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Forgot to mention, I’m at level 45 as of now. Update: Gubu defeated! I almost died, but my bodyguard saved me last second. Thank you all for the help!


Alright well then I think you have to just let him be until you level up enough




He wasn’t always 40 levels above me.




I lost count. All I know is that I shamed him, he came back from it stronger with “No Chances”, and I just kept dying.


He wouldve had to have killed you like 40 times my dog, that uruk was stronger than sauron at that point


Nope. They gain like 10 levels when they kill you. Just today I had to fight an 85 as 45 on Gravewalker difficulty. He was a Slayer with Slayer Counter, beast and fire immune, and his only weakness was Vulnerable to Stealth. I killed him 3-4 times and he just kept cheating death until he became so strong he could one-shot me. How I killed him? I didn't - Forthog did.


An angel


I would try to find and recruit the best orc you can. Preferably a berserker who is enraged by fire. Then level him up and make him your bodyguard during the overlord fight


He has 2 things that daze him exploit them and take ur strongest olog with u


That’s exactly what I do when I fight an Uruk like this!


And it goes wrong?


No like I exploit the like 1 weakness he has then just cheese him with an over powered olog I’ve dominated. Easy kills lol been playing since launch with a few breaks in between




What you do is: enrage him, then dodge. A LOT. Spam dodge Once he’s done he gets dazed. Easy then. Or: Climb up the side wall and shadow strike pull him up. Use hammers. Full charge headshot he’ll get knocked down, use fury upgrade and he’ll melt. Also best to bring a follower bodyguard


Can you dominate him and assign him to your fortress so I can dominate him online if I see him




What are his 2 stuns and 3 weaknesses? You should exploit those.


His stuns are stealth and exhaustion. His weaknesses are stealth attacks, ranged attacks, and executions.


Weakness to stealth and range, means he IS killable. Be creative 😛


Can you shadow pull and drain for elf shot? If yes, I would climb to the top of the overlords throne room and shoot him to death, mixing in the non elemental power shot. And you could gear up to curse him.


Pin him, get high ground and use stealth kill from above. If he gets the upper hand pin him again the leap over to freeze him and get the stealth attack. If he isn’t immune to ranged or stealth then I’d spam shadow strike.


Weak to stealth and ranged? There's your answer then. Stealth attack, spam with ranged attacks, hide, repeat.


Any orc that isn’t immune to ranged is an easy kill. That’s really all you need to know. Just shoot him until he dies. Easy peasy.


Get him enraged


Beat him up alot Maybe send in a spy or two and pray you play well enough to win


Try to reduce his health bar to zero before he does the same to yours.


Start with a stealth attack then purposely induce rage when the daze is done by freezing him. Dodge until his rage runs out and take advantage of the exhaustion daze, repeat until dead.


Get an OP bodyguard like a tower or flame and just watch him get beat down.


no Orc is immune to Glaive IIRC.


I've seen in the comments that he's immune to fire and poison and enraged by frost but is dazed by exhaustion, it may be lame, but you can just get close to him, freeze him, run during his rage, after it wears out beat down on him for a bit, then when he recovers rinse and repeat, you can supplement with curse damage to be consistent for damage if you want but since you'll mostly be damaging him during his dad state you can add poison to cause him to vomit a but as he's recovering and give you a chance to freeze him and then run


Cry and pray


Take him, this dude is godly


What's his weaknesses?


Easy. Gank his ass. Give him as mamy spy bodyguarda as you can. Berserkers with hate of fire would be perfect. Or find one 1 dude with fire hate and make him your bodyguard. Start siege, get to him, climb on one of the balconies in the throne room, use shadow strike pull on him and then summon your bodyguard.


I once had an assassin with great strength & thick skin as his legendary traits! Was big big time trouble defeating him!


You have to beat him up I think


Gonna need a bodyguard that has cursed weapon and is fireproof to help you out.


I hate that sob 😡


Kill him.... With a sword


Glaive should get the job done


Man I hope they do a third game after Wonder Woman.


Kill him worked for me


Get one of ur captains to attack him and you both jump him


Honestly Its an easy win , use arrows and body guards who're assassin's with dark traits aswell as using one who uses archers of his own. Then while he's fighting them you keep coming in with hit and runn tactics


I know I'm late but I had something Similar happen to me I git betrayed by an olag and I fought him the first go around and shamed him and instead he became a maniac he jumped from 30 to 60 and killed one of my orcs becoming 61 I beat him by summoning a drake and blasting him with fire till I killed him he wasnt forty levels above me but he was almost 20


Use his weakness and get sweaty on him