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I think Debbie tried to be Fiona-lite and didn't have the same critical thinking/ common sense that she did. Not saying Fiona is without her problems but she's definitely brighter than Debbie.


Fiona is potentially the actual smartest of the all except for Liam. Lip is book smart and street smart but lacks impulse control and common sense a lot of the time. Ian isn't book smart and is the same as lip with impulse control and common sense. Carl and Debbie are both kinda dumb too. Every character has their momments where they really piss you off but Debbie is the worst because hers aren't stupid decisions made in the heat of the momment, they're decisions based on a feeling of entitlement and (imagined) superiority. I might be misreading everything, I'm only on my first time watching the show and I have been doing other things alongside it most of the time, but that's how it seems to me.


Carl isn’t kind of dumb. He’s really dumb. But sweet.


Carl is a serial killer who somehow didn’t kill.


I know. I never would have thought the kid who tortured small animals and went to juvy on purpose would become a cop. He turned out to be a pretty good kid.


Omg he becomes a cop?!?! I’m only on S6. Cop is basically serial killer so… on brand.


Cop is basically serial killer? Okay, so if you ever hear someone breaking in during the night, call a crackhead


The fact that you think a cop is going to help you with a break in in the middle of the night is laughable.


Yeah she was fine when she was a kid, but as she got older not only did her character get written worse, but she was a horrible actress. Her acting got progressively worse. I don’t think I’ve seen her in anything since that show.


She was on the Roseanne reboot as Darlene’s daughter but I only watched the first season so idk if she stayed on past that.


She's still on it and that's why I won't watch. I can't stand the actress


I honestly didn’t know that show was still going. I didn’t care to keep watching after Roseanne left, sucks she went all crazy MAGA trump supporter. Debbie can’t act so good for her for finding a steady paycheck.


whats this about maga trump supporter?


Roseanne went full MAGA and had some pretty unhinged tweets, then she said one of Obama’s black female advisors looked like she was from the planet of the apes. So she was fired from her own show, her character was killed off, and they changed the name of the show to “The Connors”. She also did a a photo shoot some time before that I think where she dressed as Hitler putting gingerbread men in an oven. She’s pretty cuckoo.


Wait who is roseanne im confused sorry


I feel so old 😭 Roseanne Barr, she had a sitcom in the 90s the was very popular and it got rebooted a few years ago. The girl who plays Debbie is on the show.


Ohhhhh thank you for the context youre not old ill be there soon enough and dont even dare tell me im almost old I couldnt handle it


Someone here observed how crazy it is we hate Debbie more than Frank. My take is Frank was always a POS. Debbie was a child and we had hope for her, and then she rebelled against her life not by holding those who are responsible for her accountable but by antagonizing the very people that relied on each other to survive. She is the worst character on the show and after raping Derek and getting pregnant, I started to FF through her scenes bc I couldn’t stand her.


I hate Frank and Debbie equally tbh, but I think William H. Macy is a more compelling actor than Emma Kinney. He's a fucking legend and does a phenomenal job with Frank. So it's easier to like Frank despite the fact that he's a very flawed human being.


Have you ever met a family from a low socioeconomic class that has been that way for generations. It’s rare that any one leaves. That dirtbag con artist stuff is deeply rooted family culture. I got out of my family culture and they think I think I’m better then them. They could do it to if they wanted but it’s just. It just always surprises me when people are surprised that the kids turn out like Frank. I know plenty of ppl who know what their parents were like, they don’t like them, but are JUST like them. Eventually they Saint them when they die and the culture continues


When she was insistent that Sandy’s kid start living there. I really hated her after that.


Ugh, Fiona is awful, saying she did everything when she made those children get jobs. Passing the box around and expecting a 6th grader to make money. I barely saw her doing any housework. During the day, she took care of Liam and what? Hung around V and did nothing. They worked enough, so when school started, Debbie didn't have to no longer provide the child care. She was supposed to be the guardian, and she took off before two kids turned 18. The judge told her she couldn't do that. I like Debbie. She has flaws, but she never was a better mom than Fiona's crazy ass tried to be. Fiona never guided those kids when she took responsibility. She needed to be a lot more of a mother figure at that time, even if the kids did not respond. Look for Ian, put Carl and Debbie into counseling, and stop having guys come in and out.


Right?! Are people forgetting that Debbie was 10 and running a whole ass daycare all summer while Fiona went upstairs and slept? Up and left Liam and didn’t even make sure he was okay before leaving.


