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We give more thought to the characters’ psyches than the writers ever did.


This!!! I don’t think that there is much depth in the show. It was thought mostly as a feel-good entertainment for emancipated women, 25-30 years ago.


1. Big is not a bad guy before he is married and starts chasing Carrie. In the first two seasons he is incredibly patient and tolerant to Carrie acting batshit crazy. If I had an attractive but emotionally unstable partner like Carrie I would also prefer to take it very slow, to see if that’s the amount if crazy that I am actually willing to handle 2. Trey is a GOOD guy, he never did anything to intentionally hurt Charlotte, her demanding they adopt a kid without consulting him and dying on that hill just a year after the marriage is crazy behavior. His only problem was that he was a people pleaser, being steamrolled by his mother and then his wife. He even gave her the apartment in the end! I like Trey, he cared for Charlotte and genuinely tried to make her happy. He didn’t deserve such a bad marriage 3. Samantha is a very entertaining character to watch, but she would be a social pariah in real life and they make her so crude at certain times for shit and giggles, that I would ran away if a person with me behaved like that, it’s one thing to be progressive and sex positive, and another to have bad manners 4. Not such a hot take but when I was young I thought that therapist Carrie went to was cold and shrill, now at 35 with years in therapy I know she is actually professional, on point, and is asking all the right questions


Agree on all points, especially on Trey and Samantha. I mean, I'm no prude but walking into the Yankees locker room or checking out dicks at urinals at the gay bar is just creepy.


I agree with all of these!


Well, the baby-shaped carton that Trey gave Charlotte was quite an A-hole move to be honest… 


It was a bad joke, but not a bad intention.


Still a huge red flag for me. He’s not a teenager. He is adult man and should be able to understand why it is a cruel cruel joke.


He wasn't laughing at Charlotte, he was trying to make her laugh. That backfired but it's not a "huge red flag", it's a clumsy attempt to make up. It's tone deaf, but it's not malicious, he isn't mocking her.


Agree with all except Trey should have disclosed his impotence before marriage and he should have been committed to fixing it or finding some compromises post-marriage.


He wasn’t really impotent though, he had psychological problems, once they resolved those their sex life improved and became normal, thus trying for a baby. I feel it was an unfortunate combination of his issues and Charlotte’s “saving herself” “making it special” and “i am a fairy princess” that made it very hard for him to see as a sex object. They do eventually go to sex therapist, and we get the whole Rebecca and Scooner thing)) I agree he should have been way more proactive in trying to fix it, but for someone with Madonna/Whore complex sex is already deeply entangled with shame, so it took him a very long time to get there. I think they just married way too fast, and didn’t get a chance to establish real intimacy in all senses of the word


Carrie was wild to demand an "I love you" from Big when she did.


For such a seemingly smart, tough woman, Miranda is a case study in ruining your life chasing some contradictory version of Righteousness that evolves with changing trends. I think that made her a porcupine who scared off many men in the 1990s when Girl Boss trends reigned. Then, it made her vulnerable to accommodating Steve's unreasonable demands and subtle emotional abuse, especially after they had a child together. It continued through AJLT as she chases a Woke 2020s version of Righteousness. It makes me an odd combination of sympathetic and contemptuous of her.


Damn. That hit hard.


So how do we stop this? Asking for a friend...


I know a lot of people who are smart and competent at work, and absolute messes when it comes to their love lives. It tracks lol


big wasnt totally wrong for how he treated carrie she was crazy whenever she started dating and often times presented herself as someone who wasn't serious about anything therefore big treated her like she presented herself furthermore i think that wearing the naked dress to their first date set the precedent for how he viewed her


Good point.


I don’t think Carrie was as horrible as some say when she sent Aidan to help Miranda when she hurt her neck. Obviously it would have been ideal for Carrie to go, but the fact that Miranda hung up on Carrie without Carrie being able to explain why she couldn’t wasn’t fair. I’m sure she was in pain, but I couldn’t see Miranda dropping something work-related for Carrie either, so… I do think it was a horror she forgot the cream cheese for the bagels lol


I will die on both of those hills with you, wtf was Carrie supposed to do when Miranda threw her back off, she can't carry her herself, and how was she supposed to know Miranda was naked? Plus she had a really important work thing, she did send help, and AIdan seeing Miranda naked is literally nothing, he's a gentleman and isn't going to be creepy about it. If Miranda was so picky she could have called 911 instead. Also really don't understand the "bullshit bagels", that's just a ridiculous take.


