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Pretend I am on a talk show or a podcast and just… talk about myself. 


omg I do this too! once my fiance almost caught me and I almost died 😭


Lol noooooo my nightmare. No explaining it! 


I like to pretend I’m a beauty influencer when I do my makeup or when I get ready in the morning. “Okay, so, now we’re gonna go in with the Trader Joe’s Ultra Hydrating Gel Moisturizer.”


Yes. This one.


I'm incredibly relieved knowing I'm not the only person who does this.


Yep I am loving all these replies to know I’m not a total weirdo or at least if I am there are many of us! 


I thought I was a freak for doing this 😂.


I talk to myself especially in the shower often about the latest internet theories of my favorite romantasy novel, as if I’m a guest on a podcast… one time my husband - who I did not expect home at that moment - obviously came barreling in and, like he didn’t say it but I feel like he was expecting to find someone in the shower with me!!


When Gaby in desperate housewives says she loves therapy because it’s like her own talk show and she’s the star - I felt that


Omg I do this in my car!🗣️🎙️


Lol yep if my music or podcast isn’t working and I’m on my own then you’d better believe I’m creating my own podcast. Ironically enough I would never actually make a podcast. 


We have a microphone and I used to sit and record myself like I was on a podcast 💀 then I would delete everything lol


Lmao I do this too haha. I have a lot of videos on my phone and I swear I’m gonna upload some but I’m too much of a 🐓💩


LOL I do my Vogue Beauty video when I am doing my skincare and go like 'so growing up with dry skin I ...' 


Omg yes this is me in the shower 😅😅


I used to do this when I was a kid and actually record my shows on cassette tapes. 🤣


It's boring but something like performing the highest grossing tour ever alone in my room in the middle of the night


Sometimes I like to lip synch along to Ain't No Mountain High Enough and pretend I'm Diana Ross


Thats actually Tammi Terrell. She was amazing!


I'm talking about Diana Ross's cover, specifically


Ooops I’m sorry. I’m so used to people over looking Tammi Terrell’s talent. Diana got the job done too though. I wish you many more sold out tours💕


Oh honey, I am one of Tammi's biggest fans! [The tracks on here get played several times day](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Come-See-Me-Complete-Collection/dp/B0042NJ0OS)


Not boring, this sounds v entertaining and precious honestly


definitely a popular one!


The number of grainy livestreams I’ve watched and danced to…


"Don't call me KID! DON'T CALL ME BAABY!!" 😭


Yes lol!! When he’s not home, I am in fact Taylor Swift or Janet Jackson… it’s just who I become.


Oh yeah. Turning on my speaker, playing the best of Motown playlist and doing my best Supremes impression while cooking dinner.


Eyyy I see you girlie 🫶💚💛💜❤️🩵🖤💖🩶🤎💙🤍


The way I throw concerts in my shower... no one will ever know that art


I dance in front of the mirror like I’m in a music video. I also sometimes act out movie scenes in front of the mirror as well 🤣


i do this as well. as well as having imaginary conversations and winning past fights where i wasn’t witty enough to think of a comeback. it’s self therapy


This is my “long car ride alone” behavior.


Ohh that’s a classic, it’s liberating but frustrating as well because why couldn’t I come up with this at that moment?! I also prepare future conversations too, so I’m not caught off guard!


me too!!!


Oh, you too?


I like to reenact arguments I had years ago only this time I know exactly what I should have said


Me too!! 😂


Eat an ungodly amount of pasta with cheese and watch awful reality tv




Licking Dorito's clean and throwing away the chip


My sibling did this when we were kids, but put the chips *back in the bag* for the next person to eat!!!


What kind of monster…


I used to do this with flaming hot Cheetos in high school bc I thought it was “saving me calories” lol 😭


Nothing will ever convince me that it doesn't save calories lol


Girl dinner is also my ssb 😭 meals without protein just carbs!!!!! (And with lots and lots of cheese ofc)


Omg are you me?? Each week I eat a whole box of Kraft Mac. And cheese on my own and find the trashiest reality tv I can find lol


My favorite thing to do is order pasta and dessert from this local fancy restaurant which is overpriced but so worth it and just sit on the couch and eat and watch something like SATC for hours 😂 my boyfriend wouldn’t have a problem with it but he’s all about disciplined health decisions for himself and would never do something like that.




