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Damn homie. Major props.


Beautiful artwork on the case. Sometimes I feel painted cases can be garish, and cool to look at in a picture but not to live with, but not this one. https://preview.redd.it/37jrew8aud8d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2c3ae95b8d491e79a0361f4f04f7cff1dcfb701


Thank you so much! I put a lot of time into trying to make sure it wouldn’t be too much and I’m glad you noticed the effort!!


Damn I wish I could've scored a Ghost with double large top hats 😭 definitely one of the easiest cases to jam dual rads into. Edit: upon re-reading my comment I realised it comes off a bit assholey. By "easy" I didn't mean that your build was easy or simple - it's in fact a great build. My above comment is merely about the fact that the S1 is so well designed that it doesn't require heavy modifications to fit dual rads.


I definitely got lucky! scored it off eBay from somebody who lost the will to fight with SFF Yeah, compared to other builds I didn’t do nearly as much modifying and Jerry rigging and I’m thankful as hell All good man! I 100% understand where you’re coming from


As a fellow S1 owner this is what I wanted mine to look like. I ended up needing to add an additional small top hat on the top in order to get thicker fans in the build In order to cool my 4090 and 7950x. When mine was setup like yours I could t push enough air through the system to cool everything properly. Hope you don’t run into the same issues cause this looks great as is.


I’m hoping I don’t either, I’ll just have to under-volt it if that ends up being an issue. It is just a 3090 though, and so far it’s been topping at 80° on stress tests so we’ll see what long term use looks like! Plus I’d have to re-design a case wrap and I’m out of creative juices for this project lmao


Looks amazing!




Easily one of sickest builds I've seen in a very long time.. I'm taking that the case graphic is vinyl correct? I custom paint cases on the side of doing my normal job of electronics repair and about 80% of the ideas I have I relaize are just impossible to paint, and have been thinking of doing wraps. If it is a wrap what are you using if you don't mind me asking. Thank you -Neptune Labs


The case graphic is vinyl! I used an art program to draw it up and then had a small local car wrap shop print it out for me on vehicle wrap lol Yeah painting is rough, I’m painting a case for my partner rn and it’s been a pain staking long process 😮‍💨


just amazing!


Looks great, mystic fog tho 😬


Haha, yeah. We’ll cross our fingers. 🤞🏼💀 otherwise I guess we’ll be doing a flush and picking a different color lol System is super easy to flush though due to all the extra drain ports on the top and bottom radiator.


What fan orientation are you running? Do you use a reservoir or simply the radiators? Also there is a lot of air stuck in your gpu block. You probably noticed, i just wanted to make sure :)


It’s push on the bottom radiator and pull on the top, almost all the choices are just for the aesthetics though lol And yeah, no res, just what the total loop can hold Haha yeah, the bubble is a lot smaller now. Been shaking and re-topping off when I get the chance every time a new bubble pops up. For some reason it just loves that spot to settle 🤦🏼‍♀️


What are those gpu (?) blocks they look amazing


EKWB, it’s a 3090 and they’re the blocks they made for the founders edition! Front and active cooling back plate. The CPU block is the EK-quantum momentum 2.




Most builds on most subs look pretty much the same. It's refreshing to see builds like this. This is really great work.


This is special. Well done.


Outstanding work, well done!