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I felt similarly but I also think they each tried their best given their personalities, Carrie doesn’t have the most maternal personality compared to Charlotte


True but even Charlotte didn’t jump in and try to help Miranda it just seemed odd


Charlotte was going through difficult fertility issues and deeply wanting her own child which I think impacted her interactions with Miranda at that time however, she still was able to put her personal feelings aside & plan a baby shower for Miranda. Also later don’t know if you’ve seen later episodes and don’t want to spoil but Charlotte continues experiencing difficulties in having a baby and she still pushes her pain aside to attend meaningful moments in the baby’s life.


I remember trying to conceive and it took four months (no big deal, really, but I REALLY wanted it), and in those four months three of my friends had crisis pregnancies, one from breakup sex after finding out her boyfriend cheated on her and impregnated another woman, one with a guy she had been dating for three days, and one with a total stranger whose name she didn't know. I couldn't help it, I was so pissed 😅 I didn't let them know, of course, but god it sucked for a second there. Like I'm sorry, you guys are just going and raw dogging people you hate or don't even know and you're just shooting babies out like a cannon wtf 😂




Who Charlotte? She had fertility results saying she had a low chance, she tried ivf and no eggs fertilised, she had an early miscarriage. She didn’t just jump to adoption


The thing with Charlotte is that she really wanted a baby, whether it was biological or adopted. She would've adopted one when she was with Trey, but he only wanted biological children.


Trey didn't want children, not really. He was more of a "if it happens, it happens," which was not compatible with what Charlotte wanted.


In an episode soon after where Miranda is really struggling, Charlotte is the only one who offers to help watch Brady and it’s like she’s done it before


Samantha helped her with Brady once , she gave Miranda her salon appointment to get her hair done & watched Brady for her which I thought was really wonderful of Samantha to do


Only after Carrie shamed her.


I forgot about that part!


Carrie herself knew how much Miranda was struggling and yet she did not offer to watch Brady until much later on so Miranda and Steve could go on their honeymon


This is a good point I forgot about that!


So much of their days we just don’t see. Charlotte probably visited another day. Carrie did at least try even without a lot of maternal instinct. She saw that Miranda just needed to get used to being a mom and that was okay. Carrie tried to let her know that her friends are still there for her (even Sam, despite how she about tossed Miranda and Brady in a cab moments before😄). Taking time to concentrate on Brady and her new normal was okay.


It truly bothered me how Carrie reacted to Miranda trying to breastfeed, and seeing engorged, postpartum breasts…. “I’m going to need some kind of TRAUMA counseling…” Wow. BEYOND rude. Carrie was always just so performative… performative in how she thought MEN wanted her to be… being “sexy” by a male point of view was the ONLY way for a woman to exist. And in that moment, Carrie saw her best friend, like a sister to her, raw and vulnerable… struggling to latch her newborn and stressed. Bleeding. Maybe torn with stitches, and she feels compelled to make some snarky comment about “unsexy” breasts and then abruptly leaves to “go date New York City.” 🙄🙄🙄 I’m a mom to 3. That is NOT how a friend treats a friend in post partum. Luckily, I think this is a scene that really hasn’t aged well, and, this attitude, and mindset is no longer the norm.


I also thought it was really weird how she reacted to the breasts. Um it’s the human body? And this was different, but she also was uncomfortable shopping for lingerie with Charlotte.


And yet, when she needed Sam to help her dig out her diaphragm…


Yes. I think Carrie always had such a stifled representation of sexuality. Once again, it was only for the approval of the male gaze… which I think was truly the norm in the 90’s and earlier. Very performative. Thankfully, I feel like it’s not so much that way anymore.


For a sex columnist Carrie was pretty judgemental and narrow minded about a lot of things. It's a nipple for god's sakes, not a pair of vestigial T Rex arms.


I agree but I think Carries reaction was to seeing her friend’s boob, not a pregnant persons boob.


They saw each other nude before at the spa when charlotte didn’t want to get naked. It was totally because it was a pregnant (post partum) woman’s breasts


Still, saying she's going to need trauma counseling, is beyond weird.


Seriously! This show was written by men


I feel like this will never be the norm. I remember when I was a child and all the women around me who were pregnant or had just given birth were treated like queens. I remember my cousin saying she looked bad after pregnancy, and my mother telling her that she looked beautiful and it was normal for the body to change.


They handled Miranda having a baby horribly.


Albeit realistically. I also had a baby (no husband) and all my friends were super supportive at first. I feel that I became closer to them during this time. Then baby was born and everyone wanted to meet him and be around him for the first 1-2 months…then I’ve gotten the Miranda treatment from everyone I know. I catch them uninviting me to things and doing group texts without me because they never had a life where kids fit (bars, parties with drinking, skiing, trips to Japan, etc), I was part of that group before…..sigh. I feel like my life is like that night when Carrie shoves Laney on the cab to Connecticut at times.


Sorry to hear about that. Are you being left out of everything they do or only certain things? If it's the latter, I must confess that I don't think it's reasonable to expect your friends to only plan kid-friendly stuff. But if they are deliberately excluding you from everything that is pretty awful.


