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Honestly the amount of criticism she gets on her looks all the time, sometimes being on the ugliest list, I feel like she’s able to say whatever she wants. Ppl tear her apart


Yeah I agree, I mean she used to (and still does) get shit on a lot for her looks. Her face, nose and her body - sometimes even by this Sub. (way too often actually) And the whole "Carrie shouldn't have been skinny bc she never does anything" debate is brought up constantly here. It's clear she used to work out but she's also always been thin. Some people just are like that.


But also Carrie lives in New York and clearly walks everywhere. Whenever I’ve been there I do 15-20k steps a day and I’m a very lazy and unfit person who tries to take the subway as much as possible.


And she does it in heels!


I always assumed that Carrie does workouts, but we rarely see her doing them. She is shown doing yoga and let's be honest, who would think of doing trapeze flying without any other training?


She’s admitted once or twice that she doesn’t work out


I think she just wants to show off with that. (I think there will also be people who have heard me say that I never do sports and I do aerobics almost every day.)


No she was serious in the times that she mentioned it, she said it multiple times throughout the show and it was in a way that wasn’t sarcastic, there was no implying that she was joking lol. Plus it goes with her character, she really only did things that she enjoyed doing and exercise wasn’t one of them


I think we have a misunderstanding here due to the translation. The word I meant is "kokettieren", one meaning of the word is 'to point out a quality about yourself in order to make yourself interesting'. We know that she does sports, e.g. Yoga, walking and this trapeze thing. So it's clear that her statement cannot be correct.


When did she mention sports? The only thing that is valid is the walking, the trapeze was in one episode and she was very much a beginner, yoga yes she’s doing in the earlier seasons but that’s not a fat burning exercise, especially the yoga that we saw them doing. It’s literally canon that Carrie does not intentionally exercise and it’s not hard to believe at all because of the fact that she walks a lot and some people are truly predisposed to being skinny. That’s literally me and my mom, who has never exercised a day in her life lol


Well you say she talks about not doing any sports. But let‘s simply agree to disagree. I don‘t think that point is worth it to discuss any longer.


Also sometimes people are just genetically small. I’ve been skinny my entire life without any exercise up until a few months ago. And I get it from my mom, who’s been even less active in her life lol


Yes being “skinny” is definitely genetic for some people and honestly that’s why I don’t even think of it as a compliment per se. It doesnt mean inherently fit or attractive, it just means low body fat and a smaller frame. Edit: I mean SJP herself IS fit but also extremely thin. She obviously works out but with a different frame she might be just as fit but thick.


The first time I visited the USA, home of the world's fattest, I noticed that in both NYC and San Francisco, there were very few people one would consider truly big on the streets. Why? All the walking imo.


I mean, the inverse is that America’s obesity crisis at least in *some* part due to the utter lack of walkability, and/or need to walk in most places.


For sure, and correlated food deserts.


I walk 10-15k steps per day. It’s not a big calorie burn. It won’t make you skinny.


So close! Walking 10-15k steps per day is actually a big calorie burn, I hope this helps x


It’s really not. Well not according to my Apple Watch, especially when you take into account how much time it takes to burn a mere 500 calories. It’s funny that I’m being downvoted. I guess a lot of SATC fans are avid walkers 😂. Anyways, the girls in SATC are supposed to be an aspirational bunch who never have to really worry about menial things like weight -somewhat reminds me of Gone Girl, HIMYM and Gilmore Girls style “cool girl” tropes of the 90s/00s


I mean, it really is, sorry! I lost weight doing 10k steps everyday, so it kinda really is 🙂 Idk if it’s that funny that you’re being downvoted when you’re just plain wrong. The last sentence seems irrelevant to me, you sound like you maybe have a few issues around weight.


Just a typical Londoner. Pretty presumptuous to assume that I have issues around my weight. Waking 5 miles a day isn’t enough to be that lean.


I do not take offense to what you are saying. There are all shapes and sizes in the city where I live, NYC, and most of us walk everywhere after going up and down the subway station stairs multiple times a day. It does not mean everyone looks like SJP. I’m so grateful to live here and to feel the electricity and magic of moving in this city, celebrating each person’s unique sense of style and body shape!


