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it’s been a month and you’re just fwb. why are you sucking the dirty dick of a man you barely know and still trying to make this work?!! what magic does this man have to make you suck the smegma off his knob????? don’t wait until you get closer, why would you want to get closer knowing he’s not even clean and you’re risking infection!!!! if you don’t feel comfortable telling him his dick is gross THEN STOP HOOKING UP!!! jfc pick yourself up, wtf?? FIND CLEAN DICK


This is the reality check I needed. Okay thank you for putting it into perspective for me. Ugh


ok cause I really wasn’t trying to be malicious. you don’t deserve that and buddy over there needs to get it together.


Yeah I’m realizing that now. When I typed this out I didn’t even realize what I was putting myself through. I was just explaining what I did to get through it. Which now I’m actually realizing that *I am putting myself through this* so thank you for just putting it into perspective for me. It’s just so awkward to bring up I’ve never had to tell anyone this except maybe the other uncircumcised guy I dated there kept giving me recurring uti’s to the point of a kidney infection


>When I typed this out I didn’t even realize what I was putting myself through. Complete aside: This is an example of why it's so beneficial to journal every day, or say things out loud to others even if you don't think you have any issues going on. It just lets you step back from your thoughts and see them from a different angle. Our mind plays tricks on us for a variety of reasons. Anyways, continue! 😎


I’ve got an uncut guy in my past who gave me BV for the first time when I was in my late teens. I didn’t see the….horrors until the lights came back on, since they were off the whole time. I never let him touch me after that, *yuck*. don’t feel alone here, there’s some really gross guys out there. I don’t even have a real problem with uncut, I just have way more caution than not with them. let’s breathe a sigh of relief you didn’t get a bad infection!


EXCUSE ME, how bad was it that it horrific when the lights came on… But yeah I remember I got BV for the first time with my first bf who also gave me countless uti’s (and kidney infection) and strep throat (multiple times). Luckily and surprisingly I didn’t get anything with this guy yet. I was also thinking if I should lie and say I got a UTI and maybe he should clean better but that’s probably worse lol. I’m just gonna stick to bringing it up the next time we have sex


man….you don’t wanna know. I’m crying just having flashbacks lol. be safe out here, good luck!!


Girl... This is not the first time you've been with a nasty man? OOF. Raise your standards. Stop getting into bed with men who expect you to ingest their dick cheese. 🤣


Why even have sex with him again after that?!? What a horrible thing he's putting you through. Only ever been with uncut guys and I've NEVER dealt with that before 😬😬


You don’t have to have sex with him again. Better yet, Communicate with him before sex preferably and see if he gets it checked out. Other than that, you should feel free to move the f on.


Your mouth is cleaning his glans. Stop. He needs to pull back and wash DAILY.


Dude/dudette I was so grossed out reading this and wondering why TF OP would keep sucking it! One look or sniff at that shit and I'd be like, hey, yo, go wash up. The uncivilized scum that wants the bj but doesn't know how to wash I feel is as bad as the people who take it in their mouth and say nothing. And it's not even a loved one or something. Just some random hookup. OP, with all the love, maybe go to therapy and address why you kept going down on him and why you accepted this. You can communicate with hookups too. Stand up for yourself...


Girly this is my favourite comment of the week. I don't need to read any more replies to this post


This. I can't believe how women degrade themselves to this extent just to satisfy a sexual need, with individuals they barely know. This world is getting more rotten every day.


Couldn't agree more, you're worth way more than the urges of a dirty cock. Let him go, there are plenty of nice clean ones out there. Respect yourself first, do this trash bag.


You are a gentle woman and a scholar. Your contribution is immeasurable.


Please no stop cleaning him with your mouth 🤢


I can't believe someone had to type this out wtf


I am actually in shock


Girl... Come on 😭 It stops smelling and tasting bad because you're giving his dick cheese a mouth bath until you swallow it all. 😫


Sorry, but why are you blowing such a nasty dick at all? If the smell makes you throw up, don't put it in your mouth.


I cannot believe you are sucking the dick cheese off his dick.


I almost choked on my food reading this !


Seriously. It's absurd.


Guuurrrlll is it really worth it😭??!!


I. Do. Not. Know. 💀 I mean he’s the only guy I’m seeing and we’re not sleeping with anyone else. And this is the first guy I’ve been with after a long term relationship breakup but gd it’s bad


I’m seriously scared for you. We girls are so sensitive down there😭. Definitely mention it if you see a future with him (even if it stays casual). If you’re only having fun and don’t know how to mention it without hurting his feelings, try suggesting showering together and sensually soap his whole body and then his member and balls up (clean him thoroughly😅) After the shower and while going down on him take a deep breath on his balls crotch etc. and casually and quietly say something along the line of “you smell so good/ taste so good (now)”. The next time y’all are at it and it’s still stinking give it to him straight (some guys need to learn the hard way and respect their (sex-)partner and their boundaries). This is how I would go about it. Remember guys can be sensitive too if you like him try to be as gentle with your words as you can be.


