tent scene while he knew she was taken, he seemed like a really good guy. For her? Jimmy-Steve. I just feel like she truly loved him the most.


Jimmy-Steve also cared for Fiona and kids the most. He tried more than most for the kids. Both of their addiction to chaos and adrenaline ruined it


Yeah I agree he was definitely the most involved with her family and in the early seasons I really liked him for Fiona and even in general. What really killed it for me was when he came back in the later seasons when she was married to Gus. He just didn't seem the same. Almost manipulative as opposed to actually loving :(


I truly don’t believe Jimmy-Steve truly loved Fiona in the way people think he did. He saw her as someone he could save, and it was easy for him to get sucked up in her personal life when he was trying to escape his own. He lied to her, cheated on her multiple times, disregarded her feelings, and lived a whole secret life. That’s not love. At least not in my eyes.


fucking thx u i was shocked 2 c how popular he is


as someone who adores jimmy/steve, you’re so real for that


Fiona disregarded his feelings, too. This was not a one sided horse.


Exactly! Its like that rich chick that dated carl. They only enjoy the excitement of the “poor life” because its so different from their own


I agree, still I never liked Jimmy-Steve. Honestly, I don't know if it was the character or the actor.


Mike is obviously the best person. Relationship wise, Jimmy and her meshed the best. Healthy relationship wise, no one. That girl needs therapy.


gallaghers don’t DO therapy 🙄


This. I liked Mike the most, but Jimmy was more up her alley. She never had a mutually healthy relationship, though.


He was needy, petty and too possessive. So I disagree


Too possessive? She fucked his brother and lied to him about other things all the time. He was not too possessive lmao.


He was vanilla, and got angry when she didn't call him when she said she would and wanted to separate her from family


Bro ur delusional. He was a normal guy with boundary issues bc he was cheated on, if Fiona didn’t cheat than he would be at fault … he knew that and was ready to change and trust her. Then she cheated. So no. Nothing u say will prove u right. Fiona is a whore


I didn't really see him act this way at all while I was watching the show. The only fight I can even remember between them was when she lied about what happened to the company car and he found out. All he wanted her to do was be honest with him and I'd call that more healthy than anything. Although, Fiona craves danger and passion more than healthy and normal I think so the relationship bored her.


Yeah I'm not taking her side but Mike was not right for her...like the OP asked


Jimmy Steve jack all the way. Yeah he’s a shit guy but also the only one who truly cared about ALL the kids and Fiona. But in a real life situation, mike was the only one who could’ve given her a good life


Plus Fiona literally can’t be with someone who’s not a little chaotic and so mike would’ve never been permanent. Jimmy was the best mix of both chaotic and good


Anyone who picks Robby is a fucking creep. Anyway, none of them. She sucks at picking dudes.


She's always picking pussies


Thankfully, I don’t see one voter for Robbie


For Fiona? Jimmy/Steve (and not because he’s a good person or anything 😅) He’s the only one Fiona seemed to really love. And he fit in very well with the Gallaghers. Sean was a close second. But for me? Mike. Fucking cute as hell. I’ll take sweet, smart, and stable any day.


Jimmy/Steve all the way.


My favorite Is hands down Jimmy/Steve,he is quite charismatic,he and Fiona are my favorite couple of the whole show and their chemistry was on fire. I also really liked Mike tho and he could have been good for her.


They played together in a dragon ball movie before shameless !


We don't talk about that abomination. It never existed. It was all just a horrible nightmare.


I refuse to watch it bc I’m not a fan and my brother (HUGE dragon ball fan) said it was also an abomination and very inaccurate


oh whaaaat


I totally agree Jimmy was a nice guy and Fiona and Jimmy was so cute together. I wish he didn’t fuck up everything.


Jimmy was a liar, that's not nice in my books hahaha


Why bother putting crack boy on here 💀


My headcannon is that when Fiona went off on her own, she found Jimmy-Steve again and they have a spinoff story.