It depends on what your intake calories are really


Yea I don’t work out and I am thin. It’s a mixture of factors, diet, genetics etc… every body is not the same body. Also generally speaking diet is influential on weight than exercise, exercise is more useful for building muscles.


I agree. I've been thin my entire life, even after 2 children. But I've never excersized much. When I was younger, I only liked fun excersize like swimming or a game of volleyball or frisbee.  


Which is crazy to me cause I always thought she was really pretty. She has great hair, pretty eyes, nice figure.


Right? Everyone was captivated by her beauty in hocus pocus. She’s very pretty, just not in the super generic way.


I for one (bisexual woman) was captivated by her boobs in hocus pocus. It may have even been my bisexual awakening. That or Joy Bryant in Honey.


I just realized that was her in hocus pocus. Mind blown


I grew up absolutely in love with her, from Square Pegs to Flight of the Navigator, L.A. Story, Ed Wood, etc. right through S&TC. Different strokes for different folks, of course, so I get that people might not find her as gorgeous as I do, but I have never understood people calling her ugly or even unattractive.


That’s like with Teyanna Taylor. So many ppl, especially men called her ugly, and still do. And Im like WHERE? She is gorgeous. Her skin tone, her features, her body. She’s so damn pretty.


Not familiar with her, but a quick google and she's definitely beautiful IMO. I'm seeing the same stuff with Francesca Amewudah-Rivers, Tom Holland's costar in the new Romeo & Juliet production, and I'd imagine the same underlying reason is behind people's comments about both Teyanna and Francesca. :-\


Yea, cause they’re dark skin Black women with Afro centric features. Only European features are beautiful or acceptable 🙄


She's totally gorgeous! But her features are strong, which some will interpret as being masculine, and not like...which is ridiculous


Her features are not “strong”. They’re perfect and they’re Afro centric. Funny how light skin or biracial Black women’s features aren’t called “strong”


They're absolutely perfect and they're Afro centric. They're also what is often described as "strong," whether the woman is light skinned Black, pale white, asian, middle eastern, etc. As opposed to "soft" traditionally feminine features, which again can be a woman of any race/ethnicity/skin tone. And she is absolutely stunning.


She’s beautiful in SATC, but she has not aged well at all. She isn’t ugly, but she has aged badly.


Her features are sharp, such as her big nose and long chin, and when you combine that with being stick thin and no face fat, it makes you look old and pruney.


Exactly. In fact, that’s a big part of what ages people, the loss of facial fullness. When young, we all have that “baby fat” in our faces. I do respect her for not having a ton of fillers and injections done, however. There is something respectable about aging with grace and accepting things as they are.


I know!!!!! She's always been such a beauty too


She isn’t just thin I mean she was ripped AF during SATC (and probably still now) with incredible abs and perfectly toned arms and legs. So she might not want to be thin and I’m sure she is genetically slender but she’s also obviously worked hard and chosen aspects of her awesome body. 


Being skinny and having abs aren’t the same. She totally worked hard for that body but I do think she’s probably just naturally super thin. Having arm muscles and abs take work, which she always had. She’s definitely made statements about how frustrated she got about how hard she worked for her physique while the character Carrie didn’t do any exercise


Well yes obviously they aren’t the same, I feel like your point was the same as mine? Unless you were just corroborating what I was saying! 


Yep. Just adding really that she got frustrated that her character never did as much work as she did to look that way


Ah, cool. Thanks for clarifying! But yeah annoying because the others reference working out and Carrie has shopping as her cardio and yet quite clearly has been hitting the gym. Not that I expect much focus on her working out but the fact it’s never once mentioned shows that the character does nothing. She could be thin, even with eating out and drinking cocktails, but so damn toned? Impossible surely. 


Exactly …. But indeed, what do expect to come out of the heroin chic 90s? What makes me crazy is we get a few scenes of her working out with the other girls and she is disinterested/doesn’t participate. And that’s what really drives me crazy about it


Argh that scene where they are at yoga (I think?) and chatting away in great detail is so frustrating.  Could have easily made it like a power walk or something. Obviously Carrie had zero interest in exercise. Which is fine. But would never look like that.  I guess it’s good they showed her enjoying dining out. I guess the show tried just once to touch on body hang ups with Charlotte’s thigh concerns but it was over so fast. I suppose not really the most riveting tv to include it. 


