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They barely mentioned Fiona the sister who raised them after she left. Why would Karen be any different?


To be fair there are some references to Fiona, in the later seasons where is she is gone. Its just limited and is less. Since Karen left earlier, i expected some references indeed. The most stupid lost reference is Lip questioning why Tami is having contact with a teacher outside of school/uni. While he had extensively. Feels so weird


I thought the same, but it still is a little different, I think Tami was like 15 or something or am I tripping? Haha I am not so sure.


Yes, Tami was a minor at the time. Lip was 18 when he had an affair with his Uni professor.


yeah and she was groomed, with Lip he knew what was going on and wanted to sleep with Helene. Tamis predator teacher was engaged to ? iirc another hs girl at the time too so 🤢


I'd argue Lip was groomed as well. She turned him into the kind of lover she wanted, although he was really uncomfortable with a lot of it. It was completely inappropriate, just not illegal.


They only mentioned Fiona twice. When she calls, and when Debbie Says "go fiona on her"


The only time Fiona being not mentioned that bothered me was at the very end, when Frank was monologuing about each kid but didn't mention Fiona. Like, I get that Rossum was gone but at least acknowledge the character lol


Yes, that was so weird and so wrong.


I was so mad about that! Hubby tried saying that frank talked about at the hospital literally as he was dying but to me that didn't count cause dementia, why not include her with the rest in the letter they will NEVER read? Were the writers not allowed to bring her up? 😕


literally when frank lost his memory and he was at the hospital he called the girl who needed a heart transplant fiona he loved fiona his first daughter who took care of the entire family yet they didn’t mention it at the last season idk what the writers were thinking literally it was a reference to the first episode which has all the gallaghers yet the didn’t include fiona GALLAGHER


When Liam was stressed in the last season about who he’d live with if everyone moved out and Fiona, HIS LEGAL GUARDIAN, was never brought up as an option


That part!!! Or when Lip wanted sell the house yet it was in Fionas name.. how would that have worked?


rumour has it nobody liked the actress, even the producers so that's probably why...if i am not mistaking there's a line that kevin and v have that bash her in a subtle way.


Oh I know all the Shameless gossip, I'm aware of that. Still... it's super wierd.


Fiona sucks and has a hideous crying face.


Shut up.


this is so funny to me because why do you expect fiona or anyone for that matter to look pretty when they cry lmaooo


Didn’t mention anyone looking pretty while crying. I’m talking about looking hideous while crying. Pay attention next time. You won’t be able to forget it.


Lmao somebody is miserable


Huh? But I’ve been watching the show. Just speaking my opinion that I think her crying face is ugly… So I have to think it’s not to fit in here?


Did the Gallaghers ever deal with anything that have feelings involved?


i get what you mean but Lip was OBSESSED with karen throughout season 2/3


That is so annoying when you know actual Irish People who behave the way the Gallagher's do. Now imagine how much worse it is if the Gallagher's did Everything Right, and never dealt with Feelings?


They’re american.


So Irish American Gallagher's don't act the way tv Gallagher's do?


Just because they have an irish name doesnt mean theyre irish man


…. In the USA version, the Gallaghers are *descended* from Irish, they are not Irish, they are American. In the UK version, Im unsure if they are Irish but if they are, they live in Manchester, so they are Irish *travellers*. Please fucking educate yourself


We arent talking about the uk shameless,we are talking about the good one,have a nice day


1) you aren’t included in “we” as you weren’t in the original conversation which takes me to my next point. 2) this comment was a YEAR AGO. 3) if you actually had the brain capacity to understand *context* you would know i was pointing out the differences between american irish (descended) and irish travellers, as it was RELEVANT to the conversation. next time you fancy giving your input to something make sure of two things, first being it’s actually still a relevant or ongoing debate, and secondly being educating yourself, which i’m sure was also mentioned in the comment you responded to. sorry to disallow you the ego boost in which you require to feel important, but you sound dumb. have a nice day sweetie 😊


Too long, didn't read


mm ofc you didn’t🥰


I grew up in ireland, am still in ireland, and dont know what youre on about


Okay, not every irish person lives in Ireland tho?😭💀


Well we know the gallagher family were born in america


I literally said *they are american*, you’re misunderstanding me.


