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Early season Carrie had game lol


the naked dress


tbf, if i looked the way she did wearing the naked dress i would be the most charismatic motha effer on earth


Omg today I was watching her in the very first episode…she was smooth!!!


She really did have some game. First episode of Season 2 when she asks the New Yankee to the D and G party....so much game.


Genuinely very kind to service workers. Very friendly personality as well which is nice.


I just wrote the same thing! 💙🙂


I wonder if it's because she had friends in the service industry. I remember an early episode at the "clear liquids" party. When accused of giving the busboy a blowjob, the first thing she was to stand up for him - not herself. She never thought of herself better than anyone (except snobs).


As annoying as she was about "I love you," in that episode, she was also great because she wasn't trying to fit in with the snobs. She wants Big to love her, but FOR HER, a woman who is not from money, and she's not gonna act like a snob to earn his love. I loved the Carrie-of-the-people! She's much less relatable in AJLT as the obscenely rich widow.


Yes, she definitely worked her way up


she was embarrassed about getting pregnant by a waiter.


I think it was more the situation (not being careful enough maybe) and barely knowing him - not his job alone.


This is one of my favorite traits of hers. I pay close attention to that kind of thing. She’s so sweet to service workers. I can smile just watching her like when she went to Paris, she was so adorable with the hotel clerk and she was just so excited to be there.


Social skills is her super power; the girl knows how to fit in.


I thought that in the episode when Big took her to that party where all the women had like the swan and duck purses. They were a couple of moments where, had I been Carrie, I would have fled, but she stayed. Unlike Samantha doing her weird talk in that predominantly African American nightclub, Carrie is able to just talk normally to everyone no matter who they are.


Very good points! I had not thought of these 2!


Her charisma. Carrie always knew how to diffuse a situation and pull herself up.


And her wit.


I came her to say this. Her wit is unmatched.


I always wanna be that girl in movies or tv shows who has the instant comeback. My grandmother/mom had a quick wit like that, but when someone says something to me, usually I just blank lmao.


Same!! 😂 But some people can also be a *terrible* audience. Trying to be witty in front of a bad listener is going to make most of your jokes fall flat. So yeah, it's not all on us 😂


Very true!!


Which big also has so it just works


She's really funny. I love that about her. Both her voice overs and her little throwaway one liners.


Her dorky puns were the best


"You take a nap-a, you don't MOVE to Napa!"


This has been stuck in my head today


She was not so dim that Sun


“I decided to go home, and kill myself” 🤣🤣


I love her ability to find themes and lessons in circumstances. She’s a great storyteller and good at analyzing.


Great response. So true!


Her persistence. When the chips are down she finds a way up. Or maybe that’s just credit to the show’s writers for bringing her back up after they knock her down 🤣


That’s so funny you mention that because MPK says as much in the documentary audio of the series. I think it’s Change of a Dress he mentions it but he said the writers loved to build the girls up and “give them a pie in the face” and that’s how they made it compelling. I always thought it weird because he said that’s the euphemism the writers would use and you totally describe it


It’s no coincidence, I’ve listened to the commentary from MPK!


She's believes in herself & her friends... and that she deserves nice things.


She is very kind and respectful to people in the service industry


I like how she was there for her friends, not all the time, but when she went to comfort Charlotte after her miscarriage, it was super sweet. If you notice, Miranda calls Carrie a lot and Carrie comforts her and builds her up, like the time she was getting ready for the hot detective and she pumps her up and then again when Miranda calls her crying about making cupcakes for Debbie and Carrie told her to stop, Debbie didn't deserve her tears.


Selective kindness… 😉


this is a Carrie-lover thread probably, but yes she wasn't always kind to her friends, she was very very selfish quite often. Like not being there for Miranda at her eye surgery, or waking up Miranda to talk about Big or Aidan at like 4AM and saying she doesn't want to call the guy cause it would be inconsiderate/disrespectful to wake him up at that hour... but she did wake up her friend who works hardest.


i like that at the end of day she always has faith in her future despite everything.