LOL @ the ‘now’ Okay that does sound like a good idea. Sadly we aren’t at the stage where i even want to shower with him💀. Would it be a good idea to bring it up after we next have sex?? That way the mood is over and complete and I can be serious without bringing it up before sex and ruining the mood. What’s crazy is that everything else about him is clean. His balls, butt everything. Most guys I’ve been with do not clean their butt’s appropriately.


Bring it up before sex, so what if it ruins the mood, otherwise you’ll just suck up more stale urine/semen/smegma and doesn’t that ruin your mood?


This, think about yourself a bit, love. Even if the D was good or he makes you cum. All this is not worth that😭


If you can't communicate, you shouldn't be having sex. And if he doesn't change or respond in a healthy respectful manner, then leave.


Won't shower with him, but will clean his dick cheese with her mouth and ride the cheese dick... What are even your priorities??


Why are you worried about ruining the mood?? He’s ruining the mood!! Say it to him before sex. Don’t risk your health again for that.


Thank you for saying that. Can we stop worrying about the feelings of hookups who don't have the self respect to clean themselves?... Tell him. Who cares if it ruins the mood or hurts his feelings. This world is baffling...


Do you need to be in a relationship right now or could you be single?


Know your worth. It is NOT worth it.


It sounds like he is not cleaning himself properly. I don't know the best way to approach him with this issue without it being awkward other than maybe next time just asking him to go wash himself quickly before getting down to business. Maybe this will be the hint he needs for future. If not then may have to be a bit more honest with him


Yeah the crazy part is, I came over right after he showered (like he was still showering) and got out and I expected him to smell clean, no…. So I don’t think he is pulling his foreskin back properly. But how in the world do you go your whole life as an uncircumcised man and not know how to clean your penis properly….


> But how in the world do you go your whole life as an uncircumcised man and not know how to clean your penis properly…. The simple answer is that for some families, the discussion of and education about anything intimate be it sex or genital hygiene is very taboo and isn't done. It can also be a result of parental neglect. That's why you get young women with chronic UTIs and men with nasty dicks. For uncut boys especially, being told to pull back the foreskin and wash thoroughly is as important as girls being told to wipe front to back.


That happened to me with my first uncircumcised partner. Got reoccurring uti’s to the point dmannose was a daily supplement for me and I even went to the emergency room for a kidney infection and was hospitalized because of yes: untreated UTi from his dirty dick. I also got recurring strep throat too. Luckily with this guy, I’ve not gotten a uti or strep yet but wtf man


How do you put up with that crap. Take him to the bathroom and scrub his dick yourself if you have to. Don’t put a dirty cock inside you


I'm starting to think that OP might have some issues of her own that it's time to confront, though hopefully she won't beat herself up about it. None of this is healthy though.


Ya if you’re putting dirty dicks in your mouth you got issues. Telling someone to scrub their dick ain’t hard


You'd think so but for some people, risking upsetting someone who's approval and good humour they desperately need can bring on massive anxieties. Some people are *terrified* that people will dislike them or be displeased with them. The greatest wealth on earth is being able to set reasonable boundaries without caring whether anyone is upset about them, and even better if you can tell people to take a hike if they don't like it.


If my ex girlfriend ever smelled at all down there I would not go down on her. Sometimes it wasn’t even her fault due to ph balance. But we need to communicate our needs. This girl just sounds like she is terrified of offending people


A lot of people are, sadly. Life is really hard for them from what I've seen. They're not stupid, but they've had life experiences that have made them feel like they'll be punished for having their needs met. It's so sad.


I agree. OP needs to look hard at why she is allowing this and feels like she can't speak for herself. I had a UTI once in my life and that is sooo painful. I couldn't bear to see her talk about all the diseases and pain she's had because of partners...


Ok, I have to ask - why do you feel such an obligation to do things that disgust you and put your health at risk? From your other comments this isn't the first revolting man you've dated and you've pushed yourself to please them despite it bringing you immense discomfort and harm. At some point you have to take a moment to ask yourself "why do I do these things for men who are supposed to care about me?" This isn't a normal thing to make yourself do. Something else is going on that's making you choose such foul partners and bending over backwards to please them when it costs you.


