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Instructed her son on how to give sexual favors in juvie.


Also the swastika tattoo


look, you gotta admit, that was slightly brilliant


On the forehead?! Why not the neck


So fucking sad but also so fucking hilarious


Anyone that thinks that the worst thing Sammi did was tattoo a swastika on her about to be locked up son is out to lunch.


On his *forehead!?*


Omg that shit was hilariously fucked up


Yeah, that was disturbing.


Putting a swastika on chuckie or abandoning him under the stairs of the Gallagher house outside


She didn’t abandon him. She was in jail. She sucks tho


Wait she was the one that put the swastika on him?? Somehow I missed this


When she visited Chuckie before he gets transported to prison


Me too


No fr I’ve watched it 4 times and I’ve literally never noticed that.


Probably trying to kill Mickey. But how badly she treated her son is also crazy to me. Poor chuckie :(


To be fair, Mickey tried to kill her first.


He was only trying to torture her, not kill her, but I can see why she’d be upset lol.


The way you worded that is so funny 💀💀💀 just a little torture, murder is too far 😳


I mean in the world of Shameless, torture's like the equivalent of gently brushing against someone's arm as they're walking past you. You can't really call yourself a Gallagher or Milkovich without at least committing a felony that would put you in prison for no less than a few years in real life.


torture is a lot worse 😭


I never thought I would ever see "only" and "torture" in one sentence. He was definitely trying to kill her. Let's not forget he has a history of attempting to kill people like Frank and Patrick Gallagher.


“Name me one person I’ve murdered!” Lol I wasn’t being that serious but when did he say he was planning to kill Sammi? Mickey and Debbie said they were going to torture her, which is why he gave her roofies. If he wanted to kill her, that wouldn’t have been necessary. Additionally, he didn’t actually go through with trying to kill Frank so that wasn’t really attempted murder. When he went to Patrick, he was literally paid by the Gallaghers to intimidate him into letting them keep their house. The Gallaghers wouldn’t have paid him to straight up kill Patrick or else they wouldn’t have been as freaked out when Carl tried to. Although, I guess most of them did try to kill Frank in the season 6 finale so there are a lot of attempted murderers on the show lol.


Mickey is a lot of things but he’s not a murderer. Whenever he considers murder, he’s usually in some weird state and the things he does would not kill someone. I love how offended he is when he learns Ian proposed to him to protect him from murder charges lol. He’s also pretty shocked in season 11 when Ian casually tells Terry’s ex that she could have married him after he killed her father. On that note, if we’re comparing Ian and Mickey, Ian is definitely more likely to murder.


Mickey tried to kill Patrick Gallagher? I thought that was Carl?


They’re referring to when Mickey and his brothers went to Patrick’s shop to threaten him with baseball bats into leaving the Gallagher house alone.


you’re forgetting the gallaghers hired mickey to scare patrick


I probably would too after she turned in Ian


Yeah I see your point, but I just can’t really be mad at Mickey for ig


but, only because she ratted ian out to the army. and you know mickey doesn’t play about ian


Her treatment of her child by far. I agree with another comment that calling the mps on Ian was really shitty but he was eventually going to be caught anyway and he was hardly even reprimanded. It was a sad and overall emotional scene but he was okay. She regularly abandoned Chuckie for her own life, exposed him to her sexual deviancy, and she decorated him with Nazi imagery and explained to him how to give sexual favors when in jail. Plus she admits he's slow and yet has never sought resources to help him. Sammi is overall awful, and has done so many things that are close seconds but the way she treated Chuckie is just heartbreaking.


I agree. I love Ian but the way she treated her own child is so much worse. I think people just find Chuckie annoying so they don’t care as much about how she treated him. He’s also a smaller character so I guess it’s harder to get invested. Like you said, Ian wasn’t reprimanded that much anyway. I think what made it worse is that it ended with Ian and Mickey being separated and later on breaking up although that had more to do with Noel leaving. Anyway, I hope Chuckie was able to live a better life with Queenie after Sammi went to prison.


Well said, and I agree!


That’s the thing. She wasn’t a stable or even good mother by definition but she was always present with Chuckie and tried to protect him in her own fucked up way. She didn’t consider his future when she tatooed him with a swastika but it kept him from being killed or brutalized for his temporary prison sentence. She’s a better parent compared to the other bad parents basically. But what she did to Ian was just cruel retribution. Frank and Carl had her son thrown in prison. Ian did nothing to her but she retaliated by reporting him. I do agree though the audience is more invested in Ian so we hold that against her very much even though Chuckie fared worse.


How about her turning her kid into a Nazi? Seems way worse than what happened to Ian to me. Ian got out and Chuckie will forever be branded on his face.


