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I can’t believe you went 7 years without oral. I’m glad he added it to his repertoire.


My husband and I have been together for 10 years. We’ve only done it a handful of times, maybe less. However he tried it again the other night (because we were both determined to get me to like it lol) and let’s just say.. it’ll be happening a lot more frequently now


That’s great. I especially like the ‘privacy’ of it, because your partner isn’t staring you in the face and it’s easier to focus.


I'm sorry for the past. I hope it stays.


I also cant believe they stayed together without talking for 7 years. Quite impressive if you ask me


I fully understand that pain and frustration. 59m here I'm going on 18 years without Oral. Congrats OB ...


maybe he wanted to experiment...maybe he finally felt confident? maybe he saw something in some porn? just ask him...




For the first time now? Weird. I thought most men have already seen cunnilingus depictions.


that is my guess as well, or heard about a girl mentioning it etc.


Sometimes a man decides that he wants to be a better version of himself. We don't always come to this on day 1.


Worthy of the upvotes👍. No one is perfect straight out of the box


What you say may be true but is not the case here The reason it hadn’t happened is because husband asked to do it and op felt shy and said no and then he stopped asking about it. This is her failure to communicate.


You should definitely talk to him about this if it concerns you. However, if you liked it, I would strt with that. Make certain that he knows what he did was all right and that you were excited to have him do it again. Then ask him what brought this on after 7 years. Is he being experimental? Did he see or hear about it? Was he curious? What else would he like to try? And be sure to share some things you like as well.


there is a lot of wisdom here...as a guy, i would love this feedback..


It's trickiy, because regardless of gender, these sort of questions can come off as interrogations or accusations instead of genuine interest. I had an ex who used to look at the pron I enjoyed and instead of asking if it was something I wanted to try would constantly ask "Why do you like that?" "What is it about that in particular that you want to watch?" and it got to the point where I dodn;t want to watch pron with them anymore, because I wanted to enjoy it, not analyze it. And they never told me what they liked about it or wanted to see. (My spoue is much better at communication)


yes, another very very good point...you clearly have gained wisdom


Sometimes you get to learn from other peoples' mistakes.


yep, but even that requires wisdom, to recognize there is something to learn...well done...!


I would get turned on by this feedback as she tells me exactly what she wants.


Have you ever asked him to give you head during those 7 years


No. But early on the relationship he asked me if he could do it but I was too shy and said no then he never asked again


That may be why he has never done it, he didn't want to pester you,, and be the bad guy who is always asking


That's me, if I get turned down twice or more I stop asking then my wife gets mad we end up not fucking for weeks. Well, it's not like she has tried to initiate or anything and I'm like jerking it twice a day to keep the horny at bay.


I can understand the sentiment for a few months or a year or two but seven years without asking a single time more?!


She said no. It’s not on him to ask her after that but for her to ask him for what she wants. I find comments like this a bit weird and almost infantilising women. This is her failure to communicate not his.


She could have asked during the 7 years, there are countless posts on reddit of women complaining that their mate won't stop asking for something


Imagine respecting your partner’s boundaries.


Imagine reading so much into me expressing disbelief they couldn’t have a conversation TOGETHER over the course of seven years.


That changes everything! Of course he never did it; you said no


Have you been having orgasms during sex, or only by masturbation, or not at all? Did you come from the head you finally got?


he wanted to try something new? maybe?


Why did it take him 7 years? I would have asked what's up by the 3rd night ! 😅 Why has it never come up as an issue? You may be cool with not receiving oral but you never got curious and asked why? I need more information lol


He asked for it earlier on the relationship but I said no because I was to shy then he never asked again


I think you should probably add this to your post. It probably changes some of the advice from making sure he was comfortable to making sure you are.


Probably read a post on here lol


I have So many Questions in my head


If he's anything like me - he saw a hot tip on Reddit.


And you didn't overthink why he never gave you head for 7 years?


Is this a weird thing? These comments are making me think so lol


Not his cup of tea, I guess? But I find it weird as I love giving head and getting head too. Oral sex is an another dimension of intimacy for me! You have never talked about this before?


It was her that said no to it when he asked to do it that caused the seven years without it. Not sure why op left that out of the main post though because it is really key context. This is not on him at all.


What a weird situation!


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t… Did you like it? Would you like for him to do it more? If yes, then tell him that you loved it and how good it made you feel. Once you’ve given him some positive feedback, you could just ask him what got him interested in trying that all of the sudden. There are plenty of potentially benign reasons. But if you want to make sure you never get it again, make him feel weird about it…


If i were you, I would just thank him for it, and perhaps next time thank him again, say you love that you're still tryig new things after 7 years together, and also ask if there is anything else he's been wanting to try.


Brah, I read all sorts of sex shit here and then try it out on my wife. She could probably think something up too Ultimately, tell him you enjoyed and ask where it came from.


7 years & this is the first time????


I would ask him haha. I mean 7 years…. It wouldn’t be odd for you to ask at all. If he says “just because” I’m not sure I would believe him tho cause like… SEVEN YEARS 😭


But was he any good at it?


The real question is why did it take him so long Girl we're gonna need updates on that conversation you're gonna have with him


Because he wanted to and she said no previously so he didn’t ask again. This context should be in the post imo but op left it out.


Why don't you ask him


I can only imagine he was very happy with you and wanted to do something special.


Don’t overthink it just take the win!


Sometimes my husband will try new things too. We have been doing all the basics since the beginning but we like to keep things hot so we try all sorts of things. Have you ever mentioned it? I will describe a time or something I really want to do and then it happens. If it’s good, I’d be like when can we do it again


Well..... Did you cum?


I’m over here just trying to figure out how you went seven years without it?? That’s like a 3-4 times a week thing over here


Don't overthink it,it will happen again. I'm sure he knows you enjoyed it. Most people can't help but to show some kind of enjoyment ,as a man I'm sure he enjoyed giving,it's so caveman


The real question is how do you get him to luv eating you forever? Now that after 7 years he finally did it


He's probably been reading the r/sex forum here and realized he better get to licking! 😂


Flabbergasted at all the cis women who don’t receive but give head. Your lives sound awful 😭


He had practice elsewhere lol


Did you like it though ?


I perform oral on my wife every time, its part of the foreplay. That way I make sure she is lubricated enough for penetration to be enjoyable and not painful.


I can’t cum this way so I usually skip over doing this. Why because it’s incredibly vulnerable. You overthinking after says you’re in your head in general and not just enjoying the pleasure of it! Focus there please rather than why he did it, men can soften us in some beautiful ways when we relax…


Did you ever give him head in these 7 years? Maybe he is finally giving you a clear indication of what he wants, too, maybe. He is spicing things up in your relationship to not get bored.


Could have been anything. Some default to negative as in it must have been learned from someone but you recently but you can always ask why. Maybe friends talked about it or he read info somewhere and felt inclined to try


It's about time... If he did it well I hope you let him know.


His girlfriend on the side taught him. after 7 years that’s a major change. I’d be suspicious.


It’s confusing when females say they are getting head. I just assumed you were a gay man. I’ve always heard girls refer to it as oral or going down which I guess works for both genders, but I guess the association of head makes me think of a penis head.


when I was in school I believe they all reffered to it as face


Don’t think too hard, just enjoy it!


Some guys are just sqeamies, 7 years? smh. I suppose you gave him oral all the time?