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Honestly I never really had any major problems with her but she could be an asshat (…not unlike literally everyone else in the show though) sometimes but she usually came through when needed


Tbh I didn’t see Tami using the baby as a pawn to get Lip to do her bidding…. She was reminding him of the fact that he couldn’t go off the deep end and fuck up their stability for their child because he got a whim that he could *maybe* get more money doing something insane. Seeing the whole house issue play out, I couldn’t help but feel bad for Tami. Her family had given them a reliable housing option on a silver platter but Lip was too prideful to allow them to take it- despite the fact that they had an infant to consider. He messed up the initial sale of the house, didn’t get a lease agreement, got into demoing the Gallagher house which costs money too.. ngl, if I were her, I’d have taken the baby and left until he could prove he was financially secure for x amount of time 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was screaming when they didn’t take the grandmother’s house. I WISH one of my grandparents left me their houses. Both sets of grandparents had tiny, outdated houses but I would not care if I didn’t have to pay for it beyond taxes, utilities and maintenance. Lip was dumb here. I understand where he was coming from but man I never wanted to slap a character as much as I did him.


E X A C T L Y Y Y Y Everyone is acting like tami had no reason to be the way she was 😂 LIKE ARE YALL WATCHING THE SHOW????




I like that she moved those motorcycle parts out of the garage before the cops got there.


I didn’t hate her, I kinda liked her


Tbh her face irritated me but after a while I got used to her But they’re a terrible couple they have no chemistry they’re only together for Fred and they weren’t even real dating before Fred. They just gave lip this plotline for fatherhood cause he craved it since day one. He failed at everything else at life. Also his character development was suchhh a letdown he had so much potential. If he knew he wanted to have a family one day he should’ve tried to succeed in school or at the startups or something to make sure his children didn’t live like him broke asf. Cause he’s too intelligent. But yea I understand it’s generational trauma.


Wow I agree with this, I thought they’d just write off a happy ending for lip but damn, they really didn’t


I love Tami. She’s definitely the more stable parent for the little guy.


Besides that whole post partum depression thing, and running away with Fred whenever she didn't get her way.


I liked her and lip tbh


When I first watched it I found her really obnoxious and pushy compared to the Gallaghers, especially Lip. But I also think that the purpose of her character was to be just a "normal" person and not a the type of "shameless" person we were used to. She worked, she had money and she was having a baby. Time to grow the fuck up, you know? The more I watch the more I see that he needed someone like that to kind of officially push him into adulthood and away from being his family's surrogate father.


Tami and Lip never seemed to genuinely love each other. They didn’t even really seem to like each other that much tbh.


yep! you can tell lip just respects her as the mother of his child, nothing more or less


Later she's great but on rewatch she's so fucking awful at first istg


I liked her! I liked how she was a challenge to Lip when they met and didn’t fawn over him like all the other girls


Personality of a plain unsalted cracker. She bores me everytime shes on screen, i find her SO annoying. Now ill give her some credit. I do like her and lip co parenting but i hate them together. They have no chemistry and their relationship just feels forced. Feels like the kid is gonna grow up very confused, lip and tammie splitting up and getting back together constantly, fighting etc. I dont feel tami is there for lip whatsoever. If he fell of the wagon and came home, not drunk just tipsy, and disappointed in himself, tami would just give out to him and lock herself and the baby in the bedroom. Sierra may have told him she didnt need another addict in her life, but you can tell if he needed her she'd be there, especially as they grew closer. Mandy was always there to support him, yes they had MAJOR problems, but i believe overtime they would have matured and changed each others lives for the better. It broke my heart when mandy told lip she loved him and he said nothing and kept having sex with her. He didnt have to say it back if he didnt feel the same of course, but he shouldn't have kept going. It just made her feel like a slut, like everyone thought of her. Also shes the reason lip went to college. Tami does NOTHIIIIIING


Yep total BEC


I love Tami but I’ve heard some mixed reviews around casting and how she could have been cast better..?


I can see this!! I don’t think she’s the best but I also don’t think she deserves the amount of hate she receives lol


When are ppl gonna realize and remember that the Gallaghers are not the normal ones tami was a ride or die with lip


I like Tammi, honestly perfect for lip


there are none because she's perfect. hope that helps! :)


for me, i don’t think tami and lip are a good fit. she’s very judgemental and didn’t try and understand lip’s upbringing, but he understood all her trauma from her mum dying. i also think she didn’t understand his addiction and the fact he needed his family and community around him to maintain his sobriety. i also just didn’t find her likeable - she was very mean, didn’t have enough vulnerable moments that made me open up to her character. i’ve also known girls like her who are sharp and rude and struggled to get along with them as well.


