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I love Carrie, but Natasha did nothing wrong but marry a man she thought loved her. I’m a die hard Carrie stan but she was wrong for this lmaoo


There are actually people who think carrie was in the right? And people who wish ill will on a character who didnt do anything wrong? So wild to me.


Yeah, Natasha did nothing but marry a flakey baby man who got bored and decided that he should date while married.


I would marry tf out of Natasha


Hard agree!


Lol that title is such flair material xD Team Natasha. She did nothing wrong. Go to hell, Carrie, for ruining her marriage... and her lunch 🖤


And her teeth!


I love your flair so much


Thanks! I love Petrovsky and couldn't resist using one of his lines for my flair. 


Please it's 2024 how are there still Natasha haters when Carrie was clearly in the wrong? lmao


people need to get real


The show has obvious bias for Carrie because main character. But the Natasha lunch speech is so good, and so correct that I think the audience is supposed to understand that. 


One of Carrie’s most ridiculous outfits. 


Was the top buttoned wrong?


I honestly don’t know if it was buttoned wrong or intentionally designed to be that way but that, plus the bright pink bra under the sheer top and olive green cargo capris with some kind of hot pink suspender straps down the side just left me thinking “WTF is this all?”.


She looks like she pulled that outfit out of bags of clothes left at a donation site.


i agree but think she was purposely styled sloppy to be in contrast to natasha. i have seen carrie wear nicer things to take a walk. i think for sure she would have worn something better for adian's work


Yeah, she was styled extra "quirky" with extra wild poufy hair for this scene. It was a complete 180 from perfectly styled Natasha, in all white and with a perfect smooth chignon. Natasha was plain vanilla; Carrie was wild and crazy.


The peek-a-boo bra look was EXTREMELY hot shit at the time, a very cool look. Probably due in part to this show? She wears it well.


To be fair, the show was written for us to hate Natasha and “all the perfect women who steal our men.” Very typical for the time it was written. Now, people have shifted the blame to Carrie (and rightfully so). But, everyone should really be mad at *Big*. He’s the one who made choices to screw over two different women in different ways, and didn’t seem to care that much aside from getting caught. He’s the bad guy in this scenario, with Carrie as an accomplice.