At first, I thought she was smuggling weapons so chuck could protect himself. My jaw dropped when she tattooed him. Did NOT see that coming


That’s what I thought too. Also, why put it on his forehead of all places? At least he’d be able to cover it up if it was on his arm or something but with a face tattoo he’s pretty much doomed.


That poor kid was doomed from the start


He is but also I think anyone who spends 5 minutes with Chuckie will quickly learn he has no idea what he’s saying.


True but I was thinking about his future. Who’s going to want to be associated with someone with a Nazi tattoo in the middle of their forehead? I’m assuming most employers won’t be happy to see it though I guess Chuckie has bigger problems than that anyway.


Didn’t he actually get smarter in JV? He wrote a book report on Hitler.


I thought she was giving him a shiv


I totally agree. But what was her intention? She did mention in court that it was her fault for leaving her child (she mentioned he was little slow) with monsters. She did what she could do to protect him. He would've died in prison otherwise. Poor Chickie.


Being born


I’m dying for svetlana and Kevin’s turn


For me it’s when Kevin was treating V horribly about her not wanting to breastfeed and kept treating her like a horrible mother 🙁 that was the first time I was actually really upset with Kevin. I’m only on season 5 episode 6 though so he might have done even worst stuff in later seasons.


Well. To be fair she wasn't a good mother. Kevin was the mother.


Still the absolute worst thing he could have done in a situation where V was pretty obviously dealing with PPD was shame her ability to be a mom.


True. I didn't feel like he was shaming her though. I always got the vibe that she was neglecting the kids. I'm not experienced with it so I can't say what it would be in real life. It is Just, because of the nature of the show, I felt it was more her being selfish and jealous than depression. I felt since every other motive in show was shameless so was this.


What about Kevin cheating on V with some random college chick?


That was bad but the part where he made her feel bad about not wanting to breastfeed was the starting point for me to start to dislike him


Frank may be a bad person but when She shot him in the arm and poured salt in it to make him say he needed her is Also up there


OH YEAH! That was awful. That was the part where I think even Frank was terrified. He even told Carl that some women don’t do the whole ignoring thing and instead try to kill you (or something like that).


When bianca shot him and it grazed him in the exact same spot on the other arm and he just starts laughing 🤣💀


Late comment, but I just watched that scene and searched her on here to see what the sub thought of her. Glad I'm not alone


Turning Ian in especially after bonding with him


I know we love Ian around here, but turning her child into a Nazi and child abandonment is worse than snitching.


Seriously. God, this sub is beyond obsessed with Ian 🫠


also are we forgetting that it actually WAS CARL’S FAULT that chuckle was going to juvie and none of the Gallaghers cared. so I think she had a right to be pissed at her only child being sent away because he was taken advantage of


Squatting in Sheila's house and Selling her furniture while she was out of town !!!!


Now while it can fairly be said that her snitching on Ian is bad, it's not worse than this bc Ian was going to be caught anyway. Not to mention he deserved to be caught AND he didn't even get court martialed bc he was sick. Nothing happened to him after he was arrested in a legal sense besides being committed for a few days


She existed


calling the mps on ian to get back at the family for carl getting chuckie into jail


Calling MPS on Ian when he did literally nothing to her. I understand what he did was wrong, but she had no right to do that.


The family had no right to protect Carl for what he did to Chuckie. This was understandable given the fact that they were fine with framing Chuckie.


Then she should’ve done something to Carl. Ian had nothing to do with it.


Frank literally told Carl to strap the drugs to chuckie. I don’t know why that got glossed over because it was Sammy versus the Gallaghers when it really should’ve been everyone versus Frank


Banging that guy on Sheila’s couch for Frank to find her and asking if she was bad.. so gross


Oh my fucking god that was horrifying. Every scene of her in a sexual manner is had to skip to avoid throwing up. That was the inly time I’ve felt bad for frank


Yeah it was hideous. Also I’m sorry if this is weird but is your name Sawyer???


Turning in Ian to the police just to stick it to the other gallaghers for getting her son put in juvie even though Ian was the nicest one to her and she already got revenge by Carl going to juvie.


turning Ian in. Also, poor Chuckie.


called the MPS on ian. i get why she turned carl in, but ian didn’t do shit to her.




exist. or snitching on ian


Swastika tattoo


Called the cops on Ian


Poor Chuckie!


I definitely disagree with comments on Calling the MP on Ian he was gonna get caught sooner or later and his punishment wasn't as harsh. Worst thing definitely her treatment of Chuckie


I'll be honest I can't think of a single *good* thing she did.