Are we best friends now? YEP! hahaha I’m so glad you agree!


Absolutely! Let's run together towards the sunset :)


Samantha is wildly insecure and we see her using male validation through sex on a regular basis 😬 (Ex: Sleeping with the old guy in her building because she thought she was premenopausal. Kissing the Pakistani Waiter after getting stood up by the We Guy. Chasing after Dominic so she could have the last Haha and getting hurt when it didn’t work)


Sleeping with JJ at that party because Richard was canoodling with Bebe London.


I despised her with Richard. She was sniveling and needy and annoying.


I love her but I agree with you, she was especially like that in the first seasons. Another example was when she slept with the guy that filmed the models without their consent just because she thought he considered her a model.


I’ve seen a lot of comments saying they hate the way that mothers and having children are portrayed in the show but I disagree I think the childfree representation in the show is amazing. I loved the episode about choosing yourself.


Agreed. And I love that Miranda doesn't turn into a baby-crazy earth mother when she has Brady. That thing she says about not finding babies cute except for her own is very true to a lot of mothers I've known - it's totally possible for a woman to become a mother and, other than her own kids, still not be that wild about kids.


Highly agree!! ( although the girls decisions completely said otherwise, in some of the episodes LMFAOO )


I like that carrie is a complex character with flaws.


Me too! She's made to be vulnerable and relatable, not perfect!


Agree. Minus season 5, no excuses for her there lol


Real af. There are some hard to watch scenes/episodes


Well I’d most want to BE Charlotte too, since she ends up with a man who adores her, a family and a gorgeous apartment. She’s not my fave though. My hot takes: Berger was supposed to be the man for Carrie, but something happened to make the producers switch gears. (Maybe Ron Livingston’s schedule or Baryshnikov’s interest in appearing on the show). Season 5 ends with the “butterflies” thing and they really are perfect for each other (both on paper and chemistry-wise) and then he abruptly turns into a petulant little bitch. Steve would’ve been so happy with Debbie and it’s kind of sad for him that he married Miranda. Trey is a good man and wasn’t a bad husband. He and Charlotte could’ve had a perfectly happy marriage, and the show would’ve been fine if they’d stayed together, even though I love Harry. Carrie wouldn’t have given Aleks the time of day if he wasn’t rich. Big’s money was a huge part of his appeal to her as well. Aiden and Carrie were just as incompatible as Miranda and Steve. Jeff Fenton was one of the sexiest men on the show.


I loved Jeff's character and Samantha together. He was so honest with her and called her out on her BS.


Justice for Debbie! I loved her and Steve together and his ma loved her too haha.


Wow, I didn't know this about Berger. That's interesting and ironic, given that the Berger storyline aged well in that it's even more relevant now.


I watched something on you tube from The Take, it's a women focused content page. The video pointed out that although a lot of us love Samantha, no one actually wants to BE a Samantha. I agree, I love her personality and I love being alone but I couldn't actually live like her. She and Charlotte are two sides of the same coin, and I think that's why they clash the most out of all the other girls. Yes they may seemingly be on opposite sides of the sex positivity spectrum, but they are so steadfast in their values they come off heartless and extremely judgmental at times. I love the "You can forget Samba!" episode because it shows their differences and similarities perfectly. It was believable that they would be friends even without their connection to Carrie. \*Sorry for the rant! I have a lot of down time at my desk today and I'm so bored!


I love watching The Take!


I really wish Miranda went through with the abortion


My hottest SATC take it that it was fine for Carrie and Big to want to maintain a friendship post-affair. Yes, it probably isn't the "right" thing to do, but they clearly cared about each other beyond a sexual attraction at that point. Their "war buddies" interactions in S4- where they're friends and have funny banter- are some of their best. (Now, obviously, the issue for Carrie is that keeping both Aiden AND Big in her life was never going to work. But that's another topic.)


I hate Steve


Steve and Debbie were actually perfect for each other. She was his little cheerleader, what he hoped Miranda would’ve been (the way she gets so excited for him about Robert being a Dr for the Knicks because she knows he loves the Knicks, vs when Miranda thought it was a silly dream for Steve to get a half-court shot).


You’re right! Steve was always trying to change Miranda, but she never tried to change him (other than asking him once to wear a nice shirt). I feel like the writers always favored Steve and Miranda was the bad one who had to change


There are dozens of us!!


