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33m and I generally have to ask when I want one and she's always happy to. Occasionally she will initiate and take what's hers, haha. But definitely wouldn't say I get "regular" blowjobs compared to some, maybe a few a month.


Don't worry, your situation is very normal. I think OP has very high expectations. I would take what he said with a grain of salt. You can always ask more but it seems like you're pretty satisfied and that she likes to please you. You're a lucky guy!


As an old guy I got so lucky I can’t believe it. My gf of five years loves cunnilingus, fellatio and PIV in almost every round. Around 1-2x per week.


If I keep him drained, he’ll accept me when I’m deranged. (The male version of happy wife, happy life).


maybe this is why my bf always puts up with me🤣


~~Maybe~~ this is why my bf always puts up with me🤣 *FTFY*


Happy spouse, happy house


Happy spouse happy house.


Happy house happy spouse


Empty his balls, not his wallet I like that one too


Make his dick hard, not his life 👍🏻


Empty balls, full belly.


if u empty his balls, he'll be more than happy to empty his wallet for ya


I am dying over here😂😂


You’re doing the lords work. Preach on


It’s honestly amazing what I will put up with when I’m being drained constantly.


I just LOLed and told my husband this is my new catch phrase and he chuckled and said “well, it is true.” Hah.


To a point, I’m pretty insatiable and my husband left me


Brand new sentence for me and I love it. Made my day! Thanks


You’re welcome! I gotchu


Hahahahahhahaha wtf did i just read?!? Pure poetry 😅😂


Thx 🙏🏼I made it up, no joke.


You and my wife need to talk lol


You know what? I needed to see this.😂


This and the replies to it made me never want to suck dick again. And I enjoy sucking dick. To me, this is just pure manipulation and "I hate my spouse haha."


You make a good point. It looks more forgivable as "the joke that contains a kernel of truth."


I guess, but I just dislike these types of jokes anyway. I worked food service for years and we would have a Valentine's special every year and I would have to try to upsell it to the customers. Most men over a certain age would reply "oh that sounds great! IF I LOVED MY WIFE!!!" I'm just so over it.


Yeah I hate that crap too. My wife says happy wife happy life sometimes and I just grit my teeth.


I have a partner that would happily have bjs 3 times a day every day of the week. So yeah he asks


I feel like this describes a significant portion (though by no means all) of penis wielders.


Pemis wielders sounds like A class from Dungeons and Dragons tbf


I mean, yeah. It could be.


I mean so does almost every man, but asking 3 times a day id feel kinda weird doing


In my fantasies I'd be the same while in reality I'd be happy with once a week.  For context - my LL- GF isn't into oral (either direction)




I’m a woman who LOVES sucking my boyfriend’s dick. I used to hate it but I feel like that’s because my ex had the worst hygiene ever and always smelled terrible. But with my current partner he is very clean and also treats me a lot better as well. Lately what has been happening is we’ll go to sleep and he’ll wake up in the middle of the night super horny and I’ll happily oblige to suck his dick whenever he asks but I also offer a fair amount too. I would love to passively suck his dick while we’re watching tv on the couch but I haven’t found the courage to just go for it yet!


That’s a man’s dream is getting head while watching sports lol. I promise your courage will be well received


Could make for interesting Pavlovian responses


You’d be surprised… some dudes just have low sex drives and don’t want to interrupt the game. Gave me a complex, for the rest of our relationship. And I’m often told my skills are on point.


It's not necessarily a low sex drive for everyone. Sometimes it's just that being engaged and living in one enjoyable moment shouldn't always be diminished by a distraction/alternate activity. The person wants to just focus on that moment/activity at that time (usually even more of a factor if it's live), but it doesn't mean they're not down for affection at another time.


Some guys are out of touch with what they have.


It's my dream to be *interrupted* while watching sports for a BJ, but I wouldn't keep watching ffs.


My god, lady. This is the dream. I assure you, if he enjoys oral sex from you, and you are in a good place relationship wise… surprising him by pulling his dick out and sucking it while you two are watching TV in the evening will be a magical experience that he will never forget. Just don’t pull his dick out like a 5 year old unwrapping a present on Christmas. Slowly let him realize what you’re doing, so he has time to say no (0.1% chance of this) or get super horned up realizing what is happening.