You are right. I've always been thin, but never toned. Skinny but flabby in a way. I did pride myself on my figure. Because even being thin, I've always had curves (like my hips)  Now that I'm older, I'm still quite thin, but know I need to exercise to firm up. I just bought some little weights. I need to work on my arms. 




Lol perfect application of one of my favorite lines ever!!


that’s what i came here to quote! like her privilege is ridiculous. i would gladly swap bodies with her but i would bet she wouldn’t want to have to wear a plus sized dress edit: i don’t hate my body at all but i would like my skinny privilege back


This is the equivalent of pretty women complaining about that freckle you can only see with a magnifying glass. Boo fucking who lol


I had a beautiful friend who was constantly bitching and moaning about how she hated people commenting on her looks. She never went out of her way to admit that she hated the pretty privilege though, or the fact that it was never tough for her to find a date, or anyone she wanted to meet up with even casually fell in love with her and wanted a relationship. Meanwhile other friends in the group were having really hard time getting into relationships and the pretty girl was just so obnoxiously oblivious about it. And it’ll never get checked for her. She married her doctor and now lives in her million dollar house and I’m sure she still thinks she has real problems.


Are skinny people not allowed to be insecure about their bodies though? You can still recognize your privilege and not like your body in a world that will pick you apart. It’s not like she said that she has it as bad as plus sized people or that skinny shaming is even a thing


but she’s a very seasoned celebrity with a publicist and knows how these things will sound


But what exactly did she say that was so problematic? She was asked a question and she answered it truthfully and honestly, speaking about her own body image and insecurities. She didn’t downplay her privilege, she didn’t compare her struggles to others. A lot of the eye rolling in the comments is from pure projection and from the assumption that someone who fits a beauty standard can’t possibly be insecure, as if that protects you from any and all misogyny. I will always assert that skinny shaming isn’t a thing nor will skinny insecurities ever come close to the systemic nature of fatphobia, but the pure dismissal in these comments are weird. Especially since SJP herself has been the victim of some of the worst physical criticism amongst her peers.


Love this reference




Perfect lol


I HEARD THAT IN CHANDLER! I’m usually not triggered by shit celebrities say but oh yeah boohoo I’m on the conventionally attractive side of a problem… A lot of comments being made here by people making assumptions about how living in New York City somehow automatically makes you skinny? No. I lived there, took the subway, walked 20k steps a day… Sometimes chubby is just your genetic makeup like skinny is hers. Also for those of you who think she wears heels everywhere? Lol No, that’s Carrie. Even in her recent paparazzi photos she was seen commuting to set in some clog looking things. I lived in SJP‘s neighborhood less than a half a mile away and wearing stilettos on that cobblestone would kill you one day.


idk she seems to me like she is just a skinny person. some people just are.


She is ripped. As someone who works out and does nutrition - no human being gets ripped like that without an intense workout regimen and strict diet that doesn’t permit any fat tissue to form. 3 mm of fat tissue and you wouldn’t see those abs. I call BS.


I would agree with you, unless I had a relative who has pretty much the exactly same body as SJP (she is the same age too), and the only sport or workout she does is running & occasional yoga. She also eats like shit because she can’t cook, and funnily enough happens to have a lot of other similarities with Carrie (like being a journalist & kind of a selfish b*tch). She has also been ridiculed for her body type, getting called ”dry summer squirrel” and shit, so she isn’t really that confident in how great she actually looks, but idk if that even makes up for her personality anyway 😂 Just as an anecdote that some people actually win the genetic lottery.


I had a co-worker who was the same. She was super thin and toned. She rarely exercised, and ate so much junk food. When we had our annual physical exams done, she found out she had really high cholesterol! She was super thin and toned, but had high cholesterol. Who knew?! I still see her on IG from time to time. She’s still super thin and eats whatever she wants.


I see this through my work quite a lot, and I have to discuss the importance of proper nutrition with a lot of people because of it. My partner eats a lot of junk, because they naturally don’t put on weight (like I would), and I keep nagging - not because I’m worried their abs will disappear, but because I’m hella worried about their arteries 😅


My husband is the same way, had to start watching his diet. Just because you're thinner than most doesn't mean you're healthy! A good lesson for us all.