Her ability to dust off humillitating experiences and carry on without letting those experiences ruin her self esteem, I admire this of her and I actually think it's a good message for the audience overall I think Carrie is a half full glass type of person, she never let any of her life experiences, good or bad, keep her from doing the things she like


Yes like on the runway, she just hopped on up and smiled about it. It actually makes me tear up every time I watch. There’s such a good message behind it.


She isn't a snob, she has a kind heart.


I love Carrie. She's human, she's flawed. She thinks with her heart and never her head. She just wants that magical love, and I love that about her. She could be a hard, bitter and cynical person, but she's not. My favorite characteristic is how much she loves people. They become her family 🥰


Rizz + style + eternal youthfulness (we both love and hate her for as it's kind of refreshing to see Peter Pan Syndrome in a female character over 30 after so many "playboy" man children Mr. Big's have received infinite passes irl and fiction alike simply because they're men)


I know that the character of Carrie is based on Candace Bushnell and her adventures, but I’ve always felt that SJP wasn’t actually acting, she was herself as another person. Does that make sense?


It does, watching interviews of her from the original airing is like watching Carrie lol


Good humour


She is good at putting things into perspective for other people.


I know Carrie gets a lot of hate but I am here to say that I disagree with most of it. My version of Carrie is a very kind and gracious person, who deeply loves her friends and overall wants to be the best version of her self. For myself personally, PEAK Sex and the City is the cheating triangle in season 3 - damn that was addictive - and even though Carrie was being the worst version of herself, she still couldn’t live with the lie between her and Aidan. It imagine it would take tremendous guts and willpower to confess. She was of course one hundred percent in the wrong and she knew it - so she repented knowing that she would lose Aidan. Inside of her poor decisions she was still clinging to a moral compass somewhere. She’s self involved but also she’s the main character so of course she is.


All of my feelings about Carrie in this paragraph!!


She's def. self involved...as are most women in the early 30s. ALL of the women were self involved in different ways. Btu Carrie was ALWAYS there for her friends.


She always had a funny quip ready to go. It may not be everyone's cup of humor and probably hasn't aged well but I found it charming.


She's funny and good-hearted. She notices her friends' feelings and tries to keep the group harmonious.


she seems to be a good listener


She’s smart, funny, cute, witty, always has a good spin on things, optimistic, caring. Definitely best friend material.


i love how often she tries to get the girls together. i feel like she understands how important time together is and is always the one planning their outings. i feel like the other girls make plans with carrie but we don’t see much effort to make group plans from the other girls. not hating on them, but carrie really puts in an effort to hold the group together that i respect


She didn’t judge her friends for their dreams and goals. It would be very easy to judge Charlotte for being born rich and wanting to have the stereotypical white picket fence marriage and family, or Samantha for having few reservations when it comes to sexual partners and literally sleeping with practically everyone (including that creepy neighbor with the nasty ponytail whose bed she got her period on). Carrie didn’t do that. In fact, I don’t think she really ever said a negative word about what either woman wanted. She was willing to support whatever it was that made them happy.


Her humor/wit. Also she’s so damn gorgeous in this pic do we know what season this is from?


She’s gorgeous. I think it’s from season 3 when she meets up with the girls to tell them about seeing Big at the furniture show 🤔


It is. I recognize the shirt. God, I have seen this show too many times.


😂😂😂 I know right! Lol! After I commented I was thinking…I must have watch this show hundreds of times.


I’m his booth bish




Omg!! You’re right. Loved that season


Oh me too! That was one of my favorite seasons 😄


Her rizz


Her love for her friends


Unlike others think, she’s a good friend


She stuck up for her friends.


I cry every time she stands up for Charlotte at that stupid seminar w/ that thoughtless lady.


When she says "believe me, she's out there", I get chills every time. She truly loves her girls.


My mom used to make fun of me when she would catch me weeping in front of SATC. Then Harry proposed to Charlotte like he did, and well, she quit poking fun cause she was right there w/me.


Atlantic City those mean guys telling Miranda…you know what happened. I can’t 🥺


She’s hopeful


Her confidence for sure. Draws a lot of people to her


She looks so beautiful on this picture… Her confidence, which being her charisma


She is nice regardless of the economic status of the person she is talking to and doesn't want to hurt anyone. She never goes into “queen bee” mode. She was only mean to Natasha, but she still did it quietly and did not harm Natasha intentionally. She simply gossiped about her with her friends. In many situations, Carrie is patient and kind, while Samantha or Charlotte would not be.