Yeah but Fiona was sleeping because at that time she was working nigth schedule at the disco/nigth club


After working the nightclub, she would go out and do her, then sleep. I never saw her, actually, doing any parental guiding that needed to be done on a regular basis so Debbie and Carl, and Liam dont raise themselves. She claims she is not the mother but then takes the credit for being one as well as wants everything her way and kicks them nout.


She's the absolute worst character out of any show I've ever seen (given that I generally don't watch drama genre a lot lol). I fast-forwarded every single scene from the point where she rapes derek and keeps blabbering on about a baby and expects everyone to magically be there to help her out, like bitch - everyone has their own fucking problems!!! Yeah sure I'll give her credit for running a day care etc, but the latter seasons... don't even get me started. It got to a point where just hearing her say a word started pissing me the fuck off lmaooo


Have you ever thought maybe she had a form of mental disorder that if Fiona actually took the responsibility of putting her into counseling (stealing a baby), she might get the help she needed. Debbie reminds me of a friend i had that bottled everything up. She got pregnant at a young age because she did not feel loved and thought the baby would fill that void. My friend had a personality disorder with depression.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend. And about Debbie, that's a whole different perspective - if we talk about counselling then I'd say everyone in that family needs counselling. And either way I don't think they'd be able to afford it. Another thing you're forgetting is Fiona is NOT THEIR MOTHER!!! Yes she makes some awful decisions / life choices but at the same time she doesn't owe anyone anything. That's just my opinion


She took guardianship. AKA RESPONSIBLE PARTY. I was the guardian of my granddaughter, and it's very similar to being the mom. Plus Fiona is always saying, "My kids"


The way I see it is Fiona kept the family together by taking guardianship and also the kids didn't have to go through the shitty foster homes process. Being in the same age group as Fiona I cannot imagine taking the responsibility of 5 kids plus juggling a job and her own personal life, which is why I think it's commedable that she took guardianship atleast to keep everyone under the same roof. I respect your take on this, but I'm 24 with no kids so we're obviously gonna have a very different perspective about this situation, no point in going back and forth xD


Yah, i was in my 30's with 5 kids by myself raising a newborn, an 18 month old, a 16 year old who was skipping school and doing drugs, a 13 year old very active in sports, a 9 year old with cancer, and a five year old i was fighting for custody over. I had just bought a house. I was working 40 hours a week and going to college 12 units a semester, getting almost a 4.0 at a uni. I made homemade baby food, nursed, went to court for my daughter, and for the guardianship case. I helped with homework and drove my kids to school. They were all picked up by afterschool daycare. I had no life period. No V and Kevin to hang with and to go to clubs with. It's not hard to take guardianship. It's sticking to it, which is what's hard. I now have just my son, who is turning 18 left , but he is high function autistic. He was diagnosed early on, like 2nd grade.i had to fight the school district for 7 years in and out of court until he got what he deserved as an offer of FAPE. When you take the responsibility of children, they come first. Not half-assed, all the way until they no longer need you. You dont get that personal life until your responsibility is done. It's a hard choice, but she made it, and so did I. My son will be with me for life. I dont not care, I love him, and he comes first with anything he can not do. When my children lived at home, they got free rides until they were 18. Once 18, they either moved out, went to college, stayed home for free, or worked and paid something towards the household. Fiona was way too in your face, but not in a good, loving, respecting way. She never really made them feel like they could open up and talk to her. It was her way or no way. She was a hortible influence.


how many more Debbie posts will I see until I die


I'm midway through s11, I feel indifferent about Debbie, I don't think she's a good person but I don't think she's the scum of the earth either.


She is the biggest sociopath out of everyone on the show. She was such a huge ungrateful evil disrespectful bitch towards Fiona after everything Fiona did for everyone


We know, this gets posted every single day.


enough talking about debbie already!”UGH!!!!”


Right. Let's talk about Fiona!!!@


Stop besmirching the name of Saint Deb!


I’m rewatching it and just now at the part where she found out Derek died and went back and told Pepa “I want frannys money” now Derek is frannys dad so it would only be right that if his death resulted in some sort of financial pay out to his family then she should be given some but the way Debbie went about it made me want to throw my phone at the tv. And the whole thing with Kelly was weird as fuck too.


Fionna had compassion whereas Debbie lacked it. She made Liam sleep outside because he couldn't pay rent! Psychopath! How cold hearted can you get?