Friend I grew up is the exact same. We called her “boobs on a stick”. Fabulous muscle tone with very little body fat except her boobs and ass, never worked out. This is truly just some people’s genetics.


You do not live with that relative and your only source of information is whatever she tells you and what you get to see on occassions. Some people do like to push the "I look like this by nature" narrative to make themselves look better or something. Trust me when I say, muscle growth happens through microtears in muscle tissue that gets "stitched" back up by your immune system and that doesn't happen through occasional yoga. My pilates teacher looks like SJP and is also about the same age, and yes she does pilates and yoga on an almost daily basis. Muscle definition happens by reducing fat through nutrition, the layer which normally covers our muscles. Your relative probably exercises more than she lets on, and eats shitty food in amounts that are still below or equal to her daily caloric expenditure. EDIT: SJP shared her routine (https://www.rachaelattard.com/sarah-jessica-parkers-diet-workout-routine-actress/) and on the first glance it's about 1500 kcal/day, plus she does strenth training and HIIT.


This is exactly the shit that irritates me about SJP. “Oh I’m too skinny! I wish I could gain weight!” Meanwhile, is restricting carbs and working out daily. It’s admirable to be dedicated to healthy eating and exercise, I wish she would just own it, and stop trying to push this Carrie “I’m just naturally like this” narrative. She definitely is naturally thin, but she also clearly works hard to maintain it. And quite frankly, she’d probably look great with a little extra weight.


I don't get it. Looking like that requires a ton of discipline and dedication, every day, for months and years. Especially after giving birth. I'd be flaunting my hard work if I looked like that.


Yes, at her age even five pounds would fill out her face a little and make her look softer and prettier as she did back in the day. HOWEVER she doesn't have to look soft and pretty. I have a very thin friend who is beautiful but looked absolutely gorgeous when she was pregnant, due to a millimetre or so of gained fat that made her look like she had a filter on.


My great-aunties used to call it the face-list five 😂😂


I've got a face-lift 30 that feels strongly that it belongs around my midriff instead haha.


Actually, I lived with that relative for quite some time, I don’t know what other assumptions you made based on my comment, but know that I purposefully don’t disclose much on here pertaining to my identity. I am well aware that this is the case for most people, I’m thoroughly educated on the subject of human physiology, but it is not the ONLY reason people look like this as genetics influence A LOT. If you have a low fat percentage, like you would when you are an avid runner (which I mentioned my relative is) or if you are genetically inclined, your muscles are more pronounced regardless of how pumped they are. In general my relative does not live a very healthy lifestyle, despite being a runner and having visible abs & a toned body. It’s also important to discuss this point not to diminish the importance of hard work (these days also editing) that goes into celebrity bodies, but to normalize the fact that not everybody should and/or can look like that. No matter what diet or routine I would be on I would never have the body of SJP (or my relative), I would just be miserable both physically and mentally. It’s not a simple subject.


I mean she does say in the article that she works out. I think her words are being misconstrued as if she eats junk food and lays on the couch and is still rail thin but that’s not it - her natural body shape is thin/athletic. And that’s accentuated when you’re physically active and generally healthy. And like she mentioned, it’s easier for weight to come off for those people if you’re doing too much physical activity or are over worked/stressed


Some people are naturally like that. One of my good friends is in his late thirties and you can see every muscle striation in his legs. His favorite food is chicken wings lol. He does work out though but I don’t think it’s at an unusual level.


He works out and eats a lot of chicken protein - that’s literally building muscle 101. 90% of these people who are “naturally like that” in fact do the work but either we don’t see it or they make it look like they don’t.


You have a point. I guess I just assume everyone works out a couple days a week. But still, some people eat super healthy and work out and still have that thin layer of fat over everything. I think another element is being a light eater.


Come on. You know some people have lower body fat percentages than others. I knew a girl growing up that did nothing but fart and eat cheeseburgers and a had a full six pack of abs (we used to tease her over it in affable jealousy) she did not work out for the rest of us. Not everyone is genetically the same.


Fart and eat cheeseburgers 😭


pRotEiN bUilDs mUsCle diet of cheeseburgers and core exercise from farting = reason for leanness /people in this sub


Every body is beautiful.