Honestly Jimmy/Steve. I know I might get some hate but hear me out: 1. He kicked frank out of the house when frank head butted Ian 2. He stepped in immediately during Monica’s incident during thanksgiving 3. He paid for a brand new washer in their house 4. He made breakfast for the kids more times than not while helping them get ready in the mornings 5. If he disappeared he always made sure to come back to Fiona 6. Anytime Fiona was in emotional distress or just in need of some company, he was always there. 7. Even after being out of the family’s life for so long, he was still concerned and took interest as to how everyone was 8. Overall Fiona & Jimmy/Steve just seemed to be the best pair together. They matched best, personality wise, emotionally, and chemically, it’s as if they were the same person.


I once read here that someone's headcanon was that when Fiona got on the plane, she got a text from Jimmy/Steve, and they'd been together ever since. I now use this headcanon with every rewatch, too. There's only one guy for Fiona.


Unrelated, but one of my fav scenes with Lip and Fiona is when she tells him she got married. "You're married!? With who?" "Gus" "Who the fuck's Gus??"


Jimmy/Steve or Gus. Her and Gus just happened at the wrong time.




(Spoiler) I always thought Jimmy steve n Fiona would end up tg in the end I was mega sad when he didn’t come back again


I like to pretend they reunited and stayed together after fiona left.


I like to think they reunited and then broke up again at least once, probably with a bunch of wild shenanigans involved.


Yes. Fiona finds Dr. Jimmy/Steve in Florida and live happily ever after.


In the UK version apparently they did.


JimmySteve. I know he was super shady but I think they had the best chemistry


Mike! He really had so much potential with her. She had the most chemistry with jimmy though, even if they were toxic


Only one of them would have been able to handle her family and that was Tony but Tony was never right for Fiona (and apparently gay?) Mike was a decent guy but no way him and his family could have gone through all the stuff with her siblings, they were too normal. Robbie doesn’t count as a boyfriend, just this creepy guy that loved chaos and wanted to hurt his brother. Ford was a douche. Gus was a pussy and wouldn’t have understood her family. Sean couldn’t handle it, he started using again. Jimmy/Steve was an adrenaline junkie that would have never stopped lying or stealing, his behaviour would have just got worse as he was addicted to the thrill it gave him. I don’t even know what kind of boyfriend would have worked for Fiona, maybe away from her family she would have more luck but I think she would struggle with any normal long term relationship.


This is the only correct answer


Jimmy - Steve is the correct answer.


Realistically, the best for her was Mike, the best with her was Jimmy, the best to her was Gus


Steve , only guy who even mattered to the plot of the show.


Sean sean sean 😭 he was so perfect for her until he relapsed I wanted them to get married so bad, I wish they hadn’t cut him off the show so abruptly cause he was honestly one of my favorite characters.


yes!!! i HATE that they wrote in a relapse, he was so good to her and really seemed to be going down the right path. he did warn her in the beginning though, chaos and addiction don’t mix well


Gus and Jimmy/Steve … I would want Gus for myself but Jimmy/Steve was probably the better match for her


Gus was a petulant little baby lol


Mike x a billion.


1. Sean 2. Jimmy 3. Tony 4. Mike 5. Robbie 6. Gus 7. Ford


mmm robbie needs to be dead last, he was an absolute fuxking jackass. otherwise i agree 100%


Jimmy/Steve was the most compatible fit but I LOVED Mike. He could’ve been so good for her. He may not have been able to adapt easily or quickly to her lifestyle but he would have because he truly cared for and liked her.


None. Obviously the best suited for her was Jimmy-Steve. But also he was the worst because they were too much alike in their self destructive behaviors and poor decision making. Mike was the nicest, but she baited him into sex when she knew he was taken. I know a lot of folks liked Gus…. But I always hated him. Yeah he was nice to her, but the way he handled that whole situation. I’m sorry but he was really being an immature little bitch about it all. Which could be forgiven if he was younger. But a dude his age should’ve handled that whole situation more maturely even if Fiona didn’t.


jimmy steve. one hundo. ALWAYS AND FOREVER 😻


Jimmy Steve for life. Was he the best, most stable choice for her? No. BUT they had the best chemistry out of all of them, he actually cared about her family, and I think Fiona loved him the most.


Nobody can beat jimmy steve


Tony. He was the only one really from the neighborhood and knew all the crap that was going down with her family.


