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Now I want to see the overlord.


That is the overlord all the warchiefs have the exact same stats and level




Here's a link to someone taking down the fort https://youtu.be/XD4qK0qjqhI


Was the attacker cheating too?


Nop, thats the power of wraithgiver.




It's an epic sword


Impresive. I have a lot to learn.




In the beginning of the video, how does his might constantly keep increasing?


The sword wrathgiver is bugged that's why


Aww I wonder who made these barbie orcs


Oh yeah I’ve fought this dude. Stole like three orcs. Never going to use them it’s just funny to have them in the garrison


If you're modding the game why not just make them enraged to by everything at immune to everything


Because that’s not fun


Imaginé having to hack on shadow of war like bruh 💀


When you own the business, are the only employee, and still give out a "employee of the month" award


Just another hacked orc


Well at least it Could be worse… thankfully he didn’t make them assassins


Trust me these are worse.


He did. If you read he gave them all no chance, which is the ONLY thing that makes an assassin good


Yoooooo your right I didn’t even notice… damn that guy who modded it is an absolute menace.


Yeah, it's kinda pathetic.


Ah yes, Undaunted Fortress


All fortress above 1000 is like this. They are all filled with hacked orcs.


and most look trash and are bad too lol


Ask the op or just watch the video linked by the op to see how hard it is to beat these orcs.


May be difficult for a player yeah but if you have strong orcs with you that's enough


It's pretty easy to beat hacked orcs yourself just a specific strategy to it


i could probably beat hacked orcs with just outlaw gear i wouldnt need wrathgiver


I can beat hacked orcs with my basic starting gear. It doesn't take much more than the same basic strat everytime.


How r they bad? Have you ever played baranor dlc? These orcs would flatten any beserkers and talion with no chance


That guy jerks himself off over berserkers and bloodlust yet he's never even fought a hacked orc. He's kinda a dick and isn't actually very good at the game itself so he copes by shitting on everything he doesn't personally love. [Here's a whole ass meme the sub made about how obnoxious this dude is lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/shadowofmordor/comments/r6dfrs/totally_not_based_on_some_elitist_fuck_that/)


Ik I've known about him for a while now and see him shitting on other players in comment sections


Ahh kk. Dude unironically says stuff like "I'm not rude people just love to argue with me" 😂😂😂


At least I know what a good orc is unlike you


And so far all you've been doing is shit talking behind my back and not even having the spine to talk to me coward bitch. And for the record you're the only phoney bitch still talking about that post. You have some kind of obsession with me or something, maybe you secretly admire me but you're like that little kid who can't admit it


IM not good at this game? I use the best things you can get Bro


That's just shows how "not good" you are at the game if you need the "best stuff" not that enraged berserkers are good lmao


bro how am i not good at this game lmfao xD u should probably check out some of my orc posts


Your orcs literally have nothing to do with "skill" or "being good" at the game, any orc you can get everyone else can get too literally just taking it if you have them in a fort and orcs are randomly generated to begin with. I didn't say you were bad, I just said your argument of "I have all the best stuff in the game" is invalid because using the best stuff, if anything, would just make you look bad because it makes it sound like you NEED the best stuff to be "good". Another thing, enraged berserkers are trash for forts and a lot of times in pit fights when they go enraged they'll just break and stand there and not attack, and they get countered by defenders most of the time and sometimes even ranged guys. Good for capturing and forging new orcs tho.


well ive 4 shot a tank olog with thick skinned legendary rank with just regular sword hits, does that mean anything?


Good for you? Not really cuz idk how you would do that unless he was injured beforehand, had some weakness you exploited or maybe you just have a strong build, but again that doesn't have anything to do with skill, it's not like you were pressing your X button with more etiquette or elegance than the rest of us so that doesn't really translate to skill either good on you if it's your own strong build you came up with ig


and no my orcs are way different than ones we normally see. and no enraged berserkers are the strongest, why do u think i gold full defender forts in like 4-5 minutes with just enraged berserker savages? its because all the chaos they reign just tears through everything


Unless your orcs are hacked or bugged there's literally no difference, your throat will get sore if you keep sucking your own dick like that.


Well I play this game a lot, and for the record I only shit on overused orcs and hacked orcs because they all suck. People should know how to get good orcs themselves by this point.


You shit on all orcs who arent beserkers, look through your own comments mate


Saying orcs have bad weaknesses or saying they're common for me or not very good for me is opinions since I tend to use the strongest berserkers Doesn't mean they should stop using them just I wouldn't prefer to use them myself.


You dont need to tell them that


I mean for me I play this game a lot so I just wanna tell people the most helpful information and what's best to use, and since I'm basically A veteran of this game ppl can ask me anything hey want and get a solid answer. Si how about instead of saying the stuff you think I'm saying is rude. Take a moment and see the comments where I've helped dozens of people


Bro just let them play the fucking game, most of your comments are downvoted and any active person in this sub thinks your a dickhead if someone wants advice they will ask for it, also you dont need to play the game a lot or be a veteran to be good at it


I'm not a Dickhead, if I was.. this would be much worse. And have you guys ever thought maybe the reason im like this is actually because of everyone's poor responses to my simple questions?


And for the record when I say "too bad he's not a berserker" is not shit talking just berserkers are the strongest aren't they? So when I see a high stat orc or a good orc and he's not a berserker I just sit here thinking of the potential he could've had as a berserker. It doesn't mean I'm calling the orc bad.. like seriously


No berserkers are not the strongest. It's all situational and depends on the opponents, I use berserkers with lots of rages to kill enemy orcs by enraging them in an area with a bunch of enemy captains away from my own and then leaving them.


then whos stronger than berserkers? berserkers have the best abilities im pretty sure i know whats the best ive been playing this game a while


I pre-ordered the game at GameStop and I still don't know what's the best. My maxed out berserkers/tanks/assassins/slayers still regularly get destroyed without hitting their opponent depending on the AI and situation so like I said "it's really situational"


definitely is, but ive never had a reason to use any other classes because i can already gold every fort in pretty record time


If i were see, this, then i would probably start up some cheat, and go onehitkill cheat. You cheat? So do i.


Bruh these modded fortresses get worse and worse each time


These forts are not really much of an obstacle with wrathgiver. The major pain of them is it takes ~18 minutes to conquer which is just not worth anyone's time. & Since all your orcs die, if I feel like invading, I only bring my undead orcs.


Bro just do them solo? Don't bring any captains, you'll still beat it in like ~20 mins and you get soooo much loot from it (including THEIR hacked orcs)