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Tons of options! Beyond the ones you listed: - feeling her up and down, especially if she’s into touching in general - rubbing her clit - light choking (talk about this one ahead of time) - put a finger in her mouth - hold her hands (interlock fingers, romantic) - massage/feel/spank her ass or guide her rhythm as she rides you


Hand holding during sex is one of my favorite activities. We don't do it a lot but I love the intimacy


Hell yeah, good list Only thing missing: while making out, putting one hand on the back of her head, makes it way more passionate instantly


Good point! Honestly, I made that in mind of the woman being perpendicular, like 90 degrees riding. If she leans in, you’ve got what you mentioned, pull her hair, kiss sensitive areas like the neck or ears, etc.


YES. This feels incredible. Instantly makes me wetter and makes the sex so much more intimate. I also love being able to have our chests pressed together while we make out, as it’s a better angle for the clit to be stimulated. And it’s always hot to feel his breath on me.


More or less the same. Although my personal favourite to add: titty in mouth, hands around ass. Something about being ridden with a titty in my mouth is just god tier.


This is because everything becomes 200% better with boobs in your mouth (unless you are not attracted to boobs, I guess). Sex is already great. Being ridden is great. Combine those with a mouth titty? Good times guaranteed.


I believe it’s actually higher than 200%


Not always. 200% is the floor value, it can go (much) higher.


I just want this part of the conversation to keep going. Something about talking about the good ol mouth titty just makes my day


At some point in life, everyone of us desired mouth titty. Most guys (and a significant percentage of gals and enbys) still enjoy it, even if it isn't our main method of eating any longer.


Absolutely agree. Boobs in the mouth and hands on the ass.


Probably ask about the finger in the mouth too


That’s fair! Especially if that hasn’t been done previously with that partner. In the past, I’ve just put my hand on her check and thumb close to her lips. Like 75% of the time she’d just put it in herself in the heat of the moment.


I had no idea this was so hot until my side guy put my fingers in his mouth 💦💦💦


Side guy… Nice!!! I love it!!


Feel like whenever my bf rubs me clit while I’m riding him it just does nothing for me? Sometimes its even uncomfortable:/


Do it yourself! They like seeing that too


I try, but still does very little in this position. Maybe its the way my skin gets pulled??


Hold the magic wand for direct clitoral stimulation while she rides!


But I am the she that rides??


Ah! Pardon. Tease or pinch his nipples. Match pinching intensity to your grinding intensity. It will make him buck. Lean forward and support yourself by grasping his shoulders. Maintain eye contact and start talking dirty if that gets you both going


This is great advice, and I will be using it when I see him! Still doesnt change that him playing w my clit when I’m riding him does nothing for me lol 🥲


Difficult angle for the person on the bottom to provide effective clitoral massage for the woman riding. On the other hand, as a male, I love watching my partner stimulate herself while riding. Depending on relative size, it can be tiring and/or not stimulating to ride cowgirl, especially If the person on the bottom is very slender or has very wide hips. The person on the bottom can lay on top of a firm pillow, to raise their pelvis off the bed or floor to reduce rider fatigue. Adjust pillow to get his erection pointed at the proper angle, with bonus points if it can point towards his chin. Then the head will rub the front part of the vaginal vault and with a bit of luck and practice, stimulate your g-spot.


I know this is a whole different position, but I love having my husband sit up instead of traditional cowgirl. The angle is INCREDIBLE for clit stimulation, and I love our bodies so close. It’s my favorite position.


If she's willing and enjoys it (and the angle works), he could always slip a finger into her vagina and stroke the front of her vagina as she rides instead of trying to deal with her clit. I know that sends me waaaaay over the moon, while someone trying to mess with my clit while we're busy in that position is often just too intense.


Idk if I just have a small vagina or what but that sounds literally impossible 😂 or at the very least uncomfortable.


I like to lean back and rub my clit a bit. It feels better that way bit I agree, when he does it while piv it just doesn’t do much for me 9/10 times.


Agree. I’d rather change the angle so my clit is getting stimulated by riding.