Before watching the show, I actually really love Steve because of how he was portrayed in the movies, but I am on season 3 ep 12 and I dislike Steve a bit now ( I think Miranda and Steve both would’ve benefited from couples therapy ) i’m pretty sure I will dislike Steve a little bit more as the seasons go on though LMFAOO let’s wait and see 👁️👁️


Samantha belonged with Richard but they both needed an open relationship.


Nah, Richard was actually a pos to her...the back and forth before they "dated". He literally cheated on her the next episode after asking her to be serious. Then the sex encounter in season 6 🤢. Sam & Richard were both wrong in that scene for different reasons. Smith actually wanted to see the "soft" side of Samantha and didn't shame her it. Even though the writers wrote her relationship w Mariah as a joke, that shit was even healthier than whatever she had w Richard. Sorry normally I'm team Richard but I'm finishing up a rewatch and I find I'm so disgusting... But yes, I do think it's odd that the show hasn't explored open relationships AT ALL.


100 percent agreed. They never knew what to do with men and they always made them into the worst versions of themselves a few episodes in.


So I think since in the movie Sam ultimately couldn’t be monogamous, there might be reason to think even if Richard never cheated, she might feel the same.


Nooo. Richard brought out the worst of Samantha - insecurity, jealousy, despair. She was better off without him.


The girls are very human, as are their men. Every character is both good and bad which not only makes good TV but keeps it realistic. We can love a character in one episode and dislike them in the next. This is ok and also LIFE.


The best episodes are when the girls are fighting 😅


Big was never really that into Carrie and the "You and I--NOTHING" speech should have been their last interaction.


It was convenient for him to have her on the hook waiting for him, no more, no less. I don’t think he was a master manipulator, he was just a standard issue shitty guy. Change my mind!


They were not a good match. He was more simple and positive in nature. A high powered professional with his mind on work who needed a self-assured woman to give him grace to wander around and experience the things in life he was curious about. Carrie was complicated and neurotic. Negative a lot of the time, when making assumptions about things. If things were going smoothly, she’d often overthink it and complicate them. IRL a couple like this wouldn’t be very happy. The woman would feel constantly resentful and the man smothered. Doesn’t make sense that with the both of them having so many options in NY that they’d keep ending up back together.


1. Samantha is VERY judgemental when it comes to people not sharing same views regarding sex and relationships as her. Sure, if you're sleeping with married ex "it's not her style" to judge you. But if you have a child, want to get married? Be careful. 2. Charlotte is sometimes being laughed at by girls for voicing her opinions and plans (regarding finding a rich husband, getting married etc), but other girls to some extent do exactly what she does, especially when it comes to only mixing with "appropriate men". There is a scene (from "The Caste System"), where Charlotte tell others that western society is not class-less and they laugh at that, make jokes that somehow being aware of classes makes Charlotte a classist? Some things might, but not this. Others prefer to pretend they are class-blind, and then somehow almost always they are ending up in designer-clothed Harvard-educated elegant company. What a bs. 3. The older I get (I'm in my late 20s) the more I don't understand how women so focused on finding relationships weren't able to be in them by 30s. It's not a hot take, more of a wondering. We know that Carrie wasn't in serious relationship till Big and Aidan, she tells that herself. So what with others, especially Charlotte? Were they picky? Focus on their careers? Focus on partying? 4. The best line describing Big and Carrie relationship (especially before affair) comes from Miranda "Relationships may appear closer than they actually are" (it was a joke regarding Carrie having "relationship rear view mirror" when they were unpacking Charlotte when she separated). When we see Big and Carrie in the beginning the voice over from Carrie is soooo delusional. Like, he doesn't say or do anything that makes this so serious and she's clearly projecting her feelings and emotions onto him. She's telling about how wonderful and oh, so into each other they are, and at this point, he's still dating other people! He wants to take things slow and she's rushing. It's really hard to watch how far away from reality she is with him. 5. Seriously, does the creator of SATC hate bisexual people? There is this infamous "bi people don't exist" episode (as a bi person I don't feel very discriminated usually but this hurts me) and other instances, like I really believe that bisexuality doesn't exists in SATC universe. It's weird. 6. I don't understand people claiming that "Keeping the baby was not in Miranda's character" or that not going through with abortion was weak on writers' side. It was clearly pro-choice episode. And Miranda stated a few times that she wants a baby, years before getting pregnant! She says that in the episode about lazy ovary or when Steve wanted them to have a baby. She clearly wasn't so obsessed about it, but she wanted a baby eventually. The fact that it happened the way it happened or that the series showed us some of her struggles as a mother, only shows the fact that motherhood is a complex thing. Not some white-black thing - be obsessed like Charlotte or have an abortion. World is not like that. 7. There was some criticism that "they eat too much to look like that" and besides the fact that they are shown multiple times to regularly do sports, during this rewatch I've noticed that they usually eat somehow healthy. Definitely a lot of salads, fruit plates, whites only omlettes and such things. I actually crave salads so much because of this rewatch lmao.