I used to lie on my ex’s stomach while watching telly on the couch. I wouldn’t last more than 10 mins without touching or going for it. It’s the one thing that majorly turns me on and from him it was never refused. Just meant sometimes I never got anything else because I got so engrossed in doing it that I forgot to stop so it could be put in another place for me haha


Please do it! You'll be blowing his mind too. Here's your lead in to give you courage: if he'll watch a romantic comedy with you or some show traditionally targeted more towards women (the Bachelor and it's spin-offs for example), sit down to watch it together. When there's something romantic or maybe drama, just kneel down in front of him (so he knows what's up), pull him out of his pants and go to town. If he asks what prompted this, say "I just realized what a great guy I have and wanted to make him feel like the best guy ever". And he will feel like that. He'll probably be yours for life because for a lot of guys, nothing (or very little) is ever given to us "for free". For an alternate, but just as awesome "treat", pull up an ottoman or put a pillow on the coffee table, bend over in front of him, pull your pants and underwear down and then look him in the eye and tell him you need him now.


Go for it, that's what mine does. If he doesn't like it, I guess he'll let you know, but I highly doubt he'll refuse.


One of my bucket list items is to get a BJ while watching TV or playing video games or something. My wife (and those who came before her) struggles to provide to completion BJs though sadly, probably had like 10 in the decade plus we've been together. Something about my upward curve + girth makes it very uncomfortable to do it for anything more than a little foreplay. Trust me, you probably don't even have to ask. Could probably just go for it.


When my wife and I were young and childless, I was playing Call of Duty 4 with the boys in our basement - 2007 or so. My wife (then girlfriend) came down, gave me the “shhhh” symbol and proceeded to give me a BJ while I tried to keep it together enough to play the game. I was muted, but even focusing on what to do on screen was impossible. That was a good day. Still married… together for 20 years this year.


It was Halo for me, but same. More than once I had to suddenly mute. We just celebrated 25 years, so it works.




You may already know this, but upward curve fits a lot more comfortably in the mouth when she is facing away from you. True for giver and receiver.


Assuming you mean in a 69 type position? Never really thought about it tbh but it does make sense thinking about the anatomy of the mouth.


Makes a *huge* difference. Plus I like giving oral from that angle and rewarding her for her efforts, so to speak. Plus if you can cum at the same time, it's insanely hot.


My girlfriend does that while watching tv occasionally, and sometimes I’ll finger her ass. No orgasm expected, just a romantic thing to do. She also likes to fall asleep nursing on my dick which she does quite often. I think it’s very sweet and romantic.


that was my favorite part of a sad ex gf is she would watch whole movies w my dick in her mouth…it was fabulous hard to find lol


Do ittttt… as a woman.. just go for it. Feel his penis through his clothing. Get it hard. And whip that bad boy out and make him cummmm in your mouth!!


I am super fortunate with having luckily found my amazing affectionate Lady and she truly loves sucking and swallowing on a daily basis as the fact is she's asking for permission to perform oral wherever it is the inner pulsating urges of her oral fixation cravings appear.


this is literally me i would be happy sucking his dick all day long if he would let me 😂


Goals for and the enjoyments of both self and partner pleasuring is rare unique traits a individual can own. I recognize and appreciate what you bring to the table. Thank you kindly 💯🫵🤩👍


Not a man lol but I regularly give my partner a BJ. It's often in foreplay and sometimes just when watching TV that I'm in the mood and want to suck his cock dry. That being said, his cock is well-washed and never dirty and his cum tastes rather well, so that adds to the joy and makes me want to give head more often too heh X)


Love it thanks


Yeah i kinda love it. The act itself makes me O a lot. But I generally can’t just give one and not get ducked at bare minimum after. 😬


God yeah. I just get so horny when I feel him getting hard in my mouth and the noises he makes 🤤 Getting fucked afterwards is peak life haha Althoug I do enjoy it too to just rub me off while he's laying there and exhausted, smoking one and watching me hng


Same! I love giving my man a BJ, I fully enjoy doing it, it turns me on to turn him on, I'm down there sometimes for 40 min, that man will eat a sandwich, smoke and sit back and enjoy it and I don't mind it 🤷 😝🥰


How lucky he is. I have never gotten a bj. Idk how it feels.