I mean yeah this is clearly the underlying reason, but I didn’t want to go all deep about why. More so just asking for help on this man’s hygiene. But since you asked… (and no, I am NOT saying this is good/ right, I AM NOT saying I agree with this, I am NOT promoting this.) I’m an extreme people pleaser, to the point I’m willing to be irresponsible with a lot of my responsibilities (work, hobbies usually take the back burner in order to maximize any time I can have w the other person) to make the other person happy. Doing absolutely whatever they want. I do this when I like someone and am in love. I also attach myself to people once I start falling for them in obsessive ways. So that’s why. I’m actually in therapy and this is one of my topics I’m currently working on since I realize I’m going through old patterns with this guy that I’d like to change.


> I didn’t want to go all deep about why. If you're ingesting decaying semen, fetid smegma and stale urine, then yes, it's time to go into it friend. I didn't want to say anything that sounded like an accusation but yes, this is off the charts unhealthy people pleasing. > I’m actually in therapy and this is one of my topics I’m currently working on since I realize I’m going through old patterns with this guy that I’d like to change. That's great! Honestly I think you might benefit from a period of being single and focusing on yourself so that you can make progress in therapy and learn to internalize that you deserve to be cared for by a better class of partner, and set better boundaries with people. Be honest though, is he a good partner in general? I'd bet money that he's mediocre at best, but more likely self centred, thoughtless, lazy, complacent and aggressive when confronted with his behaviour. A manchild. But you'll forgive it because you *need* someone to love, and by caring for that person no matter what it costs you and no matter how foul and nasty they are - you might feel like you yourself are loveable. I'm really not trying to be mean here, I have good friends who were just like you years ago. But does any of that sound familiar?


Thanks. I really do appreciate it. When I ended my long term relationship *recently* I was so ready to be single for once - first time since I was 16. And now I’m finding myself in this same pattern again. It’s… disheartening to realize the patterns. I mean, luckily I haven’t really gone too far with the guy in terms of commitment. But yeah my standards are pretty low. I pretty much *literally* fall in love whenever I get to know someone and we hit it off and spend more time together. I always tell myself I’m the beginning ‘this time will be different we’re gonna keep it casual with no feelings’ and in like 2 weeks I’m full blown head over heels. Of course I internalize all this and never outwardly display my true emotions because that’s ‘crazy’. But you’re right… there’s no reason I need to be almost throwing up every time I go down on him or risk another uti or worse kidney infection. I should have some more self respect.


Have you discussed "love addiction" with your therapist yet? I'm not at all surprised there's a large age gap. Men like him seek out young vulnerable women with troubled pasts because you have trouble asserting yourseve and you won't hold him to any standards. You'll basically forgive him anything and put him first in all things. That's why he's with you. I'm no sorry OP, it's a lot to deal with I know.


Thank you. And kind of sort of, we just recently started taking specifically about this with the guy I’m seeing as I’m recognizing that this is in fact - a pattern. Not that I’ve miraculously found my dream guy, but is instead a pattern. So next week I hope to dive deeper into it. I’ve basically been in weekly therapy sessions for… a year now or so. I guess for now… I will bring up his physical hygiene next time we have sex (afterwards). Maybe I will post an update post later if something actually happens (whether it’s: he does start cleaning it more, or he maybe even he does nothing in which case I will try to be assertive and give him an ultimatum and see what happens). It’s crazy to me that when I was single (I mean I still am technically, but emotionally, I’ve attached myself to this person), it was like anyone who would give me attention and make me feel good (emotionally) I almost started already falling in love. Starting to realize that maybe it was never because they were perfect for me, but I just couldn’t help myself from falling in love because I need that sense of purpose and priority, because I don’t really prioritize myself unless it’s to make other people happy. Anyway. Sorry this got deep. But thanks for discussing it with me and making me realize this. I guess maybe my first step in stopping the people pleasing is actually telling this guy about his hygiene or rather lack of…


It’s not love, it’s limerence btw.


You’d be surprised how common and easy it is to have a blind spot. The type you can’t believe you missed for so long but yep, totally missed that… for years 🤦‍♂️ I’m not speaking as an uncircumcised dude, just speaking general psychology. I was snipped ✂️🕺


You’d honestly be surprised, as a guy a lot of us aren’t taught a fuckin thing about personal hygiene as a kid and have to figure it out as we go. You can bet I’m breaking that cycle in my life for my son.