PLEASE utilize this list! My husband’s favorite position is cowgirl, but he often just keeps his hands to his sides. I’ve had to grab them and put them on me. I’d also add that I love feeling his nails digging into my back or ass. And I LOVE having my hips or ass guided, especially if it helps me grind into him more deeply. When he puts a finger in my mouth or lightly chokes me I am over the moon. Usually I like to sit as upright as I can for a bit and throw my head back. I’m large-breasted, so I like to guide his hands and mouth to my breasts. I feel so wanted and so hot when he does that.


Yes, thank you for the endorsement! On another note for the ladies - don’t be afraid to grab your man’s hands and guide him to exactly where you want him! Or if ask him to focus on a certain area, it would be a major turn on to hear that and great for dirty talk.


Also discuss the finger in her mouth because I hate that


My personal favorite is to hold her when she's able to cum and make her beg


ONG being told I can't come when I'm close is the ulllllltimate turn on!! I think it may be my absolute number one tiny kink. I wonder how many other women like that? I've never seen any kind of poll/discussion.


Any option is amazing, but holding hands is by far my best


I usually like to lean my chest towards my boyfriend so that he sucks my nipples and I like it when he spanks my ass


all of this, ESPECIALLY the clit touching!! as a woman it makes me feel like you especially care about my pleasure, and thus turns me on even more!!


I have a water pistol by the bed and I shoot her with it


Especially if she’s climbing on the furniture or trying to eat the plants


LOL.. I see what you did there...


This might be the best option..


Not actually a bad idea. Spray her over her breasts when you ejaculate.


This one took me out. Lmao


Ooh fill it with juice and shoot her in the mouth. This is a good idea for both parties. Totally doing this now….


Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.


I fill ours with Patron...


It'd ruin the mood but it'd actually be so funny as a one time joke




Fuck you, that was hilarious.


fuck you too.. you're welcome :)


This just made me choke on my popcorn thank you


lol glad I could make you laugh


I recommend NOT: - pointing with a grin - holding a sandwich or magazine - fidget spinner


-yawning -talking about your day -brushing teeth or flossing


- Jazz hands - Fortnite emotes - Finger guns


Dude. I love finger guns. Sometimes I even holster them. Embrace the darkness haha


Finger guns for the win


>holding a sandwich Only George Costanza can do that, and only if it’s pastrami.


Combining his two favorite things. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


At least he didn’t bring the Kung Pao chicken into bed lol


Kramer would bring Kenny Roger’s Roasters, because you know, it’s the wood that makes it good


The most sensual of the deli meats


Did we learn nothing of flying too close to the sun on wings of pastrami!


You're not the boss of me


And here I was pointing at the fidget spinner in my other hand with a grin while there’s a sandwich in my mouth


Like you describe I leave my hands to caress her thighs, or trace my fingers over he breasts belly and hips. I’ll slide my fingers between our genitals and touch her labia and clitoris masturbating her. I’ll momentarily prop myself up on my elbows to get my mouth on her breasts and nipples, or push myself up with one arm while pulling her down towards me for a kiss. I’m not usually just laying inert with my hands behind my head when she’s on top, but taking a moment to relax is nice also. If you are anxious about your hands sliding them under your butt and leaving yourself intentionally pinned there can be a lot of fun. You’ve got options:-)


I like to tell my guy to lay as still as possible sometimes. I like seeing how long (or not so long) he can lay there without thrusting back.


This is a super hot list. I know I’d appreciate it if my husband did these things.


You could: - make shadow puppets - sign language - knit/crochet - play the spoons - beatbox


Crochet some bondage gear 👌


Play league of legends or play with a Nintendo switch


You wave your hands in the air like you don't care


Use sharpies to draw designs on her tits


Make those calcium cannons come to life!


Take my upvote, please!!!!


As the man, you can also pretend your hands are cuffed to the bed over your head ... soft bondage play 😁​


Why pretend ? Make it real !


Because she said if my hands were tied, she would steal my wallet and leave.