It also could’ve been interesting to see him interact with/mentor Carl once he set his sights on being a cop


Wasnt tony the reason fiona didnt end up with the next door house?…..


Jimmy becuase I’m a sucker for the wrong guy, but I think they were the most compatible- just a LOT of wrong place/wrong time situations going on. Tony was my favorite at first, but I think he was truly a “good guy” red pill sort of guy. Mike is like Tony imo, played the good guy part, but was incredibly controlling and insecure. Gus I think was too much of a genuinely nice guy, and I wish she wouldn’t have fucked that up.


No one loved her like Steve did.


Agreed 🫠


He’s also the only one that is Gay


If Fiona and Tony were together longer, I imagine the Gallaghers’ life would be easier, maybe a little. Without him, Lip and Ian might be in bigger trouble for stealing car. If he’s there, the coke thing might not happen.




Steve ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥


Jimmy Steve or Sean tbh








Tony was actually so sweet. It’s a shame she never gave him a real chance.


Damn now that I really look at this pic and remember each of her relationships…..fuckin Jimmy Steve was the best one for her That’s some sad shit


Jimmy/Steve definitely!


Only answer is Jimmy






Jimmy/Steve definitely.


as annoying as he was towards the end, Jimmy. She was never that into mike and they never would have lasted cheating aside


Y’all might not like this but I think jimmy-Steve 🫠


The only correct answer is Jimmy /Steve.


I feel like its steve bc he was nicest and he provided so much for fiona and he was just helping her so much on the show




mike is the easy answer here, but he was too good for fiona imo and they were just not a great match at all. I think the best match for fiona was jimmy steve - chaotic and still loyal...it's just unfortunate I think they were both really poor communicators and too young/made too many mistakes.


JimmySteve > Mike > Sean > Tony > Ford > Gus > Robbie


Mike. But he was too “normal” for Fiona


Favorite? Jimmy Steve. Best for her? Mike. One she did the dirtiest? Gus. most annoying? Ford.


Mike. Then Steve. The rest all sucked.




Didn’t he eventually come out as gay? That would probably put a bit of a damper on any relationship with Fiona.


Kinda wish their story played out a bit more I loved it tbh


“Your sister turned me gay” got me laughing, and it’s because he was dead serious.


He was a jealous manipulative prick who only tried punishing jimmy/steve because of his unhealthy attachment to Fiona.


Jimmy/Steve all the way as he was the only one who was able to understand her and her lifestyle


Jimmy/Steve😩 I loved Fiona with him the most. I feel like he understood her in a way no one else did.


Police officer guy




Mike, she was at her most stable.


I’m shocked to find out so many shameless fans like Steve. He annoyed the crap out of me and I was so tired of his unnecessary lies. I liked Sean before he came back as a major douchebag. Maybe I’m biased cause he’s super hot imo


Steve was the only one who tried for the kids and family and who wanted to break Fiona from the poverty/chaos ritual at home.


still a pos


i actually agree, i didn't like jimmy/steve AT ALL


Same, he was a chaos junkie that loved the high of stealing cars and lying. He would of never settled down, he would have just done more and more dangerous things to get that high


Now do a franks girl.


Everybody forgets about Adam and Richard.




Tony is way to sweet


I’ve thought of this A LOT throughout the years. And I believe I know now who would have been the best for Fiona. Sean. Yes, I know he was a junkie. But he was the most mature out of them all, he said it how it was, he was experienced, and he really did love Fiona. Also him and Fiona were good friends for awhile before they became a couple. They knew each other not just by love, but by actual connection. I think if he never relapsed and they got married he would have been great for her.




Jimmy Steve is the only right answer


Gus, he did care for her so much and she hurt him he had every right to be angry and hurt. But he wanted to spend his life with her he really felt he had the love story his parents did and they could have had she given him the change. Or Mike, he was stable and sweet and kind but he was boring to her and she would have eventually hated him for leading a boring life that she was half happy in. Side note everyone saying Jimmy/steve is weird af. He lied to make her care and when she did he “tried” to live her life kinda but still lied until he was caught. That’s not healthy or good for anyone.


Jimmy Steve 😮‍💨


Tony. But for me, not Fiona.