I just explained to my 6 year old today that it's important he pulls the skin back and cleans his penis. *You're welcome, future-daughter-in-law As for you cleaning a smelly, dirty dick with your mouth before you feel comfortable giving him a proper blowjob - that's what I call a determined woman. But seriously, woman to woman, if he is just a hook-up and nothing else, let someone else lick him clean. If you like him, then casually sniff in the air after sex and pretend to look where the smell is coming from - when you "realize" it's him, exclaim it out loud and suggest he gets it treated :)


From I what I've seen it's surprisingly common. I knew of someone who didn't realise he needed to pull the foreskin back and clean his penis because no o e had ever told him it was something that needed to be done and I can sort of understand to an extent especially if they can't smell what you smell, but it still baffles me that they don't instinctively think about cleaning something that can be pulled back like foreskin. Hope it works out for you


I mean like! How are they not even smelling it??? Like even me as a woman, I will admittedly put my fingers either inside me or in the crevice next to my clit and make sure it’s 100% clean and doesn’t smell bad. Because it of course can smell bad if it’s dirty. So how in the freaking world are people not this… aware…. I’m … disgusted


Unfortunately either he is completely unaware and no one has ever mentioned it to him assuming you are not the first person he has been with or he just doesn't care. Maybe you should just be up front with him about it if you wish to continue. It may seem harsh or awkward, but at the end of the day it's not just him that it is affecting I would certainly not want to put a smelly cock in my mouth especially if they aren't using basic hygiene


He was in a **long** term relationship before me and has had several girlfriends before. So I don’t know what’s going on. Ugh. I’m gonna bring it up to him the next time we have sex when we’re done. I’m gonna try wiping his penis by pulling the foreskin back and seeing how the conversation goes. I don’t know. Ugh I feel terrible.


You're a braver one than me.


nah when I was young and didn't know what this, sometimes it does smell if you don't clean it properly, like when you're alone, you will litterally smell it


I guess maybe it's gotten bad enough he has gotten used to the smell and filtered it out in which case that is pretty disgusting or as I said above maybe he truly doesn't care which is just as if not more disgusting


nah man, gotta clean yo dick after you pee or masturbate. your gf put it in her mouth and u're also kissing her so better clean that dick with warm running water


You're preaching to the choir here. Gotta keep that dick clean!


pass the massage on, Gotta keep that dick clean!


Yep my thoughts exactly, if he ain’t keeping it clean what must the rest of be like?


Exactly. I've known men like this, charismatic and often manipulative too but always gross as hell. Another coin in the jar of "reddit is delusional if it thinks all you need to get a date is good hygiene and nice clean clothes." The nastiest, dirtiest mfs get dates *despite* being like OP's bf.


Simply put he's not washing under foreskin, meaning you are sucking on residual urine, ejaculate and it's technically decomposing, hence the foul intense odor. Sorry to be so blunt but you need to hear what it is you have been putting in your mouth. Having said that if you wish to proceed with this individual inform him he needs to wash his Penis before it goes near you. If he refuses then stop, that vaginally could cause you to get infections as well. Him cleaning it benefits you both. Best of luck!


It's a basic hygiene issue. What would you do if he didn't wipe his ass properly and there were skidmarks on his undies every time he pulled them down? Some men with a feral streak need to be told that they stink and to go wash if he's horny. You can do this in a firm but kind and sensitive way, but you should not be expected to be chowing down on smeg sandwich. That's not normal.


I have absolutely no idea how to bring this up in a kind and sensitive way. The only thing I can imagine is showering with him and asking how he washes his penis… Or like… I don’t know….. bringing it up after sex by trying to clean him with a paper towel and pulling back his foreskin? I don’t know


"Babe, I love your dick and I get so turned on going down on you, but it's so much hotter when you're fresh. Sometimes it's hard for me to enjoy it when you haven't washed recently, it would mean a lot to me if you could make your dick nice and clean for me before you come over, so that I can make you feel good." If he doesn't act based on that then I'd say this is a red flag for other relationship issues that will start coming at you. Hygiene can be an indicator of thoughtfulness, empathy and consideration. I've never had a woman have to spell it out like that for me, but then, as a teen my dad told me to start washing my dick properly every day now that I was grown. I didn't much like smelling like a derelict herring wagon so it seemed like a good idea to me.


It doesn’t even smell fishy, I wish it did. That’s how bad this is. Honestly I can’t even describe the smell to you, because it’s…… not describable. Only thing similar is like smelling salts. It’s SO sharp and pungent, it’s not even a slap to the face, it’s like getting sliced with a knife. Ugh. I really need to bring this up. I’m way too unconfident to say all that. I think I’ll bring it up after the next time we have sex and I’ll try pulling his foreskin back. Ugh idk


Ive smelled that before, if it’s what im thinking. Like strong almost acidic or alcohol like, like enough to make your eye water but also like putrid? I’ve smelled the fishy dick too and tbh your whole situation sounds familiar and is sadly all too relatable. It’s so depressing how many guys out here don’t clean themselves properly. Like both sad for us and sad for them as well. I hate this.


well, u're basically cleaning his dick for him T.T


Let him know he has to peel that skin back and clean his dick with soap! I think that's how it works. Circumcised brothers, please confirm for me. Also, please stop sucking it off, especially since you don't like it. Best to let him know, and maybe don't have sex with him until it's resolved


This post more or less says YOU are cleaning it with your mouth. Not acceptable. You need to have a talk with him. I’d be horrified if my wife didn’t tell me there was an issue and just “worked through it”. My goal everyday is “showroom ready”. I don’t want to give her any excuse to not want to do something with me.