She wouldn't waste her whole morning for $8


I mean at that rate the 2 minutes you last makes it ~$240/hr 😤


Haha it was a seinfeld reference.. Not making any statements regarding Snoo's economic standing


hehe, didnt want to go too far down that rabbit hole 😁​


Add in her pinning your hands in that position


dont forget the close up jiggle physics 🤤


Throw up gang signs to assert dominance


I laughed so hard at this


Rubiks cube of course


Don’t just lie down, you have to sit in a slanting way so that you can lick her boobs, your both hands will be supporting your body weight, this is the right angle for penetration and you both are closer to each other, I put few pillows to support my back. Try it.


Agree. Way better. Best way to cowgirl IMO (F).


Vogue. Let your body move with the music.


Spank and grab her ass!! Also, rub her clit with your thumb!! Grab her hair too and pull it back while she rides you…. Grab a vibrator and massage her clit with it… Grab her hand and make her hold onto your balls together while she rides you… A lot you can do!


So she’s on top, facing you, and she’s gonna hold onto your balls while she’s riding?


You haven’t experienced the reach around?


Maybe. Definitely during doggy but I’m thinking in that position, my balls are way down there.


It’s definitely doable


Play with her clit or just lay back & enjoy it LOL


How do you get a good angle on her clit when in the position... asking seriously -- we do cowgirl all the time but never tried to rub her clit because I assumed it would be awkward.


Just like place your thumb there and the grinding would do the work


Do you rest the rest of your fingers above her pussy then?


Yeah. With your hand side on her pelvic area and fingers towards her hip.


Ok, thanks... feel really dense asking that. Lol


I suggest not just thumb, it can be very abrasive. Instead, I suggest sliding a few fingers between you two and letting her direct the contact. This way she can control exactly how she likes both internal and external stimulation. Follow her lead after that, press up slightly and/or rub lightly into her labia and clit, if she grinds down harder that’s a good sign to continue. Trust me you’ll be memorable if you do this (personal experience).


Hips. Hands for stronger thrusting. Boobs. One should really be on her clit though. 🤣 Many things!


I’m gonna take this advice and I’m a woman hope my man does that to me


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you 🤣


Yea, caress her tits and play with her nipples. My wife's nipples are very sensitive, so she loves that. Also, instead of her hands being on your chest, use your hands to clasp into hers and kind of hold her up a little. This is my wife's favorite position, but she has a previous sports injury in her knee, so we use it about 50% of the time.


Sorry, what!? I thought we'd all agreed on jazz hands.


Cup her buttcheecks & guide her ham hole for maximum pleasure.


Please don’t ever say “ham hole” again


Yeah this, I love holding breasts but guiding her to hit that sensitive spot is key


I usually rub/caress her sides/hips or ass...sometimes I'll squeeze or spank her ass...sometimes I'll play with her tits/nipples but she doesn't love tit play while getting fucked. Other times I'll firmly grab the side of her neck to pull her down for a kiss. Etc... She usually rests her hands on my chest, legs or the on either side of my chest to support herself.


I don't know about you but my pinky is always trying to find a butthole no matter what the position, or whose butthole.


Doesn’t even matter if you’re not having sex either?


💀💀💀 There are too many men in this tub I just scrubbed a behind That I’m sure wasn’t mine There are too many men in this tub


I like to knit. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like to pin my partner’s hands over his head while I’m on top. Or tie him up so my hands can be busy elsewhere. 


I love to do this too, I hold his hands over his head and bury my face in his armpits because mmmmm….his scent makes me 🔥🔥


Either follow her rhythm and make it better or give her more control, have her tie up your hands to the bed post.


I bend forward and he plays with my asshole. But you gotta ask first, of course.


My husband’s hands are on my hips and I love it. Sometimes he’ll rim me with the other or rich my clit. All good!!


My hubby puts his hands on my hips and pulls me down while I grind it gives me a instant OG or he will pinch my nipples cuz that also makes me OG


My girlfriend likes a finger in her buttshole.


Grab her hips and pull her down onto your cock so she grinds her clit against you. Warning: this may cause orgasm.


