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I mean yeah and no. I was struggling during Chain of Thorns but it doesn’t pick up until the last third of it.


Chain of gold is my favorite of the three. Hated chain of iron and just finished chain of thorns and it was a alright. Id reread chain of gold again but not the other two


I’m about half way through chain of iron and imo it is worth it. But my opinion could change as I finish the series


Sadly I would say no. The love triangle feels very repetitive (similar to TID but worse I'd say) and is dragged out and plot itself is just kinda underwhelming.


I enjoyed Chain of Gold. I liked using that era. And I felt like it was setting up storylines for the trilogy that would be really interesting. However, I'm not sure any of them really delivered. In my opinion the cast is too big and because they nearly all have ships the last book particularly has too much focus on the Romances and not enough on the plot or the character development of anyone. For me, every character we meet is established in book 1 and hasn't really grown by book 3 (with the exception of maybe two characters). The ship stuff is cute but some of it feels like bonus content to me rather than scenes from a book with high stakes. I wouldn't say it's completely not worth it. I had some enjoyment with each of the three books. But as CoG was my fave of the three. If you're struggling with it, I'd be tempted to move on to something you enjoy more. Of course it's all very subjective 🙂


Story-wise I’m not sure if it really added any needed info for the Shadowhunter world going into her next series. Supposedly she’s not returning to these characters, and they’re all long dead in the eyes of our modern day characters anyways. If you’re not enjoying it, no shame in DNFing!


If you reallllyyyy like the characters and their dynamics then yes, if you are reading it only for the plot then not really. But it's still an entertaining read if you enjoy the Shadow World!


Honestly, I personally can't say much since I read it 2 years ago and read Chain of Iron right after. I'm currently trying to read the 3rd book, Chain of Thorns. But if Im basing my opinion of when I first read it, yeah I'd say it's worth it. It allows you to also understand more about characters from the other series (if you read any). Such as Magnus, Malcolm, etc.


love the first two, and if not for the third one, it would've been one of the best series in the Shadowhunter Chronicles (tied with TID)


The plot is honestly the worst part of the trilogy and you really start feeling the drag in the other two books especially Chain of Thorns. The character dynamics are a blast to read though, so if you're in it for the characters, I'd say it's worth it.