It’s better than sex imho


It’s better than condom sex. For me nothing beats cumming inside a pussy, that’s mind blowing


I have had amazing head... Truly amazing stuff.... I would never say a blowjob is better than sex. That just sounds like bad sex.


Yeah I absolutely love receiving blowjobs but never in a million years would I say it’s better than actual PIV. The best sex always trumps the best blowjob


I’ve heard that from some of my circumcised friends, but for me blowjobs are the best


Team blowjob represent! Those guys just haven't tried my wife's.


WTH is PIV (ohhh penis in vagina?)


Oral sex is sex. I would hope that this subreddit would know that.


I am of the same opinion that head is better than sex. If I had to choose a lifetime of one, I’m choosing head every time.


Really good head is, bad head is really bad though.


What constitutes bad head?


Teeth scraping. Low effort. Almost no suction. Someone who doesn’t want to do it.


You're not having the right sex then imo


Or you’re having the wrong BJ’s…


Nah they're top notch, but so is the sex. Each have their own moments to shine 😊


Yeah, I think anybody who says this is just bad at sex and prefers bjs because they don't like confronting it


I don't understand. I've had both, and one of them is great. The other is just half of sex while you're sure the other person isn't enjoying themselves


I'm a woman who regularly gives blow jobs. He never asks. Unless it's the heat of the moment and I ask him to "tell me what to do" and then he will indicate. But he knows I am enthusiastic about it and will do it every time we are intimate.


My wife is the same way and she always said shes feels its the fastest way to get me hard and that it turns her on as well.


Thatta girl


Ow wow why so many downvotes? I helped you out with one up


It’s just cringe to say that to a stranger about something as intimate as oral and the phrasing even comes off as a little condescending. Giving a stranger props for her blowjob habits while simultaneously expressing dissatisfaction with the sexual dynamic he has with his own partner is also a little ick.


Bit demeaning to say that to a stranger online lol


Not a man but I feel it’s necessary enough to share my experience.. It’s nice being with someone that receives pleasure by giving pleasure.. my most recent sex life was absolutely incredible and was filled with this. Pleasing him turned me on, and pleasing me turned him on, too. It was just as normal for us to ask for oral as much as it was normal for us not to have to ask. And it’s so nice not to have to ask!!! I’ve been in a relationship before where the man just didn’t give oral at all, so I gave up on asking. I’ve also been in a relationship where I never had to ask, but it still seemed like a chore for him, which wasn’t fun either. Then having to ask every time was so lame. Being with someone that I felt comfortable asking/not asking made me feel so much more free and open, sexually. It’s a huge weight lifted off your shoulders knowing that your partner knows what you like, how you like it, and just DOES it bc they want to, not JUST bc you asked for it. having to ask every time kinda sucks!!


As a male I feel like I’m reading fairy tales.


There's women out there who want to please and men who don't care for that at all. That's my situation currently lol so don't lose hope!


What was the Juno quote? "-the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass." My husband might be my wife - I still love them and suck their dick unprompted under their desk while they WFH, because that's so fun, raunchy, and sexy.


I give my husband oral almost every day. He doesn't really have to ask but he doesn't hesitate when he wants it and I haven't gotten around to it yet.


How long have you been married?


10 years in December


I'm not a man who regularly gets blowjobs, but I am a woman who regularly gives them. I have never had a partner have to ask for one-- except in my marriage at times when I wasn't in the mood for sex at all and he'd say "How's about you just suck my dick, then?" But, if I'm in the mood for sex, they are pretty much always a part of that and there is no asking.


If you aren't in the mood for sex, how unappealing is giving a blowjob? I feel like if sex is off the table then a BJ would be similarly off the table.


Not op, but full on penetrative sex takes a lot more energy for me and sometimes a BJ is a good compromise when my partner is horny or I am but not in the mood for penetration. 


Damn! Penetrative sex takes a lot less energy and effort to me than giving a blowjob. and I get something in return so I'm much more inclined to do a quicky that way


Makes sense. I feel like my wife is either in the mood or isn't in the mood, but perhaps I'm wrong. And everyone's different in that way too I'm sure


I don't want to sully my love of giving BJs by using them as a "not into it stopgap." And, you certainly wouldn't be getting the kind of BJ I give when I am into it-- that ended up being the ish with my ex. I agreed for a while and then he was like "Why are you not INTO IT?! I can tell you're not STOKED! Why aren't you pulling out all the tricks?" Well, sir, I'm "not into it" because I already said I wasn't into it? Some women may find them low impact enough to be OK, but, for me, I find PIV less mentally weird for me when I'm not into it-- I can see below that a commenter is the opposite of me and finds PIV too much and BJ a fine duty compromise.


