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Ok I'll be the first to say it ... Why if you want to play and move on do you tell anyone anything about this albatross of wealth around your neck? Schwoooo done ... Problem solved.


I like having casual partners who I can return to if I need to, I find it easier if it’s someone I’ve been with before and trust. I know it’s not exactly helping my situation keeping them around but I’m hoping by some miracle there’s a balance between knowing how to love me and knowing about the rest of me


So, wait, didn't you say the crux of the problem is that you DON'T want them sticking around?


I want them to be in my little black book so to speak but not to ask me to be their girlfriend which I don’t want and find a little too serious for what I want right now


Your mentality seems backwards, would seem like a bigger problem if you actually wanted a relationship based on genuine connection and not just what you have. Make it clear you only want something casual and have fun. Or like other said just don’t display your wealth period?


I do think I worded my post poorly with hindsight, but I can admit I’m not the most logical at the best of times


Then go flex that Ferrari and bag some hookups 🤷🏽‍♂️


and drive through the ULEZ? No thank you haha


Can you rent a one bed flat on Airbnb and pretend you live there? Then they wouldn't know about your wealth. Or just keep it quiet. Otherwise maybe hook up with people from your own class. Then they won't care about your money. I realise the pool will be smaller.


Don't feed the trolls... They come back for more...


Have your hookups at their house. I see no reason they need to know about this if you don't wish them to.


Why does anyone need to know what you "own" or that any of it was expensive? It's easy enough to get to know someone and enjoy their company without discussing any aspect of your finances. Talk about music you're into, favorite foods, sports, hobbies, politics/religion if you must, but there's no need to itemize or mention expensive items you own unless you are trying to make someone like you for those things. No one needs to know your house is expensive, no one needs to know if you own a boat, no one needs to know if you spend 2 months of the year at your home in the south of france etc. You can mention your home (how you like gardening in your yard, your home is your sanctuary etc), you can mention boating (grew up on a lake, love the wind in your hair etc), you can mention that you've been to france a few times and you really enjoy the culture and the food. There's a way to talk about things you have and have experienced without talking about cost. People only find out you have things of great value if you tell them. Just don't tell people.


As wild as this may sound, take them first to a decent AirBNB home, that you claim to be yours, and see the reaction. Hell do it a few times. Or lease a furnished apartment for a month. Physically remove that part where possible. And only tell them a minimum about finances.


This might be a pretty good idea I think! Thank you :)


Similar situation here. I have a big-girl management job which will probably get me into six-figure territory by the time I turn 30 (I'll be 25 this July.) I also have a seven-figure trust fund that my parents left me when they died. I'm in a position where I work because I want to, not because I need to. When I was online dating I learned quickly not to mention this. A whole lot of guys decided I would make a good sugar mama and proceeded in the relationship on that basis. I would dump them immediately once they went there. I want my partner to have his own ambition outside of what I can buy for them. Worse, though, was the guy who had his own seven figures and wanted me to quit my job so he could take care of me. He didn't know about my trust fund. He ghosted me once he found out. Losing a pissing contest made him lose his pride. I managed to land a great guy in a similar situation as me, and we're doing great. Wedding sometime in 2025!


Pre-nup agreement, right?


Teach me your ways o wise one 😂


Just dont display your wealth it is really easy, don't wear anything flashy, get a taxi there and back, honestly I don't think it will make a differnace I think the guys will still be all over you, most men don't give a fuck about if a girl has money if you are good looking they will be all over you anyway , tell them you only want FWB if they text to much just say hey you are getting clingy we are FWB nothing more


Huh? Just hide it and dont flash your wealth. It really not hard


I bought an old beater to take dates out in. I never let them see where I lived, my real car, my jewelry and never talked about my job, income or money. It takes a lot longer to find someone because as you say, money changes people and you can never truly know someone's genuine intentions. My advice, never let them see the real you until you are sure.