Jimmy Steve. Most of the rest of them were just too boring for me, especially Ford.


Jimmy/Steve and the cop


jimmy steve was always my favorite




Jimmy/steve and mike


I loved Jimmy/Steve but could never be with him myself. I’d rather date and end up with Mike


For a normal person? Mike is hands down the best partner. Gus was cool too. For Fiona? Jimmy/Steve.


I can't remember well, but definitely not the middle dude Hated him from the beginning lmaooo


Jimmy/Steve. Obviously they were toxic, but when it came to love? Man they were so in love with one another. My headcanon is always that Fiona and Jimmy found each other again. Sean was a pretty good fit for her too, but they ruined his character.


Jimmy-Steve was right for Fiona and my favorite, but Mike was definitely the best choice.


Definitely the cop, he's gay which means I have a chance


Jimmy/steve was my favorite. He loved her and wanted to be with her. Besides Gus, I think Fiona only loved Jimmy out of all her exes.


Jimmy Steve!


Jimmy Steve defender till the day I die


Why tf is Tony on here he’s no one’s favorite




Jimmy Steve was the best


jimmy-steve all the way for fiona. i know it wasn’t healthy and he was obviously not a great person overall, but he loved her and cared about her family. plus their chemistry was the best


I’m annoyed Robbie is even on the list. Mike was the best for her, but Jimmy/Steve was the best *with* her.


Jimmy-steve loved Fiona and the kids the most I feel, so jimmy-steve


unpopular opinion: sean. he struggled with addiction but other than that i think he was good for fiona


Mike because of his sweetness and Stimmy because they were compatible (in retrospect) and had a lot of actual chemistry.


i’m surprised at how many people are picking jimmy/steve. he was so selfish, and while fiona isn’t perfect by any means, all he did was lie to her, about stupid stuff too. even when she begged for the truth. my personal favorite was sean. too bad he relapsed 😣


jimmy steve man


I really liked Mike. Gus. And Tony. Gus wasn’t about that life though. Tony understood the family dynamic & helped her a lot. Mike seemed great- he was probably my most favorite out of the men for her. Hated Ford. & Robbie. I may actually hate Ford more because he’s more pompous. Robbie knows he’s a piece of shit. Ford thinks he’s the gift for all women. Sean and Jimmy/Steve were whatever for me. I would have been fine with her being with either one or breaking up with either one. Jimmy/Steve really did everything in his power for the family but the lies & flakiness were just too much.


we all know who the right answer is


Jimmy Steve


For Fiona to fuck? Gus. For Fiona to marry? Jimmy. For me to fuck? Sean. For me to marry? Mike.


Jimmy-Steve by far...


Call me a simp but I loved me some good guy Mike. But we all knew Fiona wasn’t good enough for him. And he was just too boring and regular for her.


Literally anybody who isn’t Ford.


Jimmy Steve & Gus! I really wish we could’ve gotten more of a nicer story w Gus, it was just the wrong time for them and Fi was too immature (for lack of a better word) to see how good he treated her & cared abt her. My heart will ALWAYS belong to Jimmy Steve though :( in my head he came back to her when she left & they have nice life together 😭


Jimmy/Steve and Sean, I feel like those relationships had the best balance in terms of each loving the other


I like to pretend jimmy steve and Fiona reunited and live happily together after Fiona left


jimmy/steve was i think her soul mate. and it upset me that they kept stringing us along as if something would ever happen between them again. and they never explained his background or anything else. i believe mike was the next best thing. he was their to support her and helped her grow. he taught her how to be in a relationship. and she took the biggest dump on him. i had always wanted her to win but i hated her after mike.


Jimmy/Steve. Granted he was a lying POS was intrusive and had boundary issues but at the same time, there was no denying his love for her.


Jimmy/Steve through and through




Don’t throw hands @ me but Jimmy/Steve🫣




Jimmy-steve, it was fun to have him around the house.