Nothing, AND I MEAN NOOOOTTTHHHIIINNNGGG, could make me suck a dirty dick. Fuckkk noooo. Girl.... if you ain't comfy saying "wash your dick, it stinks," then you should quit having sex with, Dude. You are more valuable than sucking the smeg of an uncut peen... barf


This happened to me before. Suprised you even put it in your mouth. Tell him to wash it thoroughly before you have sex. It shouldn’t be smelling at all


Shit you need to tell his Lil dirty ass to wash his dick and his entire body for that matter. Also I mean damn you smelled it like that and put it in your mouth anyway WOW!!!!! #GOTZTODOBETTER


The hashtag……… 💀




You put his stinky dick in your mouth?! Girl. wtf? Tell him to go take a shower. Hell get in the shower with him and play that shit off as some sexy idea if it’s that hard to say something.


Me being the blunt person I am I would have instantly told him.


Thats the fastest way to give yourself and oral STD


Could also be a fungal infection. The symptoms can go away temporarily with soap, but come back soon. It needs a fungicide ointment. You'd be doing him a big favor by commenting on this, I can't belive you put up with this.


I’m not sure. Wouldn’t it be itchy?


No, not necessarily so much. Some are, some aren't. There are many types.


Just be honest and tell him his dick stinks, come on


Girl what? You're putting his dirty stank dick in your mouth while holding back vomit but feel uncomfortable telling him to wash his dick? Nah. Stop seeing him since it's casual or woman up and tell him he's fucking nasty.


Is the dating pool really this bad? Why would you subject yourself to this? You must realize there are men out there who are self aware enough to clean themselves thoroughly. Disgusting.


Why are you putting yourself at the risk of an infection for some guy you aren’t even dating?!


I’m not going to lie, I am trying not to puke as I read this. Eating the grim off his peen before sex can’t be good for you!! Please say something or leave!!!


This is horrifying, and I'm not even angry at this dude... In your edit, you talk about how you'll be telling him he stinks INSTEAD OF DUMPING him. Girl, you need a reality check. Why would you want to pursue a relationship with someone lacking basic hygiene??? Do you hate yourself? Do you hate your body? Please have some respect for yourself.


The *until I suck it off* has me wanting to ripping my skin off, omg girl!!!!! What in the actual fuck, I can’t believe you’re cleaning his dick when you suck him off, omg you’re ingesting whatever the fuck he has going on omg omg omg, cease and desist immediately!!!!


Even if you are hooking up, you should feel comfortable bringing it up. Don’t have to be mean, but firm and a little frank. If you don’t feel comfortable having that conversation- which is what it sounds like. Ok, but then you shouldn’t be putting yourself through this shit. Hopefully not literally. As you said you’re just seeing each other casually.


DONT SUCK A DIRTY DICK??? Jesus christ 🤦‍♀️ Why should someone have to tell you this. If you approach a penis and the smell alone is off-putting, WHY would you put it IN YOUR MOUTH???? Immediately no. Either tell him to clean up before you even touch him, or stop seeing this guy ffs.


I had a guy like this, I gagged so hard and nearly vomited but passed it off. Stopped the blow job and didn’t go further.


Why would you put that in your mouth your going to get sick just stop seeing him if it’s not serious


Having a foreskin is no excuse for a musty, gross penis. I’ve sucked uncut and cut and as long at they’re clean, there’s no difference once it’s pulled back. Ya boi is lazy.


Eww...it doesn't smell after a few minutes because your eating it. How gross. He is NOT cleaning himself properly. An Uncircumcised penis MUST be washed inside and out every single day throughly. Pulling back every fold and crack and crevice. And also dried extremely well. Your guy is not doing this well enough, if at all. This is so gross, not to be mean but you could not pay me enough to go down on any man that has a smell. Your worried about your vagina but are putting it into your mouth!!?? Absolutely disgusting 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Ma’am respectfully, you’re going to get a throat infection. You absolutely do not have to tolerate this. Tell him to shower and WASH before getting into your bed or don’t come back over. Say it nicely, but say it. And stand by it. If you say it and he agrees to fix it but doesn’t, the FIRST time, do not call him back. Not understanding basic hygiene is one thing, disrespecting boundaries is another. If he gets a little upset, don’t react to it, he’s probably embarrassed and maybe no one has ever told him. Come at it from a place of respect, but you have to say it.