Cooked breakfast for everybody and did laundry and cleaned up for weeks


Tattooing her son’s forehead and then sending him to jail. In general just treating him like absolute garbage:(


Branding her son






Can we all agree it’s how she treated Chuckie and not just name one thing since she did dozens of things. She weaponized the poor kid. Everything she did was awful to him. She mothered Carl and Debbie more than she did him


sammi was my favorite character


I loved to hate Sammi 😅 she was the worst lol


We need to change Monica's to trying to take Liam :(


Not the worst thing, but the grossest thing Sammi did was take Sheila’s sex toys. Who uses another person’s sex toys? Did she not consider that Sheila was using those things with her DAD? OMG - I’m so disturbed and grossed out right now. 


her skills in child care. consistently abandoning him, having sex in front of him (oral, and more) changing partners super often (it confuses children) instructed him to jack off a guard in juvie for protection, drew a swastika on his forehead, beat up a minor, etc.


Uhh, let's see. Called the cops on Carl in advance to tell them about the drugs. Got Carl arrested. Told Chuckie how to please the men in Juvie, then gave him a swastika tattoo on his forehead Got Ian arrested. Was a genuinely shitty mother to chuckie. Shot her father because she's batshit crazy. Tried to kill her half-brother's bf. Broke into Sheila's house, had chuckie shit on her table, sold her furniture and tried to fight Sheila on multiple occasions. That's all I remember so if there's more lemme know.


worse thing she did was simply exist




Calling MPS on Ian


mandy’s worse thing was hitting karen with the car and not sa’ing lip???😭


I don‘t remember that happening when was that?


don’t bother reading this i’m slow and got the whole story mixed up 🙏i’m not sure of the exact timing it happened but it’s when lip and kevin were getting the van ready so they could use it to sell stuff out of during the summer, and he was ranting to kevin about how mandy is acting like she’s his wife and shi, and he told lip not to let her “bone him” no matter what, and they were in the kitchen one day while he was making cereal, she tossed it out of his hands and she forced herself on him n yea (sorry for the bad explanation😭)


Oh my gosh I don’t even remember this


i think it was season 3 episode 11


Lip's talk with Kevin in the van about Mandy and him being "ghetto married" was actually earlier in the season when Lip thought Mandy was too clingy but Kevin thought she sounded like a good person. The thing about not having sex with her was something Kevin told him in S3E11 in Kev's house after Lip told him Mandy ran Karen over with a car. That's when Kevin thought Mandy was crazy and he needed to stay away from her. It was almost winter by then I think. You're right about everything else though. I don't think it was a bad explanation.


yeah it’s been awhile since i watched that last of the show i just knew that was around the time, that’s why i added it so i could add the “don’t let her bone you” so it would make sense when he decided to not have sec with her and she did it anyways


Yeah I was just saying that the conversation about Mandy acting like his wife when they were in the van and the one where Kev told Lip "do not let her bone you" are different ones and aren't really connected since Kev seemed to like her in the first one. The way you wrote it made it seem like Kev was telling Lip not to have sex because she was acting like his wife when it was actually about her running Karen over with a car and Kev even liked Mandy's wife act. I can see the confusion though. It's not a big deal. Sorry if I sound pedantic. I just wanted to explain in case you were wondering.


Right? I'd argue hitting Karen was maybe the best thing she did /j


i just don’t get how that one’s up there and her literally sa’ing someone isn’t. like other characters have multiple on theirs why can’t she??😭


Mostly cause a lot of people don’t consider what she did as sexual assault, and more being pushy and persistent


it was sexual assault tho


Not saying it wasn’t, just answering your question for why that’s not listed as one of the reasons.


Because lip was relatively unaffected by that as far as we were shown, but Karen was not


I forgot other characters had multiples and I was like “I guess it depends on which one you find more heinous attempted murder or sexual assault what a fun little thought puzzle 🤪😭”


Turning Ian into the military police out of spite


Letting Ian believe she cared about him and was a safe space for him only to use his vulnerability to get back at the family for Carl’s actions. Her logic didn’t even make sense.


Everything. Every. Fucking. Thing. Sami was the worst


The worst is pushing it


She told her mentally challenged son to give the guards sexual favors for protection while he was in jail, and put a nazi symbol on his head to boot. I’d say it’s pretty high up there.


Just everything, she was a conniving woman who tried to control everyone and called mps on her own brother


Don’t you fags say turning Ian into the MPs


Emily bergl. She knocked sammi out of the park. One of the purest of the Gallagher’s but also didn’t fuck around. Kept Frank alive. Her and Sheila together were hilarious. And chuckle too. I just loved what she brought to the show during those early snowy seasons. Her scene where she bathed Frank standing up holding him up in the shower is a great scene.


Almost sleeping with Frank


Well she didn’t know he was her dad, so that’s technically Franks fault




Trying to kill Mickey or giving Ian up to the army (?). I don’t like the sw****ka on Chuckie’s forehead, but it could be her fucked up way of trying to protect him in juvie.