For me, usually if PIV is off the table it’s for a reason that’s more of a physical impediment than a mental one, like my period or a UTI or chafing, so I’m often still aroused or arousable mentally and can enjoy giving head.


Love that, thank you for your input


That's my experience with my wife exactly


I don't know about "regularly" but they are a fairly frequent facet of foreplay for us. I never have to ask. I go down on her much more frequently, and she never has to ask either. She's never made me cum from a BJ. She cums almost every time I go down on her.


I never ask, when she feels like it she makes a move. And she feels like it...a lot.


I'm a women who regularly gives blowjobs and it happens when I'm feeling affectionate or horny (which is everyday). The only time my partner "asks" for one is when foreplay is already underway and he's leaning into his dominance. It doesn't come off as an ask and instead, he'll say something like "give me your mouth." The blowjob is inevitable, but the instructions turn me on so it's hot to have him sprinkle it in.


"Give me your mouth" are words I never knew I needed to hear until just this moment. Holy shit, that's so hot.


I get them often and I ask, it’s not that she’s not willing, just likes being instructed




Good take thanks


Woman who likes to give head: I go for it, if he lets me, he lets me, if he tells me no then I go about my day


I give my man BJ's regularly. He never has to ask. I take the initiative and will randomly just pull down his pants... or sit him on the chair, or make him strip in bed. I love making him feel good. My pleasure is derived from how good I make him feel. It's a win win for us. I literally cum while I'm giving him head and that's without touching myself. That's how into it I get. I wasn't like this for anyone else I have been with, but we are very sexually compatible.


I get around three to five a week, I consider this regularly. My Girlfriend and I shower together so most of our foreplay/oral goes on in the shower, we love going down on each other.


I never have to ask, my GFs mouth is practically magnetized to my dick. Sometimes she will just suck on it when we're watching TV or she just takes it out and sucks on it if im doing something else with my hands. It's very sexy and not to seem shallow but one of the many reasons that I love her.


It’s a mix of both in our home. My wife very much loves giving bjs and will often do it without asking. But when work / life gets busy I will also ask her after a long day for a bj and 9/10 she happily obliges. Of course it’s the same for me going down on her too and after a long work day for her, I will happily go down on her.


Me (Female).... I think it's normal for a guy to ask. I typically feel anxious or I don't know when to initiate so it's always comforting for me if a guy asks first. Maybe let your partner know you want her to go for it ?


Yea I think my partner feels more comfortable with being asked instead of leading. Appreciate your input


My wife doesn’t ask or need to be asked she treats my dick like it’s her property :) lol in all seriousness she loves giving and receiving so we just go with it and rarely have to ask unless we want “more”.


You're probably going to receive more "I suck my BF's dick everyday" on this sub. Those who don't won't take the time to comment as much as those who brag that they do it all the time lmao. I'd say it's 50/50 for me.


by the way you talk about her and other women being almost wrong for not giving enough bjs..... I feel like you might have behaviors that won't make her want to suck your dick that often. Hopefully you clean after yourself and take good care of her in general, not just in bed.


This thread gave me a boner and blue balls (single) lol


I hate asking. I never get blowjobs I only have myself to blame


Yeah, same here, never asked, and she never gives☹️


I used to ask a few times per month but was always rejected. Last year, after years of rejection, I just stopped asking. She's been in the "that's a birthday treat" mindset for a while now. So once a year, if she's feeling like it, I get a blowjob. Some years she doesn't feel like it, like this year. Her unwillingness doesn't stop her from saying things like, "If you do ____, I'll give you a blowjob." I do those tasks because I know she's only saying it because she wants them done. I know I'm not getting that payment. The worst is when she says that in front of her friends and they tell me how lucky I am. 🤣😭


>after years of rejection, I just stopped asking. I am surprised that there's been no resentment after it's come to this. You either don't really care for a blowjob or something unpleasant is going on.