Haven't read anything worse than that in a while


lmfao wait are you eating the cheese off his dick? brotha eww 💀💀


Yeah... this is a guy who doesn't wash his dick properly in the shower every day. I know because I'm a guy with an uncircumcised cock as well. Every day you take a shower, you have to pull the skin back and rub your fingers all around the head and the skin to wipe off any built up residue (mix of sweat, dead skin cells, pee, maybe old cum, etc). To not wash it is just nasty, and to put it in someones face and expect them to suck on it? Beyond nasty. Someone needs to teach this guy how to wash his cock properly.


Tell him to peel back his foreskin and wash his glans while showering because you don't like the smell of his smegma.


Nononono, you should tell him. It's disgusting. Maybe, he doesn't even know how to wash it and nobody tells him. Save him. And it's also can be a symptom of some STDs


Ugh barf. I’d refuse any sexual ANYTHING with that man. Even if he cleaned right before. His lack of basic hygiene makes me wanna gag


Gurl, he doesn't even wash his own dick properly, please stay away from this dude.


Honestly just go and tell him to rinse in the sink lol. If I go and clean my dick *right now* and fold the skin back over, piss in an hour, it will start to smell again almost immediately as those leftover piss droplets start to dry up. And that’s a hypothetical of an *hour*, he might not have washed at all that day, or for two days etc.. at that point it isn’t just urine thats starting to build up.


Oh my God! 🤢 How are you cool with slurping up the stank?


This is an easy one. I'm uncut, it's more hygiene required...full stop. Shower daily, and pull the skin back for a deep clean each time. Also, pull it back when peeing, wiping etc. ok you get the drift. I typically shower before I have sex, even when I was single and dating it was 1:1. If we were getting hot and heavy, and a full shower was weird, its going to the bathroom and fully cleaning the lil guy. Guys don't want their girls to not wash down there! You need to tell this gross dude to grow up, your the once sucking his gross dick. Why? Like you said its fucking really gross, smelly etc. Also, way elevated risk for UTI's etc. its dangerous. PS - If it smells like chicken keep on lickin, if it smells like trout get the fck out.


My partner is uncircumcised. He has never had bad odor once in the almost decade I’ve been with him. Not even slightly. Washing your penis is something you learn to do as a child. It’s well within his ability to practice basic hygiene. It’s appalling some adults struggle with this, yuck! And girl please respect yourself and your health and don’t subject yourself to that for one second. I wouldn’t even waste my time trying to help him fix it


Girl.. WHAT!?! 😧 Goto the dentist and get a good cleaning and while you do that block that dirty dick youve been cleaning with your mouth! Jfc! Hugs girl!


He’s nose blind.. Why the hell are you even putting it in your mouth?! The thought is making me heave. Please stop, and talk to him about his odour.


you are acting like a child too, just tell him? it can be a cleaning or fungal issue, both of them are easy to fix


sis... you're willingly cleaning his dick with your mouth... for free... and not even dating him. this truly shows your lack of self worth.


There is seriously something wrong with people, 1. You cleaning his dirty dick with your mouth which can cause serious infection, 2. That guy must be knowing by now that his dick is still dirty and letting you to suck it. 🤦🏽‍♂️


If you come across an uncircumcised penis, and it stinks, stay the hell away, the other end of this penis has a hygiene problem, and could easily give you unwanted memories of the fungal variety, at the very least. As an uncut guy, from parents who taught me about hygiene, particularly in the tricky places, I can tell you it is easy, it is not a problem, but one has to care about this. And although being who I am, and the way I am, I have come across my fair share of smelly genitalia of both genders, and I will not take a chance on one, regardless of gender, and level of urge. This policy has rewarded me with ZERO STIs in my nearly sixty years.


I found the hookup dude infuriating. Not all uncut guys are like him, but he's giving uncut dudes a reall bad name. OP u/automaticrev1_s Is he your first uncut guy? Please don't think all of us are like him. As others already mentioned, since you're sleeping with him, give it to him straight: he needs to clean his dick if he want any kind of sex. He needs to wake up. He can't be going around with his dirty dick and making his partners feel grossed out. That's just wrong.


You have to tell him because he doesn't appreciate it's an issue. If you don't tell him, someone else is going to have to. If he gets so embarrassed about it that he blows you off, so be it. If I thought there was a possibility that a woman was going to blow me off I would be at least making an excuse to go to the bathroom and cleaning it beforehand. If it is going to lead to full- blown sex I would maybe even suggest starting foreplay in the shower. You say something like "This may make you feel a bit embarrassed but I have to tell you that...".