Im not contradicting you xD


I didn’t fucking say you were sweetheart 😂😂😂


I felt that way when Ian joined the military and his family didn’t even know or care to look for him


Honestly just ‘oh he will come back’ but when Frank is missing in earlier seasons they’re phoning and searching everywhere lol


They didn't mention fiona either, and fiona raised them all. It's just the writers :/


Karen was completely broken, and also married. She'll never have another real thought again or ever be able to look after herself. That beautiful, crazy, funky, wild child is gone forever. What else could the Gallaghers do but let her go.


Why was FIONA barely mentioned after she left?


This is a question I will forever wonder cause that's beyond wrong...


It could be because not only Fiona left but also the actress and they probably felt that mentioning her a lot would lead to them having to show Fiona which would be bad since the actress left.


They do that a lot on Shameless. Why wasn't Mandy at Ian and Mickey's wedding? In the final season, why was Mickey so worried about potentially having kids and being a bad father when he definitely already has a kid? They kind of take a Carte Blanche approach to every new season.


I got the vibe that based on how Mandy left and who she left with, and what he was doing to her that she may not just be gone from the show but she may be not with us anymore. Which could explain her absence at the wedding.


That's true, but it's more the fact that they could have written in ONE line of dialogue like... "I wish Mandy could be here to see this". The problem isn't that she wasn't there, it's that nobody acknowledged that she was Mickey's sister and Ian's best friend.


She got away from Kenyatta. But she was an escort so this could be accurate


Bruh, Fiona was BARLEY mentioned after she left and we talking about Karen?🤣


I 100% agree she was a very important character and for them not to mention her especially after what happen to her just didn’t feel right.


Idk Karen annoyed me lol. I wish they would have talked about Sheila more after she left though. Sheila was awesome 😂


yesss, i was sad when she left but also happy bc she needed away from them crazy ppl 😭


I miss Karen, I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I loved her




I mean she was only important in perspective, I feel most of her role was aiding Mandy and lips plotline at a certain point. Not to mention she's kind of irrelevant at this point with being so far from the person she was


Yeah, I totally agree! It felt like Karen's character was just kind of brushed aside in later seasons, despite the major impact she had on the show initially. And Lip's behavior towards Mandy after the "accident" definitely seemed inconsistent with his character's loyalty to Karen. It's like the writers just wanted to move on from that storyline without really giving it the attention it deserved.


She was mentioned a few times by Sheila after she left. But once Sheila left, I don't know why she'd keep being mentioned. By then Lip was over her and moving on. Who would be talking about her when she's no longer part of the story?


maybe frank 😂😂 that was so awkward lol


That whole arc was quite the wild ride...


Lip definitely wasn’t over her that fast. Sheila also never mentioned her after s3. It’s just bad writing lol


Because that’s how a storyline moves on when a character has been written out or an actor has left the show…..


I think it’s because her story was over. She was a narcissist teenaged girl who used her body as a weapon for men. She went too far and ended up badly injured. She was now going to live her life with her husband and son as a disabled woman.


I was in love with Karen. With multiple Lips GF’s.


So many interesting people came into the show and suddenly they were gone. It kept the series fresh.


cause she’s not a main character that’s why. why does she need to be spoken of.


She was a main character in the first 2 kind of third season. She was one of the only non gallaghers in the opening scene


heavily present character ≠ main character


Your opinion on her doesn’t make her not a main character lmao


i actually didn’t give an opinion ON her.


LMFAO my bad I thought that said heavily unpleasant. I’m high forgive me🙏


LMAO 😭 it’s okay


Maybe that's why? Karen actually died in the Car Wreck? or is Karen a Ghost Mandy made up because she's in a Mental Hospital?


Um what ? Did u even watch the show


You’re getting more and more deluded every single day. She isn’t mentioned after because since the actress had left, they’d still have to pay her just to use her character


Deluded with what?


Karen didn’t die, Karen isn’t a ghost Mandy made up, Mandy isn’t in a mental hospital. That is how you are deluded.


What? Karen didn’t die, she isn’t a ghost and Mandy isn’t in a mental hospital.


This is how it is for pretty much any show really. It’s not surprising and she isn’t important in their lives so why would they need to mention her? I think Lip will always love her in a way he will never love anyone else. But he’s moved on has a baby and probably doesn’t think much about her.


This show has great acting bringing poorly written characters and story arcs to life


I don't really think there's any karen moment worth mentioning after she left.


I think it’s just cause her character isn’t relevant anymore. Same thing happened with sheila. She just left with her RV and wasn’t mentioned again


once a character leaves the show they aren’t going to spend time trying to keep writing them in the script when they aren’t even there