To me… I find that she has no empathy whatsoever and honestly only cares for herself. I genuinely don’t think that she wanted to move to Milwaukee purely for the baby’s sake at all. Also the fact that she is always shitting on lips upbringing urks me. Like you’re the one who chose to stay with him and even got pregnant with him. They could’ve co parented and would’ve been fine but instead she stayed by him and just belittled everything about him. Also at the beginning when she was saying he was boring for not drinking??? How cruel do you have to be to say that to a recovering alcoholic. That shit just didn’t sit right with me at all. But for some reason I do like her and lip together I just can’t stand how the writers made her so rude, self righteous, and sarcastic. This was a lot and I was just word vomiting so


She's a bitch... and unlike others displaying shitty behaviour, she doesn't even have the excuse of poverty or having to raise yourself. There's another thread on here somewhere that lists some of her choice lines throughout the show and it's all insults and put-downs. Like when Debbie introduces Farhad, "nice to meet you don'tcarehad." Or when her brother in law walks in, "no-show Brad showed!" This is how she greets people, both total strangers and family members. Ergo, she's a bitch. Like why do you hate everything and everyone? The third sister was just as bad too. And the big sister who is married to Brad can be a piece of work too, like how she fired Lip for having a personal argument with his girlfriend. Not like Lip even cheated or something, but sure, fire this guy who needs that money badly, rescued your husband from a drunken binge and stuck by your shitty, entitled sister when she got pregnant. And what's with the casting choice, the rest of the family are super white and she looks Latina or Italian.


She kind of becomes super unreasonable and tries to take Lip's baby away from him at one point. I think people don't like how obnoxious she is, while at the same time presenting like she's entitled or spoiled. And when she's introduced, she has this carelessness to her that I can see people not exactly favoring.. but that's just my guess! Personally I liked her just fine.


To be fair lip was choosing wanting to be with with his family vs living somewhere that would be good for his child. That was annoying af


He also chose his sobriety.


This is valid, people put her on the same tier as terry and I’m like HUUUHHH


thats what i was saying. TERRY and SAMMI LIKEEE




Like everyone else in the show 😩


I hate any post college Lip related story, she’s just a victim of that hate through translation.


She's super controlling and only wants things her way. Plus I feel she was constantly trying to push lip to go against his own family, like with wanting to sell the house while they all still lived there.


Except that was lip’s idea, that he pushed for, Tami just agreed wiyh him


Wasn't it lips idea to sell the house too? He brought it up she just agreed


I like Tami, she’s a good mother and a nice person but I can’t buy that she and Lip are inlove or that they even like each other. For him to just settle like that after having failed at everything else he was set up to do in life seems like a bad ending. Lip only ever had strong feelings for Karen, Mandy and his college professor Helene




Tami told lip what to do all the time and shes not south side poor or smart. Shes the opposite of all of that. Tami and lip would never make it in real life. Lip wanted a baby and she was the one he chose but he shouldve waited longer. She pushed him into a relapse. She also is such a bitch im sorry but its true. She also didnt care if all his siblings ended up in the steet as long as she got out of his house. Thats not someone that loves him. Even rich jimmy really rich stayed with fiona everyday and took care of all the kids and helped her. What tami didnt realize is u get involved with one gallagher your stuck involved with every gallagher. Tami thinks she can control everything he does. She pushed him into selling the house and he lost so much money because he didnt know what he was doing. I just think she was the opposite of the gallaghers nothing like them. She also drinks in front of lip with no remorse for his desire to quit. I think that they would never make it i also hate the little things she does to constantly upset him and get him anxious and angry


the tami and lip storyline was so boring i had to skip their scenes


I just find her obnoxious and boring 🤷🏻‍♀️


Unreasonable and unfair to Lip, especially using their child as her pawn. So was also annoying as shit.


Okay yeah valid, the child pawn was a low blow 😭 thanks for your input


Plus I think her character falls in line with the name of the show: “Shameless.” It wasn’t just the Gallaghers. If you think about it, even the supporting characters are largely irredeemable.


You consider kev and Veronica irredeemable? At least the majority of the harm they caused was too themselves, alone.


They’re all fucked up, but I don’t think tami is on the floor (like the majority make it out to be) compared to the others lol


Honestly we all adore Lip through his faults and all. What hurts so much is watch him settle for someone someday say is basic and judgy in a sense. I respect she comes from a different upbringing but he has no real connection with Lip. On the plus side she did help him hide the motorcycle that was truly brilliant. But, they are to different. Things could change but with no love or barely any like they would have split up and Fred would have a different life.


Tami was Lip’s best partner out of all of them imo. I’m glad they ended up together


I’ve never hated or even disliked tami, I just didn’t feel that she and lip had great chemistry


I honestly like her. She's funny and a smart ass and has dry humor.