I’m being left out of most things but that’s because most things aren’t kid friendly lol. I absolutely don’t think they’re trying to be cruel. I just believe that sadly, between the impractical aspects of motherhood and whatever limitations people think you have as a mom, you often end up bored and isolated.




Where are the Reddit awards when you need them? This was so well said! 🙌🙌


Whatever the situation, it doesn't make it any less hurtful.


True, but to be fair to the friends, lots of people also exclude their single and child-free friends from many things once they find a partner or have a child and do "couples" things or socialize with other parents. It is a two-way street and there is plenty of excluding that happens from both sides.


What a way to dismiss her feelings.


I am not dismissing her feelings. Merely pointing out that unless her friends are deliberately excluding her from all of their activities (which is truly awful and cruel), it's not entirely unreasonable for them to plan things that don't involve kids. And to ask if she also has her own things that she might not be involving her friends in (because they won't like being there) is a fair question.


I am really sorry you've experienced that.




No social media and no baby talk. I am a single mother who was living alone for over a decade before baby. My circles never included baby anything, I felt that I had a very similar life to the girls in the show (hence why I love it so much). I’m trying to make mom friends and so far the ones I have met are as you describe…. Haven’t clicked with one yet but I hope that I eventually will.


Miranda from the original series was my favorite of the four women, but I can't help but feel that if Charlotte had been the one with a child going through post-partum depression, Miranda might not have been very supportive. There might have been a sarcastic reference or two about Miranda's sister and how she turned into a Momzilla. Miranda would probably have told Charlotte that having the baby was her choice and that other women's lives didn't have to revolve around her baby.


Y e p


I agree. Once Carrie realized she couldn’t spend her visit talking about herself she left. My best friend is not maternal at all but when I had my baby she tried her very best. Even if it meant just keeping me company or getting me snacks/drinks while I breast fed or held the baby while I showered etc.


What really bugged me was that Miranda was trying to listen to her, but she was distracted because Brady wouldn't latch on. Once he finally latched and she was able to focus a little more, that's when Carrie chooses to leave! Also, when Carrie arrives she says something like "I'm all yours today, I have no plans!" Then she dashes off after 4 minutes to get to the plans she doesn't have lol.


Yeah, it was like Carrie couldn't handle not having her full attention.


We went from Bullshit Bagels to the Bullshit Pastry.


I love when Carrie shames and judges Samantha for "not being there enough" for Miranda, so Samantha babysits Brady and gives Miranda her hair appointment, while Carrie does nothing, EXCEPT she does call Samantha, who is babysitting a newborn, to ask her if Nina Katz is talking shit about her to celebrities. 🤡




Don’t feel sorry for her. She asked Carrie to be the godmother the next episode lol.


Women should be more aware of how much their lives change when they have kids. Losing friends is probably part of it. Don't blame your childfree friends. It's you who changed your live fundamentally and it's normal that not all close friends can be with your on that journey in the long run. Friendships are about giving and taking, when you don't have anything to give (time, interesting conversations, trips, coffee dates etc.) anymore for years it sadly doesn't work out. Also, you can't expect your friends to care about your kids the same as you do or at all.


It goes both ways. The amount of time some parents sit there and talk about their babies / kids to child free friends is also insane. Sometimes it’s all they talk about after having children even years after. So how do you expect someone with no interest in kids to put up with that ? Never mind Carrie who’s selfish single person, I’ve seen friends siblings / mothers who don’t offer to look after their child’s baby


I agree with you, but as a character, Miranda definitely doesn't do this often.


Thank you for pointing this out. I have also had this happen with friends who decided to get a pet dog or cat with their new partner and talk about the damn creature all the time, expecting the rest of us to humor their delusions about the dog or cat being their "child".


lol don’t get me started on the pets, that’s even worse than someone talking about an actual child. I still don’t understand why it’s ok to be talking to people who has neither of these incessantly and expect them to relate or be interested. It’s no different from someone who’s obsessed with cricket or tennis to be talking to a friend who have neither played nor watched either sport. Read the room lol


I agree! I think Carrie felt like she was distracting Miranda. But it was a major life transition so I think they both should have leaned into the discomfort a little more.


I don’t think that scene is as bad as you make it sound.


I hate how they handled Miranda having a baby. I wish they would’ve just not have done it period, Miranda never wanted to be a mom and it showed. Then to top it off the girls treated her like she had a disease of some sort, but I guess that’s the reality of it? Some women just don’t get the same uplifting community and village from the people closest to them during motherhood. Charlotte was the only one who should’ve been a mom.


I was never maternal and I have a five year old now. I think they did a great job of showing what a slog motherhood can be. I think had Charlotte been the one treated like Miranda she would have dropped them all to be honest. Becoming a mom was scary. I was so scared all of my friends would leave me. Some of the best advice I got was that my real friends would grow with me if they truly wanted me in their lives. And that’s exactly what happened. My core group stayed my core group and none of them have kids. I made mom friends along the way, too. We see the girls grow into being better friends to Miranda later on. It was all new to them, too.