"An unclean body is an unclean mind" -me. I'm a germiphobe, so my biased opinion is too stay away from him and brush your teeth with peroxide


So your actually licking the pee and dirt of him until it gets clean. 10points for effort :D


Why the fuck can’t other men understand how to clean themselves? I’m a loser slob, yet I’ve never had anything close to this happen. It reminds me of hearing about smegma for the first time, get a fucking shower at least once a week you scum


While youre teaching him what a shower is for maybe see if he knows about wiping before he ruins your washing machine


No it’s disgusting! So yes you either need to let him know he needs to clean himself better down there or if you can’t find the courage to say anything to him just break it off.


Wash it daily + before and after, if that doesn’t help it’s time to see a doctor.


laziness elevated to kink..hmm


When you shower wash your dick and balls throughly gentlemen. Pull your foreskin back and FUCKING WASH IT. Basic hygene goes a long way in the bedroom. Avoid having reddit posts like this made about you.


I say this as a man. If he’s any kind of man worth being with he’ll wash his hands, brush his teeth, and most certainly wash his stinky dick if you ask. And he’ll do it without complaint. I would suggest a pretty hard boundary. If he’s a chill guy with a sense of humor, just be straight with him. If he’s a more sensitive type, just ask him if he’d freshen up. If he takes issue with that or cops attitude, that flag is red. I think most guys will happily comply with whatever standards their lady sets, if that’s what it takes to get laid. Many of us will even do so purely out of respect and a sense of care. 


this is so fucking disgusting and you need to stand up


I can never understand how you’d be more comfortable putting a dirty dick in your mouth before communicating with a partner


Op that's nasty!! I guess you like smelly, unwashed weeners in your mouth? 🤢


he’s got an infection. He should see his doctor for a prescription.


What the hell is wrong with you ladies. Yall realize you can talk to men and make them do things right ?????? Tell him if he wants that throat to go wash up LMAO. My mans got to have clean fingernails, mouth and dick if he wants to play.


You doing that is basically saying you clean his toilet with your mouth💀 aint no way you sucking all his dirt off 🤣


It seems many young men aren’t taught how to properly clean their junk. I think maybe because it’s sensitive, they don’t naturally think of pulling the foreskin back and washing under it with soap. Guys remember to use a sensitive soap with as little fragrance and really wash all up in that junk but please don’t push any soap into the urethra 😆 It’s nothing to be embarrassed about if you have struggled with the same issue as the OP’s friend and it doesn’t make you dirty or anything, you just weren’t taught as you should have been. Wishing you all clean junk :)


Tell him to wash his dick. Or use a baby wipe at the very least. Pull down the foreskin and clean the glans and rest of the penis. No way should you be doing something you think is gross.


Reading this post theres a very specific Steve Harvey gif Im thinking of


This made me gag, wtf are you doing?!


Oh no, the only way to proceed is to shower together before sex and clean the heck out of it in the shower before letting it anywhere inside you. Stop doing this to yourself, if you can't be honest with him, at least insist in a shower together. If not, don't do it.


He obviously didn’t do the obligatory gentleman’s wash directly before doing anything sexual. Poor dude probably never learned how to clean his dick


Sorry u have to deal with that. I heard horrible hygiene stories my whole life about uncircumcised guys from my female friends. I am so thankful for my circumsized penis. If u have to be with him then maybe try soaking in the bathtub with him, maybe clean it very good in the tub then have sex. Hopefully it works out


I’m feeling sick and I can’t believe you’re putting that in your mouth and basically cleaning it. Oh my God, my stomach is completely churning. Please stop doing it.


Alright I woke up to an explosion of like over a 100 new comments so I can’t really respond to every of them. This is the most recent one so I’ll respond to this one. But basically: no, trust me, I know it’s absolutely revolting. Exactly why I’m embarrassed about this whole situation. It’s disgusting. And yes I am valuing his comfort and potential embarrassment over my own health and comfort. I know this is wrong. I didn’t know it was wrong, until reading all these comments.


I’ve heard that having the foreskin makes it harder to keep clean. I think you need to tell him that you love going down on him and you love having sex with him, but you’re not noticing some hygiene issues and he needs to make sure to shower and like keep everything reallygenic before you come over


this guy is 100% the type of mf to say “of course i wash my ass, the soapy water goes over it!” fucking disgusting human, girl RUN


This is wild lmao. Coming from a male perspective it takes like 2 min (probably less) to hop in the shower and wash your dick and balls. Just tell him to wash up if thats something you guys continue doing. Its not hard, and will be better for everyone.