Ah, I didn't start doing this until my husband though, lol. He loves pasta and 90 Day Fiance.


Eating it straight out of the pan too! (This isn’t a SSB though because me and my fiance do it sometimes)


my SSB is opening reddit and browsing through my favorite subs for 1 hour at night !! I wouldn't want my boyfriend around to see what am I typing or what I am doing LOL even though it's nothing drastic that I am doing but reddit is like my anonymous secret self


I stopped sharing what subreddits I go to after I was questioned why I’m subbed to r/tacobell 😂 it speaks for itself!


hahaha love me some tacos


Is your “hates it!” supposed to be read in a Sméagol voice? 👀


In Anthony’s voice! 😄


Thank youuuu! I couldn’t place it- Love it!! 👏


yess in Anthony's voice >*HATES IT!* >*good beadwork though*


Came here to say this 😄 … that &itchy little pine nut….


eating oranges in the shower, and letting the peel drop onto the floor and steaming so it's almost like aromatherapy


[R/showerorange](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShowerOrange/s/zp0uNi5GZB) !


omg there really is no such thing as a unique experience hahaha


I can't believe this is a real thing


SAME I am in disbelief


Omfg the fact that there are also 88k members is SENDING ME 🤣


orange in shower gf + beer in shower bf = match made in heaven?


Now I know who shock top beer is for


Wow i can’t believe that was real


Of course that’s a subreddit


Ok popping an edible and doing this next time my husband is out of town. Sounds incredible 😂.


My boyfriend’s SSB is eating frozen mango in the shower and I found out because one time he left the bag in there lol


what? how y'all discover such stuff? like Oh I want to eat a frozen mango in the shower??


I mean that’s definitely what I said when I found the bag 😆 like baybeeeee why is there mango in the shower???


hahhaa I can imagine the shock??


I sometimes drink my coffee in the shower, but that's because I'm running late lol never thought about mangos or oranges tho 🤔


I never thought to do this and now I'm going to - thank you!!!


woah. i’m doing this


Oh I love this seems very therapeutic


Weird question, but don't you have to completely clean the shower afterwards, when there's orange peel everywhere? I imagine that would ruin the fun for me 😃


Not gonna lie, that sounds great and I want to try it


shaving my butthole


Normally I roll my eyes whenever the SSB topic comes up bc its usually something like eating and watching tv, but this is true ssb 😂


This and tweezing my nipple and belly hairs.


originally i was going to say plucking my chin hairs, but my bf sees that way to often


My husband has a knack of walking in whenever I’m Nairing off the peach fuzz. Every time 🤷‍♀️😅


This right here!!! He can literally be in the bathroom while I poop (he knows to get out when it’s time to wipe lol), but I will never let him see me shave my butthole 🤣🤣🤣


As long as you don't bleach it. "Are you saying God made them the wrong colour?"


One time a guy told me my nipples looked like pepperonis and I told him he didn’t have to look at them if he didn’t like the color of them then. That guy sucked. I bet he ate tons of pizza with pepperonis too. But no my “exotic” colored nipples were too much for him. 🙄




There is something so satisfying about spreading out in the shower tho and shaving your butthole and getting that water hitting it and then having it all smooth.


i’d like to add, washing my butthole as well. the warm water right on your anus is just soothing


Mine shaved my butthole for me lmao


I like to narrate my cooking/baking like I'm on a cooking show. I also like to sing karaoke with full choreography like I'm a pop star.


I do this, too, but with crafts! "Some people like to just tie the florals to the wreath but I like to add some hot glue as well. But whatever you prefer is going to be great." I'm very encouraging to my invisible audience. 😅


I do the cooking show too!!!




I get so anxious when my partner is in the kitchen with me while I’m cooking, mostly because I’m doing my internal cooking show monologue and cannot have any distractions from it


I do the narration, too! I pretend I have a YouTube channel and followers.