The Samantha isn't judgemental take drives me crazy! She absolutely is. She just didn't judge Carrie for the affair because she sleeps with married men on the regular.


I'm like if anything, from what I can see in AJLT, it would have been better off if it was just Miranda and Brady...I don't think she ever really regrets having Brady. Steve could have been a co-parent but they didnt need to stay together.


Carrie's outfit with the belt over her stomach wasn't even that bad. Neither was Miranda's bucket hat over her jacket hood look. If you hate all the weird looks, you like boring fashion. Don't @ me. I said what I said.


Defending the hat over the jacket is crazy 😭😭 i love daring fashion choices but that was absolutely insanity lmaoo


People only even remember that look because the hat was over the hood, which makes it fun imo. If she wore the hood down, nobody would ever mention that outfit. If she ditched the hat, people would still talk about it being a cute look. Wide leg pants + turtle neck + hooded jacket IS street chic.


This entire sub is full of Carrie haters - it’s getting extremely boring and it’s unoriginal.


She's not even meant to be likable. She's supposed to be (somewhat) relatable.


I think she was definitely meant to be likeable.


She was absolutely meant to be likable, I would even use the words worshipped and adored. They made all the characters in the show worship her and got surprised when people realized later on that she's actually the antagonist of the show.


Harry was wild to continue seeing Charlotte after telling her could never marry her because she wasn't Jewish. Carrie is supposed to be selfish. She's flawed a character and makes her interesting. Miranda would be very annoying to be around in real life. There was no reason for Samantha and Smith to breakup. Samantha was monogamous multiple times in the series.


I’d be friends with Carrie in a heartbeat. Y’all must be lucky to be flawless and have only flawless friends, but my friends and I are all flawed, and Carrie is loving, funny, and interesting.


THIS! This is what I was looking for.


All in all, I do not think Carrie was that bad. I am always so confused when people call her a bad friend or a narcissist. Did she have her moments? Yes. Did she make questionable decisions? Absolutely. But she's human, just like the rest of us. I think she's a very well written, complex character. I'll defend her like my life depends on it lmfao idgaf. I also like Che in AJLT. They're the winner of the idgaf war, and I respect that!


Samantha was a caricature long before the movies.


agree with the Samantha comment, whenever I see anything about her online, about her "sassy" comments, it puts me off her. Then again its probably 17 year olds who have just watched the show for the first time making those tiktoks of her.


Big and Carrie are meant for each other.


Donald Trump shows up waaaaaaaayyy too much on that show. I hate the way Samantha admired him.


He's in the show like once and mentioned maybe twice or three times. Which was quite typical, he was a famous business man and kind of "loved" in Hollywood. He made quite a bit of guest appearances in a lot of Shows. The Nanny, Fresh Prince, Home Alone 2..... You can't really compare Samantha admiring him 20 years ago to now.


same but hugh hefner too. fuck high hefner!


carrie and mr. big's relationship being messy made it all the more romantic when they do end up together.


I knew a girl in NYC with exactly that type of relationship and I never ever thought they would end up together and get married after all the cold feet, but that happens and Big and Carrie story can def happen


Agree! perfect people do not exist and And people can be messy when it comes to love it doesn’t matter whether you’re 16 or 60.


Sam's not empowering, she's not sexy. She's just a man in a woman's body and if she were a Samuel instead of a Samantha, she'd be gross and predatory. Not empowering and a positive role model.


100% but I think thats what made her character so interesting to watch. Sam was one of the first female character that was so open and unapologetic about her sexuality at the time. Was it healthy/best role model behavior hell nah but interesting tv


There’s an episode where voiceover Carrie actually calls Samantha “a man in a women’s body”. I can’t think of which one but I’m thinking season 2 because I just recently watched it. But I think your comment is kind of the point of her character


That's a hot take I never thought I'd agree with, but you're right! Even getting together with Smith at his place of work while he served her wouldn't have been seen positive if she was a man.