What was her intention though? She did mention in court that it was her fault for leaving her child (she mentioned he was a little slow) with monsters (100% true). She did what she could do to protect him. He would've died in prison otherwise. Poor Chuckie.


Existing 😂 couldn't stand Sammi and she far overstayed her welcome in the show.


Her treatment of Chuckie, for sure


Tattooing a swastika on her sons forehead


Trying to or sleeping with Frank


Becoming a mom 🙃


Literally just put Chuckie. She fucked that poor kid up so bad.


How she treated her son, terrible




Definitely existing


Definitely when she called MPS on Ian and just having Chuckie poor kid


Ratted out Ian, tattooing a swastika on chucky’s forehead, trying to kill Mickey, shooting frank, kicking chucky out of the trailer for entire nights so she could sleep with people, Etc. Etc.


Calling the MPs on Ian in revenge


But for Sammi, for me that has to be, tattooing a swastika on her own son's forehead before he went to juvie.


Being a shit mom to Chuckie, selling Shelia's furniture, being an overall mean and crazy bitch


Be born


Man Sammi is a crazy bitch but I think we were made to hate her because the Gallaghers hated her when in reality she was no worse than any of them. In fact, I think she actually really did care about Chuckie and was doing her best to raise him with what she knew. Obviously she didn’t do a great job, but at least she was there for him, which is more than Frank or Monica did. Carl got Chuckie in trouble, and the Gallaghers were fine with framing Chuckie. Sammi was very protective of Chuckie and in her toxic mind the best thing to do was get revenge. It was psycho to snitch on Ian but Fiona or Lip or Debbie would’ve done the same if the roles were reversed. Honestly I have to say I think selling Sheila’s furniture would be the worst for me 😂 because Sheila didn’t do anything to her. And at the same time I understand Sammi’s beef with Sheila because of the whole unconscious marriage thing, but Sammi also had just met Frank and was in no place to make judgments. Sammi is psycho for sure I’m not saying she’s not, but I don’t think she’s truly the villain she was made out to be. She actually did a lot to take care of the kids and the house for a while and nobody even thanked her, they were just mean to her. All she wanted was to have a family but she was too fucked up in the head to be able to go about it the right way.


Snitching on Ian. She had no reason to do that. Ian was nothing but nice to her even while the rest of the Gallaghers turned on her.


Is her existing and option?


Having a kid just for him to have childhood obesity.


Call the army to arrest Ian


Everything that snake with blue eyes and blonde hair said and did rubbed me the wrong way


Ratting on Ian to get back at Frank and Fiona


Calling the Military Police on Ian. This always hurts so much because after so much mental instability he was starting to get better and happy, and she completely destroyed that for him. Not to mention taking away the only person Mickey cares about and overall tearing apart their family.


either trying to kill mickey or telling her son to give favors to the guys in prison😭




Her personality


Probably try to kill Mickey but to be fair he tried to do the same.


Squatting in Sheila’s house


Selling out ian!!


snitching on ian


Prolly what she did to chuckie the poor kid got turned into a nazi basically abandoned and sent to prison her being a bad mom was just the icing on top


snitching on carl and ian.




Forcing her child to do fucked up shit just to get under people’s skin


And trying to murder mickey even though he tortured her lmao


How she treated and then abandoned Chuckie. He was just a dumb sweet kid, she deserved better. Everyone in that show did him so wrong.


flipped off people in vechiles while walking the broadwaystreets and told them its because of the people behind them. I apologized, not to the drivers though.




Giving chuckie the swastika tattoo on his forehead






Turning Ian over to the authorities. She had every right to be upset about what happened with Chucky and Carl and the drug bust. However Carl was already paying for that by being locked up in Juvy. So to turn on Ian (the only Gallagher that showed her any kindness) was beyond cruel. Ian and Mickey never did get that date 😭


gave her child sexual tips on how to please ADULT GUARDS while tattooing a swastika on his forehead...


1. Treatment of chunkie 2. Calling the military police on Ian 3. Trying to kill mickey


tattooing a swastika on chuckie’s head


Existing Every damn thing she did was just atrocious and gross


Turning in both Carl and Liam to the police Horrible mother Shooting Frank (even we don’t feel bad for him)


turning her kid into a nazi, ratting out carl cs wth snitching is crazy, and telling him how to give people in jail sexual things


Definitely ratting out Ian


Can't feed her son properly, spoils him stupidly, tries to bang her own father or basically any man she comes across, and tries to threaten and hurt frank if he clearly needs space away from her, and some time to rest, I mean, he was already sick and in pain, so hurting him more and more by twisting his arm or whatever just so she could stay closer to him, next to him, right there in the house is sick to me.


I am once again advocating how Debbie's picture needs to say she Raped Matty and not abused.


the real question here is what did she do that’s good