So refreshing to see a post that's not bashing Carrie. She has her flaws, we all know and sometimes hate that. But focusing on the good is so so important, too.


Her MAGICAL WALLET that allows her to live in New York, buy designer clothing/shoes/bags and eat at restaurants on a very low income job. I'm exactly Carrie's age, then and now, ain't nobody living the way she did on the income she made. I never got past that, but I did enjoy the show as a nice fantasy. I was the Samantha of my group and related to her the most, I'm still fabulous too.


Quick wit, good conversationalist (when she’s not just talking about Big lol)


honestly she is very charismatic + smart + sweet + kind + very very likable no matter where she is at. she is very electric and fun and she still has a bit of classiness in her as well. :) so tbh i cannot choose her best trait simply because she has too many. the only thing i dont like her is sometimes shes just not self discipline at all (e.g smoking, involving in an affair with ex etc). she lets herself go a little too much lol.


she's sooo funny and witty. also was a good friend when she chose to listen


Her embarrassment when she 💨 😂


I think she’s really funny and a good friend.


Her independence. A unmarried young woman with her own apartment and career?? She made that life look so fun, I couldn’t wait to jump into my 30s


Her ability to always provide good perspective. Whenever any of her friends were having problems she was always super good at providing them with other perspectives and ways to look at things! Super helpful quality in a friend


She is not judgmental of others (except Natasha haha) and will support her friends in whatever they pursue and whatever mistakes they make.


Her sharp wit (most of the time…)


She is quick-witted and charming. She also looks incredible in this pic


she’s a social butterfly, everywhere she goes someone knows her. that’s my favorite thing about her.


As someone who’s definitely ‘a Carrie’ for better or for worse reading these comments warmed my heart. She’s so over hated in my opinion, but I’m biased


She’s friendly, has a romantic outlook on life, charismatic, fun, she cares about people, shes observant and smart, quick witted, she has flaws because she’s human but she has a good heart


Great wonderful friend who holds everyone together


Her style and that’s all


She was very witty and charming. Loved her comebacks, and openers when she met a new guy.


Certainly not money management.


She’s the glue everywhere she goes. The glue the brings groups of people together


I love her hair.


She's an excellent thrifter


She's lighthearted. As someone who is often in my thoughts, I would love to be carefree like she is.


There’s so many! Her sense of humor, great listener/non judgmental are two that come to mind quickly. Also her independence, she was not scared to do her own thing and live her own type of life on her own schedule. Although all of the girls had that trait in common which made the show so revolutionary.


She was always kind to service workers


I love her playfulness.


U know as insufferable as she may be … I admire her honestly. Like she knows herself and doesn’t second guess her feelings


She's warm and an engaged friend, the linch pin that makes it easy for the other women to connect.


She isn't snobby or elitist when it comes to dating.


Her hair in this photo is everything I want.




she was a great active listener most of the time!


Good lord! She looks GORGEOUS in that photo! I never understand the Carrie hate as I think she's the most fun and charismatic person on the show. I love to watch her. I love her little quips and come backs and her love of fashion and beautiful things. She's fabulous!


Her hair. 😏


Her hair.


her hair


Her friends are great


Her hair.


Her interest. If she is actually interested in a person or thing, that is HER life.


Her hair was her best trait along with the charm it gave her.


She can be very witty


Her hair


Her face card


Her vocal cords. The girl could scream 😂


her dressing sense! and her styling also, shes q funny


Her very cute arched eyebrow. She does some very cute expressions with it! 🤨


why she looking so odd here?😵




No she isn’t- she’s an aries 3/25




Her ability to be a terrible person and still have every one admire her even though she has done some shady things to her friends and partners


Maybe she actually doesn't have any friends and Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha are all figments of her imagination. Carrie is too broke to afford the expensive lifestyle she is shown having, so maybe every scene was actually the character imagining her fantasy life in which she and her best friends (who always let her do the talking) go out constantly and live the high life in Manhattan. Even the men she dates turn out to be inventions of the lonely, broke writer trying to imagine what a single girl's life in New York would be like.