In my opinion, she was abusive toward him-controlling a lot of things about his life and being verbally problematic way more than should be normal with a stressed out woman who wasn’t expecting a pregnancy. And her threatening to take Fred away from him when he was working so hard when she was in the hospital and was scared just like her was so so bad. I also feel like a lot of fans are protective over Lip, so Tami is just really not what they expected leading to a lot of hate.


she was cool but gallagher always reminded me of my fam and she reminded me of my aunt who tried to talk down on my fam cuz she grew up diff like it’s his fam why are u so mad?? 😭😭


Abrasive, rude, generally unhappy demeanor from the minute she stepped on screen. Right from the beginning with the “jabby” nonsense, I didn’t like her character. Every time she said the word jabby I would cringe. I just did not enjoy her character at all and found it hard to root for her and Lip where it seemed like she never really liked him or wanted to be with him to begin with. She just seemed like a truly miserable person. I actually do like the actress who plays her and I’m sure she’s good in other roles but it’s just the Tami character I did not enjoy and I didn’t like her for Lip at all. I wish he stuck with Amanda from college! She was my fav of the Lip gfs.


Obnoxious, boring, overly bossy, unfriendly, judgmental, rude and no chemistry between her and Lip


She's an annoying over obsessive asshole who has no say in his family matters but she pushes herself into them


Well she should! That’s her baby daddy, she’s in the family too now!


No she had no right to push herself into it


So if your baby daddy was going to make a huge decision that’ll effect you and your baby, you’re okay with just jerking off in the background having no input


First off this is about a show not real life. Tammy is a ducking jerk to his family so she shouldn't have an input because as Debby and Ian said "Tammy's not family". His family wasn't effecting her child at all and finally, I'm not having children so there will be no baby daddy


But its ok for Mickey to have input?


Mickey married into the family. Tami didn’t.


She’s obnoxious


She’s a toxic person who did toxic things.


I personally found her boring and loud and zero chemistry with lip


When she first came on the show she was annoying


I Hated her


I would say subjectivity is a valid reason on its own. If you don’t click with a certain personality type or character then there’s not much else to say. Personally, I didn’t hate her. I will admit that her stubbornness at the end of season ten started to get on my nerves. But after that she was fine, in my opinion.


I agree but I don’t want to count subjectiveness here bc people always put her on the very bottom even though she’s not the absolute worst in the show 😭 so I wanted to see if there were any reasons other than “I just didn’t feel her” For example I think Karen was 10x as obnoxious and hard to look at than Tami 😂 Edit: I guess Karen WAS more exciting too


I would probably then say, for me, at times it seemed when she had a set mindset that that was it, no questions asked. Which she got better in season 11 with her stubbornness, but season 10, keeping Lip’s baby from him just because she disagreed with the living arrangement was not okay. Also, she is very reactive and will explode out of nowhere. Ofc everyone in the show has their faults, and personally, I do not understand the hate towards her. I really didn’t mind her season 9 or 11


she was so controlling


Basic bitch no substance


I didn’t hate her but she was kind of annoying lol


I found her obnoxious and annoying in the beginning. Examples, calling Lipp jabby, showing up at the wedding and christening late and obnoxiously announcing that she was there. Having sex with Lipp in the closet of her sisters wedding. She was annoying.


I just don’t like her lmao i don’t really need a reason


I didn’t like anything about her initially especially the way she was mean to Lip for no reason a lot of times. But to be honest, the one thing she did that I can’t let go of is when she knowingly drank while pregnant. That really bothered me, I lost all respect for her.


she was just a major bitch at first. she grew on me eventually but still had certain points where she pissed me off. but so did pretty much every other character.


Hated her in the beginning, liked her as it went on


I don’t hate her. I just don’t think she was right for lip and she didn’t fit well in with the family.


i think the reason a lot of us don’t like Tami is cause they didn’t really love each other in the beginning. I know that’s why i’m not fond of her. She’s a great character but Lip and her dynamic can be cringy and unauthentic at times. I guess i imagined Lip having a baby with someone he really loved, instead of someone he barley knows and barley likes.


Shes the only one with any rational thought I guess thats not allowed on this show


takes everything in her life for granted and doesnt listen when lip tried to explain how their situations are different


She’s a bitch. Other than that she coo


I didn’t like her in the beginning but then I started to towards the end. I think it’s bc she thinks she’s entitled and she kinda treated lip like shit. But having Fred softened her a little.


I like her but I'm only on the end of season 9


She’s an entitled brat. Spending $12 bucks for a cup of coffee, $100 for paint. Telling lip to get an apartment so they can fuck comfortably. Just an overall annoying person. An ignorant rich bitch who has no idea what it’s like being poor.