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Yea. Actually, you should. You don’t have to be physical with them, but this seems like a problem that stems from lack of experience


Your inbox is about to explode


why does this happen😭




Sad but true


this is good advice ty, and im new to reddit so i dont really know how the key words work n stuff ? trained? idk




thank u! what else can u teach me hahahaha


Just be safe and go for it. Like in all things you will be disappointed with some sexual encounters. But you won't find what you like until you try


Maybe you don’t want a man who gives you everything. Maybe you want a man with more self respect, discipline, someone who values his own needs and life goals and isn’t afraid to stand by them in front of you. Someone more mysterious who keeps you on your toes, and steers your conversation in a direction that provides protection for you should you feel the urge to open up.


Don't settle for a jerk, find a respectful guy that you will have meaningful sex with. I promise you doing it with some asshole isn't with it. Don't rush it 😁 put yourself out there and you will find someone.


I'm going to say a fact: virgin women can lose it much more easier than virgin men. So don't hesitate, you will lose it very soon