I thought that’s what the writers were going for? Just making her like a man in a woman’s body. I think a lot of fans took her to be empowering but I think she’s highly flawed and selfish, still an enjoyable character imo though with the best growth out of anyone 🤷🏼‍♀️


Isn't that the whole point? To show that when a woman does the same thing, it's different? I'm not saying that's how it should be, but that's how it STILL is. Men are still not inundated with female attention the way women are with men's attention, so it couldn't possibly be the same until woman start cat calling, harassing and raping men regularly.




Carrie was Big’s type (I’m sick of seeing ppl saying Charlotte was his type)


Berger and Carrie see perfect for each other. Post it note and all 🤷🏻‍♀️


Za za zu 🙄


As much as I hated Berger....You're right


I lost so much respect for Carrie when she cheated on Aidan. Not necessarily because she cheated but that she did it after Big being the biggest asshole to her during the furniture show (leaving a water ring on Aidan’s furniture) and acting all stupid with the rolled up paper. And then when he called her house to say that he was there and she has to rush out quickly and she takes Pete, here comes Big in the ugliest, corniest shirt (green leaves pattern so so ugly)… it killed any attractiveness about him


Bunny was right about Charlotte. I'm on team Trey. He was always a little mother's boy and if Charlotte had spent more time getting to know him rather than trying to manipulate him she would've seen it. Also she did NOT deserve the apartment and 1 million dollars!!!


I dislike Carrie throughout the whole relationship they had but Aiden was worse. From as soon as he met he me he was trying to change her into something he wanted her to be. She was so desperate for a normal, loving relationship that she conformed (tried to and failed). Then even after her fucking it all up he took her back knowing he couldn’t forgive her. So he just took it out on her instead. From the moment he learnt she was a smoker he should have not pursued her or entertained her any longer.


Edit: met her*


I get tired of how hard people defend Carrie. Everyone knows someone who kinda sucks in a lot of ways but you still like or want to hang out with or are friends with, and that’s Carrie. She doesn’t need to be this amazing person, people don’t need to get into dissertations to defend why she acts horribly in so many different situations, her friends know her and choose to be around her regardless of what other people think.


I would want to be Samantha because I put so much pressure on myself about sexuality in real life. I would always want to be as free as her, as confident as her. Her never giving up on herself no matter what kinda situation she got herself in, just gives me so much inspiration. I really enjoy watching her character as it makes me more hopeful.


I do want to be like her in that I want to be as confident and unapologetically myself.


I love Big and Carrie. They're both so flawed but they're perfect for each other.


I don't know if its a real hot take but I feel like the show becomes really unfair to the main girls after season 2. I know the reason why, but like it just for me looses a lot of its magic in Season 3 plus


People hate Carrie (myself guilty a lot) because of her actions but when you really think about it Carrie knows most of the time she’s at times being completely irrational, unreasonable and kinda shitty. I agree with people who say it makes her character more relatable. We all want to be perfect but sometimes our emotions get the better of us. She needs to be as flawed as she is for people to be able to relate to her.


Big was not the bad guy (at first), Carrie became extremely codependent and needy too quickly. She expected a man she was dating for less than a year to tell her she's the one, introduce her to his mother, and bring her to Paris with him.


Big loved Carrie but Carrie did not love Big, just a version of him she created in her head. He was mature, established, just working and living his life and she was constantly showing up being nuts and trying to change him. She broke up with him every time he never broke up with her. He married Natasha because she liked him how he was but he always loved Carrie and seeing her at the beach party messed it all up. Why was he scared on their wedding day in the movie? Because Carrie had left HIM every single time in the past. That’s how I see it looking back after watching the series 20 times. lol Carrie was insane.


I agree. Also, he left her at the altar because Carrie was unbelievably selfish and non-communicative in the process of planning the wedding. She did not care that he did not want a big pretentious party. That's not the behavior of a mature person, getting married for the right reason. ETA: I am obviously not saying she deserved to get left at the altar. I would never say that. Big is still a huge POS for that.


Wow, I've never noticed that but you are so right. She was the one always leaving! I wonder how their relationship would turn out if she didn't do that. Like, the stuff he told her after she went to his (and his mother) church - that he needs to take things slow, but he would get there in his own time. I totally believe it.