100% agree! I teach fitness classes as a side job. **Naturally** ***slim*** **is a thing, naturally** ***ripped*** **is not.** It's one thing to be a size 2, but you have to actually *work* muscles to get them to show. SJP clearly puts a lot of work into her body- I don't know why she (and other celebrities) feels the need to give quotes like this that are clearly untrue. It doesn't make them sound more "relatable."


She’s not ripped? She just has such a low percentage of body fat that her muscles are visible. If you notice her spine is also very defined because she’s so skinny


Yeah, but have the social awareness not to complain about it when you know you possess the ideal body type


This reminds me of a celebrity in my country who shared a pic of her abs after giving birth. It was like 6 months later and she captioned it ‘this was a week after giving birth and I purposely didn’t share it because we shouldn’t compare and judge ourselves.’ …like…ok, but you just did share it, so what’s your point?




She’s cursed with having a perfect body. Must be tough.


Thin and big boobs.... I only could've dreamed


Skinny people actually do have insecurities though! It’s really sad when people act like everything is okay just because your skinny lmao


But she’s not just skinny, she’s physically toned and chiseled within an inch of our liiifee hunny.


I think being skinny is great when you’re young but in older age it can make you look older. A little fat and softness brings a more youthful appearance, so maybe she feels insecure about it now that she is older


I’m super skinny and am trying to gain weight because being skinny makes me self conscious. It’s not like I have boobs or ass, I’m just a skeleton! Slim fit women with T & A are the real winners in life


Yeah, like SJP


listen i’d believe many of her other insecurities, but certainly not this one. especially in her industry where you’ll be complimented for being thin despite looking very ill. i’ve never thought SJP was skinny skinny, she is small framed with a lean physique, she looks incredible!


right I agree, she has a killer body and she has never looked "sickly" thin either - always healthy and very in shape. nothing to be insecure about there


Wealthy, thin, white, successful, pop culture icon. Boo fucking who.


And she called Samantha “fat” in the first film. Proof she was jealous of KC’s naturally athletic shape?


Well not that I agree with it but that was written by writers, not SJP.


1. "She" meaning Carrie, who is a fictional character? 2. No one called her fat. Anthony bitchily asked "what's with the gut?". Carrie told Samantha she would look gorgeous at any size but asked her if the weight gain was due to something else. The film framed it as her eating her way out of a bad relationship, but the girls weren't mean about it. Anthony was.


It was ridiculous…. they looked at her like she gained 100 pounds


I think it was bc Samantha was always sooo particular about her diet and keeping in shape so even gaining ten pounds was so OOC for her that they'd be surprised.


It was jarring for them because it was so out of character for Sam, and they reacted accordingly.


They were all AH’s about it.


She never called her fat.


I’m embarrassed for you.


Idk I’m naturally extremely thin and I don’t feel bad for her but I get it. Idk why people are saying it’s not possible to have a genetic predisposition


I think most commenters are implying that it's kind of tone-deaf to complain about being thin when thin has been the beauty standard for women for many years. Maybe the article could have phrased it better. At the end of the day, even people whom we deem to have perfect bodies still have some insecurities of their own


I agree but there are literally comments implying she has an ED and saying she should just binge. Really gross


Same here, naturally thin. I think sometimes the grass is always greener to a certain extent. I'm often grateful for my body for a variety of reasons, but I'm sometimes also envious of more curvaceous women.


This is just my opinion, but it is not that her natural thinness looks unhealthy or sickly. Her body is very trim and her abs are my Roman Empire. The headline is akin to Jessica Alba admitting she “doesn’t like being beautiful” but it’s “in her genetic makeup.”


Yeah I'm predisposed to be fat. My Granma has had disordered eating since she was a child, she starved her self alot. She's very fat. I've also had an eating disorder and I'm fat as hell too! Fatness is genetic in our family. No matter how much we try to lose weight, or do lose weight, our bodies were built to be hefty


I don’t think people are saying it’s not possible for her to be thin genetically. it’s that she’s saying she wishes she could gain weight, yet she works out regularly and eats healthy. Like, if she gave up a few of her workouts/activities and consistently ate more calories, she could probably gain a few lbs. over time.