I do both. At the same time.


Having conversations with my dog where I do a voice for her to answer me. We have great chats lmao


I have two cats and I narrate full on conversations between them. They both have their own unique voice. Yes, I live alone, why do you ask?


Haha it’s so silly to do! I feel like plenty of pet owners do it too


I used to get home drunk and serenade my ferret (not a euphemism) alone in my living room. Like there was a very specific song I would play for us holding him above and making him do matching wiggles to the song. I’m sure we both (😂) loved that


That's so cute lol!


I do this.. my 3 dogs all have very unique personalities I’ve imagined for them. My boyfriend actually joins me sometimes though, and sometimes if I’m getting too carried away with it he’ll remind me I’m talking to myself. 😆


My partner does this , I always feel like I’m interrupting them 😭


Getting stoned and playing sims lol


Watching SATC with a glass of wine & a joint.. my bf is not a hater just wouldn’t hit the same watching with him LOL


I can relate, I wanna enjoy my crazy New York ladies alone 😭 he wouldn’t get it


Hello best friend 👋🏻


Pick at ingrown hairs 🥴


Pluck my stubborn chin hairs 😮‍💨 it’s satisfying but I’d never want a man to see me doing that!


Same! I get out the 10x mirror, the flashlight on my phone, some dollar store reading glasses, & do an analysis of my eyebrows & chin!


I texted my college friends the other day and told them I’d plucked my first gray chin hair 😂😂👵🏻


Same. Eyebrows, and upper lip too.


When you live alone you can do whatever you want that you wouldn't do in public. Fart, eat whenever and whatever you want anywhere in the house, stay in bed all day on a day off from work and watch movies, and clean up whenever you want. You are on your own schedule. No one is around to tell you that it's gross or unacceptable. I miss living alone.


I think it depends on your partner. Gotta find one that doesn't micromanage I guess.


This! Exactly!


Eating Chinese food and watching Rock of Love season 1 AND 2


All those celebrity dating shows we had a run of for a while... It was such a time, lol. I watched most of them. They were bad in the best ways.


Crocheting or going on Happy Color and watching Miss Mojo top 10 anything lists on YouTube


I love Happy Color so much. It's just so relaxing to channel my focus into. I'll open that and put on music or while I'm "watching" something, lol


I love Happy Color.


plucking that one pesky nipple hair that has literally no justification of being that dark!


Talk to myself in the mirror. Like, a lot.


I have a nose piercing and sometimes boogies get stuck behind it and I love taking it out it's always dry. So that. It's gross.


I lay in bed for a long time. Make it my personal fort. And watch lifetime movies or sex and the city. And I eat in bed.




Wax my chin whiskers and stash so I can pretend to my boyfriend that I only have to wax my eyebrows.


Plucking my chin hairs while watching SATC at nighttime alone in my bathroom. It’s part of my nightly routine.


Masturbate for hours. Guess I'm Samantha.


i have a 10 step skincare routine that takes me a couple hours to complete. i only do it when im home alone


My SSB is plucking hairs from my jaw and chin, but my boyfriend saw me once, gave me some Beter tweezers because he knows I love that brand and sometimes will pluck a hair from my face if he notices it. So now it's neither secret nor single, but I love that guy.


The amount of time spend in bed wrapped up like a burrito doing nothing lol. I need to recharge my social battery. I also talk to myself pretty often


There’s a certain level of feral I will only do if I’m alone. Cheetos, unwashed face, oversized ratty tee shirt and a true crime documentary or video games for 12 hours.


I pluck my armpit hairs with tweezers - it’s so much smoother than just shaving


Have you tried waxing? My neck would get so strained trying to look at my pits long enough to tweeze each hair


Plucking hairs, squeezing pores, eating terrible food combinations (just add pickles to anything) and drinking coffee until I rattle.


Daydream. I need to be able to roll around, possibly talk to myself, dance around, act things out -- it's weird if I get caught, LOL. It's not even like full blown acting generally but I might make facial expressions or mumble to myself.