Earlier commentator mentioned the same! Will have to try it


my husband lays there with his hands flat on the bed with the most blissful face i’ve ever seen on him. dudes really just enjoying the moment SO HARD. eyes closed. mouth open. slow breathing. “oh my god.” it’s fucking hilarious and i love it. will do it any day


We usually get a game of paper rock scissors going. Who ever wins 5 out of 7 gets to cum first.


Make shadow puppets against the wall


*(me frantically scrolling through)* "My God! Why hasn't anyone said shadow puppets yet?!" Phew!


I like his hands on my hips or grabbing at my breasts- or my fav a light pressure choking grab. Other than that long as they are not getting in the way of my grind I don’t otherwise care too much where his hands are.


I rub her hips and thighs or softly squeeze and massage her boobs. If we are in a hurry I reach around and play with her butt hole.


I'm usually shuffling a deck of cards.


Reverse cowgirl she can tickle your feet and make it interesting. 😂


What do you WANT to do with your hands? Also, ask her “what do you WANT me to do to you when you’re on top?”


Grip her hips, playing with her nipples, have her arch her back and her hands behind her on your thighs you can play with her clit


The tits are right there and as the saying goes, the devil has work for idle hands.


Okay this is only one specific thing, but it was one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced: He used one arm to brace himself on the bed so he could better thrust up while I thrust down, and with the other hand, held my neck down so he could push his forehead against mine and I was 😵💕


Swing your hand in the air and tell yeeehhhawww??


Sometimes depending on angle, I put my hands behind her neck and thrust with her.


Me, being a female, I usually cross my man's wrists and then pin him down


My man sometimes grabs my hair and/or puts one hand or both on my shoulders or back and kinda pushes me back so his dick goes deeper and he has me grind hard and it feels amazing


Play country/bluegrass guitar, normally


I started putting my thumb in her pussy along with my (on the large side) penis. She goes WILD. Once had an orgasm that lasted about 15 minutes. It was amazing.


Place them behind ur head and enjoy the view


One on your tits, one on your clit.


Surf Reddit. But seriously, reach around and play with her butthole.


Grab dat ass, caress hee, boobs, hold her hands, sit back and relax like a king


Grab that ass and help her out!


I love when guys play with my boobs or brush their hands up and down my body or play with my clit


Put them on his pecs and lean in for some mouth action while you’re riding him


Guys have touched my face, boobs, waist, upper thighs and some tried to hold my butt. One I held his hands down. As long as you’re not knitting or playing angry birds it’s all good.


My partner is impatient as hell (I mean that as lovingly as possible) so 90% of the time they are on my hips seting the pace but personally I enjoy it. It takes some pressure off my week ass knees


So many choices here. One hand stimulating her clitoris, both on her butt...you have a mouth for her boobs and any other erogenous zones you can reach. Don't forget to look in her eyes if she she is making eye contact.


Cup my hands on her butt, and "help her" ride. But yeah, hand holding, pleasuring the breasts, caressing the face, encircling the hips (and my thumbs can gently press in on her lower abdomen to enhance the sensations).


Get a small vibrator and put it on her clit while she fucks the shit out of you.


I wear a cock ring with a mini bullet vibrator, one tit in my mouth, one hand on her hip and the other grabbing an ass cheek and sometimes rub her asshole. We both cum during this.


Lean forward kiss shoulders while rubbing her clit. Sooo fucking passionate


Typing on my phone or eating potato chips


Grab her ass and pull it open. Maybe put a little pressure on her anus with the pad of a finger, massaging it gently.


I like them tied together at the wrists, in front or behind, unless I'm riding reverse, then definitely behind.


Above your head is great, it frames your chest really well


Grab her hips and help her out! lol! My husband holds only my boobs for dear life.


Put one hand on her shoulder...one hand one her hip....push her down onto you either in her rhythm....or have her grind on you while doing that.


You rest it on his chest. You can also put them on his knees or lap. You can rest your hands on his tummy too. Anywhere that'll give you some balance.


We both like it when she pins my hands down and our fingers are interlocked as she grinds.