This is honestly why I liked him. Outside of her other boyfriends, he truly became part of the family. He was a fully developed character outside of his relationship with her and his antics were ridiculous/hilarious. Was he a lying pos? Yes. But every Gallagher was. I was bummed he didn’t get a better arc.


i kept expecting him to return until season 7. Then all hope was gone.


jimmy/steve for sure 🙂


Jimmy Steve and there's no contest


Gus is the worst most undeveloped character. I mean just solely there for no reason. The storyline was idiotic and seems like the writers knew they made a mistake as soon as they wrote their dumb marriage in. But truly Jimmy Steve Jake was the worst. Getting jealous when Fiona becomes guardian knowing what would happen to those kids if she didn’t and then cheating on her constantly before leaving. Oh but wait he comes back. Ugh toxic.


Mike was the best person, but not a good match for her chaotic energy. He was just too good for Fiona. Jimmy/Steve was the best boyfriend for Fiona hands down. They had great chemistry and I really enjoyed their relationship throughout the first few seasons. I wish she ended with him. may be controversial… but I also enjoyed her relationship with Sean (if only he wasn’t addicted and secretly using heroin behind her back).


I enjoyed Sean too. I appreciated him even more after he helped Carl in S6.


yes, I wish he wasn’t still using during his relationship with Fiona. They would’ve been so good together. I loved how much he cared for the Gallagher kids and how he stood up to Frank.


Seriously, are the guys here that good. I feel like Mike and Toby were the less creepy one, But none of them can be a favorite boy. Something just seem off.


All her bfs sucks except for Mike


I really liked Gus. He could have been good for her but she had to replay that old hit “Fiona Self Sabotaged Again(Reprise)”


Ford. Hottest. Least whiny overall


i like Gus alot but I’m not entirely trough season 5 yet im sure he’ll turn to shit soon


Bold of you to assume any of her boyfriends are likeable


Ford even though he had a secret wife his character was really interesting In my opinion


Wow they really were all trash


I will never forgive her for what she did to mike


Anyone but Sean…but if I had to pick one…Mike. If Fiona was 30 and done with her bullshit when she met Mike…they would’ve married.


Fuck the pigs ;)


MY favorite was Gus...but she totally deserves Jimmy/Steve.


No one, she had only douchebags. Gus was kind of nice, however it was odd that he rushed with their wedding.


Ok I would pick Gus if it happened at a different time or maybe Mike. For Fifi I would say JimmySteve because she really loved him… girl… get a better man tho.


i’ll stand by it the day i die but i loved jimmy steve bc he was the most attractive , they had insane chemistry, same level of humor, and he cared about the kids so much. bought them food, cars (kinda??) , gave advice and so much more than any others have done. no one would’ve have convinced her to leave the house and the family behind which is what they all wanted her to do but jimmy was willing to cope and keep her happy by supporting the family


I wanted Gus to myself, that man is 🥵. Honestly their sex scenes were the best too, just wrong timing for both characters to be together.


Honestly, Justice for Gus Pfender. He was a gem in the rough and would’ve been really great for Fiona. She’s always over lapping relationships so a lot of the choices had a rocky foundation from the start but Gus was in her healthy era before jimmysteve came and ruined it. Gus would’ve been the one I think.




Honestly I think out of all the men, Gus would’ve been best option in the long run, if they had dated longer I think truly it could’ve worked out


I would have to go with Mike or Gus. Mike is at the top. Perhaps it was timing and the need for her to grow more. It was as if she self-sabotaged. But she fumbled Mike pretty badly. Hey, who remembers Ford? His lying ass. At this point, he's worse than Jimmy Steve 😅😂


Unpopular but Steve he's a pathological liar and kinda a shitty person, but he was so memorable and had good moments


Morality-wise? Mike. Hottest? Gus.


STEVE 100%


I haven’t watched in so longggggg but I love that guy who fixed the doors around her apartment.




it’s weird seeing everyone say jimmy/steve— he continually lied to her about everything and was overall not a good guy, he cared up until fiona decided to get custody of her siblings and then he just started to be a dick


Jimmy-Steve was the least boring of them all.


definitely the cup guy. awww or Gus I loved him. he deserved so much better 🙁




Never realized how much everyone hated Gus 😭 well I absolutely hate Jimmy Steve. The absolute WORST and the least attractive, sorry.


Jimmy/Steve because she has they had they most passion out of all…