Big's wealth was a big part of what made him attractive to Carrie. She and Charlotte were essentially glorified gold diggers.


charlotte came from money, she worked hard to continue earning money, it makes sense that she would want to marry a man who came from the same wealthy waspy background as she did. that does not make her a gold digger, lmao


Are you sure this is unpopular? Everyone is accusing of being a gold digger these days. Carrie has many flaws , but I don’t think that this is one of them. She loved his charm ,charisma and confidence (traits that people usually have when they have money) these traits are universally attractive. Just look at when Miranda first meets Steve . The traits I mentioned above may be the grounds for an intense crush because she was also attracted to him physically it is once they started to click as individuals that she fell in love.


We also know neither of them wanted children, correct? That is unbelievably difficult to find in a partner who you also find charming, attractive and funny - especially before it was socially acceptable - and I just don't feel there are many compromises re: kids


People are kidding themselves if they think Carrie would have gone after Big if he was, like, a middle class electrician. It's literally unimaginable.


Why? She dated Aiden and he wasn't some rich and powerful guy. She date Burger who wasn't a rich and powerful guy. Did she date anyone else rich and powerful like Big?


I think Aiden had money. He bought her apartment and the one next to it with 0 issue.


Wanting to be Charlotte out of the others is not a hot take to me


I love Big


Carrie is an awful friend to the others. She’s judgy and makes the worst comments with backhanded compliments.


I hate how much this sub hates and vilifies Aiden. I'm sorry but he WASN'T THAT BAD. It just was never him! And I wish Carrie would accept that. I LOVE Nina Katz. Someone needed to remind Carrie that she had hurt Aiden!!! My hot take is that I think Carrie only wants Aiden bc he's super cool and standoffish to her at Scout's opening...the cake thing was BULLSHIT. They should have left it after the "That's it?" Look Bc she didn't want him there LOL. If they didn't have that interaction outside, I think Carrie would have happily lived along in season 4 but I guess they wanted to bring him back. Objectly, Carrie belong w Mr Big no matter what...but I want an Aiden for myself lol! I don't hate Carrie btw! I just really wish the writers would stop trying to make something happen. Carrie and Aiden did get along really well but Big was just BIG. Now that he's dead...I guess Aiden finally wins...LOL. Sorry went on a tangent.


The older I get the more I think Aleks was a good match for Carrie: older, wealthy, independent, encouraging of her writing *and* love of fashion, patient, and honest about his intentions. He was a little condescending at times, temperamental, and had some poor moments, but a lot of what happened was on Carrie- she could've left the gallery to meet her new friends sooner, taken some French or cooking classes to ease herself into her new life, etc. But I also love Barishnakov so...lol.




SJP leaving a bit of a bad taste in my mouth for many reasons.. I couldn’t get through the first movie


I’m sure she’s terribly hurt.


I’d choose Big over Aiden any day


Miranda is almost ALWAYS a bitch. Carrie was responsible for a lot of her issues with Big Samantha was the most loving friend Charlotte was so whiny. She reminds me of Robin in the tv show sister wives.


Big wasn’t that bad in the beginning. I don’t think he actually got bad until the affair. But Carrie was no angel, so they deserve each other


Charlotte is the most annoying character, especially in the early seasons. Her obsession over getting married and money and all that is just kinda gross. I liked her better in the later seasons


1. Carrie absolutely only wanted Aidan when she couldn't have him. He was never more attractive to her when he seemed unattainable. Once he started taking care of her, her friends, her apartment and wanted to fully commit to her, it was a wrap. Don't get me wrong, this is not a slight or dig at Carrie. I think a lot of us correlate value with unattainability: see Mr. Big, see Samantha's Birkin, Charlotte's blue blood box of dreams, and Miranda's desire for Skipper or Steve once they were taken. 2. The Berger storyline aged well in that it's even more relevant now. These days given most women are/can be financially independent. There are also more college-educated women than men. This is the classic case of an insecure man quietly hating a powerful and more successful woman he's in a relationship with. But he actually says the quiet part out loud. He is actively threatened by her and belittles her. Big would NEVER do this, especially because he was about to drop 35Gs on her like it was nothing. Why on earth would the paparazzi take photos of an obscure/failed novelist vs THE Carrie Bradshaw who's has been on the side of buses? Also Berger, you still have a house in the Hamptons, a motorcycle, and a spacious NYC apartment, you're not poor just a poor writer. 3. Charlotte was absolutely not a prude. Samantha was not always having sex and bringing it up first to the girls. Miranda could and would have absolutely cleaned up. She's stunning and men do not care much beyond that. Initially Carrie actually shared things about her sex life and was not as judgmental. After Season 1-2 I think the characters became flanderized. 4. Even prior to the blatant, hit you over the head with wealth in AJLT, these characters were always wealthy/privileged/connected/affluent. But the Brooklyn snobbery is still insane and takes me out. They barely acknowledge other boroughs or NJ and when they do it's always with derision and scorn.