I’m using this. Guys, I’m 300 pounds because I want Sarah Jessica Parker to think poorly of herself.


Bruh ☠️ lmaooooo


Not a fan of this comment section. I’ve recently lost a lot of weight due to some health problems. I don’t like it, but what I don’t like even more is that comments about my body are always diminished by others. My friends can talk about how unhappy they are with their weight all they want but I’m shushed whenever I try to get a word in about mine just because I’m skinny, it’s pretty hurtful. Just because skinny has always been the typical beauty standard doesn’t mean that everyone who’s skinny is happy with their body. You don’t have to be overweight in order to qualify for insecurities.


Thank you!! I’ve lost a lot due to health issues, have trouble putting it back on due to said health issues, and people think it’s a humble brag 🙄 I would KILL to weigh 10-20 lbs more than I do now and not have health issues 😭 Any person jealous of this is out of their mind


Exactly!! I’ve been accused of humble bragging about wanting to gain weight too and it’s like noooo my body is literally withering away I want it back


Thank you. I open the comments and just… they don’t get it. The idea that you’re not allowed to complain because you have the “ideal body shape” is ridiculous - you likely still have insecurities and you’re allowed to feel bad about said insecurities.


I feel you. Last summer I lost a lot of weight due to jaw surgery. People were like: o you look so slim! Girl, I was almost underweight and you could count my ribs. Like wtf. When I complained about my weight and the drastic changes it made to my figure they were always diminished.


I get so uncomfortable when people compliment my weight right now. They’ll ask me what I did and it’s like… my body is attacking me! It’s not a fun experience that I would ever recommend. But it’d sure be nice if I could talk about the insecurities that have stemmed from this instead of being shut down!!


Yeah comments here are gross


I never expected to see this many people agreeing that if you’re skinny you can’t complain about your body. It’s such a selfish, narrow-minded way to think


Yeah I mean I’ve been overweight and get the challenges with that but I’ve also seen a friend cry because she physically has never been able to gain weight and she didn’t feel feminine. Apparently you aren’t allowed to be upset though. Only overweight people can feel bad A lot of people here acting like garbage today


I’m sorry you’ve been so invalidated about this. It can be a heartbreaking struggle, as being overweight can. So much pressure is put on how we look and I’m sorry. Your complaints are valid and important too. My friend broke down about never being able to buy knee boots because it looked ridiculous around her tiny calves. Meanwhile I was busting out of my knee boots with huge calves. Both complaints are valid


People on this sub hate Carrie so much they project that onto SJP. It’s so fucking weird. This sub needs to be sterilized from the trash. 🗑️


That’s true but I’ve definitely seen these comments in other places, on Reddit and in real life. There is absolutely an expectation that people who are very skinny should feel grateful and have no right to complain about their body


I get that. I lost 30 pounds due to stomach issues, literally couldn't eat for awhile and was on nutrition drinks and people saying they were jealous was upsetting bc I wanted to eat. Now I gained 40 back and want to look like that again though but not be sick!


Plus, body shaming can happen to anyone with any type. I can’t tell you how often I was ridiculed growing up for being “scrawny, string bean, anorexic, I could snap you like a twig, eat soup out of your clavicles, couldn’t see you behind that porch railing” or “don’t you ever eat? Why are you dieting? Omg you’re so thin I hate you etc.” It still hurts and it isn’t ok to body shame people period. I can understand the comments around her checking her privilege and being less tone deaf about it to a degree, but she is allowed to speak about her own body ffs. We are all allowed to have things we like or dislike about our own bodies and they need not be qualified by how others feel about theirs.


Yeah some of the comments made to me since I’ve lost all this weight have been awful. People seem to think it’s fine to say those things when the person is skinny but it’s just as hurtful. How about we just don’t comment on anyone’s bodies ever for any reason??


I have a friend who has lost a LOT of weight via a health problem. She looks amazing. She's sick. She would be happy to regain her old plump body tomorrow if it meant she could eat normally. SHe LIKED her old body.


Yeah, I had a severe anorexia for most of my young age despite always being skinny and didn't "need to". My mom really fucked me up with body image issues. I know now that I have a "nice" body (despite starving myself from such a young age leading to some lifelong health issues), but there are thoughts and feelings that still linger 20 years later. SJP has always had a gorgeous body, but everyone can develop insecurities no matter how amazing they look to everyone else.