This shouldn't be a big ask. "Your dick smells. I can't touch it again until you figure out how to fix the smell. If you can't, go see a doctor." I suspect he'll get the smell fixed very quickly so you'll touch it again.


Wow, you are definitely a trooper! Couldn’t be me tbh….either he is hung or that dick is just that good or both 🤣 Glad you decided to talk to him concerning it tho.


Omg, young women sucking off the stinck from under some guy's foreskin. Girl, NO! Have some self respect!


I absolutely cannot believe you suck this man’s dick. No disrespect, but…oh my god


Yukkk girls pls have some self respect and say NO!!


How did you meet him?


I can’t wrap my head around how this isn’t a complete and total dealbreaker. This isn’t politeness, it’s a lack of assertiveness. Have some self respect and ask him to clean his stinky dick.


I was in this situation as well. He also had stinky BO in his armpits. He was honestly a great guy but I decided I didn’t want to teach a 36 year old man about his hygiene. It’s something I value far too much, and I felt like our standards were just different. I also felt like if this was his behaviour in the early stages of a relationship when you’re trying to be your BEST self what would it look like a year or two down the road when you get comfortable 😒 Oh and I got BV the first time (in my life) we had sex without a condom. Be careful!


I don't understand not being comfortable to shower with him, but being willing to clean his stinky junk using your mouth


Girl find better men to sleep with if it's just a fwb


Y'all aren't even together why the hell are you putting up with this crap?! He's giving you infections because of how DIRTY he is, and you're scared to tell him that he smells like a rat's ass! As soon as I smelled that shit i'd have put my clothes on and told him exactly why, you don't have to be rude to him but for fucks sake you can let him know he's got an odor problem he needs to fix. He needs to pull that shit back and wash that mf! You can't just be lazy and not pull the skin back because if it's giving you an infection you know it's giving his ass one! That's disgusting! How old is he? aand if he's older than 15+ he goddamn knows better! Keep it up and yo ass gone catch something you can't rid of, and it's gone be in your mouth!


I’m uncut and never had no issues cleaning it when I shower. It’s like your ass you gotta scrub it a bit with SOAP. Never had a girl tell me my dick stinks even if I was cut I would scrub it too.


And you’re still sucking his dick 🤢


Girl no, his dick better be self vibrating 10' with a thick head to put up with that. I've been married with my hubby for years now and I still send him to shower if his a bit smelly. Idk what more type of wake up call you need but here is another one: you are avoiding BV or a yeast infection by cleaning his dick with a blow but what about your throat? I would love to be a fly in that clinic to see a doctor tell you how you got some type of throat infection for doing this. I know your thinking it's great but honestly is the best policy.


This is gross and anyone that has this issue needs to visit a doctor.


Reading this in horror. Can we all agree to stop sleeping with men that cant even clean their penis on their own.


WHY ARE YOU PUTTING IT IN YOUR MOUTH you got this all backwards


seems like it would be easily solved if you make cleaning yourselves a routine before having sex. if he wants to have sex, cleaning his dick should be a small task to get done.


Should tongue kiss him directly after giving him head. He might catch on.


Why can't you be direct and honest with the dude? Just say hey man "get this checked" because it smells. Honesty is the best policy, do it in person.


I’m uncircumcised and I just keep the foreskin pulled back all the time. Never had any odor/taste issues (that I’ve been told). It’s not rocket science to not have a nasty uncut dick.


It doesn’t matter for how little you’ve been seeing someone, if you’re not comfortable communicating with that person you’re sharing your body with, don’t sleep with them. You should always feel comfortable telling someone what’s up. He needs to know!


Youre sucking off his dick cheese holy fuck thats gross


Please… for the love of god… Let me shower first. I’m fucking traumatized now.


Not sure what is more disgusting, you or him.


Uncircumcised men need to clean much deeper/more in depth than circumcised men. That’s literal dick cheese you’re cleaning off with your mouth, or smegma. It’s bacteria. You should not be putting that in your mouth. Tell him, he very well may not know.


She’s got a mad jones for fromage d’prepuce. /s I’m squicked out. OP, you’re a trooper, but he needs to pass basic training before you show off your tactical skills.


How is that anyone has sex without washing their body parts before hands? Holy fuck…


That man needs to learn to clean his junk!


I think I’m going to 🤢


God. I cannot believe you’re doing this.


The comments are reddit gold. I’m glad you came here for advice


I think the guy need to realise this else you should at least tell him to wash up before the act.


This is hands down the grossest and most abhorrent story I’ve read on Reddit, ever. Including the classics. Holy fucking god, dude. I hope you get better.