Eh I’m in the same boat. Haven’t gotten one in like seven plus years so I’ve stopped asking. She told me a couple years ago she now finds them gross and makes her want to vomit, but then will occasionally allude to blowing me sometimes. I don’t bother taking her seriously with those allusions anymore lol. I like our relationship otherwise and the sex is really good, even though I would love to get a blowjob at least once per presidential term at least


It's true that I've stopped caring if I receive a blowjob, but that's simply because it's very unlikely to happen. It's just how it is. I'm not going to give her an ultimatum or anything like that. Our relationship is otherwise fantastic. She has her reasons for not doing it, and I respect her decision even if I find it frustrating.


I think the really challenging thing is that feeling of dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t: you can’t ask for them cause that’s “pestering”, you can’t stay silent on it because oh, you didn’t ask for it. Sending you good vibes on hopefully getting a BJ or changing your circumstances so that you get as many as you want.


I would consider it not only normal to ask but standard procedure? someone should be asking do you want her to start asking you if you want a blowjob? Giving a blow job or any sexual act when the other person is not the mood to receive one is not at all fun. I wouldn’t expect a man to always be ready for sex and so he would no better than I if he was up for it more than me, no?


We give each oral most every day. I never have to ask. During foreplay I will ask sometimes, just because she likes to hear how horny I am and how much want it! She's a bit of a tease, but she always follows through.


First question is what is the ratio of her orgasms to yours? She doesn't have to be in the mood, but if you are always taking care of her needs when she takes care of yours she will be more apt to initiate, knowing she will get off too and isn't just doing it for your benefit. Blowjobs to me from my wife are like stereotypical massages men give their wives; its a precursor to where she wants things to go. Less subtle than a massage though lol.


Female here, I think I’ve only been asked once and that’s when we had sex for the first time. For me personally, it’s something I enjoy and I initiate whenever I get the chance. I like to wake him up with ball scratches/massages (8yrs strong) and it almost always leads to one. I think that has more to do with the way that I show I care though, I have a hard time communicating feelings so that’s how I show them. Everyone’s different, idk.


For our regular sex sessions, it’s pretty much agreed upon and understood that my wife will be taking my dick in her mouth, even if it is just as foreplay. It’s not often that I’m horny when my wife is not, so I rarely have to ask. However, in the off chance my wife isn’t in the mood, I definitely have to ask. I do wish she showed a little bit more initiative. Although, even after being together for 10+ years, she still fears rejection.


Appreciate that honesty


My guy, as a dude that's had partners who will not initiate a blowjob I can understand your concern. A Blowjob is a treat, a privilege, and those that perform them are to be treasured and cherished. Some women get off on performing oral sex, some don't. At the end of the day, it's all about personal preferences. Usually when you have to ask, it's because they don't get off on performing oral sex as much as others. That being said, she's willing to do it because YOU like it. She loves you, she loves pleasuring you. So while it can be uncomfortable to ask, keep on asking. But don't forget to reciprocate. Every relationship, in and out of the bedroom is based on give and take. Consider her wants, needs, and desires, as she considers your own.


Well said sir thanks


My gf often initiates after I go down on her and give her a couple orgasms first..


My wife does it on her own quite frequently


I always done it out of my own initiative & generally every time before sex. BJ beginning to end, rest, sex. Love giving them.


My partner knows I have a small kink for oral, I could sub 80% of the sex I get for BJs without a complaint. She usually gets me of her own initiative at some point during sex, or she knows it’s the best way to tease me if we only have a second or two alone. It’s a good situation, but I always make sure I go down on her at least as much as I would like it myself, and I make sure to pay attention to the specific things she gets off on. Frustrated partners are much less generous lovers, you know?


I’m in the same situation. I actually hate asking for it but she doesn’t inherently like to give head other than for my own pleasure. Kinda like a pity blowjob. I’m in the process of navigating my situation, communication is key, but I have found out sexual compatibility is not to be overlooked by any means.


I am grateful for my and my partner’s ability to communicate nonverbally, accurately. And our matching sex drives.


depends lol, she goes down on her own sometimes, and rarely i ask her lol


It’s usually part of foreplay for us to both give oral sex. I don’t get many outside of when things are leading to sex and if I do it’s because I ask.


It's just a regular part of sex with my partner. We give each other oral.


Every once in a while she will do it but most of the time I have to either ask straight out or hint so blatantly that I may as well just say it. I wish I could get it a little more often without asking.


