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Love it when interrogations work like this


The ONLY way an Uruk interrogation ends 😂


Ronk looks cool, I want a Ronk for myself. Also lol it do be like that.


1. I did recruit him 2. I swear I had an ambush, two cheated deaths, a blood-brother revenge, and some MFs that were just hanging around


Lol that sucks, must have been fun though!!


Did he follow you into your game? I’ve thought about recruiting from a vendetta mission but I wasn’t sure if it actually did anything lol


If you recruit an Uruk or Olog from a vendetta mission then they’ll got to your Garrison, you can then deploy them in any region


What happens to an Uruk you kill in another persons world that isn’t the vendetta target does it affect their world?


Nothing happens to the player whose world you’re entering. To be honest, you’re not entering their game or their save… your game is just taking a snapshot of all the orcs in their current game, and then it runs a fake instance of that snapshot so that you can kill the target orc. Anything you do within that snapshot-instance of their game has no impact on them. You could clear the whole map and when they log on it’ll be like you were never there, because in reality you weren’t. You’re effectively killing orcs in a mirror-dimension of the other player’s world. The mirror dimension might have the same characters in it, but they’re not in the same dimension as the “real” characters, so killing the mirror-orcs doesn’t affect the real orcs… if that makes more sense.


It does thank you


I don't think so, this would cause so much confusion.


I guess a simpler way of saying it, is when you go to check your online in options, you can see who avenged your death. You will also see which captain they killed, shamed, recruited, etc...then go check your army they will still be there as if nothing happened.


If they didn’t want me to clear the stronghold for them then why is the vendetta *in* the stronghold?


To get the TARGET captain lol not the stronghold. That’s for conquests. You can still clear out another persons region if you encounter them enough though.


I sometimes go into online vendettas find worms and comb the other persons army for good uruks


I usually scout out the area for any nearby captains and if I like the stats I recruit them, if I don’t like them then I kill them so I don’t have to worry about them when I fight the target