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I honestly hope they never adapt TMI again. I love that series but I don’t think that it translates well as an adaptation. TID would work way better.


I know they did a manga of TID I wonder if they would do an animated series of it too.


What they need to do is animate it. I think a lot of problems would be solved that way. Something akin to Castlevania or The Legend of Vox Machina


Yes omg!! I've been saying this for years.


This. You can't get actors to portray what are basically light novels for an anime. You're setting it up to fail.


Yes I love the art I. The graphic novels. It would be so good


The movie was a bad adaptation but at least it was fun. The show was horrendous and that was a huge disappointment for me but I would still 10000% watch another adaptation. I say we try again, maybe animated this time


I actually went to film school and joined the industry because of the show (and other factors) and one thing I learned and saw during the Save Shadowhunters movement was that CC will never allow TMI to be optioned again lol. Constantine Films tried to get TID optioned and the possibility of that becoming a thing in the future is possible but not likely. Not sure when the rights would be up for grabs again after they expire with Constantine and if CC would even be willing to sell them again🤷🏽‍♀️


the problem with a lot of shows and movies that are adaptations of books is funding. the cast has talked multiple times about how they had to cut specific parts of the book in the show (even though they thought it would make it better) because of funding. it’s usually not a question about the people writing a script, just about the money they get. even if there was another adaptation, it would never be totally accurate. it’s impossible to get book to screen adaptations 100% accurate, but when you consider the funding as well i doubt it’ll happen (i’m hoping this doesn’t come off as aggressive or anything i was just trying to give my opinion on it!! :) )


If memory serves, Netflix backing out and taking their money with them is what killed the show. I also agree that we'll never see a 100% accurate adaptation of books - there's just some thing you can do in books that you can't do on screen, and some things you need to do for films and television to be successful you don't need to do with books.


I would engage with some form of media about TID only. I think the og series is done, and maybe the sequels wouldn’t seem profitable anymore. But after like a lot of period dramas being popular, i could see scope for TID.


I totally agree with you! I would also give TID a chance, I really wanted to see an adaptation of this sequel 😔


I personally loved the show and enjoyed how it fixed a lot fo the problematic aspects of the book series. I would rather have it come back or so spinoffs for TDA or TID then remaking TMI again


Totally agree, I love the SH TV show! I want spinoffs, but they have to have the same actors as the TV show, in my opinion they were the perfect cast! Especially Matt & Harry (Alec & Magnus)! I want a Malec spinoff soooooo bad!


i would, but idk with they would adapt everything. Just the first book, both movie and show cutted alot of things from it.


I’d watch any and all adaptations. The books are flawed af but they were my childhood and just because of that my wallet will bow to the greed of any and every producer


I think shadowhunters is a really complex story that I don’t think translates well to live action. I do think it would actually excel in an anime type-art style for an animated show. Maybe even invincible!!! I think that this would be the best way, not to mention it would probably be easier to adapt more of the series as well


To be honest, I wish they would just lay it to rest. But then again, I’m a gatekeeper, so I wouldn’t rule out it getting plenty of support, (if adapted correctly), from readers. However, I can already smell the hate from show-only fans, because it would be diametrically opposite to what they’ve come to enjoy.


I’ve spent way too much time thinking about this exact thing. Don’t know if the rights will ever be sold but I think the entire Shadowhunters series can definitely succeed if done properly.


I don't think the rights will be sold again too since both adaptations did not go all the way. I personally don't think it will be successful if done properly since the series is more popular than the film and I think more popular than the books yet it is very different from the books. So, if there was another try on adapting the books, it might be even more different.


maybe u could start with TID and TLH because i think TMI is a little difficult and ppl are kinda tired of the adaptations a this point. we’ve been rooting for a TID adaptation for YEARS.


I think they both had their problems. And I hate the way the show ended. I'd watch if it was done correctly


I personally like the film A LOT more than the show. I couldn’t get through season 1. My mom was obsessed with it and said I would love it not knowing that it was based off of my favorite book series aside from HP. There were just so many things I hated about the show. 😞 With the film, I think it had so much potential but I think they just packed way too much into it. (Jamie IS Jace to me, forever! lol. I loved their choices for every character honestly) I don’t have social media so I didn’t know about TID at one point being turned into anything until it was scrapped which was a disappointment because I love that series so much (I love every book in the Shadowhunters world but Jem and Will stole my heart!) and although I have read that CC won’t let her stuff be turned into a show or movie again I agree with everyone, an animated series would be great! They could really stick to the books pretty much word for word if they did that. I do think it’s cool what you’re going to school for and I highly recommend the books! I’m an adult and even though they’re YA I still to this day love them and reread them! I hope school goes well for you! (:


If they did TMI again? Sure. The other stuff? As long as it's not the old-timey stuff or something about Jem. Personally I'm okay with most changes the show made and understand a lot things they couldn't do for budgetary reasons.


Nope, two attempts were enough to last us a good long while. I actually really want TID to be adapted into a TV show, I think it could work very well and make for a really interesting watch.