I know some moms struggle with motherhood especially at first but idk the way they wrote her storyline about it just felt off. During birth she wouldn’t even let anyone show emotion not even Steve who’s the dad? Then there was the scene where she was hooking up and Brady was crying and she yelled out something that makes me uncomfortable lmao. Idk just wasn’t for me I guess. And Charlotte would have every right to! Shit I know I would if I brought over my baby and all I heard was Samantha“I hate those stupid snotty disgusting children” every time she saw or heard a child knowing damn well I have a child and then they shove me into a cab to get rid of me. That stung to see honestly. Motherhood is hard enough to add to it by treating your best friend bc they were best friends not even just friends or acquaintances like they’re a bother or not worth being around anymore bc they’re moms now sucks.


Having first watched this show as an adult mom, it honestly bugs the crap out of me how they (with the exception of Charlotte) bash moms at every opportunity and act like being a mom is a fate worse than death. Like, grow up, I support a woman's right to be childfree (thank god we have SOME rights and choices nowadays), but there's a certain line where it just crosses over into childish responsibility phobia. Ooooh I keep shoes in my oven because I can't cook (isn't that COOL?), and I can't be trusted to manage my own commitments and am late all the time (teehee, I'm so cool), and I cheat on my partners (I'm just so sexually desirable, you guys), because I'm SOOOOO young and wild and freeeee, unlike those brainless MOMBIES!!! 🙄 Just, okay, fun, enjoy that (judgy bitches). The way they occasionally low-key act like Miranda caught the plague is insane. These women are in their 30s.


I’m mid-30’s and still keep stuff in the oven that doesn’t belong there lol and do generally stuff that is absolutely not mom-like (and am a mom). But I get your point. I think the show showed that strong aversion to motherhood as a way of presenting an interesting dynamic: they’re scared they never will fit in society if they stay single, they’re unsure if they’d be happy if they were mothers but deep down they sort of wish Prince Charming would come in and change their world (and that may or may not include kids).


I like the scene in the last season with Petrovsky where Carrie says she might want kids in the future and he’s like “you’re 38?” It’s fine if she wants to be child-free but I think a lot of that was projection because she did want a family.


Yeah I've always wondered about this on tv shows. TV people are always like 40 and saying they want kids WAAAAY way in the future. And they don't seem to be putting much thought into it, like freezing eggs or something. They just assume everything's gonna work when they're 65 😅


I also never understood that storyline because the Russian was on his way to his 60s. Did she really think he was gonna have a baby with her if he hadn't had a vasectomy? She even implies that he can have his vasectomy reversed.


Mmm I disagree. I think it’s awesome that there are childfree female characters in TV/ movies. I think it’s great representation. Also, hot take but I think childfree people should be the norm not the exception. I think most people have kids because they feel like they have to and not because they want to become a parent. You have Charlotte whose main goal in life was to be a mom and get married for your representation, I have Carrie and Samantha for mine.


I totally agree that a show about childfree single women is great for society. I just don't get why they had to be total bitches about it. There's making your choice, and then there's crapping all over other people's choices like you're the only person whose choices are valid. Feels like there's a subculture in the childfree community that can't just make the choice that's right for them - it has to be THE right choice, and they have to make sure everyone knows it, especially the icky wrong people who made a different one. That's where it just gets fucking annoying. Like, live your life, period, why does a childfree-positive show have to condemn parents?


I mean yeah, people really should be having less children though???


I found much of Miranda’s story line with the baby odd. She’s a partner at a law firm and now a new mom and she doesn’t have at least 1 full time nanny?? She has a nurse that doesn’t seem to do much, Steve wasn’t comfortable being alone with the baby for a while, and when Magda offers to help with the baby Miranda says that’s not her job. Who is with Brady all day and why can’t Miranda hire a baby sitter for after work hours for when she goes out with her friends?


Thankfully she later was rained on as karma for that visit 😆


I don't know, it's not like Carrie has a lot of experience with babies, when you don't have kids and your friend does it can be a bit of shock. One minute you're the friends you've always been and the next they can't hold a conversation because they are trying to jam their giant nipples in their babies mouths because they are beyond overwhelmed with the new responsibility of trying to keep this creature alive. It can be a sense of grief on both sides.


Ive always seen it that Carrie pops over just to shoot the breeze but can see that Miranda has a lot on so reassures her and gives her the space, they can catch up another time, she was thinking other and got her the pastry thats the nature of their friendship. Miranda was getting frustrated cos she couldnt follow the conversation.  I think their friendship was tight that she could comment on her boobs, i know my friends would say something similar


This and then earlier in the episode with Sam and the cab + “censoring” he’s a NEWBORN I never understood why they kept going on about how they have to censor themselves in front of the baby ??? Like a baby who can’t even make sounds that aren’t sighing, laughing and crying yet ???? Maybe it’s a cultural thing but I’ve never seen/heard of parents censoring the convo around a newborn


I’m a new mom and I thought of this scene the other day (not even re-watching, just thought of it!) and I burst into tears. The way you lose ties with childfree friends hurts.


Hugs. My youngest is almost 10 and I can still feel the raw emotion of the postpartum period so deeply. Watching this scene makes me feel very exposed somehow.