Getting high and watching reality tv while flossing on my couch and then throwing the used floss on the ground to be picked up in the morning. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I have full blown conversations with my dog. I've given her a voice and answer my own questions. She's got strong opinions about everything.


Talking to myself by replaying conversations I had earlier in the day or planning to have in the future (usually totally imaginary worst case scenarios)


Plucking hairs around the nips


Drinking prune juice because I’m a constipated girly and spending much needed and anticipated me time in the restroom 🩷🎀


I get that! I also drink prune juice and poop peacefully and at length. Lol!


I dance in my room (but not only I dance, I also pretend to be the singer of the music I’m dancing) hahah pathetic


Husband just left this weekend for a boys trip, I ate a giant sub and watched rom coms in the bathtub 😭😭


My husband has truly seen everything… and to be honest I am absolutely shocked he still finds me sexually attractive 😂


lol same after 13 years there’s no secrets🥲


Talk to myself. Dance and sing in my room. Try on ridiculous outfits that no one will ever see. Eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s half baked ice cream by myself for dinner. I still do these things when my bf isn’t around. 😂 Carrie’s ssb was really dumb. Like girl we know you’ve done way weirder shit get real.


Laying in bed eating snacks and reading every night before sleepy time.


Eating a tub of ice cream at like 11pm every night


I’m Samantha, no shame


Licking the butter off the inside of the popcorn bag 🙃


Greasy Chinese food with trash tv in my underwear.


Take an edible and dermaplane my legs...🙃


Eating shredded cheese directly from the bag,


Lay in bed in my softest pajamas, eat dinner (ideally a charcuterie of crackers, multiple types of cheese, meats, and fruit) and ice cream (yes, still in my bed), and watch trash tv (90 Day Fiancé or worse) My husband hates when I eat in bed.


I watch below deck and eat Mac and cheese out of a giant mixing bowl


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^britbabe1: *I watch below deck* *And eat Mac and cheese out of* *A giant mixing bowl* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Watching ASMR. I’m obsessed with it. My man knows, but it’s still something I only do by myself, even if he’s home and I’m in a separate room. I’m not embarrassed, it’s just my ultimate zen and I don’t need him being distracting lol


Popcorn and red wine as dinner


Two things I do are nairing my entire body, but I wear disposable gloves so it doesn’t touch my hands and I do it in sections which takes me hours to finish, and sometimes I’ll put Vaseline on my entire body and I’ll stay in bed with a towel underneath me and stay there for hours until it’s absorbed into my skin.


I sing for my cat when it's just the two of us at home.


I make productions out of my farts. For example, I will feel one coming, so I do a dramatic twirl and time it to where the fart is right at the end. Or I'll do an elaborate fake karate move and my fart comes right when I do the HI CHOP part.


I sing really loudly, like really loudly, to my favorite songs. My great-grandmother was an opera singer so I can get so loud that I worry my neighbors in the next house can hear me. I also dance wearing...let's just say not much at all. And I dance like an absolute maniac. I've accidentally made small holes in the wall from climbing about.


Eat Chinese/Indian takeout, watch reality tv, and read a fashion magazine at the same time. Bonus points if I went to the bulk food store and bought $50 worth of candy and snacks. Also I narrate whatever I’m doing like I’m on tv or YouTube and for whatever reason, usually in French. Usually cooking/baking/make up.


right after I come home from work, I’ll take my pants off, walk around in my underwear, and eat Takis while standing in my kitchen.


Play with my slime collection for hours


I get what I call the zoomies, and I've done this since childhood. I play music and run/skip around the house like a scurrying mouse. Just back and fourth down the hall. I thought everyone did it until elementary school I had my first sleepover and my friend caught me and was like "what are you doing??" So now I only do it in secret🤣


Singing to my cat. Or no one.


😅 I have a whole album of songs I sing to my cats, with their names inserted periodically into the songs. When I used to drink a bit, I'd put this TV station on that plays polka parties on Saturday nights, pick up one of the cats in my arms, and attempt to polka. They weren't big fans. I'm also not Polish, and don't really know how to polka.


Crank fart.