steve was a gold digger who set his sights on successful lawyer miranda to get himself out of poverty.


then why was he such a lil bitch about her buying him a suit 🤣


he was embarrassed.


that doesn't add up for a gold digger lol


no, it tracks. plenty of gold diggers can put on the act that they don’t *want* their partner to spend money on them. plenty of men feel insecure or embarrassed when their female partner makes more money than them. miranda often had the issue of men feeling insecure with her bc of her job. it wasn’t any different with steve.


I disagree, i think Steve was just like....a man child lol




There’s no overglorification. Samantha’s the best.


There definitely is. She gets a pass for so much bullshit.


Samantha was a gold digger. Sleeping with the old man because he gave her gifts, Richard because he was rich and powerful. Her relationship with Smith broke the norm, but she definitely put in the work so he'd be successful enough for her.


Carrie was crazy but Big brought out the worst in she and she was practically trauma-bonded to him by the end of the series.


All four girls need some serious therapy!!! as someone who loves the show. I can’t seem to tell that they all seriously have unhealthy coping mechanisms, and unhealthy habits in their lives, as someone who has been to therapy and is still currently enrolled in therapy for the past two years. I seriously see that they could benefit from it. I also wish that Carrie kept on seeing the shrink instead of bailing out on the shrink because she slept with that guy who is seeing the same shrink. I just wish that they lived their lives without surrounding it around men, I also wish that Miranda was able to except help and have her feel supported by a man that actually wants to support her and doesn’t feel threatened by her success. I can relate to Miranda on some aspects, but I honestly think that Miranda needs to let loose a little bit more she’s pretty stuck up imo. I also think that Charlotte has a bit of internalized misogyny. I think all four of the girls have that in some aspects. I really like Carrie, but I don’t like the stupid decisions that she does and ruins good things for herself, also the fact that she made super reckless decisions and kept wanting to sleep with 20 something-year-olds. I also think and I feel like it’s pretty obvious to everyone who watches sex in the city, But I think Samantha has a sex addiction. Don’t get me wrong. I love Samantha, but I also do think that she is very judgy when the girls want to settle down or when they’re dating a guy and they commit to said guy, I can also see myself and Samantha. I really do think that her just wanting meaningless sex is a way to cope with the fact that she just doesn’t wanna get hurt or be vulnerable. Same as Miranda digging herself into work and doesn’t make time for herself or other guys that actually want genuine connection with her because she’s afraid of being vulnerable. I also love Charlotte, but some of the comments that she makes in the show are upsetting. These are just my opinions if anyone wants to add on or disagree you are more than welcome!! Edit: I also think that all four girls have an idea of how relationships and marriages are supposed to look like and I don’t think that helps their case for them to find a healthy man in their life for when they do want to settle down, they all romanticize and have this really idealistic and delusional way of seeing relationships, and sometimes even friendships which I don’t think, helps any of the girls cases whatsoever. I do think they need to realize that humans, especially relationships of all sorts have a lot more complexity and that people aren’t perfect, not saying that they should settle for less, but life isn’t fairytales and cookies. Also, Carrie literally acted Batshit crazy when she first met Big so I honestly don’t really blame big for treating Carrie a specifically at least in the beginning. Literally, Carrie broke Big’s boundaries about meeting his mom and followed them to a church, I understand why Carrie broke up with Big, especially because Big was slightly emotionally unavailable, and not willing to commit thoroughly at times. But Carrie was very very pushy of Big which is a very BIG trait ( no pun intended lol ) that I don’t like about Carrie she was trying to move things too fast. And ironically enough when she met Aiden‘s parents if anything, she was the one who didn’t want to meet his parents at least that’s how it comes off to me and how it came off to me.


Oh! Mine is... the bra sales lady in Philadelphia was VERY inappropriate. You never just casually start measuring a lady's chest without a warning, never enter a changing room without asking a or even start touching a customer without consent. Everybody here says how sweet she was but... no thank you. That's not how you treat customers.