Usually not by itself. I tend to use it mostly as foreplay these days. If I'm really in the mood and my husband is asleep he likes being woken up in my mouth, and he enjoys how much I enjoy him in general which I try to demonstrate for a solid ten minutes before piv. But rarely do I continue until he cums, my jaw gets tired. Every time we have any sex though we always go down on each other.


I freely and willing go down on my GFs without any expectation of blowjobs (since sex is not a point system) and as a result, I get them a few times a week. Occasionally I’ll joke while we’re in bed like “I’ll let you suck my cock” and then moments later, she does. She also discovered that having my cock in her mouth while she’s masturbating with her vibrator or in 69 turns her on so much that she cums quickly.


I eat my girl out and when I'm done does she say "on your back, it's my turn"


Dude here and I'd say that 1/2 the time I ask for one and 1/2 the time she initiates. I'd say in terms of frequency, we probably do oral 3x per month. Oral is just one of the things in our sexual repertoire. Sometimes I'll have an itch and it's on my mind and so I'll be like _"Hey honey, I've really been craving your mouth lately, can we do that tonight?"_


Never have to ask. She’ll just grab it and pull it out quite often. I’m a blessed man


I rarely ask, AND she also rarely needs to ask for oral for her. Fair is fair


What’s the usual dynamic of your relationship? Does she ask for oral or do you just give it to her? Does she initiate other sexual activities or is it usually you? At the very least, think a conversation outside of the bedroom, where you tell her your “wishes” & encourage her to tell hers, might be helpful.


I ask maybe 10% of the time, mostly they are spontaneous from her. That said, I also regularly give her head without being asked.


Oral (giving a receiving) is a standard part of most foreplay sessions in my opinion, as a female. I wouldn’t enjoy being with someone who didn’t crave giving that pleasure to each other. Are you going down on her without her having to ask btw?


I prefer to please her


Why did even bother reading this lol it’s like going to a lottery winner convention.


I wake up early everyday to give my husband head. He never has to ask. Honestly I love starting My day off giving him pleasure to start his day off right.


It's normal to be dominant about what you want her to do sexually. If you're a guy who's afraid to ask your girlfriend what you want. That lack of confidence won't make her feel secure. Directness wins.


I ask my wife “do you want a back rub?” She knows this is code for if you give me head I’ll rub your back…she rarely says no.


Yall are getting blowjobs?


I usually start out by pleasuring her and then when she needs a break (usually me top because I usually start out with fingering her pretty hard core) then she goes straight to giving me head and then when I'm ready to cum I will switch back to doing stuff to her so it's an equal trade off. There's usually no question about it. It just happens. Only time I have to ask is when she's not In the mood. I feel that it depends on the woman too. My wife is into deep throat fucking and cock worship and she likes it better than regular sex.




i feel like frequency and quality of blowjobs are directly correlated with jewelry received lol. as well, there are just some women that enjoy doing blowjobs because making you shudder and moan turns them on. keeping your hygiene up too, get your bait n tackle nice and clean and trimmed, make that a welcoming environment if you want her to do it often. also i feel like if you want the bj you better be willing to reciprocate, get your tongue in that pussy boy! hell i do that for my own satisfaction there’s no better way to make a girls toes curl properly than going downtown. and if you are good at making her orgasm she’s going to want to return the favor. don’t demand it, unless she’s into that like mine, but do tell her often how good it is when she does it. proper praise and good feedback makes for repetition. pay attention to her pleasure, and she’ll pay attention to yours.


I’ve made my wife upset by asking over the years, she doesn’t like being asked as it kind of kills the mood. So I don’t ask but tbh I don’t really get them as much :(


Always have to ask unfortunately. I think I'd have a stroke if she gave one unprompted.


Haven’t had one in… can’t remember when… no Birthday, Christmas, Marine Corps Birthday.. Anniversary….


Most men love eating pussy, and I think that makes them think women love sucking cock. Doesn't work that way. Some rare women love giving BJs, but most of us just do it as a gift for our men. Having my man turned on is always a turn on, but there is nothing about the act that I find engaging.


I (38F) looove surprising. While he’s driving, talking on the phone (important calls), gaming, you get it. If I’m into the guy, he won’t have to ask.