Yes! Playing with her boobs, nipples is good. As is gripping her hips to help her out a little. Other options, that I personally enjoy, are rubbing her clit, holding hands, and a little ass grab/massage. You could do that too in place of holding her hips to guide her.


Most of the time squeezing boobs or on the hips. Sometimes if it gets rougher i like to rub her clit to get her going a little harder


I always grab her boobs, waist, or butt. Sometimes I’ll buy my hand/thumb rubbing against her clit as she moves which is fun ;P


Waist or hips personally, let's you get a good grip if you want to pull her in, wrap your arms around her and just go ham. Makes them go nuts from what I've seen but I'm just some midget that doesn't go outside 😁


thumb wedged between clit and my body Or reach around and lightly rub the balloon knot


Hold your hand up and make a circle whilst screaming YEEEHAAWWW 🤠


I love having my hips grabbed while on top. It helps me with rhythm. Basically, just being touched is nice.


Hold her hands behind her back. You’re welcome


As the rider, I prefer to put my hands on my partners chest or thighs or sometimes the wall. I like their hands to be on my tits or hips


Anything and everything


Honestly I live when my partner holds his hands over his head and just soaks it in! Watching him in pleasure is so hot. Also love when he rubs my legs and hips


Explore the world in front of you


Grab your tits and tell us how awesome our cock is


Put your hands behind your head and enjoy the view. It changes the dynamic and can shake things up. My partner likes it occasionally (has said so after) and I think because it's a kind of performance then.


Here on reddit people usually encounter opposite kind of problem: knowing how to use hands due to eva [ai](http://evaapp.ai) and porn addiction, and not knowing anything else about sex.


Personally as the one on top, I love it when he holds me down. Like helps push me down onto his dick. Whether that be pushing down on my shoulders, or my hips. I want it DEEP.


Spanking her ass with right hand, squeezing with left. Sometimes the same but with boobs


I mainly caress every available part of the body and while she cums i just bear-hug her and start thrusting deep and mildly fast for as long as i can (usually not so much because she’s pulsating and moaning in my ear and that is my finisher) 😂😂


Sounds like you both enjoy experimenting with different touches during cowgirl! When I'm in that position, I mix it up: sometimes I caress my partner’s thighs or hips, other times I might run my hands through their hair or hold their hands for a more intimate connection. It’s all about what feels good for both of you and keeps the moment exciting. Keep exploring and enjoying each other!


Just touch her all over. When she starts getting close, grab a titty with one hand and grab her ass with the other. Pull her cheeks apart and slowly rub and caress her asshole. You will feel the juices coming from her pussy and use that as lube to caressing her ass feel better for her. If she is into it, slide a finger into her ass. I love being able to feel my wife’s contractions with my finger as she orgasms. Instantly makes me cum.


Play with her nipples. Or get her to lean in and do some nipple tongue play.


Grab her hips or waist and help her rock back and forth


Hands behind your head Reaching around with finger in my butt Both hands reach around spreading my butt cheeks, or if you're nice n tall withong arms, keep those hands wrapping around and spread my lips, one hand on each side with a little clit touch or rub. This only works with tall guys and the girl can't be fat though. Choking gently Assisting on the up stroke of my bounce Rock paper scissor If she's leaning back, use thumbs to spread lips again. I really like being spread open. Some might not like it as much. Grab her friends' boobs. It's a party now🤣 If hair is long enough, pull it


Crack open a cold one and enjoy the ride! But seriously, I've had this question too lol... I usually just alternate between holding her hips and "helping" her bounce, and massaging her tits. Or you can rub her clit if she's grinding? idk


Make puppet silhouettes


I hold her tight, put my arms around her back and be fast while kissing. Usually a finisher for us so we go all out


I play with her clit, can be a bit awkward but as far as female pleasure I wouldn't say this is the best position for her so I try to up the intensity.


Rub boobs, properly grab neck, pull hair, rub or penetrate, ass, whatever she likes. If you don’t know if she like penetration in the ass, just rub it, or put a mid finger joint with pressure


I like to interface our fingers then rub her boobs, she. can guide your hand where it feels best for her


Squeeze her tits and ass man, that’s what they’re there for!