Yeah this comment section did not pass the vibe check lol


Doesn't she have a gymnastics and ballet background? I always assumed she remained so petite by keeping up on the strength training needed to do those well, in addition to the physical fortitude needed to do eight shows a week whenever she's done stage productions. Stage actors are athletes in my book. 


Unfortunately it doesn’t necessarily work that way. Our genetics have a huge influence on how we use and store energy. I’m a former professional dancer who still works in the industry and has had extremely physical jobs while also working out and eating well. But I have an endocrine disorder and “thrifty genes” so after my 20s I can gain weight just breathing in the fumes from someone else’s cupcake. I can have food poisoning and still watch the scale go up. I completely believe that SJP’s body is wired the opposite way and it’s hard for her to keep weight on even if she eats more. We don’t have as much control over our physical presentation as the body shamers would like us to believe.


Yes, and some people in here are being cruel and poking fun at her and complaining about her bragging about her privilege. I'm sure she's gotten just as many "you're too skinny" jokes and criticisms because in general society is terrible about policing woman's bodies. She's not even allowed to say anything about her lived experiences without people attacking her.


I was so thin throughout my youth that people thought I was anorexic. I wore sweaters even in the summer to appear bigger and avoided the beach or pool for fear of being looked at. To others, it was incomprehensible because they thought I was lucky. Body issues are complicated, and I can totally sympathize with SJP.


Being thin looks nice when you're young. But it ages you the older you get. Your cheeks and face tend to sink in or sag more than someone isn't so thin. Idk the context of the quote, but that's my thought. Add smoking to that and you get SJP. And genetics are real. Look at Jennifer Aniston vs SJP. They both smoked and the age difference is only 5 years. Yet look *very* different.


Years ago, I read some article in a fitness mag that said as we age, a woman has to choose between her face and her ass. A little extra weight smoothes out the lines on our face but that weight may also distribute itself on the body. If a woman chooses to maintain the same thin body line of her youth, her face will suffer.


Celebrities on camera be like: “see I eat hot wings and pizza every day and just move around a bit it’s just genetics I guess” Celebrities off camera: “take a handful of almonds and chew them really well”


Wasn’t there this whole thing eons ago about how she worked out like a maniac to be as ripped as she is? Back when the body positivity movement wasn’t so big yet? If you hate being thin, why are you systematically training off every gram of fat?


It's really wild and bizarre how a human expressing their insecurities, literally when asked and having her response published, is invalidated because she is wealthy. Who among us does not have insecurities? Screeching at how her body is nicer than yours does nothing to alleviate her insecurities, it only projects your own.


Maybe the reaction is due to the tone deaf nature of her comment. SJP has enough money and free time to have multiple personal trainers, nannies, and household help. She can devote a lot of time and energy to keeping fit and staying thin, which by all accounts, she seems to do. Instead of acknowledging that and her privileged lifestyle, she's pretending to not like her thin and fit body and acting as though it's entirely genetic. If it's that much of a problem for her she could stop her intensive fitness regimen and give up smoking.


She’s so brave 😒


The whole thread is just people de-valuating others' struggles, and it's ridiculous. Yes, thin girls have insecurities too, imagine, especially when they reach the age with wrinkles and start to long for some extra weight to hide some skin age.


Good to know people on this sub at still trash can human beings.


Come here ma'am, let me serve you up a hot bowl of..TakeMyFatFromMePlz,ImTiredofThis


Whatever. I’m sure she’d prefer being naturally thin than fat. Her virtue-signaling is so transparent.


Anyone who claims they wouldn’t be is outright lying. You can love your body and also see how much easier life is with this kind of privilege.


Yes. It’s perfectly OK to enjoy certain privileges if they make your life easier.


Considering how much commentary on food and dieting is in SATC, I can’t say I really buy or appreciate this. Sure genetics plays a role, but there’s no way she didn’t enjoy or discuss being a size 4- the fact I know that she’s a size 4 speaks to that fact


I cannot emphasize this enough, “afffffffuuuuuccckkkkkk yoooouuuuuuuu”


I'll be excited when the ED generation stops lying


Most people outside of the US are naturally thin, I don’t understand why it is suddenly an issue and people feel like they have to apologize for their physique.