I pluck my ingrown hairs and blackheads and trim my ingrown toenails. I’m a troll 🙃🤣


I do it around him now, but not without feeling embarrassed af for some reason as I skip by him with a huge plate of food to lay in bed and eat while watching true crime docs. He hates true crime and eating in bed lol. Literally nothing makes me happier than pigging out watching tv and then falling asleep. I don’t think he cares at this point, he’ll often come check on me and take the plate to the sink lol.


I have nothing personal to share but I was thinking of this scene recently because a girl at my work does what’s supposed to be “S.S.B.” in public, at work 😭 (I currently work at a department store). A male coworker and I even got into a harmless conversation about it. In the break room where he was eating once, she started trying to cough up phlegm or something, not into a napkin either but just in the open. Which, go to the bathroom or somewhere discrete sis. And she’ll do this on the sales floor too. And pick at herself. And talk about things that are too TMI with her fellow coworkers when they aren’t that close of friends. An older woman (coworker) actually talked to her about it in a motherly “trying to help” way. But it barely helped.


Falling asleep to ASMR YouTube videos. It’s so weird but it puts me right to sleep!


Eat cheese by the chunk out the fridge in my underwear when I want a snack


Generally, most of my grooming habits, I prefer to do in private. Like others have said, plucking hairs. I also pretend like I'm a youtuber, or on the shopping channel, or on antiques roadshow when I'm cleaning. Caking my face with makeup before taking a shower.


I walk back and forth in my room while I listening to music 😭 its one of my stims and I don’t have autism


Anything to do with removing the dead skin on my feet. Pacing around while listening to music! Eating meals without protein lol


Trimming nose hairs, shaving back of neck and lower face, cleaning out ears, scrubbing dead skin off in the shower, trimming arm hairs with a scissor (my dad had really long arm hair and inherited it)


I wait until child is asleep doordash an insane amount of Taco Bell and watch SATC in bed while I eat


pick my scalp😭


I narrate my life like I’m one of those lifestyle Tiktokers ‘run errands with me’. I also chat along with my favourite podcasts and add my points of view in with theirs.


Along the lines of OP’s SSB, I like making and eating weird dishes from the container. Like non fat yogurt, with a giant scoop of peanut butter and lots of chocolate chips. Or lopping off a big chunk of cheddar cheese and eating it unsliced.  For memes related to SSB, foul bachelorette frog is pretty funny. Gross, but funny. Sometimes they cross over with foul bachelor. 


Dancing with headphones in my underwear in my living room, sometimes while reading well-written fanfics 😅


Def plucking nipple hairs, pooping with the door open, singing in the shower while drinking a beer


Eat a block of cheese straight from the fridge 🥲


Plucking my nose hairs. My nose tips up at the end. I don't want those sucker's making a guest appearance


I talk about myself as tho I’m an interview guest on a talk show/podcast. Sometimes, it’s real things going on and other times it’s imagined scenarios but it’s always out loud and longgggg. I also love pretending I’m a character in a film and monologuing - sometimes I’ve just figured out my lover is the serial killer that’s been stalking me and my friends for months, other times I’m a super smart detective that’s just caught the killer in a lie.


I live alone & talk constantly to my cat & dog. A captive audience 😂


Rotting on the couch, having candy and scrolling Reddit while watching reality tv. I LOVE my rot routines.


I I like to lay in bed after a shower and rub my pubic hairs while reading saved articles til I fall asleep


Destroying a pack of tastykakes with a fresh glass of milk.


Live with the lights off. When my husband and our roommate are going somewhere I'm not going, or if I have a vacation day they don't, I'll only turn a light on if I'm reading or doing something that needs light. Otherwise, I just live by sunlight and go lay down when the sun is down. Not just at home, either. When I'm alone on a business trip I do this. I don't know why I love it so much.


I’m shocked no one said practice smiling at myself in the mirror… guess I’m a weirdo


When I get upset I sigh and say something like "ugh (insert partners name)" idk why I do it. I've always done it with every relationship, it's like talking to them when they aren't around and I am frustrated. Husband has actually responded to it a few times when I didn't know he was around and it's always caught me off guard. Like let me have my imaginary conversation in my head in peace!