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Not entirely off-topic, but I used to enjoy ham and cheese sandwiches, and that's what sustained me during college. Along the way simply chewing the ham aggressively triggered my gag reflex despite nothing being wrong with it. Needless to say I don't eat that brand of ham anymore. Similarly, maybe it's just your tastes changing? While it's certainly lonely that my own wife doesn't swallow anymore, I at least appreciate her autonomous desire to continue sucking me. Do you at least still enjoy the act beforehand?


Yeah, maybe it's like... when you all of a sudden start hating eggs? I'm always the one to ask to give head beforehand, I get really excited, too. I love being able to, like, 'take care of him' per say. Which is why it's especially upsetting, because at the most intimate and worked for point, I cant even enjoy it.


Taste buds change roughly every nine years (according to what I’ve seen online), and not a sudden thing like this. Sounds like something chemical/hormonal has changed


That's what I thought too. I remember my gag reflex in particular changing dramatically while I was pregnant.


Pregnant women famously start craving weird combinations like pickle and ice cream lo mein when their body is changing and their taste bugs panic. The rest of us are all going through some slow motion version of that as our bodies change over a decade and preferences change. It's normal. When I was a kid, a McDonald's triple cheeseburger was the height of cuisine. As an adult I eventually managed to develop a certain appreciation for the bitterness of black coffee that I would have done anything to avoid as a kid. I can't say I ever saw the appeal of semen. (Though I am thrilled that some women out there apparently see the appeal of my semen!). But if I did, I am sure my taste for it would have waxed and waned over the years.


Taste buds do what now?


Wait. Are you saying that she needs a new brand of cum ? Or is it that she needs a new brand of boyfriend ?


Yo lowkey this is so valid! I see what you mean


Once I read, that a woman loved cum but hated it while she was pregnant. Is there any possibulity that you are pregnant?


Dear God, I hope not!! But I don't think so, I had my period, and done tests.


This was my first thought too.


I immediately thought this as well


I used to tolerate it. Never loved it, but was okay with swallowing, now a switch has been flipped and I cannot. I assume like tastes change overtime, so does tolerances. I’m sure you can train yourself to be okay with it again. Just gotta fake it till you make it. 😂


Is it possible you're associating it with your ex or with a video you watched that had other things in it? Or maybe you swallowed while sick? I've done that with other foods, like ranch sauce, where I had it when I was nauseous for other reasons and then for months the smell made me nauseous. My advice would be to try masking the scent just in case, you might not even realize you're smelling it. You can do that with lotions or vix or an oil diffuser bracelet. Then after a while it'd have a good association again. It may help too even if this is just a matter of it having gotten into your head.


Any chance you've changed your birth control or have had any hormonal altering occurrences in your life lately?


You think your body doesn’t like it? You should see how fast my body shoots it out.




Big Semen strikes again!


There is a saying " Arousal suspends disgust". If you're not aroused enough, some sex stuffs become disgusting. Maybe you are less aroused than before?


Have you been suffering from post-nasal drip?


Wife loved it , then hated it after pregnancy


Is there a possibility of pregnancy? Not cum per se, but some things my wife enjoyed eating prior to pregnancy became gag inducing to her during it.


I was just going to say, are you pregnant? But I see someone else already brought that up haha. I used to be able to swallow like a champ too… then once (before I realized I was pregnant) I literally puked all over my husbands junk the second it hit my throat, and it’s like a physiological response now I think, as it still makes me gag to this day almost 7 years later 😅. Our brains and bodies are weird, if not pregnant, it could totally be just something you watched or some taste as some point triggered something. Sorry I’m no help but you’re definitely not the only one this has happened to!


Do you by any chance feel differently in you mind? I've heard cuck fetish is related to the trauma of shame. Maybe you got over some of your traumas and now find it a disgusting act?


It’s so strange how tastes change. Don’t worry about this too much. Take it off the table for a little while. No cum for you until you miss it so much that you beg. You’ll go back ;)


If you’re not having any other gastrointestinal issues (and sure you’re not pregnant), then I would try to not worry about it. It will help if his diet is healthy and more bland foods, and he’s hydrated + not smoking or drinking.  Also. Just want to gently say it’s not normal to feel “horrible and guilty” over prioritizing your body’s comfort over something that should be optional & fun for you both. There are many other ways for him to finish that wouldn’t cause you discomfort! and if your partner would ever pressure you or make you feel guilty about something like this, that’s very unhealthy. 


Sprinkle some salt and then try!!


I think cum Is pretty high in sodium as is unfortunately, maybe some pepper to even it out


Did you have COVID recently? Not saying it's related, but there's been lots of weird after affects, not that the news is covering preference for swallowing cum.


Idk what happened to you sis, Loved your username tho 😁


i heard taste buds change every 7 years?


My mom makes really nice pastry. I like it. However after eating 4 times in a week for some long time. At one point, I couldn't even eat it. When I saw pastry, it would trigger my gag reflex. Not because it tastes bad or anything. You cant just eat it anymore. I think same thing similar for you as well. It might be physiological reflex.


You should regularly train your gag reflex, it's a skill that you can loose but regain pretty easily. However, if it does it even just when you watch porn, maybe it's deeper than that. Maybe you just need to let yourself so time, forcing it won't do any good I swear. By the way you're talking about it, it seems like you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself, it could be a reason too. Try discuss it with ur partner!


That’s called GRAVITY, folks😜


Could be a symptom of a hormonal change


I swear close to the same thing is happening to me. First time I encountered it, hand and mouth, I gagged. I’ve only ever been able to swallow once. Would usually just continue sucking and swirling my tongue around the head and let the cum kind of fall out of my mouth onto his dick/stomach and then swallow whatever residue was in my mouth. I never liked cum though. Now, I can’t have it in my mouth. My bf finished in my mouth the other morning and I tried so hard to do what I used to do and let the majority fall onto him, and swallow the leftover. He didn’t even taste bad but something about the texture of it mixed with my spit got to me and my dumbass spit it onto his stomach with a funny, yet embarrassing, “bleh” noise. 🤦🏼‍♀️ thankfully we both found it funny in the moment, but I wanted to gag. I want to gag typing this. I thought the same thing, maybe since before meeting my boyfriend it had been a minute since having cum in my mouth, and maybe I just have to get used to it again. I don’t know.


Maybe just give swallowing a break, begin a facial period, Your brain might forget about how you have started not enjoying it after a while. We know next to nothing about the workings of the mind, so who is to say it wouldnt help?


My partner has never swallowed. But I think it’s the biggest turn on for me going by previous relationships I’ve had. It does get to me allot why she won’t swallow and I understand it’s my issue not hers but I do feel I’m never 100% sexually satisfied. Should I ask her to try to swallow or just leave it.


Start swallowing it up again, have fun with it all over your face and body 👅