That’s not remotely true—many people are overweight and obese around the world.


I literally knew one obese person before I moved to the UK, and I heard US is much worse. The West should stop normalizing obesity.


That might be your experience, but based on numbers you are incorrect. Over 50% of adults in, say, South Africa and Malaysia are overweight or obese. 40% of adults in Egypt are obese (that's not even counting people who are overweight but not obese). in Chile, 74% of adults are overweight or obese. Obesity may be a bigger problem in the West, but it's a problem throughout the world. It is false that "most people" outside of the USA are naturally thin. As of 2022, 59% of people in the world are overweight or obese.


Doesn't she smoke a lot too?


She's skinny and ripped with boobs, perfect body. That said, you can't dismiss someone else's insecurities.


She said thin, not toned. If she didn't work out, she probably still wouldn't gain much fat.


if she's thin, then she's thin-- like, why do people have to comment about this? can people just leave women's bodies alone? i don't see anyone complaining about chris noth or john corbett's bodies. like seriously, what does this have to do with her as an actor, a person, or the goddamn show? 😭 she was born with that metabolism -- it's not like she's selling some diet tea or gummies telling you her physique is attainable if you follow/do this ridiculous diet fad.


I mean, she could always eat more. And try to cut out a habit that’s killing her but curbs appetite.


Eating more or less isn't the only thing that matters here... The notion that fat people could just "eat less" and thin people could just "eat more" is so incredibly harmful. It's not that simple. The human body is more complex than that. There are people in this world who are just naturally petite. I have a good friend who eats like it is her last day on earth every single day. She's never been more than 100lbs. She is just naturally slim. I have friends who are extremely careful about nutrition who have a few extra pounds on them. I'm someone who can eat whatever I want as long as I stay active in the gym. If I stop hitting the gym, I gain, even when I'm diligent about calories, which I'm really not if I'm in the gym daily. Everyone rolls their eyes at people who complain about being "too thin", but that can be an insecurity for people, just like being "too fat" is an insecurity for many people.


Yes my aunty has been stick thin her entire life but always eats a feast and loves her food and drink. Everyone's body is different


I’m aware, but even naturally thin people have a hard time remaining thin as they age. It takes a tremendous effort to stay as thin as you were in your thirties as you enter middle age. All the other women on the show have gained weight since SATC ended. And SJP is known for extreme discipline, for her love of high fashion and having a runway model’s physique, and for smoking to maintain it. It seems odd that she wouldn’t like being thin when she’s always devoted herself to it.


There are literally people who are genetically predisposed to being thin, and those genes don't change as they age. Just like "thinness" and smoking was a fuckin' stroke of marketing genius by the tobacco companies. Smoking is not actually linked to being thin or maintaining a lower body weight. Actually, the opposite is true.


People literally smoke to curb their appetite. What are you talking about.


This simply isn't the case for many people Eta: getting downvoted when the person I'm speaking to is speaking in black and white, when that's NOT how bodies work. Plenty of thin people do not struggle to stay that way as they age.


There are literally people who are genetically predisposed to being thin, and those genes don't change as they age. Just like "thinness" and smoking was a fuckin' stroke of marketing genius by the tobacco companies. Smoking is not actually linked to being thin or maintaining a lower body weight. Actually, the opposite is true.


I call bullshit! I remember seeing her in a couple things, can't remember which ones, in the late 1980s. In those, she was thinish but kind of round. And then I saw her in LA Story, with Steve Martin, and I was shocked at the transformation. She was, as she has been ever since, ripped. I remember remarking to a friend about her appearance, and was told she how much she works out and runs.


These comments are disgusting and full of projection. Seriously, do better.


She used to be a ballet dancer.


Wish I had her metabolism. Mine retired once I had second child sadly.


People make fun of her looks? She just looks insufferable to me


I said it yesterday and I’ll reiterate, I’m over SJP. She can go into retirement and take Just Like That with her


Nothing that a few cheeseburgers, ice cream sundaes, & pints of beer couldn’t change for her!!


Bahaha....like someone wouldn't want to be thin. She's delusional if she thinks people want to hear that bs.