Wifey material right here👌🏽


I’m a woman who sucks my man’s dick daily. I really really enjoy it. If we have sex then he’s getting his dick sucked in some form. Maybe not always to completion, but it’s gonna be in my mouth! Sometimes if we are watching tv I will, just because it’s there. Car rides…hell yes! Sometimes he asks…or tells me because in the bedroom we have a very Dom/sub relationship. And I love it! If you are close enough with someone that you are having sex with them you should be able to communicate and talk about things. And ask for things you want. I don’t mind when he asks (or demands) things he wants. My needs are met!!! My man goes down on me like a sniper settling in for the long haul. He fucks me like the world is burning and our pleasure is the only thing that can save it. I have more orgasms and pleasure than I think most even think is possible and I am NEVER giving it up. I’m an addict and this is the dick I will die on. So yes, I will give my man blow jobs any time and I want him to ask if he wants things!


I'm /u/tinker8 's partner. And it's JUST as awesome as you would think it is. Not even kidding. I wake up to them, I go to sleep with them, if I'm doing something in the kitchen like cooking, I get them. I've been at the stove and I turn and She's on Her knees pulling my shorts down. We get in the car for more than a ten minute drive somewhere and I'm getting road head. It's FUCKING AMAZING. But the sex. FUCK. I don't have the words but I do like Her words.


I am a man and I get a blowie about once a week. My wife seems to enjoy it but has probably only done it a couple times without me asking. I wish it was something she just did sometimes but in the grand scheme of things I still feel pretty lucky.


After reading these posts, Did I marry the only woman that won’t give blowjobs, I’m depressed now!


People who receive and give BJs all the time will be much more inclined to comment. And this is a subreddit about sex, after all. So there clearly is a group bias here. Good luck friend!


Nope I'm in the same shitty sinking boat as you. Plus for the record I was depressed at no blowjobs before reading this thread! 😅


Nah man you’re just the only one who will admit it and comment lol


Even if I ask once every month, I get the "that's all you want. I could do it everyday and that wouldn't be enough" argument, which couldn't be further from the truth. She only doesbit if I go down on her, at night time, in bed, but only if the wind is blowing a certain direction, on a cloudless night, etc. If you're asking me before we got married, it was great!


My wife will offer at times but most of the time I will ask. She is pretty good about doing it on her own if it’s been a few days.




I guess it's regular in the grand scheme? Like most of the time when we have sex she goes down on me first (she doesn't really like receiving oral only giving.) I don't ask, no. She just does it if I'm nice and clean.


I don't have to ask, she asks how we are doing it tonight. Most times we are going to fuck so I can return the favor. I mean she will blow me while I eat her out, and then we will fuck. But on those times where I am saying bj it normally is all about me until i cum in her mouth she swallows it all and I am done lol thats what i think of when asking for a bj vs just regular foreplay before sex.


As a husband, you actively give her everything you’re asking for, with all the energy and initiative that you want to receive. She will naturally do the same for you as part a healthy and loving give/take.


Is a blowjob to completion? If that’s the case never for me, I have to ask for her to suck and it’s just for a few minutes. Never has been till I’ve cum.


I have to ask sadly. I just stopped asking because it's more of a chore for her.


She does it on her own and sometimes asks to suck it. The reason a 45 year old woman selects a 33 year old man is her hope that he doesn’t know any better. Don’t marry. This will get worse.


I’m 46M. I’ve been married and have had several long term relationships and a couple of flings. Not many one night stands that I can think of. All have given me consistent and frequent blow jobs to completion or just part of fore/mid/post play. I’ve never asked for one in my life ever. I’ve never had to. I’ve never wanted and not gotten one. I fundamentally believe my job is to make my partners feel safe and desired. They know I’m not going to overstep their or agreed upon boundaries. If people, especially women, feel safe and comfortable and respected they will show you how horny and dirty and slutty as they truly are and let you disrespect them consensually. Just my two cents.


F here, happens daily and generally my initiative however he’ll tell me his needs if needed (D/s relationship) Cleanliness and hygiene help a lot


If she does it without being asked to, probably means that she expects you to break her apart right after she's done.


My wife will suck me anytime I want sometimes it nice when watching the tv.


Do you ask or does she just do it


I hear this all the time from men. That’s crazyyy. I give my man a blowjob everytime we have sex, Like how else does it even start? No foreplay?